finding a mismatch while iterating rows in sql - sql

I have this issue where date keys where just inserted into a table through SQL Server. They are populated iteratively in the fashion shown below:
I am currently trying to find any row where one of the dates was skipped, i.e:
I'm still a rookie in SQL Server and I have looked at CURSOR but I'm having some trouble understanding how to go about about querying this. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.

Using some tricks from the Itzik Ben-Gan school of thought. The easiest way to find gaps is with the use of a tally table. Here is a way to create a small one into a table variable, but i would recommend creating a substantiated Numbers table because they're really handy for this kind of thing. You can find a bunch of examples on how to do that here.
First create a number table
DECLARE #Numbers TABLE ( [Number] INT );
ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY [s1].[object_id]) AS Number
FROM sys.objects s1
CROSS JOIN sys.objects s2
Next I needed to create a temp table to recreate your example
DECLARE #ExampleDates TABLE ( [RecordDateKey] INT );
INSERT INTO #ExampleDates
( [RecordDateKey] )
VALUES ( 20130501 ),
( 20130502 ),
( 20130503 ),
( 20130504 ),
( 20130506 ),
( 20130507 ),
( 20130508 ),
( 20130511 );
this syntax only works 2008-r2 and forward but since i'm just staging data it's not really a big deal. Just leaving this note for other people testing this example.
Finally we need to do some conversion work.
For larger sets, it might be beneficial to substantiate this data, but for this small example, a cte sufficed.
WITH date_convert
AS (
SELECT [RecordDateKey]
, CONVERT(DATETIME, CAST([RecordDateKey] AS VARCHAR(50)), 112) [RecordDate]
FROM #ExampleDates ed
) ,
AS (
SELECT DATEDIFF(DAY, MIN([RecordDate]), MAX([RecordDate])) [Range]
, MIN([RecordDate]) [StartDate]
FROM [date_convert]
) ,
AS (
SELECT CONVERT(INT, CONVERT(VARCHAR(8), DATEADD(DAY, num.[Number], [StartDate]), 112)) AS [RecordDateKey]
, DATEADD(DAY, num.[Number], [StartDate]) [RecordDate]
FROM #Numbers num
CROSS JOIN [date_range] dr
WHERE num.[Number] <= dr.[Range]
SELECT [RecordDateKey]
, [RecordDate]
FROM all_dates ad
FROM [date_convert] dc
WHERE ad.[RecordDate] = dc.RecordDate )
date_convert: changes the key you provided to a datetime for easy comparison and for dateadd.
date_range: finds the range of dates, and where the range starts.
all_dates: finds all of the dates that should have existed in your range.
The final select finds the records in the data that aren't in the generated set.
Using this code, this was my output. This should find gaps regardless of gap size. Which appeared to be the issue with the current accepted answer.
RecordDateKey RecordDate
------------- ----------
20130505 2013-05-05 00:00:00.000
20130509 2013-05-09 00:00:00.000
20130510 2013-05-10 00:00:00.000

FROM table
WHERE date - 1 NOT IN (SELECT date FROM table)
It's probably not super efficient but it should work.


TSQL - Run date comparison for "duplicates"/false positives on initial query?

I'm pretty new to SQL and am working on pulling some data from several very large tables for analysis. The data is basically triggered events for assets on a system. The events all have a created_date (datetime) field that I care about.
I was able to put together the query below to get the data I need (YAY):
FROM event
ON event.a_key = asset.a_key
ON event.l_key = l.l_key
WHERE event.e_key IN (350, 352, 378)
ORDER BY asset.a_id, event.created_date
However, while this gives me the data for the specific events I want, I still have another problem. Assets can trigger these events repeatedly, which can result in large numbers of "false positives" for what I'm looking at.
What I need to do is go through the result set of the query above and remove any events for an asset that occur closer than N minutes together (say 30 minutes for this example). So IF the asset_ID is the same AND the event.created_date is within 30 minutes of another event for that asset in the set THEN I want that removed. For example:
For the following records
a_id 1124 created 2016-02-01 12:30:30
a_id 1124 created 2016-02-01 12:35:31
a_id 1124 created 2016-02-01 12:40:33
a_id 1124 created 2016-02-01 12:45:42
a_id 1124 created 2016-02-02 12:30:30
a_id 1124 created 2016-02-02 13:00:30
a_id 1115 created 2016-02-01-12:30:30
I'd want to return only:
a_id 1124 created 2016-02-01 12:30:30
a_id 1124 created 2016-02-02 12:30:30
a_id 1124 created 2016-02-02 13:00:30
a_id 1115 created 2016-02-01-12:30:30
I tried referencing this and this but I can't make the concepts there work for me. I know I probably need to do a SELECT * FROM (my existing query) but I can't seem to do that without ending up with tons of "multi-part identifier can't be bound" errors (and I have no experience creating temp tables, my attempts at that have failed thus far). I also am not exactly sure how to use DATEDIFF as the date filtering function.
Any help would be greatly appreciated! If you could dumb it down for a novice (or link to explanations) that would also be helpful!
This is a trickier problem than it initially appears. The hard part is capturing the previous good row and removing the next bad rows but not allowing those bad rows to influence whether or not the next row is good. Here is what I came up with. I've tried to explain what is going on with comments in the code.
--sample data since I don't have your table structure and your original query won't work for me
declare #events table
id int,
timestamp datetime
--note that I changed some of your sample data to test some different scenarios
insert into #events values( 1124, '2016-02-01 12:30:30')
insert into #events values( 1124, '2016-02-01 12:35:31')
insert into #events values( 1124, '2016-02-01 12:40:33')
insert into #events values( 1124, '2016-02-01 13:05:42')
insert into #events values( 1124, '2016-02-02 12:30:30')
insert into #events values( 1124, '2016-02-02 13:00:30')
insert into #events values( 1115, '2016-02-01 12:30:30')
--using a cte here to split the result set of your query into groups
--by id (you would want to partition by whatever criteria you use
--to determine that rows are talking about the same event)
--the row_number function gets the row number for each row within that
--id partition
--the over clause specifies how to break up the result set into groups
--(partitions) and what order to put the rows in within that group so
--that the numbering stays consistant
;with orderedEvents as
select id, timestamp, row_number() over (partition by id order by timestamp) as rn
from #events
--you would replace #events here with your query
--using a second recursive cte here to determine which rows are "good"
--and which ones are not.
, previousGoodTimestamps as
--this is the "seeding" part of the recursive cte where I pick the
--first rows of each group as being a desired result. Since they
--are the first in each group, I know they are good. I also assign
--their timestamp as the previous good timestamp since I know that
--this row is good.
select id, timestamp, rn, timestamp as prev_good_timestamp, 1 as is_good
from orderedEvents
where rn = 1
union all
--this is the recursive part of the cte. It takes the rows we have
--already added to this result set and joins those to the "next" rows
--(as defined by our ordering in the first cte). Then we output
--those rows and do some calculations to determine if this row is
--"good" or not. If it is "good" we set it's timestamp as the
--previous good row timestamp so that rows that come after this one
--can use it to determine if they are good or not. If a row is "bad"
--we just forward along the last known good timestamp to the next row.
--We also determine if a row is good by checking if the last good row
--timestamp plus 30 minutes is less than or equal to the current row's
--timestamp. If it is then the row is good.
, e2.timestamp
, e2.rn
, last_good_timestamp.timestamp
, case
when dateadd(mi, 30, last_good_timestamp.timestamp) <= e2.timestamp then 1
else 0
from previousGoodTimestamps e1
inner join orderedEvents e2 on = and e2.rn = e1.rn + 1
--I used a cross apply here to calculate the last good row timestamp
--once. I could have used two identical subqueries above in the select
--and case statements, but I would rather not duplicate the code.
cross apply
select case
when e1.is_good = 1 then e1.timestamp --if the last row is good, just use it's timestamp
else e1.prev_good_timestamp --the last row was bad, forward on what it had for the last good timestamp
end as timestamp
) last_good_timestamp
select *
from previousGoodTimestamps
where is_good = 1 --only take the "good" rows
Links to MSDN for some of the more complicated things here:
CTEs and Recursive CTEs
-- Sample data.
declare #Samples as Table ( Id Int Identity, A_Id Int, CreatedDate DateTime );
insert into #Samples ( A_Id, CreatedDate ) values
( 1124, '2016-02-01 12:30:30' ),
( 1124, '2016-02-01 12:35:31' ),
( 1124, '2016-02-01 12:40:33' ),
( 1124, '2016-02-01 12:45:42' ),
( 1124, '2016-02-02 12:30:30' ),
( 1124, '2016-02-02 13:00:30' ),
( 1125, '2016-02-01 12:30:30' );
select * from #Samples;
-- Calculate the windows of 30 minutes before and after each CreatedDate and check for conflicts with other rows.
with Ranges as (
select Id, A_Id, CreatedDate,
DateAdd( minute, -30, S.CreatedDate ) as RangeStart, DateAdd( minute, 30, S.CreatedDate ) as RangeEnd
from #Samples as S )
select Id, A_Id, CreatedDate, RangeStart, RangeEnd,
-- Check for a conflict with another row with:
-- the same A_Id value and an earlier CreatedDate that falls inside the +/-30 minute range.
case when exists ( select 42 from #Samples where A_Id = R.A_Id and CreatedDate < R.CreatedDate and R.RangeStart < CreatedDate and CreatedDate < R.RangeEnd ) then 1
else 0 end as Conflict
from Ranges as R;

Drop rows identified within moving time window

I have a dataset of hospitalisations ('spells') - 1 row per spell. I want to drop any spells recorded within a week after another (there could be multiple) - the rationale being is that they're likely symptomatic of the same underlying cause. Here is some play data:
create table hif_user.rzb_recurse_src (
patid integer not null,
eventdate integer not null,
type smallint not null
insert into hif_user.rzb_recurse_src values (1,1,1);
insert into hif_user.rzb_recurse_src values (1,3,2);
insert into hif_user.rzb_recurse_src values (1,5,2);
insert into hif_user.rzb_recurse_src values (1,9,2);
insert into hif_user.rzb_recurse_src values (1,14,2);
insert into hif_user.rzb_recurse_src values (2,1,1);
insert into hif_user.rzb_recurse_src values (2,5,1);
insert into hif_user.rzb_recurse_src values (2,19,2);
Only spells of type 2 - within a week after any other - are to be dropped. Type 1 spells are to remain.
For patient 1, dates 1 & 9 should be kept. For patient 2, all rows should remain.
The issue is with patient 1. Spell date 9 is identified for dropping as it is close to spell date 5; however, as spell date 5 is close to spell date 1 is should be dropped therefore allowing spell date 9 to live...
So, it seems a recursive problem. However, I've not used recursive programming in SQL before and I'm struggling to really picture how to do it. Can anyone help? I should add that I'm using Teradata which has more restrictions than most with recursive SQL (only UNION ALL sets allowed I believe).
It's a cursor logic, check one row after the other if it fits your rules, so recursion is the easiest (maybe the only) way to solve your problem.
To get a decent performance you need a Volatile Table to facilitate this row-by-row processing:
CREATE VOLATILE TABLE vt (patid, eventdate, exac_type, rn, startdate) AS
,ROW_NUMBER() -- needed to facilitate the join
OVER (PARTITION BY patid ORDER BY eventdate) AS rn
FROM hif_user.rzb_recurse_src AS r
WITH RECURSIVE cte (patid, eventdate, exac_type, rn, startdate) AS
,eventdate AS startdate
WHERE rn = 1 -- start with the first row
-- check if type = 1 or more than 7 days from the last eventdate
,CASE WHEN vt.eventdate > cte.startdate + 7
OR vt.exac_type = 1
THEN vt.eventdate -- new start date
ELSE cte.startdate -- keep old date
FROM vt JOIN cte
ON vt.patid = cte.patid
AND vt.rn = cte.rn + 1 -- proceed to next row
FROM cte
WHERE eventdate - startdate = 0 -- only new start days
order by patid, eventdate
I think the key to solving this is getting the first date more than 7 days from the current date and then doing a recursive subquery:
with rrs as (
select rrs.*,
(select min(rrs2.eventdate)
from hif_user.rzb_recurse_src rrs2
where rrs2.patid = rrs.patid and
rrs2.eventdate > rrs.eventdate + 7
) as eventdate7
from hif_user.rzb_recurse_src rrs
recursive cte as (
select patid, min(eventdate) as eventdate, min(eventdate7) as eventdate7
from hif_user.rzb_recurse_src rrs
group by patid
union all
select cte.patid, cte.eventdate7, rrs.eventdate7
from cte join
hif_user.rzb_recurse_src rrs
on rrs.patid = cte.patid and
rrs.eventdate = cte.eventdate7
select cte.patid, cte.eventdate
from cte;
If you want additional columns, then join in the original table at the last step.

How to select values by date field (not as simple as it sounds)

I have a table called tblMK The table contains a date time field.
What I wish to do is create a query which will each time, select the 2 latest entries (by the datetime column) and then get the date difference between them and show only that.
How would I go around creating this expression. This doesn't necessarily need to be a query, it could be a view/function/procedure or what ever works. I have created a function called getdatediff which receives to dates, and returns a string the says (x days y hours z minutes) basically that will be the calculated field. So how would I go around doing this?
Edit: I need to each time select 2 and 2 and so on until the oldest one. There will always be an even amount of rows.
Use only sql like this:
create table t1(c1 integer, dt datetime);
insert into t1 values
(1, getdate()),
(2, dateadd(day,1,getdate())),
(3, dateadd(day,2,getdate()));
with temp as (select top 2 dt
from t1
order by dt desc)
select datediff(day,min(dt),max(dt)) as diff_of_dates
from temp;
sql fiddle
On MySQL use limit clause
select max(a.updated_at)-min(a.updated_at)
( select * from mytable order by updated_at desc limit 2 ) a
Thanks guys I found the solution please ignore the additional columns they are for my db:
; with numbered as (
Select part,taarich,hulia,mesirakabala,
rowno = row_number() OVER (Partition by parit taarich)
From tblMK)
Select a.rowno-1,a.part, a.Julia,b.taarich,as.taarich_kabala,a.taarich, a.mesirakabala,getdatediff(b.taarich,a.taarich) as due
From numbered a
Left join numbered b ON b.parit=a.parit
And b.rowno = a.rowno - 1
Where b.taarich is not null
Order by part,taarich
Sorry about mistakes I might of made, I'm on my smartphone.

SQL Partition Elimination

I am currently testing a partitioning configuration, using actual execution plan to identify RunTimePartitionSummary/PartitionsAccessed info.
When a query is run with a literal against the partitioning column the partition elimination works fine (using = and <=). However if the query is joined to a lookup table, with the partitioning column <= to a column in the lookup table and restricting the lookup table with another criteria (so that only one row is returned, the same as if it was a literal) elimination does not occur.
This only seems to happen if the join criteria is <= rather than =, even though the result is the same. Reversing the logic and using between does not work either, nor does using a cross applied function.
Edit: (Repro Steps)
OK here you go!
--Create sample function
CREATE PARTITION FUNCTION pf_Test(date) AS RANGE RIGHT FOR VALUES ('20110101','20110102','20110103','20110104','20110105')
--Create sample scheme
--Create sample table
RowID int identity(1,1)
,StartDate date NOT NULL
,EndDate date NULL
,Data varchar(50) NULL
ON ps_Test(StartDate)
--Insert some sample data
INSERT INTO t_Test(StartDate,EndDate,Data)
--Check partition allocation
SELECT *,$PARTITION.pf_Test(StartDate) AS PartitionNumber FROM t_Test
--Run simple test (inlcude actual execution plan)
FROM t_Test
WHERE StartDate <= '20110103' AND ISNULL(EndDate,getdate()) >= '20110103'
--<PartitionRange Start="1" End="4" />
--Run test with join to a lookup (with CTE for simplicity, but doesnt work with table either)
SELECT convert(date,'20110101') AS CalendarDate,'A' AS SomethingInteresting
SELECT convert(date,'20110102') AS CalendarDate,'B' AS SomethingInteresting
SELECT convert(date,'20110103') AS CalendarDate,'C' AS SomethingInteresting
SELECT convert(date,'20110104') AS CalendarDate,'D' AS SomethingInteresting
SELECT convert(date,'20110105') AS CalendarDate,'E' AS SomethingInteresting
SELECT convert(date,'20110106') AS CalendarDate,'F' AS SomethingInteresting
SELECT convert(date,'20110107') AS CalendarDate,'G' AS SomethingInteresting
SELECT convert(date,'20110108') AS CalendarDate,'H' AS SomethingInteresting
SELECT convert(date,'20110109') AS CalendarDate,'I' AS SomethingInteresting
FROM t_Test T
ON T.StartDate <= C.CalendarDate AND ISNULL(T.EndDate,getdate()) >= C.CalendarDate
WHERE C.SomethingInteresting = 'C' --<PartitionRange Start="1" End="6" />
--So all 6 partitions are scanned despite only 2,3,4 being required, as per the simple select.
--edited to make resultant ranges identical to ensure fair test
It makes sense for the query to scan all the partitions.
All partitions are involved in the predicate T.StartDate <= C.CalendarDate, because the query planner can't possibly know which values C.CalendarDate might take.

SQL Server: row present in one query, missing in another

Ok so I think I must be misunderstanding something about SQL queries. This is a pretty wordy question, so thanks for taking the time to read it (my problem is right at the end, everything else is just context).
I am writing an accounting system that works on the double-entry principal -- money always moves between accounts, a transaction is 2 or more TransactionParts rows decrementing one account and incrementing another.
Some TransactionParts rows may be flagged as tax related so that the system can produce a report of total VAT sales/purchases etc, so it is possible that a single Transaction may have two TransactionParts referencing the same Account -- one VAT related, and the other not. To simplify presentation to the user, I have a view to combine multiple rows for the same account and transaction:
create view Accounting.CondensedEntryView as
select p.[Transaction], p.Account, sum(p.Amount) as Amount
from Accounting.TransactionParts p
group by p.[Transaction], p.Account
I then have a view to calculate the running balance column, as follows:
create view Accounting.TransactionBalanceView as
with cte as
select ROW_NUMBER() over (order by t.[Date]) AS RowNumber,
t.ID as [Transaction], p.Amount, p.Account
from Accounting.Transactions t
inner join Accounting.CondensedEntryView p on p.[Transaction]=t.ID
select b.RowNumber, b.[Transaction], a.Account,
coalesce(sum(a.Amount), 0) as Balance
from cte a, cte b
where a.RowNumber <= b.RowNumber AND a.Account=b.Account
group by b.RowNumber, b.[Transaction], a.Account
For reasons I haven't yet worked out, a certain transaction (ID=30) doesn't appear on an account statement for the user. I confirmed this by running
select * from Accounting.TransactionBalanceView where [Transaction]=30
This gave me the following result:
RowNumber Transaction Account Balance
-------------------- ----------- ------- ---------------------
72 30 23 143.80
As I said before, there should be at least two TransactionParts for each Transaction, so one of them isn't being presented in my view. I assumed there must be an issue with the way I've written my view, and run a query to see if there's anything else missing:
select [Transaction], count(*)
from Accounting.TransactionBalanceView
group by [Transaction]
having count(*) < 2
This query returns no results -- not even for Transaction 30! Thinking I must be an idiot I run the following query:
select [Transaction]
from Accounting.TransactionBalanceView
where [Transaction]=30
It returns two rows! So select * returns only one row and select [Transaction] returns both. After much head-scratching and re-running the last two queries, I concluded I don't have the faintest idea what's happening. Any ideas?
Thanks a lot if you've stuck with me this far!
Here are the execution plans:
select *
select [Transaction]
1000 lines each, hence finding somewhere else to host.
Edit 2:
For completeness, here are the tables I used:
create table Accounting.Accounts
ID smallint identity primary key,
[Name] varchar(50) not null
constraint UQ_AccountName unique,
[Type] tinyint not null
constraint FK_AccountType foreign key references Accounting.AccountTypes
create table Accounting.Transactions
ID int identity primary key,
[Date] date not null default getdate(),
[Description] varchar(50) not null,
Reference varchar(20) not null default '',
Memo varchar(1000) not null
create table Accounting.TransactionParts
ID int identity primary key,
[Transaction] int not null
constraint FK_TransactionPart foreign key references Accounting.Transactions,
Account smallint not null
constraint FK_TransactionAccount foreign key references Accounting.Accounts,
Amount money not null,
VatRelated bit not null default 0
Demonstration of possible explanation.
Create table Script
FROM master.dbo.spt_values
Query one (Returns 35 results)
SELECT c1.number,c1.[type]
FROM cte c1
JOIN cte c2 ON c1.rn=c2.rn AND c1.number <> c2.number
Query Two (Same as before but adding c2.[type] to the select list makes it return 0 results)
SELECT c1.number,c1.[type] ,c2.[type]
FROM cte c1
JOIN cte c2 ON c1.rn=c2.rn AND c1.number <> c2.number
row_number() for duplicate NAMEs isn't specified so it just chooses whichever one fits in with the best execution plan for the required output columns. In the second query this is the same for both cte invocations, in the first one it chooses a different access path with resultant different row_numbering.
Suggested Solution
You are self joining the CTE on ROW_NUMBER() over (order by t.[Date])
Contrary to what may have been expected the CTE will likely not be materialised which would have ensured consistency for the self join and thus you assume a correlation between ROW_NUMBER() on both sides that may well not exist for records where a duplicate [Date] exists in the data.
What if you try ROW_NUMBER() over (order by t.[Date], t.[id]) to ensure that in the event of tied dates the row_numbering is in a guaranteed consistent order. (Or some other column/combination of columns that can differentiate records if id won't do it)
If the purpose of this part of the view is just to make sure that the same row isn't joined to itself
where a.RowNumber <= b.RowNumber
then how does changing this part to
where a.RowNumber <> b.RowNumber
affect the results?
It seems you read dirty entries. (Someone else deletes/insertes new data)
i've tried this code (seems equal to yours)
IF object_id('tempdb..#t') IS NOT NULL DROP TABLE #t
CREATE TABLE #t(i INT, val INT, acc int)
SELECT 1, 2, 70
;with cte as
select ROW_NUMBER() over (order by t.i) AS RowNumber,
t.val as [Transaction], t.acc Account
from #t t
select b.RowNumber, b.[Transaction], a.Account
from cte a, cte b
where a.RowNumber <= b.RowNumber AND a.Account=b.Account
group by b.RowNumber, b.[Transaction], a.Account
and got two rows
RowNumber Transaction Account
1 2 70
2 3 70