Proxy configuration for PhantomJS through grunt (qunit) - phantomjs

I'm attempting to run integration tests via grunt-contrib-qunit. I've set the --proxy flag via the options object, every ajax request returns a 404 (not found) error.
qunit: {
options: {
'--local-to-remote-url-access': true,
'--proxy': ''
all: [
grunt.registerTask('test', [
The QUnit test itself fails with a 404 on the most trivial AJAX request:
test('Works', function() {
url: '/svc/version',
success: function() {
ok(true, 'yippee');
error: function(xhr) {
console.log('Error: ' + xhr.status);
Fails with:
Running "qunit:all" (qunit) task
Testing test/index.htmlError: 404
It's worth noting that explicitly referencing the host (url: '') works fine, so it's not a same-origin issue.
References: grunt-contrib-qunit, PhantomJS, grunt-lib-phantomjs, SO "Proxy in PhantomJS"


Backend api call not working in Vue(front)

My environment
front - windows, port 3000
backend - linux (ubuntu) in docker container, port 5000
Vue(front) tsconfig.json
export default defineConfig({
plugins: [vue(), vueJsx()],
resolve: {
alias: {
"#": fileURLToPath(new URL("./src", import.meta.url)),
server: {
host: true,
port: 3000,
proxy: {
"/api": {
target: "",
changeOrigin: true,
secure: false,
rewrite: (path) => path.replace(/^\/api/, ""),
front api call code
const response = await"" + code);
backend(Nestjs) - main.ts
async function bootstrap() {
const app = await NestFactory.create(AppModule);
origin: 'http://localhost:3000',
credentials: true,
await app.listen(5000);
I expect the api call to go to the backend, localhost:5000
but i get a 404 error
When I tried with postman, I got normal return, but when I sent the request using axios in Vue with the same request, I got 404 not found.
The most incomprehensible thing is that with the current settings, it was normally requested when developing in the past.
I don't know how to fix this
please help a lot
Repositories currently being edited:
omg... I send POST message..
But api is GET Message

How to transform perfect devServer config file for production server. Because locally no error and after deploy cors error

The below code is working fine locally on chrome and firefox without installing the cors plugin. However, when I create a build and place a static file to a production server droplet at /var/www/html It's not working. Please let me know how to change this config file for production and I don't get cors error as well. like not getting cors or any error locally.
This is my vue.config.js file:
module.exports = {
devServer: {
proxy: {
"/one": {
target: "",
pathRewrite: { "^/one": "" },
"/two": {
target: "",
pathRewrite: { "^/two": "" },
Moreover, This is the request:
.get("http://localhost:8080/one/token/" + this.contractAddress, {
mode: "no-cors",
header: {
"Access-Control-Allow-Origin": "http://localhost:8080/",
gzip: true,
The second request in the same component is:
.get("http://localhost:8080/two/token/" + this.contractAddress, {
mode: "no-cors",
header: {
"Access-Control-Allow-Origin": "http://localhost:8080/",
gzip: true,
Error after deployment, when I open deployed app by IP address:
Then I tried to replace http://localhost:8080 to http//:localhost in URL and at access control allow origin I placed http://ip or server/ Then Error

createProxyMiddleware not working on Azure Webapp

I'm running an Angular Universal application that is talking to an API. Now I'm trying to set up a proxy in the Universal server that proxies API requests to the actual API server:
server.use(['/api', '/sitemap.txt'], createProxyMiddleware({
target: process.env.API_URL,
onProxyReq: req => {
console.log('Using origin: ' + getOrigin(req.getHeaders()));
req.setHeader('origin', getOrigin(req.getHeaders()));
pathRewrite: {'^/api': ''}
This works perfectly when running locally, but when running it on the server (Azure WebApp), it doesn't work. I can see the console log being called in the WebApp logs, but the resulting document is the Angular application with a message "page not found".
I'm totally out of ideas on where to look for solutions.
I tried another proxy middleware and it does do the trick. This code works both locally and on Azure.
import * as proxy from 'express-http-proxy';
// ...
server.use(['/api', '/sitemap.txt'], proxy(process.env.API_URL, {
proxyPathResolver: req => {
let url: string = req.url;
if (url.startsWith('/api')) {
url = url.substr(4);
return url;
proxyReqOptDecorator(proxyReqOpts, srcReq) {
proxyReqOpts.headers['origin'] = getOrigin(proxyReqOpts.headers);
return proxyReqOpts;
But it has some other limitations that make it unusable for our project, so I still need this resolved.
I have it working correctly now. This is the current setup:
target: process.env.API_URL,
changeOrigin: true,
headers: {
Connection: 'keep-alive',
onProxyReq: (proxyReq, req, _res) => {
proxyReq.setHeader('origin', getOrigin(req.headers));
pathRewrite: {
'^/api': '',
So I added changeOrigin and the keep-alive header. I'm not sure which of the two resolved the issue, once I got it to work I never bothered to check it out. I suspect it's the header, though.

How can I use proxyTable to make cross origin request in vue-cli?

I want to use proxyTable with axios in my vue-cli project.
In my config/index.js, I put code like this:
proxyTable: {
'/getnews': {
target: ''
changeOrigin: true,
secure: false,
pathRewrite: {
'^/getnews': '/getnews'
and in my request function, it goes like this:
var url = '/getnews';
methods: 'get',
url: url,
.then(response => {
Now here comes the question, my browser console tells me that
xhr.js?ec6c:178 GET http://localhost:8080/getnews 504 (Gateway Timeout)
and the terminal says:
Error occurred while trying to proxy request /getnews from localhost:8080 to (ECONNREFUSED)
so it looks like the proxy doesn't work out, my request still goes to my localhost. Anyone knows how to fix that?
I finally figure out with the help of my friend.
It's the lack of port number that causing the problem. The code should be like this:
proxyTable: {
'/getnews': {
target: ''
changeOrigin: true,
secure: false,
pathRewrite: {
'^/getnews': '/getnews'
Then it works just fine.

API Proxying vuejs

The code is on github
The following example API Proxying During development
gives an example of a proxyTable
// config/index.js
module.exports = {
// ...
dev: {
proxyTable: {
// proxy all requests starting with /api to jsonplaceholder
'/api': {
target: '',
changeOrigin: true,
pathRewrite: {
'^/api': ''
under which they say,
The above example will proxy the request /api/posts/1 to
but clearly posts/1 is missing from the example.
Or should the /posts/1 be in the proxyTable or in the .vue file using axios like this,
so that a HTTP GET request which starts with api with proxy to and then append the rest of that url, which in this case is /posts/1 and so it actually proxies to
Is this correct?
----------EDIT FROM HERE DOWN------------
In my own case
// config/index.js
module.exports = {
// ...
dev: {
proxyTable: {
// proxy all requests starting with /conn to http://localhost:8081
'/conn': {
target: 'http://localhost:8081',
changeOrigin: true,
pathRewrite: {
'^/conn': ''
should proxy to,
But I get a console error,
GET http://localhost:8080/conn/api.php?action=read 504 (Gateway Timeout)