using excel in windows form application -

I want to create Windows based inventory application. I need to automate the manual entry in multiple excel spreadsheets, and in spreadsheet formula's are also used . values in sheets are interdependent upon formulas.
I want to use excel like tables and formulas in application. Is there any way of creating spreadsheet and assigning formula's to cell ?
Or Any better alternative?

As Tony suggests using a databse is a far better idea. If you use a database then you can have excel sheets connect to this for other users to interact with.
Can you connect to sql server from Excel?


Link Data Models to multiple files

I created a file that imports multiple tables, and then I do several modifications and calculations with Power Pivot. The problem is that I want to use the final results, not only in that current workbook, but also in other workbooks.
So my question is, is there a way to link other excel files to that data model that I created and worked on?
Please note the data changes every day, so I am looking for a permanent connection.
Appreciate any help here.
if I understand you correctly you would like to access the PowerPivot model/measures that you have created in one xls file from within other xls files.
If so, the "core" vs. "thin" workbook approach might be what you are looking for. This approach works with Excel 2010 but not with Excel 2013 however and you will need a Sharepoint Server with PowerPivot for this to work.
The approach is described in Rob Collie's awesome PowerPivot blog:
and here:
another option is to load all your data source in one Master workbook, then write back the result in the same workbook using Reverse Linked Tables.
Now you can use that Master workbook as your backend for all your reports.
or use PowerBI Desktop as your backend, officially it is not support but Excel can have a local connection to PowerBI desktop.
I put more details here

How to extract data from a database and populate a sheet in Excel

I am storing data in a backend database (PostgreSQL) which is running on a Linux machine. I want to be able to fetch data from the database, and populate a sheet in an excel workbook, so that I can carry out analysis in Excel.
It has been quite a while since I wrote anything in VBA, so I would appreciate some help (or links) in getting started. I would like to know the best way to approach this:
Pure VBA solution OR
Mixture of C# or other .Net language for data extraction logic and VBA for manipulating Excel objects (sheet data population etc)
Any ideas, tips, snippets and/or links that can help me get started on the twin objectives:
fetching data from a backend database (PostgreSQL) into Excel
populating a specified sheet in Excel with the columnar data retreived from the database
will be much appreciated.
If you are just trying to import data, Excel can do that without additional code. Just set up your windows client to connect to your postgreSQL server thru ODBC. (Here's one way guide to setting that part up: enter link description here
Then in Excel (Use a modern version, like 2007 or greater) from the "Data" tab, click on "Existing Connections" to connect to the ODBC connection you set up and pick the tables/data to import into excel. Once the spreadsheet has loaded the data, you can just click the "Refresh All" button to update the data.

Dump MS Access Macro object info from VBA code

I have a project in which I need to compare different versions of an Access 2003 database against each other. We're not interested in the data in the tables. We're only interested in the objects that describe the database. I.e. Form objects, Report objects, QueryDefs, TableDefs etc.. The databases are fairly large so the approach is to dump all the descriptions for objects of interest into a text file by running a VBA app in each of the databases and then comparing the results in a diff viewer.
I've been looking around for several days to find out how to dynamically dump access 2003 macro content from within VBA. Please don't confuse this with dumping VBA code from VBA.
I know about Application.CurrentDB.AllMacros to get a list of macros in the active access database. But I can't get at the macro object from Macro(MacroName).SomeProperty because the macro isn't open. So I've been trying to look for a way to open the macro and haven't found a way to accomplish this through VBA.
Any help on the topic would be appreciated.
You can export macros with the undocument Application.SaveAsText:
Application.SaveAsText acMacro ,"AutoKeys", "AutoKeys.txt"
...saves the AutoKeys macro to whatever the current directory is.
You could manually ask Access to convert the macros to VBA. There is an option for that, I think when you right click the macro. After that you can compare the generated VBA.
See the following page for a list of utilities to compare Access databases

Updating a database from an Excel spreadsheet in .NET

Can Teradata tables be updated in an VB.NET application by reading an Excel spreadsheet and pulling certain values from certain columns? If so how?
This link shows how to read from a server database and update Excel, via ADO.NET and two OleDb connections.
It should be easy to modify that code to do the reverse. ; you'd just need to swap the connection strings shown in that code, so that the source is Excel, and the destination is your Teradata db.
There are some Excel-specific things in the queries, but you get the idea.
NB: This is not Excel Automation. It uses ADO.NET to read/update an Excel sheet. You don't need Excel to be installed on the machine in order to do these queries.

Exporting Excel cell data to database via Excel macro?

Can I create a macro written in C# for Excel that allows me to export a cell's data to a SQL Server or Access database?
Basically, I'd like to create a button in Excel that saves the data in certain cells to a database. Can this be done?
Instead of creating a UI from scratch for a program, I've decided using Excel as the user environment would be better for business needs.
How to automate Excel by using Visual C# to fill or to obtain data in a range by using arrays would be a good starting point.
Be aware, you're going to find it frustrating to control what people attempt to enter into the Excel sheet, as the inherit flexibility of the data works again your efforts to write it to a database destination.