Save to an ArrayList of a model object - arraylist

I am using Play Framework 2.0.4 and in my model class one of the variables is an Array List<Long> datatype, declared here:
public List<Long> associateBooks = new ArrayList<Long>();
I have a view template that invokes a controller method with two Long values that represent the id's of two different objects of the same model type.
GET /addAssociate/:oID/:id controllers.Application.addAssociate(oID: Long, id: Long)
The controller method invoked:
public static Result addAssociate(Long oID, Long id) {
Book.addAssociate(oID, id);
return redirect(routes.Application.index());
I know the controller method is performing its action because I get redirected to the index page and I know it receives the values because the URL changes as expected.
The problem lies in the Book model method addAssociate shown below.
public static void addAssociate(Long oID, Long match) {
List<Book> allBooks = new ArrayList<Book>();
allBooks = find.all();
for(Book book: allBooks) {
if( == oID) {
In this method I want to go through all book objects and if the id matches the value of the variable oID passed from the view to the controller I want to add the value of match (the other arguement) to the associateBooks list (of type Long) that belongs to each journey object. I then try and save the changes to the object being considered during this iteration. The problem is the list associateBooks still seems to be empty when I print it out on other view templates.
Update: Even if I remove the condition it still doesn't add anything to the list.

If you want to save your list of associated books, maybe you would like to follow this:
NOTE: I suggest to create additional table named book_associated. It look like this
|book_id |associated_book_id |
|1 |2 |
|1 |3 |
It means that book with ID 1 associated with book with ID 2 and 3
But, this has a disadvantages if Book 1 is associated with Book 2 we cannot determine if Book 2 is also associated with Book 1 because it didn't declared on the table.
So on your model should look like below:
#Table(name = "book")
public class Book extends Model {
public Long id;
// other fields
#JoinColumn(name="book_id", referencedColumnName="id"),
#JoinColumn(name="associated_book_id", referencedColumnName="id")
public List<Book> associateBooks = new ArrayList<>();
// other methods and finder
Here you can save all your list of associated book of any book. This is for your reference about Many-to-Many relation on java :


DDD, Aggregate Root and entities in library application scenario

I'm building a library application. Let's assume that we have a requirement to let registered people in the library to borrow a book for some default period of time (4 weeks).
I started to model my domain with an AggregateRoot called Loan with code below:
public class Loan : AggregateRoot<long>
public static int DefaultLoanPeriodInDays = 30;
private readonly long _bookId;
private readonly long _userId;
private readonly DateTime _endDate;
private bool _active;
private Book _book;
private RegisteredLibraryUser _user;
public Book Book => _book;
public RegisteredLibraryUser User => _user;
public DateTime EndDate => _endDate;
public bool Active => _active;
private Loan(long bookId, long userId, DateTime endDate)
_bookId = bookId;
_userId = userId;
_endDate = endDate;
_active = true;
public static Loan Create(long bookId, long userId)
var endDate = DateTime.UtcNow.AddDays(DefaultLoanPeriodInDays);
var loan = new Loan(bookId, userId, endDate);
loan.AddDomainEvent(new LoanCreatedEvent(bookId, userId, endDate));
return loan;
public void EndLoan()
if (!Active)
throw new LoanNotActiveException(Id);
_active = false;
AddDomainEvent(new LoanFinishedEvent(Id));
And my Book entity looks like this:
public class Book : Entity<long>
private BookInformation _bookInformation;
private bool _inStock;
public BookInformation BookInformation => _bookInformation;
public bool InStock => _inStock;
private Book(BookInformation bookInformation)
_bookInformation = bookInformation;
_inStock = true;
public static Book Create(string title, string author, string subject, string isbn)
var bookInformation = new BookInformation(title, author, subject, isbn);
var book = new Book(bookInformation);
book.AddDomainEvent(new BookCreatedEvent(bookInformation));
return book;
public void Borrow()
if (!InStock)
throw new BookAlreadyBorrowedException();
_inStock = false;
AddDomainEvent(new BookBorrowedEvent(Id));
public void Return()
if (InStock)
throw new BookNotBorrowedException(Id);
_inStock = true;
AddDomainEvent(new BookReturnedBackEvent(Id, DateTime.UtcNow));
As you can see I'm using a static factory method for creating my Loan aggregate root where I'm passing an identity of the borrowing book and the user identity who is going to borrow it. Should I pass here the references to these objects (book and user) instead of ids? Which approach is better? As you can see my Book entity has also a property which indicates the availability of a book (InStock property). Should I update this property in the next use-case, for example in the handler of LoadCreatedEvent? Or should it be updated here within my AggregateRoot? If it should be updated here inside my aggregate I should pass the entire book reference instead of just an ID to be able to call it's method _book.Borrow().
I'm stuck at this point because I would like to do it pretty correct with the DDD approach. Or am I starting to do it from the wrong side and I'm missing something or thinking in a wrong way of it?
DomainEvents are in-memory events that are handled within the same domain.
You commit or rollback the entire "Transaction" together. Consider Domain Event as a DTO, which needs to hold all the information related to what just happened in the domain. So, as long as you have that information I do not think it matters if you pass Id, or the entire object.
I would go for passing the id in the domain event though as that information is sufficient to pass on the information to the DomainEventHandler.
Also, refer to this example of a similar scenario in Microsoft Docs, where they only pass UserId and CardTypeId along with all the other relevant information in the Domain event.
public class OrderStartedDomainEvent : INotification {
public string UserId { get; }
public int CardTypeId { get; }
public string CardNumber { get; }
public string CardSecurityNumber { get; }
public string CardHolderName { get; }
public DateTime CardExpiration { get; }
public Order Order { get; }
public OrderStartedDomainEvent(Order order,
int cardTypeId, string cardNumber,
string cardSecurityNumber, string cardHolderName,
DateTime cardExpiration)
Order = order;
CardTypeId = cardTypeId;
CardNumber = cardNumber;
CardSecurityNumber = cardSecurityNumber;
CardHolderName = cardHolderName;
CardExpiration = cardExpiration;
} }
There are a couple of things that look suspicious in your sample code:
The first one, Loan does the following:
but it doesn't have a reference to Book and, at first sight, it doesn't seem it should either.
The second one, your Book entity seems to have many responsibilities: hold book information like Author, title, subject, hold stock information, and manage the Borrowing state. This is far too many responsibilities for an aggregate, let alone for an entity within an aggregate. Which also begs the question, does a Book really belong to a Loan? it seems strange.
I would recommend, rethinking your aggregates and try to give them a single purpose. What follows is purely as an example on the type of thinking that you could do, not a proposed design:
First, it makes sense to have a Book somewhere, which holds the book information. You can manage book information and Author information completely independent from the rest of the system. In fact, this part would look pretty much the same for a book store, a library, a publishing company, and an e-commerce site.
As you are modeling a Library, it probably makes sense to have something like LibraryItem (domain experts will know the right word for this). This item might have a type (book, DVD, magazine, etc) and the id of the actual item, but it doesn't care about the Title, Description, etc. with the Id is enough. Potentially, it also stores the location/sorting of the item with the library. Also, this Item might have some sort of Status, let's say Active/Retired. If it's Active, the item exists in the Library. If it's Retired, it doesn't exist anymore. If you have multiple items of the same book, you'll simply create more Items with the same BookId and if it's possible to identify the concrete physical book, with a bar code, for example, each Item will have that unique code, so you can find it by scanning the bar code.
Now a Loan, to me, it's basically an ItemId plus a CustomerId (not sure if they are called customers in this domain). Every time a Customer wants to borrow an Item, the user will find the Item (maybe scanning the bar code), and find the Customer. At this point you have to create the Loan with the CustomerId, ItemId, date and not a lot more I would say. This could be an aggregate on itself or simply be managed by the Item. Depending on what you chose the implementation will vary obviously. Note that you don't reuse Loans. You'll have somewhere a list of Loans that you can query and this list won't be inside the Item aggregate. This aggregate only needs to make sure that 2 loans of the same item are not allowed at the same time.
Well, that was a rather long preliminary explanation to answer your question: you need to manage the InStock in the same aggregate that allows you to Borrow a book. It has to be transactional, because you want to ensure that a book is not borrowed multiple times at once. But instead of passing one aggregate to the other, design your aggregates so that they have the right data and responsibilities together.

NHibernate 4 child collection saved, but not re-loaded

I've got an NHibernate 4 project with several collection relationships. I'm unit-testing the object model, exercising all the collections. Most work fine, but in one case, the child collection is cascade-saved properly, but on loading the parent entity and examining the collection property, the child collection is empty.
Here are the abbreviated classes. GatewayUser is the parent object, and it has a collection of Student. The collection has a private backing property, and AddStudent/RemoveStudent methods.
Further complications: I'm using the NHibernate.AspNet.Identity library for OAuth2 user management, and GatewayUser inherits from IdentityUser. That in turn inherits from the the library's internal base entity class, which is different from my project's own base class.
public class GatewayUser : IdentityUser
public GatewayUser()
public virtual string FirstName { get; set; }
// ...More value properties and OAuth stuff omitted
// students associated with this user
private IList<Student> _students = new List<Student>();
public virtual IList<Student> Students
get { return new ReadOnlyCollection<Student>(_students); }
public virtual GatewayUser AddStudent(Student s)
if (_students.Contains(s))
return this;
s.GatewayUser = this;
return this;
public virtual GatewayUser RemoveStudent(Student s)
if (_students.Contains(s))
return this;
Student is more ordinary; it inherits from my own BaseEntity class, has many value properties, and its own child collection of ProgramApplication items. Interestingly, this collection saves and loads fine; it's got the same structure (private backer, etc.) as the failing collection in GatewayUser.
The mapping is complicated, because the library internally maps its classes with NHiberante.Mapping.ByCode.Conformist classes (which I have no prior experience with).
I'm mapping my own classes with NHibernate automapping, because I have so many classes and properties to map. To get it all working, I copied the library's mapping helper class, and modified it a bit to add my base entity classes to it's list called baseEntityToIgnore. I also had to create a conformist mapping for GatewayUser, since it has a different base entity type, and my automapping wouldn't pick it up.
The unit test looks like this:
public void GatewayUserCascadesStudents()
var u = new GatewayUser() { FirstName = "Mama", LastName = "Bear", UserName = "" };
var s1 = new Student() { FirstName = "First", LastName = "Student" };
var s2 = new Student() { FirstName = "Second", LastName = "Student" };
using (var s = NewSession())
using (var tx = s.BeginTransaction())
GatewayUser fetched = null;
int count = 0;
using (var s = NewSession())
fetched = s.Get<GatewayUser>(u.Id);
count = fetched.Students.Count;
Assert.AreEqual(2, count);
The generated SQL inserts into both AspNetUsers and GatewayUser (reflecting the inheritance relationship), and inserts two records into Student. All good. On fetching, the SELECT joins the two user tables, and I get a GatewayUser object, but accessing the Students collection does not trigger a SELECT on the Student table. But if I change the mapping to Lazy(CollectionLazy.NoLazy), the SQL to select eagerly load Students appears in the log, but the collection is not populated. If I switch the database from SQLite to Sql Server, I see the student records in the table. The generated SQL (when NoLazy is applied) will fetch them. So on the database end, things look fine.
I have to think my Frankenstein mapping situation is to blame. I'm mixing the library's conformist mapping with Fluent mapping, and there are two different base entity classes. However, the generated schema looks correct, and the save cascades correctly, so I don't know if that's the issue.
Found my own answer. My mapping of the parent class's list was like this:
public class GatewayUserMap : JoinedSubclassMapping
public GatewayUserMap()
Key(g => g.Column("Id"));
Property(c => c.FirstName, m => m.Length(50));
// ... more properties
List(gu => gu.Students, map =>
map.Key(c => c.Column("GatewayUser_Id"));
map.Cascade(Cascade.All | Cascade.DeleteOrphans);
map.Index(li => li.Column("ListIndex"));
map.Access(Accessor.Field | Accessor.NoSetter);
I have a private backing field for the collection. Removing Accessor.NoSetter from the collection mapping fixed it. In fact, it still worked without Accessor.Field -- I guess the mapper does a good job of looking around for one, and using it if found. Changing the name of the private backer from "_students" to "funnyName" prevented the mapper from finding it.

OO Software desing handling constraints - which design pattern to use?

I'm looking at a well-known problem and therefore there has to be a design pattern or a mix of patterns to solve it.
With the following classes and properties:
CTask, CPerson, CTool could have constraints e.g. Task A could only be done by persons with ability X, or person A could not do tasks of TaskArea X and so on.
For example, when I create a new CTask, CPerson or CTool I could imagine a constraint config dialog with dropdowns like:
Class | Operator | Class | Property | Value
CPerson | NOT | CTool | Name | Hammer
What design pattern provides the opportunity to dynamically configure constraints for all the classes, without forcing the classes to know additional information or take additional dependencies on each other?
Can I use an interface for objects to express that they accept constraints being applied somehow, or to discover classes which should be configurable with constraints?
Why not to have contraints_for_xxx property at each object having a constraint for particular xxx property?
When some child property is to be added into a collection, it is first run through constraints collection. If any constraint item returns false... exception is thrown, heaven thunders etc.
Constraints can be filled in object's constructor or later via some setupConstraints() call.
CPerson can look like (PHP example):
class Person
protected $constraintsAbc = null;
public function setConstraintsAbc(array $constraints)
$this->constraintsAbc = $constraints;
public function setABC($value)
foreach ($this->constraintsAbc as $constraint) {
if (!$constraint->isValid($value)) {
throw new Exception("Constraint {$constraint->getName()} is not happy with value $value");
$this->abc = $value;
class PersonSetup
public function setupPerson(Person $person)
$constrains[] = new PersonAbcConstraint("Value > 5");
This is, of course, fictious example. There is a problem here in some code duplication since you have constraintsAbc, setConstraintsAbc and setAbc as different hard-coded fields. But you can abstract this into some virtual "constraintable" field collection if you like.
this is the solution im ok with:
class CCouldHaveConstraints_Base
public virtual GetInstance();
public virtual GetClassName();
public virtual GetPropertyListThatCouldHaveConstraints();
class CPerson : CCouldHaveConstraints_Base
private String m_PersonName;
private String m_PersonAge;
public String PersonName
get {return this.m_PersonName;}
set {this.m_PersonName=value;}
public String PersonAge
get {return this.m_PersonAge;}
set {this.m_PersonAge=value;}
public override GetInstance()
return new CPerson;
public override GetClassName
return "Person";
public list<string> GetPropertyListThatCouldHaveConstraints()
list <string> ConstraintPropsList = new list<string>;
ConstraintPropsList.Add ("PersonName")
// class contains a list of all objects that could have constraints
class CConstraint_Lst
private list<CConstraint> m_ListOfConstraints;
private list<CCouldHaveConstraints_Base> m_ListOfObjectsThatCouldHaveConstraints;
// e.g Person | Person.Name | Tim | NOT | Tool | Tool.Name | "Hammer"
class CConstraint
private String m_ClassName_A;
private String m_ClassProperty_A;
private String m_ClassProperty_A_Value;
private String m_Operator;
private String m_ClassName_B;
private String m_ClassProperty_B;
private String m_ClassProperty_B_Value;
Is that enough code to figure out how im thinking?
You've already made a great conceptual leap to model the constraints as CConstraint objects. The remaining core of the question seems to be "How do I then organize the execution of the constraints, provide them with the right inputs, and collect their outputs? (the outputs are constraint violations, validation errors, or warnings)"
CConstraints obviously can't be evaluated without any input, but you have some choices on how exactly to provide them with input, which we can explore with questions:
Do they get given a 'global state' which they can explore and look for violations in?
Or do they get given a tuple of objects, or object graph, which they return a success or failure result for?
How do they signal constraint violations? Is it by throwing exceptions, returning results, adding them to a collection of violations, or removing violating objects from the world, or triggering repair rules?
Do they provide an "explanation" output that helpfully explains which object or combination of objects is the offending combination, and what rule it violates?
Compilers might be an interesting place to look for inspiration. We know a good compiler processes some complicated input, and produces one or more easy-to-understand error messages allowing the programmer to fix any problem in their program.
Compilers often have to choose some pattern of organizing the work that they're doing like recursion (recursive descent), or a visitor pattern (visit a tree of objects in some arrangement), or stateful pattern matching on a stream of input approach (syntax token recognition by regex matching, or processing a stream of characters), or a chain-of-responsibility (one processor validates and processes input, passes it to the next processor in the chain). Which is actually a whole family of design patterns you can choose from.
Probably one of the most flexible patterns to look at which is useful for your case is the visitor pattern, because you can extend your domain model with additional classes, all of which know how to do a 'visiting' phase, which is basically what 'validation' often entails - someone visits all the objects in a scenario, and inspects their properties, with an easily extensible set of logics (the validation rules) specific to those types of objects, without needing to worry about the mechanics of the visiting procedure (how you traverse the object graph) in each validation rule.

NHibernate : Root collection with an root object

I want to track a list of root objects which are not contained by any element. I want the following pseudo code to work:
using (session1 = [...]) {
IList<FavoriteItem>list = session1.Linq<FavoriteItem>().ToList();
var item5 = list.First(i => i.Name = "Foo");
item5.Name = "Bar";
using (session2 = [...]) {
This should automatically insert item1 and item2, delete item3 and item3 and update item5 (i.e. I don't want to call sesssion.SaveOrUpdate() for all items separately.
Is it possible to define a pseudo entity that is not associated with a table? For example I want to define the class Favorites and map 2 collection properties of it and than I want to write code like this:
using (session1 = [...]) {
var favs = session1.Linq<Favorites>();
favs.FavoriteColors.Add(new FavoriteColor(...));
favs.FavoriteMovies.Add(new FavoriteMovie(...));
using (session2 = [...]) {
FavoriteColors and FavoriteMovies are the only properties of the Favorites class and are of type IList and IList. I do only want to persist the these two collection properties but not the Favorites class.
Actually I want a IPersistentCollection object that tracks adds and removes that belongs to no parent entity and stands for itself (the same stuff that happens to collection properties of entities, only in my case I have no parent entity). This works perfectly well if the collections belong to an entity in which case I can add and remove items between two sessions.
Any help is much appreciated.
A simpler solution than a pseudo entity would be to wrap the list in an object that manages the things you want.
public class FavoriteList : IEnumerable
private List<FavoriteItem> list;
private ISession session;
public FavoriteList(ISession session)
list = session.Linq<FavoriteItem>().ToList();
this.session = session;
public void Add(FavoriteItem item)
public void Remove(FavoriteItem item)
session.Delete(item); //or something like that
public IEnumerator GetEnumerator()
return (list as IEnumerable).GetEnumerator();
I still have not found a real solution to this problem. My work around so far is that I have added the collection as a child collection property to another entity from which only one instance exists so far. But this solution breaks if there will be more instances of this entity and it has the disadvantage that the version of it is incremented every time a item is added or removed.
The other work around would have been to create a pseudo entity with no properties/columns (except an ID).
The third alternative I could think of is recreating the whole collection every time which is quite slow and does not work if other entities are referencing one of the items.
The last alternative would be to reimplement the dirty checking functionality myself but this would add some complexity and code duplication.
If somebody knows better alternatives I would be glad for any comments.

What is a good way to do multi-row updates in struts (with struts live)?

Without using DynaForm and it's kin.
I would like to use a POJO data transfer object, e.g., Person:
public class Person {
private Long id;
private String firstName;
private String lastName;
// ... getters / setters for the fields
In the struts live action form we would have:
public class PersonUpdateForm extends SLActionForm {
String organization;
Person[] persons; // all the people will be changed to this organization; they're names and so forth can be updated at the same time (stupid, but a client might desire this)
// getters / setters + index setters / getters for persons
What would the corresponding html:text tags look like in the JSP to allow this? If I switch to a List persons field and use a lazy-loading list (in commons-collections) how would that change thinsg?
There seems to be no good way to do this in struts-1.2(.9?)
All help is greatly appreciated!!! If you need more context let me know and I can provide some.
Okay, I believe I've figured it out! The trick is to have your indexed getter create an element each time the getPersons() method is called by the populate method of BeanUtils. The code is completed yet, but I got a positive looking result. It's 3:30 and I've been stuck on this a while. Nobody seemded to know the answer, which makes me want to smack them in the head with a trout. As for my own ignorance ... I only have them to blame!
public List<Person> getPersons() {
persons.add(new Person()); // BeanUtils needs to know the list is large enough
return persons;
Add your indexed getters and setters too, of course.
I remember how I actually did this. You must pre-initialize the persons List above to the maximum size you expect to transfer. This is because the List is first converted to an array, the properties then set on each element of the array, and finally the List set back using setPersons(...). Therefore, using a lazy-loading List implementation or similar approach (such as that show above) will NOT work with struts live. Here's what you need to do in more detail:
private List<Person> persons = new ArrayList<Person>(MAX_PEOPLE);
public MyConstructor() { for(int i = 0; i < MAX_PEOPLE; i++) persons.add(new Person()); }
public List<Person> getPeopleSubmitted() {
List<Person> copy = new ArrayList<Person>();
for(Person p : persons) {
if(p.getId() != null) copy.add(p);
// id will be set for the submitted elements;
// the others will have a null id
return copy; // only the submitted persons returned - not the blank templates
That's basically what you have to do! But the real question is - who's using struts live anymore?!