How can I use a custom layout and still have the console application work? - yii

I am using a custom layout in Yii. Everything works great in the web part of the app. Then I tried to run the console part of the app to run a job and it says:
exception 'CException' with message 'Property "CConsoleApplication.layout" is not defined.' in /pathToFramework/base/CComponent.php:173
If I revert to the default layout in config/main.php it works again. I can't find any documentation on how to specify the layout only for the console application. I know I can fix it but don't want to get hacky. Does anyone have a clue about the correct wat to go about this? Thanks.

Generally you don't need to specify a layout in your config, but rather do that within your controllers if you're overriding things. That's probably why your CWebApplication can handle things (you're giving it a layout property in your config), but your CConsoleApplication doesn't allow for that property to be set.
Seems like your options are:
Specify your layout property in each controller (any reason you couldn't just use the default views/layouts/main.php?)
Specify your layout property in a config file that is only used for your CWebApplication system instead of your CConsoleApplication
Override your layout property in a config file specific to your CConsoleApplication
Any of the above should work.


Piranha CMS: Problem with custom block in manager interface

I am trying to add a custom block. I followed the steps in following two links:
In the CMS manager, I added the custom block to a page, but the block content is empty. Looks like the Vue.js didn't get associated to the custom block. I have set the block component attribute to the Vue.js.
I added the Vue.js by calling below method in the startup. Did I miss something to create a custom block?
Move your "mycustomblock.js" file to the folder "wwwroot/js/" instead of the default "assets/js/". That way the file will be visible to Vue.js
Something is not working with the assets folder, probably it cannot be reached by Vue.js
after the Project is compiled. I had the same problem and this solution worked for me.
void Configure in Startup.cs will then look something like this (I simplified the syntax a bit compared to the documentation):
Adding a custom block and many other tasks have been difficult for me. Trial and error, and no knowledgebase to fall back on. The documentation is a fantastic start, and "Step by step" guides would be a good idea for the future (but I guess time is very limited).

Magento 2, PageBuilder - adding custom content type

I'm trying to add custom content type to existing page builder module in Magento 2 following
Bit of a problem that docs is kind of outdated, but the biggest issue for me right now, is that for some reason, panel with settings of content type is not loading. Console doesn't throw any errors and I'm not even sure how to debug this.
Normal behavior:
Behavior of custom content type (settings are not loading at all):
Maybe someone already stumbled upon issue like this and know possible ways to solve it?
Ok I've found out what problem was, so I'm answering this question in case someone will need this in future.
Check your ui_component xml structure, I was having an issue with naming there (namespace was not correct), and that's why it was not loading.

Yii2 "Page not found" when using CRUD generator

I have succesfully used Yii2 Model & CRUD Generators to obtain some skeleton code files for my web app. Particularly, the CRUD Generator claims to have succesfully created its view files into:
which I got by leaving "View Path" field blank.
However, browsing to:
spits a "Not Found (#404)" error and I'm unable to find any useful info in the Yii2 debug logs.
Any idea on this matter shall be welcome.
<my_view_name> this is a terrible way of looking at this. Read about MVC.
You are creating controllers, routes are to controllers not to views. Stop looking if the views are there... look if the controller is there. You never interact with a view, you always do with a controller. So, is your controller there? are you sure you have created it?
Also what is the controller name? if you have something like ProductCategory then the correct route is
and not
Ok, I see your problem, stop putting folders under other folders and so on. You created your CRUD wrong. Your controller has to be directly under controllers not under controllers/bibliografia, the same goes for the model. Delete the files and start again with CRUD as probably your namespaces are also wrong.
In my case, Yii2 consistenly writes the following with gii CRUD auto-generator.
namespace app\Controllers;
Notice uppercase 'C' for Controllers. This causes 404 error.
It should be :
namespace app\controllers
This fixed my 404 error.
I found with Yii2 (advanced template) that the generated controllers had:
namespace app\controllers;
I had to change this to:
namespace frontend\controllers;
I fixed it by capitalizing the first letter of the controller name.
Controller name should start with capital letters.
If lower case is used, Controller generator won't throw any error, but you will get not found(404) error in the browser.
this threw an error:
this worked:
Its very Simple, change the namespace and please be careful while creating CRUD..
change namespace app\controllers; to namespace backend\controllers;

Yii with Bootstrap error (CWebApplication.bootstrap not defined)

I have followed this setup, but not work for me, all CSS files do not give style to the page,
So searching I found this thread How to install bootstrap extension in yii using some tricks. But not work's too.
Now I have this error
'Property "CWebApplication.bootstrap" is not defined.'
Anyone can help or have any idea?
Thanks in advance and for my English.
Property "CWebApplication.bootstrap" is not defined.
The error means the system is trying to access Yii::app()->bootstrap, which could be a property on the application. Since bootstrap is a component it should be accessible, if the configuration is done properly.
This error is most likely because you forgot the following in the main config file:
// This should point to the location you placed the files in for example extensions/bootstrap/components/bootstrap.php
The class location above will only work if the alias is set properly before setting the configuration.
Yii::setPathOfAlias('bootstrap', dirname(__FILE__).'/../extensions/bootstrap');
Instead you could also change "bootstrap.components.Bootstrap" into "application.extensions.bootstrap.components.bootstrap".
I strongly advise you to use Yiistrap, it was made by the person who create yii boostrap and the person who created Yiibooster. Yiistrap has everything from both extensions and more new stuff. here is the page , also has a fully documented API which yii boostrap do not have and it will save a lot of google searches.

Resharper cannot resolve partial view inside master page

I've upgraded from ReSharper 7 on vs2012 pro to ReSharper 8.1 on vs2013 pro, and ReSharper is now warning me a lot of my partial views cannot be resolved.
It seems to be only happening:
In ASP master pages (i.e. not razor)
When the .ascx partial is in the same controller folder as the partial
E.g. Home.Master, located in ~/Views/Home/Home.Master renders UserProfile.ascx, located in ~/Views/Home/UserProfile.ascx.
Both <%: Html.RenderPartial("UserProfile") %> and <%: Html.RenderPartial("~/Views/Home/UserProfile.ascx"%> are flagged by ReSharper as invalid.
Additionally, shared partials in the ~/views/shared folder seem to be picked up fine when I reference just by name:
However, referencing the view by path doesn't seem to work:
(NB. Both images are taken inside Home.Master, in ~/Views/Home)
When I run the application, the partials work correctly, so it seems to be a change in ReSharper 8.1. Is there anything I can do to fix this?
It's a bug in ReSharper.
The best thing for now is to set it to ignore this type of error.
You can do this by selecting 'inspection options' from the 'red light bulb' on the left hand side and setting it to another option. Hopefully it will be fixed soon!
Edit: See this ticket for the problem.
There's a simpler fix I've got around it by using relative references. So in my case I had a view in another project (and if you try to go outside of the current project without starting with a forward slash "/" you'll get a warning like this. For your problem change the line that reads
Not sure if this is the exact path in your solution but hopefully you understand what I am saying - you cannot use the tilde (~) symbol. You have to use HTML's navigation symbol. Not ideal obviously but I dare say it is better than changing inspection rules.
Also - if you do need to remove an inspection, just comment it out by adding the line
// ReSharper disable once Mvc.PartialViewNotResolved
... // code goes here
// ReSharper disable Mvc.PartialViewNotResolved
... // code goes here
// ReSharper restore once Mvc.PartialViewNotResolved
You can use T4 templates POCO string properties to generate the paths. It's a good idea to update these T4 generated classes regularly and use them inside your code.
I was getting this error today from ReSharper 2018.2.3 when did this:
#Html.Partial("_StatusMessage", Model.StatusMessage)
I also noticed a warning from the IHtmlHelper.Partial method itself:
Use of IHtmlHelper.Partial may result in application deadlocks. Consider using <partial> Tag Helper or IHtmlHelper.PartialAsync.
So I changed the code to:
<partial name="_StatusMessage" model="Model.StatusMessage" />
That fixed it for me.