Selenium Webdriver hover not working - selenium

Selenium Webdriver 2.31.0
with Scala 2.9
Anyone know how to do a mouse hover in Firefox? I'm basically trying to hover over an element to display a tooltip.
This code fails to move the mouse over the element specified.
val webElement = webDriver.findElement(By.cssSelector(myElement.queryString))
val builder = new Actions(webDriver)
val hover = builder.moveToElement(webElement).build()
I have also tried mouse events without success (as described here WebDriver mouseOver is not working properly with selenium grid)

This is somewhat anecdotal since I don't have an exact technical explanation, but I've experienced this in the past and have remedied by upgrading Selenium.
The first thing I check is to make sure my selenium is up to date. This includes dependencies, standalone-server and browser drivers (though, in this case, not applicable as Firefox is included with Selenium).
Another possible (and more probable) cause, more directly related to Firefox, is Firefox itself. It's been my experience that a Firefox update can, from time to time, break some selenium functions, particularly hovers. I've found that either upgrading selenium, or if no update has been released, downgrading Firefox will solve the problem.
I wish I had more detailed information to give you, but I'm still learning the finer details of this situation myself. If nothing else, I hope this points you in the right direction.

Since you havn't said you got any errors,
After build().perform(), provide a wait method say, Thread.sleep() for certain amount of time, since there are posibilities where mousehover performed in fraction of seconds and it may not be possible to see the tooltip.
Makesure the locator is correct (because you may point to someother locator which doesn't show up any tooltip)
Makesure you firefox supports the mousehover functionality
The code might resemble as same as your's, but give it a try(JAVA),
Actions builder = new Actions(driver);
WebElement we = driver.findElement(locator);
Actions perf= builder.moveToElement(we).build();
You can look out the link for your ref : #firefox issue

As your issue is in Firefox, you may need to enable Native Events with webdriver, specifically
FirefoxProfile profile = new FirefoxProfile();
WebDriver driver = new FirefoxDriver(profile);
I've had to do this to get drag and drop working in Firefox on Unix, although it worked with the same code on a Windows box.


Debugger.setPauseOnExceptions for Selenium debugging not working [duplicate]

Everytime I try to access this website and open google-chrome-devtools I am unable to inspect any of the elements through the Inspector as the UI is having an overlay along with a message Paused in debugger.
The upvoted and accepted answer of this discussion says to check the Source tab, check under the Event Listener Breakpoints panel if you've set any breakpoints under 'Mouse'. I have cross checked that none of the Sources -> EventListenerBreakpoint are set.
The upvoted and accepted answer of this discussion says to check if the little octagonal stop/pause sign (at lower left of Chrome "Sources") is colored (blue or purple). I am not sure why do I need to do that additionally for selected websites.
The upvoted and accepted answer of this discussion speaks about the Manual Steps.
All the solutions seem to point towards the manual process. But this issue seems to me the root cause behind Selenium being unable to getPageSource().
Code trials:
System.setProperty("", "C:\\Utility\\BrowserDrivers\\chromedriver.exe");
ChromeOptions options = new ChromeOptions();
WebDriver driver = new ChromeDriver(options);
Output: Chrome opens but doesn't navigates to the url.
So my questions are:
In which case can Paused in debugger error occurs?
Is it an error from the frontend development?
How can I bypass this error during the Automated Tests through Selenium?
In which cases can the Paused in debugger error occur?
Anytime you are accessing this page with the dev tools open. The debugger; line will pause javascript execution, but browsers will ignore it if the dev tools are closed.
Is it an error from the frontend development?
In this case, no--they're deliberately trying to keep you out. The purpose of this function is to pause execution and then redirect your browser to a different page if it takes longer than 100ms to resume. I would speculate that this is designed to interfere with automated crawlers like selenium, because a regular user wouldn't be affected and a human developer can just hack around it.
How can I bypass this error during the Automated Tests through Selenium?
My first recommendation would be to try running Selenium headlessly, if that's an option. If not, use the hotkey to resume execution (F8). You can use whatever method you like for generating a keypress; with the java.awt package it will look something like this:
Robot robot = null;
robot = new Robot();
catch(Exception e)
//handle failure
Remember that you have to trigger this within 100ms, so use whatever logic you like to detect the block and respond quickly. If you just want something quick and dirty, I would just make it spam F8 keypresses every 50ms for a period of time until you're certain the page has loaded.
EDIT: On further investigation, this page is extremely messy and hostile to anyone with the dev tools open. There is not one but several functions that trigger debugger;and they get called repeatedly on a timer for as long as you're on the page. Running headlessly seems like the best choice, unless you want to continue spamming F8 for the entire session.

how to locate element with selenium webdriver

After exporting a test in Visual Studio using Selenium webdriver, I execute the test case in VS and it fails when trying to locate an element in the test. The element is a tab within a page but the test case cannot find the id of the tab. This is the failing line driver.FindElement(By.Id("ui-id-14")).Click(); and I also tried to locate the element with the ClassName driver.FindElement(By.ClassName("ui-tabs-anchor")).Click(); by inspecting the element in Chrome browser but it still fails. Anyone can tell me what am I doing wrong here? Thank you in advance.
How Do you initalize you driver? A common mistake is not having a implicit wait with selenium. The driver tries to locate the element as soon as the document is ready, which is not feasible with "normal" JS applications as they are rendered after the document is ready. Try:
driver.manage().timeouts().implicitlyWait(30, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
This way the driver will try to find the element every 0.5 seconds up to 30 seconds before throwing an Exception. By the way: Welcome to stackoverflow. Please consider posting your code/code snippets, that makes analysis often easier. My suggestion is purely made from my experience with people being new to Selenium.

Selenium click() not working for microsoftEdge webdriver

I've tried the standard
var elementForMs = driver.findElement(By.xpath(selector));
driver.executeScript("arguments[0].click()", elementForMs);
var elementForMs = driver.findElement(By.css(selector));
driver.executeScript("arguments[0].click()", elementForMs);
And there are simply cases where the element never responds to the click in Microsoft Edge 15.01563.
Each driver has unique bugs. So somethings that work in Firefox, may not work in Chrome or so on. So the only way around is to find what works and use it. And if possible report the issue to the driver owner
In your case since finding the element and clicking on it doesn't work with
var elementForMs = driver.findElement(By.xpath(selector));
driver.executeScript("arguments[0].click()", elementForMs);
But works when you use javascript directly in console. that means you should execute the same in your code

issues in running selenium in internet explorer

Hi I am trying to run my selenium webdriver on IE9.
WebDriver version : 2.32.0
Below is my code:
File IEDriver=new File(System.getProperty("user.dir")+File.separator+"BrowserDrivers"+File.separator+"IEDriverServer.exe");
System.setProperty("", IEDriver.getAbsolutePath());
DesiredCapabilities cap=DesiredCapabilities.internetExplorer();
cap.setCapability(InternetExplorerDriver.INTRODUCE_FLAKINESS_BY_IGNORING_SECURITY_DOMAINS, true);
WebDriver driver=new InternetExplorerDriver(cap);
Above code logs in to my site but then when I try to click on Securities button I am not able to do it. Securities button starts flickering and then I am notified that unable to find the element.
Exception in thread "main" org.openqa.selenium.NoSuchElementException:
Unable to find element with xpath == .//span[text()='Issue Type']
(WARNING: The server did not provide any stacktrace information) –
Same code works fine in FireFox.
Please help as i am suppose to test my UI on InternetExplorer.
I think it is the version compatibility issue.
Can anyone suggest the compatible version set for IEDriverServer, Selenium WebDriver and IE which is in working condition.
As this SO answer points out, IE does not have native XPath support. Instead, Selenium WebDriver uses an old third party xpath library when IE is being used. Firefox has integrated support for XPath, which is why your selectors work fine in that browser.
I would highly recommend you update your selectors to instead use CSS selectors. They are supported across all browser, are easier to read, understand, and pick up, and they are pretty fast.
You can learn more about how to use CSS selectors from some different tuturials here, here, and here, and a CSS selectors cheatsheet.
Also, whenever possible, please try to not select an element by the text it contains. If you can select an element by its ID, class, other attribute, or even through the DOM chain (i.e. "div.1 > div.2 > span.a > a.b"), is better than trying to select an element by text.
Webdriver has difficulty with IE using locators. It seems like Murnal has difficulty using CSS locator. My advice would be you HAVE to use other locators if one doesnt work. This issue comes again and again while using non firefox browser. In the meantime an easier way to come up with alternate locator is use Firefox selenium IDE, there in the boxes where you type command you will see it gives alternate locator as well. Copy that and try plugging tha in your webdriver's findelement script.
Hi all i have found out that it was the issue of Selenium Webdriver 2.32 with IEDriver_Server2_32. After trying out permutation & Combination with latest available webdriver versions and IEDriver_Server, i have found out suitable stable configuration to work on IE9 below is the stable configuration : Webdriver : 2.33.0 IEDriver_Server : 2.33.0. There is still small issue but i am trying to look for workaround. Issue : In IE if some control's tooltip overlaps other control than IE is not able to find out that control. i guess this issue is with IEs working. IE uses nativeEvents to perform operation hence it is not able to locate that control. In FF it is able to find out that control and it is working fine. Thanks everyone.

Selenium: Can't SendKeys() to an item that was below the visible window but was made visible by Click()

I have this problem with a text field that is visible at the time of the SendKeys. I'm using IEDriverServer.exe and C#.
Here's how I can reproduce the problem:
The text field in question is visible in the window but you have to scroll down to see it. To scroll down I click on the element using code like this:
var element = driver.FindElement(By.Xpath("…"));
This scrolls the window down and makes the text field visible.
But when I try to send text to now-visible window:
I get the exception:
When_applicant_enters_application.Should_be_instantly_approved_on_external threw exception: OpenQA.Selenium.ElementNotVisibleException: Element is not displayed
How can I fix or workaround this problem?
Selenium version: 2.32.1
OS: Windows 7
Browser: IE
Browser version: 9.0.15
I've written code demonstrating the problem and submitted it to the Selenium tech support volunteers.
The full discussion is at
but the take-home is:
// Doesn't work
// driver = new InternetExplorerDriver();
// driver.Navigate().GoToUrl(#"D:\CGY\selenium\Bug5620\Bug5620\Bug5620.htm");
// Works
// driver = new FirefoxDriver();
// driver.Navigate().GoToUrl(#"D:\CGY\selenium\Bug5620\Bug5620\Bug5620.htm");
// Works
driver = new InternetExplorerDriver();
driver.Navigate().GoToUrl(#"http://localhost:8080/Bug5620/"); // Hosted on Tomcat
so there may be a problem that possibly involves IE, IE security settings, Visual Studio local servers and/or the IE Driver. This may not even be a code problem, but something that needs to be documented, since other people are apparently running into the problem.
I don't know where the problem is exactly but I do have a work-around at this point, which is to use the Firefox Driver.
Thanks for your help, Jim. If you find out a better way of dealing with the problem, please add an answer here for the other folks.