MS SQL Security when accessed remotely - sql

I am planning to make a VB.Net application that is hard coded to access an MS SQL database hosted remotely on a web server. Is there a way for someone using some packet sniffing (I think it is called) program on the client PC to somehow know what password was used to access the database? I don't need to know how it is done, I just need to know if it can be done so that I know if my approach is safe enough.

If you only care about protecting the login to the database, then you're OK, according to this MSDN article:
Credentials (in the login packet) that are transmitted when a client application connects to SQL Server are always encrypted.
But if you also care about protecting the data, then you should read the rest of the above MSDN link to learn about enabling SSL to protect the rest of the data stream.
Note also this older article which gives a caution on using ODBC connection (rather than the native tyep). I doubt you would be doing that, but just thought I'd mention it.

From a client machine, it is unlikely that your database information can be sniffed. However, if your application "leaks" information, it is possible for an outsider to get sensitive information about your database. For example, if you have the CustomErrors parameter set to "Off", and your database is inaccessible for any reason, users may see your database's address and can then proceed to attack it using brute force or known exploits. There are other ways you can leak sensitive information this is just one example.
In general, it is not ideal to have your database open to the internet -- it is generally advised that your database be behind one (or two in case of a DMZ) firewalls. If you can control this, you should move it somewhere more secure. Or else even without your application leaking its address, a port scanning "war dialer" will eventually find it and alert the "bad guys" to its existence.


MS Access and SQL Server Encryption

I am running a MS Access app using a few tables hosted on our native SQL server to facilitate easy integration with PowerBI and other apps. I am an intermediate MS Access user and new the SQL Server. I don't store anything critically sensitive in any tables and am happy with our normal security for data at rest. However, when my app or PowerBI requests data from the server, how is that data protected? I don't want the increased complexity that comes w/ certificate management and processing time associated with encrypting data. However, I don't want to be low hanging fruit for attacks when I request data from the server (i.e. attacks in transit).
First of all - security is about three things. Confidentiality, integrity and availability. Confidentiality means, that people are not supposed to see data that is not meant for them. Integrity means, that the data is what you expect it to be (no third party is able to manipulate it). And availability means, that the server is always up and running.
This is a simplification, but just to make the point that security is more than many of us believe. If your server is down, then the security is equal to zero.
Having said that, you wanted to know how to protect the communication channel. Sorry to say that, but the best thing we have right now is TLS, which requires certificate management. Look into this page to understand, how this can be configured:
If you want to know how to protect your SQL Server even more (beyond the communication channel), look into the CIS Benchmarks available here: They are very technical (which is good), but may be also confusing a bit when you see it for the first time.

Should I connect to SQL directly or use web services for a commercial tablet app

I have a requirement to create a tablet application for use in restaurants. It will all be on a private internal network so security is not an issue. The question is which will cause the least network traffic? I can either connect directly to SQL using entity framework or I can connect to web services I create on the SQL server in IIS and the tablets communicate with that.
I guess to simplify it, does a standard SQL connection transfer more data than is necessary?
It's difficult to give a general rule, as network architecture plays into the answer quite heavily.
As a general guideline i would suggest to make web services or php "interfaces" on the server, it would give you a easier and more controllable data flow, besides you could handle transactions easier, as all of them would go thorugh one interface, all db accesses coming from one machine. It makes also debugging and errorhandling easier (log the interface and you see everything that's happening, so you don't ahve to check logs on devices) than if every client connects directly to the DB, gives you more control.
Just a general suggestion, a kind of web services/interface or whatsoever is always worth the investment, sooner or later you will go anyway this direction.
My humble oppinion

How to sign a database?

Is there a way to have a signature on a SQL DB so only a specific application with a specific version could access that DB?
I'm using sql server 2008. I have a DB that I wish to protect in several ways. The important columns are encrypted and the application itself is signed and obfuscated (holding the key).
I'm looking for a way to block an application, even an earlier version from accessing the DB even if holding the key. I would like to prevent a case where someone hacked the exe, hacking the exe will break the app signature and will prevent him from accessing the DB.
To answer your question, you'd have to store the signature on the database, probably in it's own table.
The signature would be the version number of the software, salted, and encrypted.
What kind of app is this?
On .NET strong naming was invented for this purpose. Also google for SignTool.exe (MSDN)
Otherwise you'd need to self-verify
Nothing like that is unreversible (e.g. self-packing and self-modifying code is routinely reversed using tools like IDA-Pro). So if you can, try to rely on OS functions to verify the exe
It sounds like you want to sign the application, not the database. There's no way for SQL Server to really know what version of the app it's talking to, since the application itself is responsible for telling SQL Server what version it is. You effectively are placing your app outside the "trust boundary", yet you want it to behave in a trusted fashion.
For stuff like this, I recommend going with a three-tier solution instead. Create a trusted middle tier which talks WCF or Web Services to the application. This middle tier is hopefully something you can control and trust. The middle tier could then use certificate-based authentication (or any number of other types of) to clients in order to authenticate their identities, and then pass back the appropriate data based on the user's authorization to it.

Is it possible to password protect an SQL server database even from administrators of the server?

I want to install an application (ASP.Net + SQL server 2005 express) in local network of some small company for demoing it for a period of time, but I also want nobody even sysadmin have no permission on this database and any permission granting wants a secure pass that I have .
I just want my tables structure and relations and functions be hidden and encrypting the data have no advantage
I need to spend more time on this article Database Encryption in SQL Server 2008 Enterprise Edition that i found from this answer is-it-possible-to-password-protect-an-sql-server-database
1.I like to be sure and more clear on this because the other answer in this page says :
Yes. you can protect it from everyone
except the administrators of the
2.if this is possible, the db have to be enterprise edition ? there any other possible solutions and workaround for this?
4.if I install a new instance with my own sa password , can i restrict other instances admins from attaching the mdf to their own ?
thanks in advance
These people can access your server or the SQL Server instance no matter what you do
anyone with physical access to the server
domain admins of the network
anyone with the sa password
a windows group with local admin and/or sa rights (which implies group policy etc)
You have to host your server offsite if you want no-one to get to log onto it.
It is that simple
In SQL Server, you cannot "password-protect" a database - what you can do is limit the permissions a given user or role has in your database.
You can DENY anyone access to your database - but that's a bit odd, since no one will be able to use it....
You can do all sorts of stuff to your database tables and logins - but a sysadmin will always be able to get around those things and get access to the database. As long as the sysadmin can get his hands physically on the server, I don't think there's any way to totally shut them out.
If you don't trust even your sysadmins, you have bigger problems.....
There's several different ways you could solve this problem.
Host it offsite - I think the easiest solution would just be to host it offsite. There's loads of cheap shared hosting out there which you could use.
Lock out the sysadmins from that server. Assuming you have root access and only you use/need that server you could change the root password and any other passwords on the server.
Do what you're currently doing and try to make something secure even when someone who shouldn't have access has root access to the server. This way sounds tricky and insecure even at best.
I have a contribution for (3):
I'm guessing (I might be wrong) you don't actually have sensitive information in your database, you just want to make it unfeasible for someone in the local network to use any of your stuff.
If that's the case, you could just make it harder for them to read your data by encrypting the data in the database and having your (compiled) code decrypt it before using it.
This way, any sysadmin who is just curious about the data or wants to change his hiscore to 13371337 will not want to go through the trouble of decompiling your code and/or cracking your encryption (for the duration of your demo) and your (assumed) problem will be solved.
I have no idea if this helps you at all, I guess I just want to say you might want to take a look at your problem again. Since you can't keep the sysadmins away from your stuff, you may want to take a different approach like making it less useful to them.
As discussed by the various other posters, you can't password protect a database - deny permissions - to the sysadmin. One alternative that hasn't been discussed is hosting it on a Laptop. Since this is a demo, you can host the Database and ASP.Net site on a laptop and hook that up to their Network - after Sysadmin permission of course - and have the clients test the application from your laptop.
This will allow you to protect the database from Sysadmins and provide the added benefit that if you want to allow them to see the database you can let them use your laptop and you will be there watching their actions on your database. This last benefit is something that you can't do easily with a hosted solution.
The above answers point 3. As for point 2, you will need the Enterprise Edition of SQL Server to take advantage of Transparent Data Encryption (TDE) as per the comparison link on MSDN. If you click on the Enterprise Security link at the top it will show a table explaining the different security capabilities of the different SQL Server versions and it shows that TDE is only for the Enterprise Edition.

Best Practice for Database Encryption in SQL Server 2005

I need to develop an application which stores data in a SQL Server 2005 database (the app itself will be either a WCF Service or an Asp.Net Web Service).
Now, this data is supremely confidential, and I need to have it stored in an encrypted form in the database.
So, I am wondering what the best practices are around this. I know that there is some encryption capabilities that SQL Server has in-built. Is there a 'for dummies' type of resource for this so that I can quickly get going.
Alternatively I was thinking that I could encrypt/decrypt in my C# code and not in the database - maybe have a layer which handles this just above the data access layer (is that a good idea)?
Look at this link for a good introduction with samples.
I think doing the data encryption in the application is better, because in that case the transferred data is already encrypted. Otherwise you have to use a secure channel between your app and the database server.
It depends on your needs, i would say.
Have you considered encrypting your data at the file-system level?
It's Windows 2008/Vista only, but it should give you what you need and it's what it's designed for.
Before you decide on an encryption method, you need to access what parts of the system are vulnerable. If the potential for unauthorized access to the database exists, does the same threat exist for your application? Someone could run your code through Reflector and determine what methods were being used to encrypt and decrypt. You can mitigate that exposure to some extent with the code obsfucators. If that concern is not a risk, then you may find it easier to encrypt your data at the application level.
Encryption needs to happen in a few different places depending on the application. For example a consumer site using credit card info needs to encrypt the connection over the network to prevent man in the middle attacks or snooping. when the data is stored in the database you need to encrypt the data so that a low level sales rep cant read and access the customers credit card info , in which you might want to implement column level encryption as appropriate permission in addition to this if your worried that one day the janitor at your data centre might steal one of your backups then you need TDE implement to encrypt data at the disk level.
Encryption has a performance overhead esp with regard to CPU usage more importantly the overhead depends on the alogrithim being used for exncryption.