" rake aborted! unknown attribute: date " while running rake db:seed - ruby-on-rails-3

rake aborted!
unknown attribute: date
I am finally able to migrate my database content but encounter this unfortunate error.
Is it because the date attributes are older than the actual new database or something? Date is not specifically defined in my model but obviously the data was in the old database before and def not manually entered. I think t.timestamp takes care of that initialization, so i guess the question is why I cannot seed into my database? Any ideas
My seed file looks something like this:
{ :name => "general", :date => "2012-11-09 17:36:25" },

Looks like your Indication model does not have a date field. Do you need to create a migration to add one?

So just in case someone encounters the same problem, here is my solution:
My seed:dump had extracted the data in this case "2012-11-09 17:36:25" and assigned it the variable "date". While I am still not sure why this happened it has to do with the t.timestamp command.
t.timestamp creates 2 variables:
The side file had the 2012-11-09 17:36:25 as "date" variable, which is a reasonable guess based on the format, but nevertheless it is wrong for the Rails application standard. My tables had only two variables that were datetime format which are the ones I named above.
I opened the seeds file and replaced all the ":date" for ":created_at" and it solved the problem. updated_at then acquired the value automatically (updated at was not transferred from my old database to this new one).
The created_as data did transfer and was correct. updated_at acquired the same value in all the data (I noticed it was the date and time and performed the rake db:seed:load command.


How can I get Rails 5 to play nicely with a primary key that has a period in it?

I'm working with a database I have no control over, and cannot make alterations to. This database has a table called warehouse_items. Each warehouse item is uniquely identified by a primary key indicating the item id.
Unfortunately, that primary key attribute is named WAREHOUSE_ITEM.ID
(Note the obnoxious period between "item" and "id")
When I try to run a basic query, such as:
I get an Undefined Table error.
Fortunately, when looking at what Rails is attempting to do, the problem becomes obvious:
: SELECT "warehouse_items".* FROM "warehouse_items" WHERE "WAREHOUSE_ITEM"."ID" = $1 LIMIT $2
Because of the period in the attribute name, Rails is treating "WAREHOUSE_ITEM.ID" as a table/attribute combination, rather than an attribute name with a period in it.
When I run the following PSQL query by hand, I get exactly what I need:
SELECT "warehouse_items".* FROM "warehouse_items" WHERE "warehouse_items"."WAREHOUSE_ITEM.ID" = 'wh3453'
Why is Rails screwing this up, and how can I fix it?
Also worth noting: I've tried using self.primary_key to override the primary key to no avail.
I've tried both a string and a symbol, as in:
Neither one has worked...
Thanks for all the help, everyone!
A suggestion in the comments to use find_by_sql does work! However, I stumbled onto a different solution that works even better.
First, I aliased the annoying attribute name to something simple: id
alias_attribute :id, :"WAREHOUSE_ITEM.ID"
Notice that it's still a symbol, which is important for the next step.
I then overwrite the primary_key method with a custom function:
def self.primary_key
return "id"
Now, when I do WarehouseItem.find('wh3453'), Rails defaults to checking id, which is aliased to the correct symbol and it works as intended!!!

Time.now.beginning_of_year does not start at the beginning of the year

Trying to get records that were created this year, I stumbled upon this great question. The second answer says you get all records from a model that were created today by saying:
Model.where("created_at >= ?", Time.now.beginning_of_day)
So, naturally, I tried the same thing with Time.now.beginning_of_year, and it works just fine.
However, what struck me as interesting is that the outputted query (I tried it in the console) is
SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `invoices` WHERE (created_at >= '2012-12-31 23:00:00')
I wasn't aware that 2013 already began at 2012-12-31 23:00:00? How's that?
If you haven't set it yet, you should set your timezone in the config/application.rb file. Look for the line that begins with config.time_zone. (If you aren't sure what value to give, you can run rake time:zones:all to get a list of all available timezones.)
Once you've set your timezone, you should use Time.zone.now, as opposed to Time.now. This will properly "scope" your times to your timezone.
Check the API for more details on TimeWithZone.

time_zone select in Rails without region

I am trying to use the time_zone_select helper with Rails which outputs the select
<%= f.time_zone_select(:time_zone) %>
HTML output is:
<option value="Belgrade">(GMT+01:00) Belgrade</option>
All my timezones I have been calculated using a separate rake task that has stored the time zone as a string in my database in the format of:
This causes issues with editing the record as the time_zone_select doesn't store the values with the region. What am I doing wrong or what can I do to get around this?
**More info****
This rake task I have created creates and stores time zones using ActiveSupport::TimeZone.
When I create a time zone object, the name attribute returns a string "Europe/Belgrade" but the time zone helper expects this value to be "Belgrade"

Rails generated query result is empty, but returns value in Postgres

I'm having a strange problem in Rails with a Postgres query.
The query looks something like this:
:conditions => ["
weekly_planner_events.time_start =
date_part('epoch', to_timestamp(?)::timestamptz at time zone 'CDT')",
Time.local(Time.now.year, Time.now.month, Time.now.day).to_i
This generates (as I can view in the console), the following SQL statement:
SELECT "recipes".* FROM "recipes"
INNER JOIN "weekly_planner_events" ON "recipes"."id" = "weekly_planner_events"."recipe_id"
WHERE "weekly_planner_events"."weekly_planner_id" = 2
AND (weekly_planner_events.time_start = date_part('epoch', to_timestamp(1347426000)::timestamptz at time zone 'CDT'))
My problem is that the generated SQL statement works well on psql or pgAdmin, but on rails it returns an empty array. That is, if I copy and paste it as is on a postgres console, it works perfectly fine, but when I run it on the Rails console, it returns nothing, and I have no idea why its happening.
I've tried the following:
Parametrizing 'epoch' and 'CDT'/timezone (in order to remove 's
Switching to a where statement, with the same condition
Passing the variables with #{}s
Doing the search without the date_part('epoch', [float]) function works fine in Rails, but its obviously not the result I need.
I'm finding this issue quite confusing, if there is any other data you need please let me know and I will edit the post.
Thank you.
Maybe when you are using the find_or_create method it is using the create action, so you create a new WeeklyPlanner for a user, and this brand new WeeklyPlanner doesn't have recipes attached to it because it has just been created.
When you go to psql, you probably use a existent WeeklyPlanner.
But this is just a guess.

Rails 3 & i18n: "Object must be a Date, DateTime or Time object" error

I am trying to translate my Rails 3 application, read the primer at http://guides.rubyonrails.org/i18n.html#adding-date-time-formats and subsequently downloaded the corresponding yml file from https://github.com/svenfuchs/rails-i18n/tree/master/rails/locale (de.yml in my case).
In one of my views I had this code (some_model#index) ...
<td><%= time_ago_in_words(some_model.created_at) %></td>
... which I changed in ...
<td><%=l time_ago_in_words(some_model.created_at) %></td>.
Unfortunately this gives me this error:
Object must be a Date, DateTime or Time object. "etwa ein Monat" given.
Any idea why this fails? The created_at column has been created in the database via standard Rails scaffolding (database is mysql using mysql2 gem).
If I strip the time_ago_in_words helper from the code ...
<td><%=l some_model.created_at %></td>.
... the translation works - but the datetime now is of course too long for my <td>.
I also tried to duplicated the distance_in_words section of the de.yml and rename it to time_ago_in_words but this did not work either.
Am I missing something obvious?
OK, there are 2 different methods in play here :
the l method takes a Date, a Time or a DateTime object and returns a formatted version based on your I18n rules.
the time_ago_words takes the same arguments and uses I18n to spit out a formatted string.
In your example, you're trying to use both! Put simply, all you need is <%= time_ago_in_words(some_model.created_at) %>.