SQL query performance and pagination [closed] - sql

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Closed 9 years ago.
i have a few thousand rows of data and i'm connecting to the db via VPN.
retreiving data over VPN is pretty slow and i'm looking for ways to
improve performance. is pagination of results a good way to go?

It always depends on how you are using pagination. If you are returning all the data and only displaying 10 rows at a time on the client then it would not change anything. If you are truly getting only 10 records at a time from the DB then it could help. However 1000's of rows should be nothing for any database platform or any network connection to provide. I would look into the query to ensure it is optimized.


what is the reason that unix is faster than oracle? [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
This article claims that by running a sql script in unix, it can perform 20x faster?
How can this be possible?
This looks like the author is comparing Apples to Oranges (no that's too similar, how about Apples to Aliens). The performance they speak of comes form the result set being displayed in a browser (as a table)
instead of waiting for hours for Brio or Toad to return results in a
browser (with a crash if the number of rows being returned was above
As compared to the result set being displayed in a text file (who is to say that a text editor won't crash as well?)
then export to the Unix station) and produced as output the results of
the query (tab-separated text file)

Ruby test data generation [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
I want to populate some data to use in my Rails app. However I cannot decide which of data generator is the best for me.
I want to fast and clean generator. It should create plenty of data as well.
I have 3 of them, random_data, forger and faker.
Which one is the best? Can you share you experience?
My choice is ffaker. It's quite fast and maintained by Emmanuel.

Suggestion about using a database type [closed]

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Closed 11 years ago.
My problem is I need to develop a sales application to be used on 5 computers. The database needs to stay on a main computer and other computers should connect with that over LAN.
I donot want to use SQL Server as it is too complicated to give permissions, setting up firewalls etc. for the end user.
Is that any type of database that could serve my purpose, without giving sharing violation error?
You have two options either you can go for Server Client DB like MySQL or you can try embedded databases like vista db(These are less complicated).
However for better performance its better to use a proper server client db.

SQL interview question [closed]

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Closed 11 years ago.
I got following question on an interview:
Which SQL mechanisms allow user to browse tables sequentially?
Cursor is a good example - but I don't think you could really argue that Cursors are truely a part of SQL - rather they just tend to come bolted in with procedural languages used on database servers - like pl/SQL and T-SQL.
You could also make an argument for Recordsets, Dynasets, DataTables and DataViews, but those aren't part of SQL itself either.
They might be referring to ORDER BY with a sequential field on the table, but if so, they've not phrased their question very well...
"CURSOR" might be the word that you should google for.

Difference between mysql and sql server? Performance, features,...? [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
What are the differences between MySQL and Sql server?
What are the parameter to chose between the two?
Several questions here related to DB comparisons of various flavors:
What are the major differences between databases?
Where to find a good reference when choosing a database?
postgresSQL mysql oracle differences
The paramater to choose between the two is the price tag. How much do you "expect" to pay for your database. If its zero then MySQL is probably good enough for you, if its 10k then SQL Server is probably good enough for you.
As for the actual differences, there are too many to list.