Is avoiding SQL statements in programs a good idea? - sql

I recently came across a program which is developed using sql statements in a table with a code for each statement. rather than having specific sql statements in the program itself.
So, rather than having code like this:
string query = "SELECT id, name from [Users]";
They use code like this: (simplified)
string firstQuery = "SELECT queryText from [Queries] where queryCode = 'SELECT_ALL_USERS'";
string userQuery = cmd.ExecuteQuery(firstQuery);//pretend this directly returns the result of the first query
The logic behind this as far as I've heard is that it makes the program easier to maintain as the developer is free to change the "user sql" without having to actually change the program.
However, this struck me as maybe a little counterproductive. Would this kind of code be considered a good idea?
EDIT: I'm not looking for suggestions like "use an ORM". Assume that sql queries are the only option.

In my opinion, this approach is ridiculous. There is value (maintainability, modularity) in separating as much SQL from the middle tier as possible, but to accomplish this end, I would recommend using stored procedures.

No i really dont think its a good idea to proceed further with design.
As a test or learning activity is a differetn part, but going foward with such implementations is definately not advisable.
1. We get complete modularity. The Real Business Schema can change at any time, and we do not need to modify the Running application to get the results from Different schema (Considering result Format dont change).
1. With this implementation we are firing 2 SQLs to Database each time when we want to execute 1. I/O call including DB calls are always performnace hit, and with this implementation we are doubling the performance which is definately not advisable.


Debugging SQL scripts best practices?

The situation:
When I try to make a function or stored-proc, I usually start with a plain query window with sql-code. Often, I use #tblvar local tables to hold subsets of data needed later in the script.
During my testing of the developing script, I "select" the contents of the #tblvar-tables to observe the data to make sure it is correct for the scenario being tested.
Then, when I have debugged the complex query I then place that working code into a new stored-proc or user-defined-function.
But first, I need to "remove" or "comment-out" those "select #tblvar-tables" sentences.
I do this using the following sample/example code:
SELECT '#tblvarCostsAll_1' AS 'QueryName', * FROM #tblvarCostsAll WHERE (UID_VEHICLE IN (1628,1638,1672)) ORDER BY DATE_RANGE_CODE, UID_VGROUP, UID_VEHICLE;
It becomes simple for me to "search/find" the phrase "--DEBUG_" and adjust the commenting process by joining the separate --DEBUG_SELECT-line with the adjacent SELECT-line.
The Question...
Is there a best practice in how to develop good SQL code from queries to udf-functions and usp-stored-procs?

Pure SQL queries in Rails view?

I am asked to display some sort of data in my Rails App view with pure SQL query without help of ActiveRecord. This is done for the Application owner to be able to implement some third-party reporting tool (Pentaho or something).
I am bad in SQL and I am not really sure if that is even possible to do something similar. Does anyone have any suggestions?
If you must drop down to pure SQL, you can make life more pleasant by using 'find by sql':
bundy = MyModel.find_by_sql("SELECT as id, my_articles.title as title from my_models, my_articles WHERE foo = 3 AND ... ...")
or similar. This will give you familiar objects which you can access using dot notation as you'd expect. The elements in the SELECT clause are available, as long as you use 'as' with compound parameters to give them a handle:
puts bundy.title
To find out what all the results are for a row, you can use 'attributes':
Also you can construct your queries using ActiveRecord, then call 'to_sql' to give you the raw SQL you're using.
sql = MyModel.joins(:my_article).where(id: [1,2,3,4,5]).to_sql
for example.
Then you could call:
Better, though, may be to just use ActiveRecord, then pass the result of 'to_sql' into whatever the reporting tool is that you need to use with it. Then your code maintains its portability and maintainability.

how to update field names automatically after updating SQL

I am changing the command text for a data set inside the .rdl ffile:
I would like to know how can I update the resulting fields that are returned by the select statement:
I know that these fields must be automatically generated, so I was wondering if it's possible to update them right after editing the SQL code inline??
Usually when someone wants to have a look at the data in command text they are wanting it for reference to an end user(from what I have seen). You may want to amend it but ultimately with reporting your first goal should be: "What am I doing this for?" If your goal is dynamic creation at runtime then I would avoid this and offer a few other suggestions:
Procertize it. Making a stored procedure if you have the know how in SQL Server is a convenient and fast way to get what you want and you can optimize it if you know what you are doing with your SQL FU to get good results. The downside would be if you work with multiple environments you have to deploy your code for the TSQL as well as the RDL file.
Use an expression to build the dataset at runtime. In cases where I have been told that the query itself was not properly optimized by other developers they have mentioned doing this. I myself do not always see the advantage of doing this versus just having your predicate construction work well with good indexing on the source engine. Regardless you can build your dataset at runtime. It would be similar to hitting 'fx' next to the text and then putting in something like this(assuming you have a variable named #Start):
="Select thing
from table
Where >= " & Parameters!Start.Value
Again I have not really seen if this is really that much faster than:
Select thing
from table
Where >= #Start
But it is there if you just want to build it dynamically.
You can try to build your expression dynamically from parameters being PART of the select statement. SSRS is all about the 'expressions' and what you can do with them. Once you jump in and learn how they apply to everything you can go nuts so to speak on using them. A general rule though is the more of them you use and rely on the slower your reports will become.
I hope some of this may help, I would ask first is something dynamic due to a need to be event driven or is performance related.

Is this method of building dynamic SQL vulnerable to SQL injection or bad for performance?

I would like to build a safe dynamic select statement that can handle multiple WHERE clauses.
For example the base SQL would look like:
SELECT * FROM Books Where Type='Novel'
I would pass the function something like:
SafeDynamicSQL("author,=,Herman Melville","pages,>,1000");
Which would sanitize inputs and concatenate like:
SELECT * FROM Books Where Type='Novel' AND author=#author AND pages>#pages
The function would sanitize the column name by checking against an array of predefined column names. The operator would only be allowed to be >,<,=. The value would be added as a normal paramater.
Would this still be vulnerable to SQL injection?
There will be some string manipulation and small loops which will affect performance but my thoughts are that this will only take a few milliseconds compared to the request which on average take 200ms. Would this tax the server more than I am thinking if these requests are made about once a second?
I know this isn't best practice by any means, but it will greatly speed up development. Please give me any other reasons why this could be a bad idea.
It looks like you're reinventing any number of existing ORM solutions which offer a similar API for creating WHERE clauses.
The answer to your question hinges on what you mean by "The value would be added as a normal paramater." If by that you mean performing string concatenation to produce the string you showed then yes, that would still be subject to SQL injection attack. If you mean using an actual parameterized query then you would be safe. In the later case, you would produce something like
SELECT * FROM Books Where Type='Novel' AND author=? AND pages > ?
and then bind that to a list of values like ['Herman Melville', 1000]. Exactly what it would look like depends on what programming language you're using.
Finally, if you pursue this path I would strongly recommend changing from comma-delimited arguments to three separate arguments, you'd save yourself a lot of programming time.
Pretty much any code that appends together (or interpolates) strings to create SQL is bad form from a security point of view, and is probably subject to some SQLi attack vector. Just use bound parameters and avoid the entire problem; avoiding SQL injection is super-easy.

Is there some way to inject SQL even if the ' character is deleted?

If I remove all the ' characters from a SQL query, is there some other way to do a SQL injection attack on the database?
How can it be done? Can anyone give me examples?
Yes, there is. An excerpt from Wikipedia
"SELECT * FROM data WHERE id = " + a_variable + ";"
It is clear from this statement that the author intended a_variable to be a number correlating to the "id" field. However, if it is in fact a string then the end user may manipulate the statement as they choose, thereby bypassing the need for escape characters. For example, setting a_variable to
1;DROP TABLE users
will drop (delete) the "users" table from the database, since the SQL would be rendered as follows:
SQL injection is not a simple attack to fight. I would do very careful research if I were you.
Yes, depending on the statement you are using. You are better off protecting yourself either by using Stored Procedures, or at least parameterised queries.
See Wikipedia for prevention samples.
I suggest you pass the variables as parameters, and not build your own SQL. Otherwise there will allways be a way to do a SQL injection, in manners that we currently are unaware off.
The code you create is then something like:
' Not Tested
var sql = "SELECT * FROM data WHERE id = #id";
var cmd = new SqlCommand(sql, myConnection);
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("#id", request.getParameter("id"));
If you have a name like mine with an ' in it. It is very annoying that all '-characters are removed or marked as invalid.
You also might want to look at this Stackoverflow question about SQL Injections.
Yes, it is definitely possible.
If you have a form where you expect an integer to make your next SELECT statement, then you can enter anything similar:
SELECT * FROM thingy WHERE attributeID=
5 (good answer, no problem)
5; DROP table users; (bad, bad, bad...)
The following website details further classical SQL injection technics: SQL Injection cheat sheet.
Using parametrized queries or stored procedures is not any better. These are just pre-made queries using the passed parameters, which can be source of injection just as well. It is also described on this page: Attacking Stored Procedures in SQL.
Now, if you supress the simple quote, you prevent only a given set of attack. But not all of them.
As always, do not trust data coming from the outside. Filter them at these 3 levels:
Interface level for obvious stuff (a drop down select list is better than a free text field)
Logical level for checks related to data nature (int, string, length), permissions (can this type of data be used by this user at this page)...
Database access level (escape simple quote...).
Have fun and don't forget to check Wikipedia for answers.
Parameterized inline SQL or parameterized stored procedures is the best way to protect yourself. As others have pointed out, simply stripping/escaping the single quote character is not enough.
You will notice that I specifically talk about "parameterized" stored procedures. Simply using a stored procedure is not enough either if you revert to concatenating the procedure's passed parameters together. In other words, wrapping the exact same vulnerable SQL statement in a stored procedure does not make it any safer. You need to use parameters in your stored procedure just like you would with inline SQL.
Also- even if you do just look for the apostrophe, you don't want to remove it. You want to escape it. You do that by replacing every apostrophe with two apostrophes.
But parameterized queries/stored procedures are so much better.
Since this a relatively older question, I wont bother writing up a complete and comprehensive answer, since most aspects of that answer have been mentioned here by one poster or another.
I do find it necessary, however, to bring up another issue that was not touched on by anyone here - SQL Smuggling. In certain situations, it is possible to "smuggle" the quote character ' into your query even if you tried to remove it. In fact, this may be possible even if you used proper commands, parameters, Stored Procedures, etc.
Check out the full research paper at (disclosure, I was the primary researcher on this) or just google "SQL Smuggling".
. . . uh about 50000000 other ways
maybe somthing like 5; drop table employees; --
resulting sql may be something like:
select * from somewhere where number = 5; drop table employees; -- and sadfsf
(-- starts a comment)
Yes, absolutely: depending on your SQL dialect and such, there are many ways to achieve injection that do not use the apostrophe.
The only reliable defense against SQL injection attacks is using the parameterized SQL statement support offered by your database interface.
Rather that trying to figure out which characters to filter out, I'd stick to parametrized queries instead, and remove the problem entirely.
It depends on how you put together the query, but in essence yes.
For example, in Java if you were to do this (deliberately egregious example):
String query = "SELECT name_ from Customer WHERE ID = " + request.getParameter("id");
then there's a good chance you are opening yourself up to an injection attack.
Java has some useful tools to protect against these, such as PreparedStatements (where you pass in a string like "SELECT name_ from Customer WHERE ID = ?" and the JDBC layer handles escapes while replacing the ? tokens for you), but some other languages are not so helpful for this.
Thing is apostrophe's maybe genuine input and you have to escape them by doubling them up when you are using inline SQL in your code. What you are looking for is a regex pattern like:
A semi colon used to prematurely end the genuine statement, some injected SQL followed by a double hyphen to comment out the trailing SQL from the original genuine statement. The hyphens may be omitted in the attack.
Therefore the answer is: No, simply removing apostrophes does not gaurantee you safety from SQL Injection.
I can only repeat what others have said. Parametrized SQL is the way to go. Sure, it is a bit of a pain in the butt coding it - but once you have done it once, then it isn't difficult to cut and paste that code, and making the modifications you need. We have a lot of .Net applications that allow web site visitors specify a whole range of search criteria, and the code builds the SQL Select statement on the fly - but everything that could have been entered by a user goes into a parameter.
When you are expecting a numeric parameter, you should always be validating the input to make sure it's numeric. Beyond helping to protect against injection, the validation step will make the app more user friendly.
If you ever receive id = "hello" when you expected id = 1044, it's always better to return a useful error to the user instead of letting the database return an error.