Save the modified Property file inside WAR deployed on server - apache

We are trying to use Apache PropertiesConfiguration in our project using JSF and JBoss.
My property file is located inside a package say demo.prop by the name of Prop1.prop
Inside my WAR file the same is present under /WEB-INF/classes/demo/prop/Prop1.prop
I am able to fetch the property file. So when I try to extract a string from the property file using
PropertiesConfiguration pc1=new PropertiesConfiguration(a);
String s1=(String)pc1.getProperty("User_Name");
I am able to get the proper string. Using set property method I am able to set the property also.
pc1.setProperty("User_Name", "hardcodedString");
But I am not able to save the FILE back to this location. No matter what I do it is not able to save the file using
Can anyone please try to tell me how can I save this file back to its original location so that the changes done in the property file remain as it is.

Modifying the WAR file is a bad idea (for example, some web servers may notice the file
modification an redeploy your app, there may be problems when the server explodes the war on deployment etc.)
I would suggest applying an alternative approach - some possibilities are:
Place the properties in a database table, so they can be easily modified
Use an external properties file for overriding your "Prop1.prop" file settings. You can pull this off for example as follows. Assume that the default property values are bundled in your WAR and the modified values are saved to some other path, which is defined using a system property - let say it's called CONFIG_LOCATION. Now after loading your properties from the bundle you read them also from this external "overrides.prop" file - this overrides your defaults from "Prop1.prop":
PropertiesConfiguration pc1=new PropertiesConfiguration(a);
try(FileReader propReader = new FileReader(System.getenv().get("CONFIG_FILES") +"/overrides.prop"){
When you need to save changes, you do that to "overrides.prop" - this will save all
the properties, not only the changed ones, but that should have no negative effects.


How to build with a custom eglfs cursor atlas?

I'm trying to change the eglfs mouse cursor graphics for my embedded linux QT application (QT5.5). I have the new cursor atlas PNG and the new JSON descriptor file, but the documentation is rather vague:
".. a custom cursor atlas can be provided by setting the QT_QPA_EGLFS_CURSOR environment variable to the name of a JSON file. The file can also be embedded into the application via Qt's resource system."
I'd prefer to keep everything within the resource system if possible but I can't work out how to do it.. do I need a specific qrc file containing the path to the JSON file? I assume that the PNG file would also need to be added as a resource so that it gets built into the application?
If adding it via the resource system is a bad idea where's the correct place to set the QT_QPA_EGLFS_CURSOR environment variable? I'm currently specifying the platform on the command line via "-platform eglfs"; will this be ok or will I need to set the platform to eglfs in the build?
After much trial, error and digging around I have found the solution that I was looking for within the resource system.
Create a new resource file called "cursor.qrc", the contents of which needs to be two lines:
The first line (path to your cursor atlas) must be relative to your resource directory.
You then need to put the JSON file (contents as described in the documentation) in the root of your resource directory. It must be called "cursor.json", and its image location line must must match the location in your new resource file and be of the format:
"image": ":/path/to/your/custom-cursor-atlas.png",
This will then include your cursor atlas in resources, and Qt will find it when your application starts.
Run time solution example:
export QT_QPA_EGLFS_CURSOR=~/cursor.json
In the cursor.json:
"image": "cursor.png",
Put your custom cursor.png atlas into your home dir (~) then run the Qt app from there.

How to load different configs for MoxieManager

I use Moxiemanager as a standalone plugin (just including moxman.loader.min.js).
This file calls api.php, where MOXMAN class initialises with default config.php file.
// Load default config
if (!isset($moxieManagerConfig)) {
$moxieManagerConfig = array();
require_once(MOXMAN_ROOT . '/config.php');
What would be the best way to pick different configs for different pages?
For example on 1 page i would like to change autoformat rules and on another change folder path.
Can i pass a parameter somehow? Or define a constant?
Ok, i found that the easiest way would be just to have a separate folder for images with mc_access file where we can redefine the settings.
Create a folder
Set rootpath to this folder in js
Put ms_access file with redefined settings.

How do I get the XCode Project URL programmatically?

I'm curious if there is a way to programmatically get the location of the .xcodeproj package within an Objective-C (or Swift) class contained within that package. I'd like to make a simple utility that puts files directly into the containing folder based on various app events, but I would rather avoid hard coding the path.
Essentially I want to create a target (and a reusable class) that builds swift files for NSManagedObject subclasses based on the Core Data model present in the app.
I found out the trick here is to add an item to your plist file that contains value ${PROJECT_DIR}, then you can get the location in your code with
var projectPath = NSBundle.mainBundle().infoDictionary.objectForKey("com.myapp.project_dir") as String
This assumes the plist key is "com.myapp.project_dir", of course.

Unraveling the confusion about Embedded Resources

EDIT: Read answer number 1 from Tim Schmelter and then use this question for examples of how to embed resources and access them at runtime.
The subject of embedded resources comes up a lot, especially with people asking how to access the embedded files at runtime. Things get more confusing because Visual Studio gives you 2 different ways of embedding a resource, and different ways of accessing those resources at runtime. The problem is that depending on which method you used to embed the resource, the method you’re trying to use to access the file at runtime might not work. This post is an attempt to clear up all the confusion that I see out there, but I also have a question that nobody can seem to answer factually: Why is the size of my compiled program TWICE the size of the embedded resource (sometimes)? For example if I embed a 20MB file into my project, why does my program compile to 40MB? I haves asked this question in the past and nobody was able to reproduce my results. I found that the reason they were not able to reproduce was because they were embedding the file in a different way. See here:
Method 1:
Double-click on My Project to open the property pages and go to the Resources Tab. Now click Add Resource > Add Existing File. Browse to the file you want to embed. For this example I’m using an executable. You will now see your file on the Resources Tab:
You will also see that a folder named Resources was created under your project and the embedded file has been placed in this folder:
Now with the file selected, look down at the properties window for the file and change the build action to Embedded Resource: (this step should ONLY be performed when you add a file via method 2).
Now compile your program. You will see that the size of your compiled program is at least double the size of your embedded resource. This does not happen with method 2. See here:
Method 2:
Right-click on your project name and choose Add > Existing Item. Browse to your file, and this time you will notice that while it was indeed placed under your project, there was no Resources folder created:
Now once again select the file and change the Build Action to Embedded Resource and compile. This time the size of the compiled program will be as you expected - about the size of the embedded file and not double the size as with method 1.
Which method you use to embed your file will determine which method you can use to access the file at runtime. For method 1 this is very simple, all you have to do is:
My.Computer.FileSystem.WriteAllBytes(Path, My.Resources.ResourceName, Append)
Where Path is the location and name for the file you want to save on the harddrive, ResourceName is the name of the embedded resource that you see in the project window (minus any extension), and Append is whether or not you want to create a new file or overwrite an existing file. So for example, using test.exe from the above images, I could save that file to the C drive like this:
My.Computer.FileSystem.WriteAllBytes(“C:\test.exe”, My.Resources.test, False)
Couldn’t be easier.
Method 2 however doesn’t appear to give you access to My.Resources so it gets a little more complicated. You have to create a Stream to hold the resource, put the stream into a byte array, then write the bytes out to the file system. The simplest way I have found to do this is like this:
Using s As Stream = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().GetManifestResourceStream(Project.ResourceName)
Dim bytes(s.Length) As Byte
s.Read(bytes, 0, bytes.Length)
File.WriteAllBytes(OutputFile, bytes)
End Using
With this method ResourceName must contain the file extension AND project name so using our example from above we can just do:
Using s As Stream = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().GetManifestResourceStream(WindowsApplication1.test.exe)
Dim bytes(s.Length) As Byte
s.Read(bytes, 0, bytes.Length)
File.WriteAllBytes(“C:\test.exe”, bytes)
End Using
Text-based files are a little different:
Dim output As String
Using sr As StreamReader = New StreamReader(Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().GetManifestResourceStream(WindowsApplication1.test.txt))
output = sr.ReadToEnd()
End Using
Using sw As StreamWriter = New StreamWriter(“C:\test.txt”)
End Using
Having struggled with this in the past I hope this will help someone. And if you think you can explain factually why method 1 of embedding a resource bloats my compiled program to double its size, I would really appreciate it.
I assume that Method 1 is adding the files twice.
At least that is the conclusion of the thread above.
You went to the Resources page of the project properties and added the files there, right? You then went into the Solution Explorer and change the Build Action of the files to Embedded Resource, right? That's why you were doubling the file size: you were adding each file twice.
There are two different ways to add resources: on the Resources page of the project properties and in the Solution Explorer. You do NOT do both. If you want to use GetManifestResourcestream then you do NOT use the Resources page. You add the files to the project in the Solution Explorer manually, then you set the Build Action to Embedded Resource.
In future, do one or the other, not both.
Add a file to the Resources page of the project properties and then access it via My.Resources. This will automatically add the file to the project in the Solution Explorer but the Build Action will be None and it should be left that way.
Add the file to the project in the Solution Explorer by using Add New Item or Add Existing Item. Set the Build Action of the file to Embedded Resource and then access the resource using GetManifestResourceStream.
Just an update for anyone who wants to use this code. The code actually writes one additional byte to the file due to zero-based declaration of the byte array.
To get an exact copy of the original file change the code to:
Using s As Stream = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().GetManifestResourceStream(WindowsApplication1.test.exe)
Dim bytes(s.Length-1) As Byte
s.Read(bytes, 0, bytes.Length)
File.WriteAllBytes(“C:\test.exe”, bytes)
End Using

ActionScript 2 load another SWF that loads other files - relative path/url problem

Few facts first:
1. I can only use ActionScript 2.
2. All files are within the same domain (i.e "").
I have a loader SWF which acts as a selection tool ("auto_magic.swf") located at "/" in the website (the root folder).
A User selects the tool he needs (it's a mechanical diagnostic system) and the main movie loads it (currently I use loadMovie() - suggest else if needed).
That tool is located at "/tools/[tools_name]/tool_main.swf".
Now, the "tool_main.swf" is loading just fine.
The problem is that "tool_main.swf" needs to load other files located in its folder, so for example it tries to load "config.xml", BUT Flash isn't looking for "config.xml" in the tool's dedicated folder - instead it's looking for this file at the root folder "/" where "auto_magic.swf" is located, probably because the movie's main swf is coming from there.
To make it even worst I cannot modify the tool's SWF ("tool_main.swf") because it's coming from a third party.
Is there any solution? As far as I see this I need one of these solutions;
1. Be able to set the base url of the loaded swf.
2. *Change* the whole movie's base url at run-time because it needs to load several tools from different folders.
Trying to solve this for several good hours. Help will be highly appriciated!
relative paths are always relative to where the main swf exists. so as your load chain expands, '/' always refers to the location of the Main.swf.
in AS2, you can inspect a swfs _url property to determine its fully qualified url location, and determine its parent folder.
In the AS2 child swf, you can use this:
var myfolder = this._url.slice(0, this._url.lastIndexOf('/') + 1);
and then use that to load in further assets relative to itself.
hope that helps.