How (if possible) to use PostgreSQL's parser (in C) independently? - sql

I need a parser (mainly for the "select" type of queries) and avoid the hassle of doing it from scratch. Does anybody know how to use the scan.l/gram.y of pgsql for this purpose? I've looked up pgpool too, but it seems similar. Currently, it might be very helpful if someone could give instructions to compile the parser (using the makefile provided maybe) without errors so that it can be supplied (valid?) queries and outputs the parse tree (in whatever form)!

You probably cannot take any file from postgres source tarball and compile it separately. Parser use internal OOP structures (implemented in C). But there is some possibility (not simple) - ecpg preprocessor try to transform PostgreSQL gram file to secondary gram file - and you can use same mechanism. It use a small utility (it is part of PostgreSQL source code (src/postgresql/src/interfaces/ecpg/preproc))

PostgreSQL compiles the language parser using yacc. Presumably you could take the yacc files and create a compatible parser with very little effort. Note you must have flex and yacc installed to do this.
Note this is not taking a .c file from source and transplanting it into your system. All you are getting is the parser, not the planner or anything else.
Given the level of detail in the question no more detail can be possible. Perhaps you could start there and post another question when you get stuck.


Domain specific language IDE

I've recently developed a domain-specific language using flex and bison. I would like to create a user interface for editing script files using this language. In particular I would like to have common functionalities such as file handling, menus, buttons, syntax highlighting, error checking and so on. Do you know any tool which can be used to develop such kind of application? I would prefer one which can give me a prototype rapidly.
such as file handling, menus, buttons, syntax highlighting, error
I think that file handling, menus, buttons and highlighting are your least concerns. What you call "error checking" on the other hand. That can be a tough nut. I will try to give you some pointers to how you can (in a somewhat primitive manner) detect errors on the fly as the user inputs source code in the editor.
I assume you wish for something like Eclipses (for java at least) real time analysis of the written code in the editor? I'm not familiar with how Eclipse work internally but this is probably done by some pre-compilation process that processes all source code again and again as you change it.
One way to prototype this (and indeed build a non-prototype as well) would be to use Flex and Bison, and I notice you already is familiar with these tools. You can build you grammar and create action code for all interesting parts so you can find syntax deviations fairly easy. After this you make your editor run the flex and bison generated c-code as the user writes the source code in you IDE and have some way of displaying the output. Either in a terminal-like status window or directly in the text-editing field (as Eclipse does) (the latter case is probably a pain to build but by no means impossible and would give you IDE a professional touch).
Suppose you would like to build an IDE for ADA 95 the following Flex and Bison (Actually Lex and Yacc) code could help you do exactly this (it's a decent syntax analyzer that reports errors (what and where)):
Hope this helps.
to have cool error highlighting and such in the text-editor field of your IDE you could let your bison generated syntax analyser generate something thats easy to parse, like XML, that contains the type of error and where it lies (row and column for example) and then use that to display the errors... you simply embed an XML parser in the IDE (lots of free one available) and extract the data you need and change the display accordingly... That shouldn't be rocket science when I think about it.

In which language is the proto compiler (of google protocol buffers) written?

I would like to know in which language the "proto compiler" (the compiler used to generate source files from Java, Python or c++) is written? Is it maybe a mix of languages?
Any help would be appreciated.
Thanks in Advance
It appears to be written in C++. There's also documentation on Java and Python APIs, but those don't appear to contain the compiler itself (at least I don't see anything that's obviously the compiler in either case, though I didn't spend a whole lot of time looking for it either).
That said, I'm almost tempted to vote to close -- for most practical purposes, the language used to implement the compiler is basically a trivia question, irrelevant to actual use. There is, however, an entirely legitimate exception: if you're going to download and modify the compiler, knowing the language you'd need to work with could be quite useful.
The protoc compiler is written in C or C++ (its a native program anyway).
When I want to process proto files in java files, I
I use the protoc command to convert them to a Protocol Buffer File ie
protoc protofile.proto --descriptor_set_out=OutputFile
Read the new protocol buffer file (its a FileDescriptorSet) and use it
An over complicated example is example, is compileProto method in
its compilcated because options because the protoc command and options can be stored in a properties file.
Note: The getFileDescriptor method reads the newly created protocol buffer

Batch source-code aware spell check

What is a tool or technique that can be used to perform spell checks upon a whole source code base and its associated resource files?
The spell check should be source code aware meaning that it would stick to checking string literals in the code and not the code itself. Bonus points if the spell checker understands common resource file formats, for example text files containing name-value pairs (only check the values). Super-bonus points if you can tell it which parts of an XML DTD or Schema should be checked and which should be ignored.
Many IDEs can do this for the file you are currently working with. The difference in what I am looking for is something that can operate upon a whole source code base at once.
Something like a Findbugs or PMD type tool for mis-spellings would be ideal.
As you mentioned, many IDEs have this functionality already, and one such IDE is Eclipse. However, unlike many other IDEs Eclipse is:
A) open source
B) designed to be programmable
For instance, here's an article on using Eclipse's code formatting functionality from the command line:
In theory, you should be able to do something similar with it's spell-checking mechanism. I know this isn't exactly what you're looking for, and if there is a program for doing spell-checking in code then obviously that'd be better, but if not then Eclipse may be the next best thing.
This seems little old but seems to do a good job
Source Code Spell Checker

Process for reducing the size of an executable

I'm producing a hex file to run on an ARM processor which I want to keep below 32K. It's currently a lot larger than that and I wondered if someone might have some advice on what's the best approach to slim it down?
Here's what I've done so far
So I've run 'size' on it to determine how big the hex file is.
Then 'size' again to see how big each of the object files are that link to create the hex files. It seems the majority of the size comes from external libraries.
Then I used 'readelf' to see which functions take up the most memory.
I searched through the code to see if I could eliminate calls to those functions.
Here's where I get stuck, there's some functions which I don't call directly (e.g. _vfprintf) and I can't find what calls it so I can remove the call (as I think I don't need it).
So what are the next steps?
Response to answers:
As I can see there are functions being called which take up a lot of memory. I cannot however find what is calling it.
I want to omit those functions (if possible) but I can't find what's calling them! Could be called from any number of library functions I guess.
The linker is working as desired, I think, it only includes the relevant library files. How do you know if only the relevant functions are being included? Can you set a flag or something for that?
I'm using GCC
General list:
Make sure that you have the compiler and linker debug options disabled
Compile and link with all size options turned on (-Os in gcc)
Run strip on the executable
Generate a map file and check your function sizes. You can either get your linker to generate your map file (-M when using ld), or you can use objdump on the final executable (note that this will only work on an unstripped executable!) This won't actually fix the problem, but it will let you know of the worst offenders.
Use nm to investigate the symbols that are called from each of your object files. This should help in finding who's calling functions that you don't want called.
In the original question was a sub-question about including only relevant functions. gcc will include all functions within every object file that is used. To put that another way, if you have an object file that contains 10 functions, all 10 functions are included in your executable even if one 1 is actually called.
The standard libraries (eg. libc) will split functions into many separate object files, which are then archived. The executable is then linked against the archive.
By splitting into many object files the linker is able to include only the functions that are actually called. (this assumes that you're statically linking)
There is no reason why you can't do the same trick. Of course, you could argue that if the functions aren't called the you can probably remove them yourself.
If you're statically linking against other libraries you can run the tools listed above over them too to make sure that they're following similar rules.
Another optimization that might save you work is -ffunction-sections, -Wl,--gc-sections, assuming you're using GCC. A good toolchain will not need to be told that, though.
Explanation: GNU ld links sections, and GCC emits one section per translation unit unless you tell it otherwise. But in C++, the nodes in the dependecy graph are objects and functions.
On deeply embedded projects I always try to avoid using any standard library functions. Even simple functions like "strtol()" blow up the binary size. If possible just simply avoid those calls.
In most deeply embedded projects you don't need a versatile "printf()" or dynamic memory allocation (many controllers have 32kb or less RAM).
Instead of just using "printf()" I use a very simple custom "printf()", this function can only print numbers in hexadecimal or decimal format not more. Most data structures are preallocated at compile time.
Andrew EdgeCombe has a great list, but if you really want to scrape every last byte, sstrip is a good tool that is missing from the list and and can shave off a few more kB.
For example, when run on strip itself, it can shave off ~2kB.
From an old README (see the comments at the top of this indirect source file):
sstrip is a small utility that removes the contents at the end of an
ELF file that are not part of the program's memory image.
Most ELF executables are built with both a program header table and a
section header table. However, only the former is required in order
for the OS to load, link and execute a program. sstrip attempts to
extract the ELF header, the program header table, and its contents,
leaving everything else in the bit bucket. It can only remove parts of
the file that occur at the end, after the parts to be saved. However,
this almost always includes the section header table, and occasionally
a few random sections that are not used when running a program.
Note that due to some of the information that it removes, a sstrip'd executable is rumoured to have issues with some tools. This is discussed more in the comments of the source.
Also... for an entertaining/crazy read on how to make the smallest possible executable, this article is worth a read.
Just to double-check and document for future reference, but do you use Thumb instructions? They're 16 bit versions of the normal instructions. Sometimes you might need 2 16 bit instructions, so it won't save 50% in code space.
A decent linker should take just the functions needed. However, you might need compiler & linke settings to package functions for individual linking.
Ok so in the end I just reduced the project to it's simplest form, then slowly added files one by one until the function that I wanted to remove appeared in the 'readelf' file. Then when I had the file I commented everything out and slowly add things back in until the function popped up again. So in the end I found out what called it and removed all those calls...Now it works as desired...sweet!
Must be a better way to do it though.
To answer this specific need:
•I want to omit those functions (if possible) but I can't find what's
calling them!! Could be called from any number of library functions I
If you want to analyze your code base to see who calls what, by whom a given function is being called and things like that, there is a great tool out there called "Understand C" provided by SciTools.
I have used it very often in the past to perform static code analysis. It can really help to determine library dependency tree. It allows to easily browse up and down the calling tree among other things.
They provide a limited time evaluation, then you must purchase a license.
You could look at something like executable compression.

Refactoring dissassembled code

You write a function and, looking at the resulting assembly, you see it can be improved.
You would like to keep the function you wrote, for readability, but you would like to substitute your own assembly for the compiler's. Is there any way to establish a relationship between your high-livel language function and the new assembly?
If you are looking at the assembly, then its fair to assume that you have a good understanding about how code gets compiled down. If you have this knowledge, then its sometimes possible to 'reverse enginer' the changes back up into the original language but its often better not to bother.
The optimisations that you make are likely to be very small in comparison to the time and effort required in first making these changes. I would suggest that you leave this kind of work to the compiler and go have a cup of tea. If the changes are significant, and the performance is critical, (as say in the embedded world) then you might want to mix the normal code with the assemblar in some fashion, however, on most computers and chips the performance is usually sufficient to avoid this headache.
If you really need more performance, then optimise the code not the assembly.
None, I suppose. You've rejected the compiler's work in favor of your own. You might as well throw out the function you wrote in the compiled language, because now all you have is your assembler in that platform.
I would highly advise against engaging in this kind of optimization because unless you're sure, via profiling and analysis, that you truly are making a difference.
It depends on the language you wrote your function in. Some languages like C are very low-level, translating each function call or statement to specific assembly statements. If you did use C, you can replace your function with inline assembly to improve performance.
Other high-level languages may convert each statement into macro routines or other more complex calls on the assembly side. Certain optimizations (like tail recursion, loop unrolling, etc) can be implemented easily on the source side, but others (like making more efficient use of the register file) may be impossible (again, depending on the language and the compiler you're using).
Its tough to say there is any relationship between modified assembly and the source which generated the unmodified version. It will certainly confuse debugging tools: register contents will no longer match the source variables they were supposed to correspond to.
There are a number of places in packet processing code where I've examined the generated assembly and gone back to change the original source code in order to improve the result. Re-arranging source can reduce the number of branches, __attribute__ and compiler arguments can align branch points and functions to reduce I$ misses. In desperate cases a little inline assembly can be used, so that the binary can still be compiled from source.
Something you could try is to separate your original function into its own file, and provide a make rule to build the assembler from there. Then update the assembler file with your improved version, and provide a make rule to build an object file from the assembler file. Then change your link rules to include that object file.
If you only ever change the assembler file, that will keep on being used. If you ever change the original higher-level language file, the assembler file will be rebuilt and the object file built from the new (unimproved) version.
This gives you a relationship between the two; you probably want to add a warning comment at the top of the higher-level language file to warn about the behaviour. Using some form of VCS will give you the ability to recover the improved assembler file if you make a mistake here.
If you're writing a native compiled app in Visual C++, there are two methods:
Use the __asm { } block and write your assembler in there.
Write your functions in MASM assembler, assemble to .obj, and link it as an static library. In your C/C++ code, declare the function with an extern "C" declaration.
Other C/C++ compilers have similar approaches.
In this situation, you generally have two options: optimize the code or rewrite the compiler. I can't see where breaking the link between source and op is ever going to be the correct solution.