WinXP: sendto() failed with 10014 (WSAEFAULT) if destination address is const-qualified, IPv4-specific - udp

It seems, I found a bug in Windows...
Ok, let not be such pathetic one. I'm trying to do generic sendto() operation for UDP and occasionaly found that WinXP (32 bit, SP3, checked on real and virtual machines) returns "-1" bytes sent with WSAGetLastError() as error 10014 (aka WSAEFAULT). Occurs only on IPv4 addresses (same code with IPv6 destination works perfectly). Major condition to reproduce is usage of "const struct sockaddr_in" declared at global scope. Here is the plain C code for VS2010 (also I've tried with Eclipse+MinGW, got same results):
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <winsock2.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#pragma comment(lib, "Ws2_32.lib")
#define htons(x) ((((uint16_t)(x) & 0xFF00) >> 8) | (((uint16_t)(x) & 0x00FF) << 8))
#define htonl(x) ((((uint32_t)(x) & 0xFF000000) >> 24) | (((uint32_t)(x) & 0x00FF0000) >> 8) | (((uint32_t)(x) & 0x0000FF00) << 8) | (((uint32_t)(x) & 0x000000FF) << 24))
// Magic "const" qualifier, causes run-time error
const struct sockaddr_in addr_global = {
int main(int argc, char** argv)
#define CR_LF "\r\n"
// these two lines to un-buffer console window output at Win32, see URL below for details
setvbuf(stdout, NULL, _IONBF, 0);
setvbuf(stderr, NULL, _IONBF, 0);
const struct sockaddr_in addr_local = {
const int MSEARCH_LEN = strlen(MSEARCH_REQUEST_V4);
WSADATA wsaData;
int res = WSAStartup(MAKEWORD(2, 2), &wsaData);
int af = AF_INET;
int sock_id = socket(af, SOCK_DGRAM, IPPROTO_UDP);
if (-1 == sock_id) {
printf("%s: socket() failed with error %i/%i\n", __FUNCTION__,
errno, WSAGetLastError());
return 1;
int data_sent = 0;
printf("1st sendto()\n");
data_sent = sendto(sock_id, MSEARCH_REQUEST_V4,
(const struct sockaddr * const)&addr_local,
sizeof(struct sockaddr_in));
if (data_sent < 0) {
printf("%s: sendto(local) failed with error %i/%i\n", __FUNCTION__,
errno, WSAGetLastError());
printf("2nd sendto(), will fail on WinXP SP3 (32 bit)\n");
data_sent = sendto(sock_id, MSEARCH_REQUEST_V4,
(const struct sockaddr * const)&addr_global,
sizeof(struct sockaddr_in));
if (data_sent < 0) {
printf("%s: sendto(global) failed with error %i/%i\n", __FUNCTION__,
errno, WSAGetLastError());
res = WSACleanup();
return 0;
So, if you run this code at Win7, for example, it will be absolutely OK. But WinXP fails on addr_global usage if it equipped with "const" qualifier (see "Magic" comment above). Also, "Output" window says:
First-chance exception at 0x71a912f4 in SendtoBugXP.exe: 0xC0000005:
Access violation writing location 0x00415744.
With help of "Autos" window, it's easy to figure out that 0x00415744 location is address of addr_global.sin_zero field. It seems, WinXP to write zeros there and violates memory access flags. Or this is just silly me, trying to go wrong door?
Appreciate your comments a lot. Thanks in advance.

Yeah you found a bug. sendto() has that argument declared const, but wrote to it anyway. Good luck getting it fixed though. Hint: it might be in your antivirus or firewall.

To summarize results from other forums: yes, this is Windows bug, existing up to WinXP in "desktop" and Win2003 at "server" segments.
WinSock code does attempt to force-fill "sin_zero" field with zeros. And "const" global scope causes memory access violation. Stack trace is about like that:
Thread [1] 0 (Suspended : Signal : SIGSEGV:Segmentation fault)
WSHTCPIP!WSHGetSockaddrType() at 0x71a912f4
WSAConnect() at 0x71ab2fd7
main() at tests_main.c:77 0x401584
The same behavior observed on bind() by other people.


Questions about this serial communication code? [Cortex-M4]

I'm looking at the following code from STMicroelectronics on implementing USART communication with interrupts
#include <stm32f10x_lib.h> // STM32F10x Library Definitions
#include <stdio.h>
#include "STM32_Init.h" // STM32 Initialization
The length of the receive and transmit buffers must be a power of 2.
Each buffer has a next_in and a next_out index.
If next_in = next_out, the buffer is empty.
(next_in - next_out) % buffer_size = the number of characters in the buffer.
#define TBUF_SIZE 256 /*** Must be a power of 2 (2,4,8,16,32,64,128,256,512,...) ***/
#define RBUF_SIZE 256 /*** Must be a power of 2 (2,4,8,16,32,64,128,256,512,...) ***/
#if TBUF_SIZE < 2
#error TBUF_SIZE is too small. It must be larger than 1.
#elif ((TBUF_SIZE & (TBUF_SIZE-1)) != 0)
#error TBUF_SIZE must be a power of 2.
#if RBUF_SIZE < 2
#error RBUF_SIZE is too small. It must be larger than 1.
#elif ((RBUF_SIZE & (RBUF_SIZE-1)) != 0)
#error RBUF_SIZE must be a power of 2.
struct buf_st {
unsigned int in; // Next In Index
unsigned int out; // Next Out Index
char buf [RBUF_SIZE]; // Buffer
static struct buf_st rbuf = { 0, 0, };
#define SIO_RBUFLEN ((unsigned short)( - rbuf.out))
static struct buf_st tbuf = { 0, 0, };
#define SIO_TBUFLEN ((unsigned short)( - tbuf.out))
static unsigned int tx_restart = 1; // NZ if TX restart is required
Handles USART1 global interrupt request.
void USART1_IRQHandler (void) {
volatile unsigned int IIR;
struct buf_st *p;
if (IIR & USART_FLAG_RXNE) { // read interrupt
USART1->SR &= ~USART_FLAG_RXNE; // clear interrupt
p = &rbuf;
if (((p->in - p->out) & ~(RBUF_SIZE-1)) == 0) {
p->buf [p->in & (RBUF_SIZE-1)] = (USART1->DR & 0x1FF);
USART1->SR &= ~USART_FLAG_TXE; // clear interrupt
p = &tbuf;
if (p->in != p->out) {
USART1->DR = (p->buf [p->out & (TBUF_SIZE-1)] & 0x1FF);
tx_restart = 0;
else {
tx_restart = 1;
USART1->CR1 &= ~USART_FLAG_TXE; // disable TX interrupt if nothing to send
initialize the buffers
void buffer_Init (void) { = 0; // Clear com buffer indexes
tbuf.out = 0;
tx_restart = 1; = 0;
rbuf.out = 0;
transmit a character
int SendChar (int c) {
struct buf_st *p = &tbuf;
// If the buffer is full, return an error value
return (-1);
p->buf [p->in & (TBUF_SIZE - 1)] = c; // Add data to the transmit buffer.
if (tx_restart) { // If transmit interrupt is disabled, enable it
tx_restart = 0;
USART1->CR1 |= USART_FLAG_TXE; // enable TX interrupt
return (0);
receive a character
int GetKey (void) {
struct buf_st *p = &rbuf;
if (SIO_RBUFLEN == 0)
return (-1);
return (p->buf [(p->out++) & (RBUF_SIZE - 1)]);
MAIN function
int main (void) {
buffer_Init(); // init RX / TX buffers
stm32_Init (); // STM32 setup
printf ("Interrupt driven Serial I/O Example\r\n\r\n");
while (1) { // Loop forever
unsigned char c;
printf ("Press a key. ");
c = getchar ();
printf ("\r\n");
printf ("You pressed '%c'.\r\n\r\n", c);
} // end while
} // end main
My questions are the following:
In the handler function, when does the statement ((p->in - p->out) & ~(RBUF_SIZE-1)) ever evaluate to a value other than zero? If RBUF_SIZE is a power of 2 as indicated, then ~(RBUF_SIZE-1) should always be zero. Is it checking if p->in > p->out? Even if this isn't true, the conditional should evaluate to zero anyway, right?
In the line following, the statement p->buf [p->in & (RBUF_SIZE-1)] = (USART1->DR & 0x1FF); is made. Why does the code AND p->in with RBUF_SIZE-1?
What kind of buffer are we using in this code? FIFO?
Not so. For example, assuming 32-bit arithmetic, if RBUF_SIZE == 0x00000100 then RBUF_SIZE-1 == 0x000000FF and ~(RBUF_SIZE-1) == 0xFFFFFF00 (it's a bitwise NOT, not a logical NOT). The check you refer to is therefore effectively the same as (p->in - p->out) < RBUF_SIZE, and it's not clear why it is superior. ARM GCC 7.2.1 produces identical length code for the two (-O1).
p->in & (RBUF_SIZE-1) is the same as p->in % RBUF_SIZE when p->in is unsigned. Again, not sure why the former would be used when the latter is clearer; sure, it effectively forces the compiler to compute the modulo using an AND operation, but given that RBUF_SIZE is known at compile time to be a power of two my guess is that most compilers could figure this out (again, ARM GCC 7.2.1 certainly can, I've just tried it - it produces the same instructions either way).
Looks like it. FIFO implemented as a circular buffer.

GetProcAddress returning the correct address with Visual C++ and an incorrect address with g++

This is going to sound really strange. I am using Visual Studio 2017 C++ (native mode) and also, g++ 4.7.1-2 of the MingW toolchain. Target is Windows 64bit.
Using VS C++, I compile the following trivial program:
#include "stdafx.h"
#include <Windows.h>
#include <winternl.h>
RTLINT64 RtlInt64 = (RTLINT64) nullptr;
int main()
UNICODE_STRING unicodestring = { 0 };
WCHAR localbuffer[256] = { 0 }; // way more than enough
__int64 value = 0;
unicodestring.Length = 0;
unicodestring.MaximumLength = sizeof(localbuffer);
unicodestring.Buffer = (PWCH) &localbuffer;
// get ntdll's module handle
HMODULE NtDllModule = LoadLibrary(L"ntdll.dll");
if (NtDllModule)
RtlInt64 = (RTLINT64) GetProcAddress(NtDllModule,
value = 0xFFFFFFFFF;
RtlInt64 (value, 10, &unicodestring);
wprintf(L"%s\n", unicodestring.Buffer);
return 0;
As expected, GetProcAddress returns the address of RtlInt64ToUnicodeString (no surprise there!)
The code below is, with exception of the includes, pretty much a carbon copy of the above. Yet, somehow, in that version compiled with G++, GetProcAddress returns the address of RtlInterlockedSetBitRun instead of the address of RtlInt64ToUnicodeString (that IS a surprise!). Here is the code:
// GCC and MingW version
#include <Windows.h>
#include <winbase.h>
#include <strsafe.h>
#include <winuser.h>
#include <winternl.h>
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
RTLINT64 RtlInt64 = (RTLINT64) nullptr;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
WCHAR localbuffer[256] = {0}; // way more than enough
UNICODE_STRING unicodestring = {0};
__int64 value = 0;
unicodestring.Length = 0;
unicodestring.MaximumLength = sizeof(localbuffer);
unicodestring.Buffer = (PWCH) &localbuffer;
// get ntdll's module handle
HMODULE NtDllModule = LoadLibraryW(L"ntdll.dll");
if (NtDllModule)
RtlInt64 = (RTLINT64) GetProcAddress(NtDllModule,
// the above call to GetProcAddress returned the address of
// RtlInterlockedSetBitRun instead of the address of the requested function
// as a result, the statements below don't work.
value = 0xFFFFFFFFF;
RtlInt64(value, 10, &unicodestring);
wprintf(L"%s\n", unicodestring.Buffer);
return 0;
my question is: is there something in the above code that justifies the discrepancy ?
Also note that, I am using G++ with a tool called VisualGDB which integrates the compiler and the debugger into Visual Studio. Normally things of that kind can cause strange "side effects" but, in this case, it seems rather unlikely for something that has nothing to do with ntdll to be the culprit.
Thank you for your help.

Handle GPIO in User Space ARM9 Embedded Linux AM1808

I have to interface my GSM module with the AM1808 based on ARM9.
I have assigned all the GPIO pins to the Da850.c as well as mux.h files. I successfully created a uImage and inserted that image in my flash.
I need to handle some of that GPIO from User application.
I know that we can handle the GPIO from the Kerel space but i need to handle from the user space.
As for example I have assigned a GPIO for power key to GSM module. I need to change the pin means (HIGH or LOW) through application.
Ok i have written a following code to access it from the User Space,
#include <stdio.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <signal.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <sys/mman.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include "GSMpwr.h"
#define BS_GSM_PWR_REGISTER 0x01E26014
#define BS_DCDS_MASK 0x00000004
int fd; // Memory device descriptor
unsigned long *pPWR;
unsigned short GetGSMpwr(void)
#if defined __HOST_ARM
unsigned long dcd_value = *pPWR;
return (pwr_value >> 7) & 0x01;
void InitializeGSMpwr(void)
#if defined __HOST_ARM
int page_size = getpagesize();
unsigned int MAP_addr;
unsigned int reg_addr;
unsigned char *pTemp; // Pointer to GSMpwr register
* Open memory and get pointer to GSMpwr register in the FPGA
if((fd = open("/dev/mem", O_RDWR | O_SYNC)) < 0)
printf("failed to open /dev/mem");
MAP_addr = (BS_GSM_PWR_REGISTER & ~(page_size - 1));
pTemp = (unsigned char *)mmap(NULL, page_size,(PROT_READ | PROT_WRITE),MAP_SHARED,fd,MAP_addr);
if((pTemp == MAP_FAILED) || (pTemp == NULL))
printf("failed to map /dev/mem");
printf(“Memory Mapped at Address %p. \n”,pTemp);
virt_addr = map_base + (control & MAP_MASK);
reg_addr = (BS_GSM_PWR_REGISTER & (page_size - 1));
pPWR = (unsigned long*)(pTemp + reg_addr);
printf("GSM PWR PIN mapped in Application\n");
I can only read that pin through this code, Now i want to use that pin as an output and want to go high and low with the time interval of 3sec.
The easiest way is to utilize GPIO support in sysfs, where you could control all the exported GPIO's. Please have a look at the Linux kernel GPIO documentation, in particular, Sysfs Interface for Userspace part.
After you have enabled GPIO support in sysfs (GPIO_SYSFS), the GPIO control would be as easy as:
cd /sys/class/gpio
echo $GPIO > /sys/class/gpio/export
Notice on the first ls that gpio22 doesn't exist, but does after you export GPIO 22 to user space.
cd /sys/class/gpio/gpio$GPIO
There are files to set the direction and retrieve the current value.
echo "in" > direction
cat value
You can configure the GPIO for output and set the value as well.
echo "out" > direction
echo 1 > value
Example is taken from here.
I got it please find following code for that,I got the Specific pin address and i have accessed that pin like,
unsigned short GetGSMpwr(void)
unsigned long pwr_value = *pPWR;
printf("GSM_PWR:check Start : %ld",pwr_value);
return (pwr_value >> 1) & 0x01;
unsigned short SetGSMpwr(void)
unsigned long pwr_value = *pPWR;
printf("GSM_PWR:check Start : %ld",pwr_value);
*pPWR = ~((pwr_value >> 1) & 0x01);
unsigned short ClrGSMpwr(void)
unsigned long pwr_value = *pPWR;
printf("GSM_PWR:check Start : %ld",pwr_value);
*pPWR = 256;

winsock - Sender UDP socket not bound to the desired port

Below you can see my code that implements a pretty basic UDP sender in C++ with Winsock. The thing is that no matter how many times I run the code, the socket (the listenSocket) gets bound to a different UDP port. Is there any specific reason for this? Am I doing some mistake in my code?
#include <cstdlib>
#include <iostream>
#include <windows.h>
#include <winsock2.h>
#include <ws2tcpip.h>
#include <stdio.h>
using namespace std;
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
WSADATA wsaData;
SOCKADDR_IN myAddress;
SOCKADDR_IN targetAddress;
int myPort = 60888;
const char *myIP = "";
int remotePort = 2048;
const char *remoteIP = "";
SOCKET acceptSocket;
char cBuffer[1024] = "Test Buffer";
int nBytesSent = 0;
int nBufSize = strlen(cBuffer);
int iResult;
// Initialize Winsock
if( WSAStartup( MAKEWORD(2, 2), &wsaData ) != NO_ERROR )
cerr<<"Socket Initialization: Error with WSAStartup\n";
ListenSocket = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM, IPPROTO_UDP);
SendSocket = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM, IPPROTO_UDP);
if (ListenSocket == INVALID_SOCKET or SendSocket == INVALID_SOCKET)
cerr<<"Socket Initialization: Error creating socket"<<endl;
myAddress.sin_family = AF_INET;
myAddress.sin_addr.s_addr = inet_addr(myIP);
myAddress.sin_port = htons(myPort);
targetAddress.sin_family = AF_INET;
targetAddress.sin_addr.s_addr = inet_addr(remoteIP);
targetAddress.sin_port = htons(remotePort);
if(bind(ListenSocket, (SOCKADDR*) &myAddress, sizeof(myAddress)) == SOCKET_ERROR)
cerr<<"ServerSocket: Failed to connect\n";
printf("Server: bind() is OK.\n");
nBytesSent = sendto(SendSocket, cBuffer, nBufSize, 0,
(SOCKADDR *) &targetAddress,
printf("Everything is ok\n");
EDIT: Maybe I was not so clear. What I do with this code is to send some data to a remote PC. But what is required is that the UDP segments should appear to be originated from a specific port. How can this be done? Is it wrong what I'm doing here? Now that I'm thinking of it, I guess it is wrong indeed. The SendSocket and ListenSocket don't have any connection, correct? So, how can I make it that the UDP segments appear to originate from a specific UDP port? Thanks!
You are not calling bind() on SendSocket before sending data with it, so WinSock is free to bind that socket to whatever random local IP/Port it needs to. If you have to send data with a specific source IP/Port every time, you have to bind() to that IP/Port first. If that local IP/Port is the same pair you are binding ListenSocket to, then you don't need to use two separate sockets to begin with. You can send data with the same socket that is listening for incoming data.

Getting ARP table on iPhone/iPad

I am trying to get the ARP entries on my iPad like here.
When compiling the code to run on my iPad (so not the simulator) I am getting missing header error messages. You can resolve them by copying the header files into you project locally as mentioned in this post.
The problem lies in the line
sdl = (struct sockaddr_dl *)(sin + 1);
in this piece of code:
-(NSString*) ip2mac: (char*) ip
int expire_time, flags, export_only, doing_proxy, found_entry;
NSString *mAddr = nil;
u_long addr = inet_addr(ip);
int mib[6];
size_t needed;
char *host, *lim, *buf, *next;
struct rt_msghdr *rtm;
struct sockaddr_inarp *sin;
struct sockaddr_dl *sdl;
extern int h_errno;
struct hostent *hp;
mib[0] = CTL_NET;
mib[1] = PF_ROUTE;
mib[2] = 0;
mib[3] = AF_INET;
mib[4] = NET_RT_FLAGS;
mib[5] = RTF_LLINFO;
if (sysctl(mib, 6, NULL, &needed, NULL, 0) < 0)
err(1, "route-sysctl-estimate");
if ((buf = malloc(needed)) == NULL)
err(1, "malloc");
if (sysctl(mib, 6, buf, &needed, NULL, 0) < 0)
err(1, "actual retrieval of routing table");
lim = buf + needed;
for (next = buf; next < lim; next += rtm->rtm_msglen) {
rtm = (struct rt_msghdr *)next;
sin = (struct sockaddr_inarp *)(rtm + 1);
sdl = (struct sockaddr_dl *)(sin + 1);
if (addr) {
if (addr != sin->sin_addr.s_addr)
found_entry = 1;
if (nflag == 0)
hp = gethostbyaddr((caddr_t)&(sin->sin_addr),
sizeof sin->sin_addr, AF_INET);
hp = 0;
if (hp)
host = hp->h_name;
else {
host = "?";
if (h_errno == TRY_AGAIN)
nflag = 1;
if (sdl->sdl_alen) {
u_char *cp = LLADDR(sdl);
mAddr = [NSString stringWithFormat:#"%x:%x:%x:%x:%x:%x", cp[0], cp[1], cp[2], cp[3], cp[4], cp[5]];
// ether_print((u_char *)LLADDR(sdl));
mAddr = nil;
if (found_entry == 0) {
return nil;
} else {
return mAddr;
It gives the following error message:
Arithmetic on pointer to incomplete type 'struct sockaddr_inarp*'
When you compile the code for the iPad simulator everything runs fine.
Does anyone have an idea how to solve this?
A similar question (but not solved) is asked here.
After importing <netinet/if_ether.h>, you should edit it and change the line
#include <net/if_arp.h>
#include "if_arp.h"
and then import <net/if_arp.h> in your project as well. This should fix that error.
Anyway the headers you need to import to compile the code you posted are:
#include "if_ether.h"
#include "route.h"
#include "if_arp.h"
#include "if_dl.h"
Hope this helps =)
You need to "Add files to project", not simply importing it with #import or #include.
You can find above files from following links:
Files under "netinet"
Files under "net"
#include <net/ethernet.h>
instead of messing with the original headers. More info here: Implicit declaration of function 'ether_ntoa' is invalid in C99