StreamingNotifications not working with Office 365 / Exchange Online - notifications

I have developed a small console application to test EWS StreamingSubscriptions / Notifications. In the past we used Push Notifications but ,in theory, when using StreamingNotifications I should be able to avoid creating a listener http endpoint and all the trouble with it (firewall, etc.).
So, from my local machine; I'm doing this:
static void Main(string[] args)
if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["PrimaryLabUserId"]))
throw new ArgumentNullException("Please provide a value for PrimaryLabUserId in app.config");
_primaryLabUserId = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["PrimaryLabUserId"];
string ServiceAccountName = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["ExchangeServiceAccountName"];
string ServiceAccountPassword = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["ExchangeServiceAccountPassword"];
_service = new ExchangeService(ExchangeVersion.Exchange2010_SP2);
_service.Credentials = new WebCredentials(ServiceAccountName, ServiceAccountPassword);
_service.AutodiscoverUrl(_primaryLabUserId, (x) => true);
_ewsUrl = _service.Url.AbsoluteUri;
var _connection = new StreamingSubscriptionConnection(_service, 30);
var sub = SubscribeForStreamingNotifications();
_connection.OnDisconnect +=
new StreamingSubscriptionConnection.SubscriptionErrorDelegate(OnDisconnect);
// set up subscriptions here.
_connection.OnNotificationEvent +=
new StreamingSubscriptionConnection.NotificationEventDelegate(OnNewMail);
Console.WriteLine("Listening streaming...");
public static StreamingSubscription SubscribeForStreamingNotifications()
var folderIds = new List<FolderId>()
var eventTypes = new List<EventType>();
return _service.SubscribeToStreamingNotifications(folderIds, eventTypes.ToArray());
private static void OnNewMail(object sender, NotificationEventArgs args)
var test = args;
The Subscription initializes OK, but when I send a new mail to the LabUser nothing happens. The Notification Event never fires. I tried the same with pushnotifications and it was working (on another server with a public http endpoint for exchange to call back).
I was wondering if this might have anything to do with my local machine.

How very stupid of me. I forgot to impersonate. Since I'm calling into EWS with a service account it is of course listening on the mailbox of that account unless you specify:
_service.ImpersonatedUserId = new ImpersonatedUserId(ConnectingIdType.SmtpAddress, _primaryLabUserId);


webClient.DownloadString load new string

it's my code:
public void pobierzSuchary()
WebClient webClient = new WebClient();
webClient.DownloadStringCompleted += new DownloadStringCompletedEventHandler(webClient_DownloadStringCompleted);
webClient.DownloadStringAsync(new Uri("http://../michal/suchary.txt"));
void webClient_DownloadStringCompleted(object sender, DownloadStringCompletedEventArgs e)
ToastPrompt toast = new ToastPrompt
Background = new SolidColorBrush(Colors.Green),
Message = "Suchary zostaƂy pobrane"
String[] sucharyTab = e.Result.Split('#');
Button runs pobierzSuchary() and is downloading string, I have a problem when I press second time button. Then i see in messagebox older value, but i changed string on server(manually). I have to disable the applications and run again to see new string
This happens because the windows phone automatically caches values for repeat calls.
Just append a random number onto the end of your webclient call
Something like this
Random ran = new Random();
webClient.DownloadStringAsync(new Uri("http://../michal/suchary.txt?ran=";

Twitter API upgrade for Windows Phone

I have tweet poster in my application which uses oAuth 1.0 which will retire soon and will be non functional. I have to upgrade my API to 1.1. Twitter development center says that, If oAuth is used by your application, you can easily transaction to 1.1 by only updating your API endpoint. What exactly is API endpoint?
Here I'm having hard understanding about API endpoint. I think my asyncronous post call URL must be upgraded.
Here is the relevant codes which I think that might include the answer;
private void btnPostTweet_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
namebocx.Text = userScreenName;
if (txtBoxNewTweet.Text.Trim().Length == 0) { return; }
var credentials = new OAuthCredentials
Type = OAuthType.ProtectedResource,
SignatureMethod = OAuthSignatureMethod.HmacSha1,
ParameterHandling = OAuthParameterHandling.HttpAuthorizationHeader,
ConsumerKey = TwitterSettings.consumerKey,
ConsumerSecret = TwitterSettings.consumerKeySecret,
Token = this.accessToken,
TokenSecret = this.accessTokenSecret,
Version = "1.0"
var restClient = new RestClient
Authority = TwitterSettings.StatusUpdateUrl,
HasElevatedPermissions = true,
Credentials = credentials,
Method = WebMethod.Post
restClient.AddHeader("Content-Type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded");
// Create a Rest Request and fire it
var restRequest = new RestRequest
Path = "1/statuses/update.xml?status=" + txtBoxNewTweet.Text //Here must be endpoint of Api??
var ByteData = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(txtBoxNewTweet.Text);
restClient.BeginRequest(restRequest, new RestCallback(PostTweetRequestCallback));
and also here is the authentication settings:
public class TwitterSettings
public static string RequestTokenUri = "";
public static string AuthorizeUri = "";
public static string AccessTokenUri = "";
public static string CallbackUri = "";
public static string StatusUpdateUrl { get { return ""; } }
public static string consumerKey = "myconsumerkeyhere";
public static string consumerKeySecret = "myconsumersecrethere";
public static string oAuthVersion = "1.0a";
Here what twitter says me to replace with this instead of written in my code;
and some parameters told here -->>
How should I update my API endpoint, what kind of changes do I have to do?
If you can help me, I really appreciate
You can change this:
Path = "1/statuses/update.xml?status=" + txtBoxNewTweet.Text
//Here must be endpoint of Api??
to this:
Path = "1.1/statuses/update.json?status=" + txtBoxNewTweet.Text
//Here must be endpoint of Api??

First subscriber not called with Redis MQ

I am using the solution from the ServiceStack Re-usability use case project.
To this solution I have added a new console app which contains the code below.
With the original Re-usability use-case project, when an EmailMessage is published it was handled by a subscriber which sent an email (i.e. SMessageService.Any(EmailMessage request).
When I run the console app, which means I have two applications that are subscribing to the EmailMessage, only the new console app receives the message.
I have the following:
My console app is:
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
var subscriberHost = new SubscriberHost();
Console.WriteLine("Waiting of publishing
to happen on EmailMessage as we are subscribing to it...");
public class SubscriberHost : AppHostHttpListenerBase
private RedisMqServer mqHost;
public SubscriberHost()
:base("Subscriber console",typeof(EmailMessageEventHandler).Assembly)
public override void Configure(Container container)
var redisFactory = new PooledRedisClientManager("localhost:6379");
mqHost = new RedisMqServer(redisFactory, retryCount:2);
mqHost.RegisterHandler<EmailMessage>((message) =>
var emailMessage = message.GetBody();
return new SMessageReceipt {
Type = "not used",
To = "test",
From = "Reusability",
RefId = "1,"
// mqHost.RegisterHandler<EmailMessage>(ServiceController.ExecuteMessage);
I was expecting both subscribers to receive the EmailMessage but only the new console app is receiving it. Why isn't the other subscriber receiving the message?
The client code that does the publishing has not been modified.
What I have shown above is using Redis MQ, and for the multiple subscribers problem I was testing I need the Redis Pub/Sub.
For MQ, a subscriber takes the message off the queue to process. Once processed, that is it.
For Pub/Sub, there could be many subscribers and each will receive a copy of the message.
I hope this helps others.

Why WCF Discovery Udp channel gets aborted

I want the server to constantly track for available clients using WCF Discovery.
public void Start()
findCriteria = new FindCriteria(typeof(ITestRunnerAgent))
Scopes = {new Uri(scope)},
Duration = TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(DiscoveryIntervalInMiliseconds)
discoveryClient = GetInitilizedDisoveryClient();
private DiscoveryClient GetInitilizedDisoveryClient()
var client = new DiscoveryClient(new UdpDiscoveryEndpoint());
client.FindProgressChanged += OnFindProgressChanged;
client.FindCompleted += OnFindCompleted;
return client;
private void OnFindCompleted(object sender, FindCompletedEventArgs e)
if (!e.Cancelled)
// HERE! Sometimes e.Error is not null, but as described in question
Unfortunately, sometimes at the point specified by comment i get an aborted Udp channel:
The communication object,
cannot be used for communication
because it has been Aborted.
Has anyone ideas why?
It could be that some network infrastructure at your office is droping the connections.
You should write your code to check for aborted communication, and recover from it.
To recover you could close down the aborted channel and create a new one.
Well, this doesn't answer your question, but I feel a little wary about your code. It seems fundamentally correct, but it feels like your discovery could be running very fast. I would implement recurring discovery in a separate thread with some sleep time just to make the network happier. Just a thought to clean up the code. Sorry if this doesn't help.
public void Start()
var bw = new System.ComponentModel.BackgroundWorker();
bw.DoWork += new System.ComponentModel.DoWorkEventHandler(DiscoveryThread);
private void DiscoveryThread(object sender, System.ComponentModel.DoWorkEventArgs e)
var client = new DiscoveryClient(new UdpDiscoveryEndpoint());
var findCriteria = new FindCriteria(typeof(ITestRunnerAgent))
Scopes = {new Uri(scope)},
Duration = TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(DiscoveryIntervalInMiliseconds)
// lock, clear, and add discovered endpoints to a global List of some sort
As it is asynchronous operation the thread terminates after executing FindAsync(criteria) method. just wrote Console.Readline() after method call or use Autoreset event hold the thread.

Duplex WCF + Static Collection of COM objects

I am trying to build a WCF service that exposes the functionality of a particular COM object that I do not have the original source for. I am using duplex binding so that each client has their own instance as there are events tied to each particular instance which are delivered through a callback (IAgent). It appears there is a deadlock or something because after the first action, my service blocks at my second action's lock. I have tried implementing these custom STA attribute and operation behaviors ( but my OperationContext.Current is always null. Any advice is much appreciated.
private static Dictionary<IAgent, COMAgent> agents = new Dictionary<IAgent, COMAgent>();
First action:
public void Login(LoginRequest request)
IAgent agent = OperationContext.Current.GetCallbackChannel<IAgent>();
lock (agents)
if (agents.ContainsKey(agent))
throw new FaultException("You are already logged in.");
ICOMClass startup = new ICOMClass();
string server = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["Server"];
int port = Convert.ToInt32(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["Port"]);
bool success = startup.Logon(server, port, request.Username, request.Password);
if (!success)
throw new FaultException<COMFault>(new COMFault { ErrorText = "Could not log in." });
COMAgent comAgent = new COMAgent { Connection = startup };
comAgent.SomeEvent += new EventHandler<COMEventArgs>(comAgent_COMEvent);
agents.Add(agent, comAgent);
Second Action:
public void Logoff()
IAgent agent = OperationContext.Current.GetCallbackChannel<IAgent>();
lock (agents)
COMAgent comAgent = agents[agent];
bool success = comAgent.Connection.Logoff();
if (!success)
throw new FaultException<COMFault>(new COMFault { ErrorText = "Could not log off." });
catch (Exception exc)
throw new FaultException(exc.Message);
Take a look at this very similar post:
You have to use an OperationContextScope to have access to the current OperationContext from the newly generated thread:
System.Threading.Thread thread = new System.Threading.Thread(new System.Threading.ThreadStart(delegate
using (System.ServiceModel.OperationContextScope scope = new System.ServiceModel.OperationContextScope(context))
result = InnerOperationInvoker.Invoke(instance, inputs, out staOutputs);