MSG Box display workbook - vba

I have an easy question but for whatever reason canĀ“t find it online. I want a msgbox to return me specific cells that apply to a set of conditions. For each cell I want it to say what workbook the cell is in.
MsgBox ("Error: " & cl.Address & " is " & cl.Value & " " & thisworkbook.Name)
is what I have in my code. What its returning is the name of the reporting workbook and not where the actual error is located.
Please help

In your situation you should go this way:
MsgBox ("Error: " & cl.Address & " is " & cl.Value & " " & cl.Parent.Parent.Name)
the final part will use hierarchy of Excel Object model- from Cell >> to Sheet >> to Workbook...


How to reference cell from another sheet in Module - Excel VBA?

I have a macro in an Excel workbook that updates date from Sheet1 into SQL by clicking a button in Sheet3. Sheet3 also have cells used as parameters during the update process.
Currently, the macro is placed in a module and my SQL statement is as follows:
sSQLUpd = "update [table1].[dbo].[Plan] set [Plan_QTY] = " & Plan & "_
where [MacID] = " & Mac & " and [ModelID] = " & Mdl & " and [Date] = " & dt & "_
and DATEPART(year,[Date])= " & Sheets("Sheet3").Cells(3, 3).Value & "_
and DATEPART(month,[Date])= " & Sheets("Sheet3").Cells(3, 6).Value & ""
conn.Execute sSQLUpd
But when I test the code I keep getting "Subscript out of range" in my error handler.
The SQL structure is fine, since I tested it by replacing the parts:
DATEPART(year,[Date])= " & Sheets("Sheet3").Cells(3, 3).Value & "
DATEPART(month,[Date])= " & Sheets("Sheet3").Cells(3, 6).Value & "
with actual numbers and the data can pass.
So it's safe to assume that the codes referencing the cells in Sheet3 have issue. Perhaps it doesn't want to play nice when placed in a module?
I even tried different variations as well:
DATEPART(year,[Date])= " & Sheets("Sheet3").range("C3").Value & "
No dice....
Anything I can do to modify it?
Wait... Never mind. I figured out what went wrong. All I needed to do was change
Sheets("Sheet3") into Sheet3 only:
DATEPART(year,[Date])= " & Sheet3.Cells(3, 3).Value & "
Its always the simple stuff that screws with me. :p

Excel VBA - insert formula in a set of rows with variable reference directly or replacing a string for example "\=" with "="

I have the goal to write a formula in a set of rows. Some references in the formula have to change each row.
I implemented the following script:
Dim i As Integer
Dim formcolM As String
Dim temprng As String
For i = 0 To 100
formcolM = "NUMBERVALUE(IF(Q" & i & "=""Bedarf kum."";A" & i & ";IF(Q" & i & "=""Ist"";OFFSET(A" & i & ";-1;0);IF(Q" & i & "=""Lz."";OFFSET(A" & i & ";-2;0);IF(Q" & i & "=""Ist+Lz.-Bedarf"";OFFSET(A" & i & ";-3;0);)))))"
Let temprng = "M" & i
ActiveCell.Value = "\=" & formcolM
next i
With this script I am writing a string each row in my excel table at column M.
I noticed that if the formula hasn't the symbol "\" , you can find an error .
In order to avoid the error I thought to leave the symbol "\" and to use a trick deleting it after (because I don't know how to solve with R1C1 formula. I read some answers on Stackoverflow, but unfortunately I did not understand )
The replacing script after the for cycle:
Columns("M:M").Replace What:="\=", Replacement:="=", LookAt:=xlPart
The strange thing is that the macro doesn't delete it.
Infact when the script finishes , it seems that nothing happened, without errors. But if I want substitute "\=" with another symbol, for example "*", the replacing script works.
I did not understand if the problem is :
the replace method did not recognized the symbol "=" to search
I cannot use the replace method because the symbol "=" disturbs in some way , I don't know in what.
OR, is there another simplest way to get this task done?
Someone could help me in order to fix? I should have the formula working in the column M , automatically with vba (not with another formula in the excel sheet) .
Thanks in advance for your time.
We can apply the formula directly. The issue is that vba is very US-EN Centric and all formula when using the .Formula needs to be in that format.
Also since your formula refers to values in a row 3 above the one in which it is put we need to start the loop at 4 not 0. There is no row 0
There are two ways, in US-En format with English functions and , as the deliminator using .Formula:
Dim i As Integer
For i = 4 To 100
Range("M" & i).Formula = "=NUMBERVALUE(IF(Q" & i & "=""Bedarf kum."",A" & i & ",IF(Q" & i & "=""Ist"",OFFSET(A" & i & ",-1,0),IF(Q" & i & "=""Lz."",OFFSET(A" & i & ",-2,0),IF(Q" & i & "=""Ist+Lz.-Bedarf"",OFFSET(A" & i & ",-3,0),)))))"
Next i
Or using .FormulaLocal and the formula as you would write it in your native tongue.
Dim i As Integer
For i = 4 To 100
Range("M" & i).FormulaLocal = "=NUMERO.VALORE(SE(Q" & i & "=""Bedarf kum."";A" & i & ";SE(Q" & i & "=""Ist"";SCARTO(A" & i & ";-1;0);SE(Q" & i & "=""Lz."";SCARTO(A" & i & ";-2;0);SE(Q" & i & "=""Ist+Lz.-Bedarf"";SCARTO(A" & i & ";-3;0);)))))"
Next i
By the time I got this worked out, Scott already had an answer. I just wanted to post your original code modified to work. I would suggest his method.
Sub TestScript()
Dim i As Integer
Dim formcolM As String
Dim temprng As String
For i = 4 To 100
formcolM = "NUMBERVALUE(IF(Q" & i & "=" & "Bedarf kum." & ";A" & i & ";IF(Q" & i & "=" & "Ist" & ";OFFSET(A" & i & ";-1;0);IF(Q" & i & "=" & "Lz." & ";OFFSET(A" & i & ";-2;0);IF(Q" & i & "=" & "Ist+Lz.-Bedarf" & ";OFFSET(A" & i & ";-3;0);)))))"
temprng = "M" & i
ActiveCell.Value = " = " & formcolM
Next i
End Sub

How do i use the IF condition depending on the input contained in a column (not in a cell)?

I have an excel-workbook containing two worksheets, and I have written code to transfer data from sheet No.1 to sheet No.2.
What I need is to include a condition that checks if the column G does not contain a certain value. In that case I would like a MsgBox to display "Check..".
The interested range in the Sheet 1 is (A3:J50), so the condition would interest cells G3 to G50.
My current code is:
Sub kk()
Dim lastrow As Integer
lastrow = [b50].End(xlUp).Row
Range("b3:J" & lastrow).Copy Sheets("Daily Rec.").Range("b" & Sheets("Daily Rec.").[b1000].End(xlUp).Row + 1)
Range("b3:j" & lastrow).ClearContents
MsgBox ("Date Posted")
Sheets("Daily Rec.").Activate
MsgBox ("Check..")
End Sub
please advice
This should help get you started.
But like others have mentioned, we need more info to help.
Sub Okay()
Dim source As Range
Dim target As Range
Dim found As Range
Dim cell As Range
Set source = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("Sheet 1").Range("A3:J50")
Set target = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("Sheet 2").Range("G3:G50")
For Each cell In source.Cells
Set found = target.Find(cell.Value)
If found Is Nothing Then
MsgBox "Check.." & vbNewLine _
& "Cell [" & cell.Address(0, 0) & "] on sheet [" & cell.Parent.Name & "]" _
& vbNewLine _
& "was not found within " & vbNewLine _
& "cell range of [" & target.Address(0, 0) & "] on sheet [" & target.Parent.Name & "]"
End If
Next cell
End Sub

AutoCAD VBA: Selecting objects

I have a 3D model of an intricate chimney which is essentially a cylindrical tube with decorative features. I'd like to write a VBA script which find the section properties at several points along its length but I'm not really sure how to do it.
From online searches, I've managed to write a code which puts in a section at a point which I can then run MASSPROP on but I'm not quite sure how to finish it off... I think I'm only one line of code away. I just need to select the section that I've just created.
My almost complete code is below with a comment on the line that I need help with.
Public Sub Section()
Dim SolidObject As Acad3DSolid
Dim NewRegionObject As AcadRegion
Dim PlaneOrigin As Variant
Dim PlaneXaxisPoint As Variant
Dim PlaneYaxisPoint As Variant
Dim PickedPoint As Variant
On Error Resume Next
With ThisDrawing.Utility
.GetEntity SolidObject, PickedPoint, vbCr & "Select solid to cut."
If Err Then
MsgBox "Selected solid must be a 3DSolid"
Exit Sub
End If
PlaneOrigin = .GetPoint(PickedPoint, vbCr & "Select point to define origin.")
PlaneXaxisPoint = .GetPoint(PickedPoint, vbCr & "Select point to define x-axis.")
PlaneYaxisPoint = .GetPoint(PickedPoint, vbCr & "Select point to define y-axis.")
Set NewRegionObject = SolidObject.SectionSolid(PlaneOrigin, PlaneXaxisPoint, PlaneYaxisPoint)
End With
ThisDrawing.SendCommand ("qaflags" & vbCr & "2" & vbCr) 'This is needed for the operation
ThisDrawing.SendCommand ("massprop" & vbCr)
'How do I select my NewRegionObject???
ThisDrawing.SendCommand (vbCr & vbCr & "y" & vbCr & vbCr & "y" & vbCr)
End Sub
If I can get this code to run MASSPROP with my newly created section fine I should be able to adapt it to do the process automatically at several points along the chimney so I think I'm only one line of code off.
Thanks for your help,
you'd better exploit Autocad Object Model:
Dim minPoint As Variant, maxPoint As Variant
Set NewRegionObject = SolidObject.SectionSolid(PlaneOrigin, PlaneXaxisPoint, PlaneYaxisPoint)
With NewRegionObject
MsgBox "Area: " & .Area
MsgBox "Perimeter: " & .Perimeter
.GetBoundingBox minPoint, maxPoint
MsgBox "Min Point coordinates: (" & minPoint(0) & "," & minPoint(1) & "," & minPoint(2) & ")"
MsgBox "Max Point coordinates: (" & maxPoint(0) & "," & maxPoint(1) & "," & maxPoint(2) & ")"
MsgBox "Centroid coordinates: (" & .Centroid(0) & "," & .Centroid(1) & ")"
MsgBox "Moments of Inertia: (" & .MomentOfInertia(0) & "," & .MomentOfInertia(1) & "," & .MomentOfInertia(2) & ")"
'.. and so on
End With

How to create a comment box with time and date stamp in Access using VBA

Completely new to VBA and need help with detailed instructions (dummy version for me).
I have a table with various columns and the following columns, specifically:
I created a form with both of these fields and need to create an Append Comment button that moves the text from NewComment field and appends it to ReviewerComment field and time/date stamps the comments as they are added. I named this button cmdAppendComment.
I had seen someone else post something and I tried, but as I am completely new to this I know I messed it up. Any help is greatly appreciated.
This is what the VBA code looks like right now:
Private Sub cmdAppendComment_Click()
If (IsNull(NewComment.Value)) Then
MsgBox ("Please provide a comment before clicking" & _
"on the Append Comment button.")
Exit Sub
End If
If (IsNull(ReviewerComments.Value)) Then
ReviewerComments.Value = NewComment.Value & " ~ " & _
VBA.DateTime.Date & " ~ " & VBA.DateTime.Time
ReviewerComments.Value = ReviewerComments.Value & _
vbNewLine & vbNewLine & _
NewComment.Value & " ~ " & _
VBA.DateTime.Date & " ~ " & VBA.DateTime.Time
End If
NewComment.Value = ""
End Sub
I have some suggestions for your code:
1. Do not check if a textbox is null but how many characters your textbox has. You should always do it that way because otherwise you tend to get errors.
If (len(Me.NewComment.Value & "") > 0) Then
MsgBox ("Please provide a comment before clicking" & _
"on the Append Comment button.")
Exit Sub
End If
Here you check the length of the string in your textbox. You need to append "" because otherwise you tend to get null-errors or something similar.
2. You forgot to reference the objects in your form correctly. You have your form and in that form you put your textboxes and also your VBA-code. Your can reference all your objects with "Me.[FormObjects]".
The compiler complains that "NewComment.Value" or "ReviewerComment.Value" is not initialized or in other words not dimensioned. With correct reference this should stop.
Private Sub cmdAppendComment_Click()
If (len(Me.NewComment.Value & "") > 0) Then
MsgBox ("Please provide a comment before clicking" & _
"on the Append Comment button.")
Exit Sub
End If
If (IsNull(Me.ReviewerComments.Value)) Then
Me.ReviewerComments.Value = Me.NewComment.Value & " ~ " & _
VBA.DateTime.Date & " ~ " & VBA.DateTime.Time
Me.ReviewerComments.Value = Me.ReviewerComments.Value & _
vbNewLine & vbNewLine & _
Me.NewComment.Value & " ~ " & _
VBA.DateTime.Date & " ~ " & VBA.DateTime.Time
End If
Me.NewComment.Value = ""
End Sub