Send One Message to only one of Multiple Consumers in RabbitMQ - rabbitmq

I have a somewhat unique use case with RabbitMQ and I'm not sure how to go about solving the problem. I want to have one queue with multiple consumers bound to it and then have RabbitMQ send out one message to only one consumer at at time and wait for an ACK before sending out another message to any other consumer.
I realize this kills throughput and can essentially starve the other consumers but for me that's OK. The reason for this odd use case is that the service that the consumers talk to can only handle one concurrent request at a time so I need a way to limit this but consumers can also die unexpectedly and I need another consumer to pick up processing the messages if this happens. I know there is the prefetch option but that still allows multiple users to get a and exclusive queues but I'm not sure those accomplish what I want. Is it possible configure RabbitMQ to do this?

No; there is no way to limit competing consumers on the same queue such that there is one and only one message in process across all consumers until the ack is received.
A similar question came up some time ago; I don't remember if it was here or in the Spring forums but I believe the solution was to have the consumers acquire a global lock of some kind, using something like hazelcast, or even a simple database table row lock (with prefetch=1 so each consumer had only one "in process" message which was processed as and when each one got the lock).


RabbitMQ competing consumers processing 1 message at a time sequentially

Similar to this question, we have FIFO queues and the messages must be processed in order. We want competing consumers from different machines for redundancy and performance reasons, but only one consumer on one machine should handle a message for a given queue at a time.
I tried setting the prefetch count to 1, but I believe this will only work if used with a single machine. Is this possible by default with RabbitMQ or do we need to implement our own lock?
Given a single queue with multiple consumers there is no way to block one of the consumers, all of them receive the messages in round-robin fashion.
You could see this plugin, to distribute the load using different queues.
I tried setting the prefetch count to 1
prefetch=1 means that the consumers take one message at a time.
do we need to implement our own lock
Yes, If you want one single consumer for queue avoiding other consumers.
There are also the Exclusive Queues but note:
Exclusive queues are deleted when their declaring connection is closed or gone (e.g. due to underlying TCP connection loss). They, therefore, are only suitable for client-specific transient state.

To be sure about concurrency, same group of works in multiple queues (FIFO)

I have a question about multi consumer concurrency.
I want to send works to rabbitmq that comes from web request to distributed queues.
I just want to be sure about order of works in multiple queues (FIFO).
Because this request comes from different users eech user requests/works must be ordered.
I have found this feature with different names on Azure ServiceBus and ActiveMQ message grouping.
Is there any way to do this in pretty RabbitMQ ?
I want to quaranty that customer's requests must be ordered each other.
Each customer may have multiple requests but those requests for that customer must be processed in order.
I desire to process quickly incoming requests with using multiple consumer on different nodes.
For example different customers 1 to 1000 send requests over 1 millions.
If I put this huge request in only one queue it takes a lot of time to consume. So I want to share this process load between n (5) node. For customer X 's requests must be in same sequence for processing
When working with event-based systems, and especially when using multiple producers and/or consumers, it is important to come to terms with the fact that there usually is no such thing as a guaranteed order of events. And to get a robust system, it is also wise to design the system so the message handlers are idempotent; they should tolerate to get the same message twice (or more).
There are way to many things that may (and actually should be allowed to) interfere with the order;
The producers may deliver the messages in a slightly different pace
One producer might miss an ack (due to a missed package) and will resend the message
One consumer may get and process a message, but the ack is lost on the way back, so the message is delivered twice (to another consumer).
Some other service that your handlers depend on might be down, so that you have to reject the message.
That being said, there is one pattern that servicebus-systems like NServicebus use to enforce the order messages are consumed. There are some requirements:
You will need a centralized storage (like a sql-server or document store) that allows for conditional updates; for instance you want to be able to store the sequence number of the last processed message (or how far you have come in the process), but only if the already stored sequence/progress is the right/expected one. Storing the user-id and the progress even for millions of customers should be a very easy operation for most databases.
You make sure the queue is configured with a dead-letter-queue/exchange for retries, and then set your original queue as a dead-letter-queue for that one again.
You set a TTL (for instance 30 seconds) on the retry/dead-letter-queue. This way the messages that appear on the dead-letter-queue will automatically be pushed back to your original queue after some timeout.
When processing your messages you check your storage/database if you are in the right state to handle the message (i.e. the needed previous steps are already done).
If you are ok to handle it you do and update the storage (conditionally!).
If not - you nack the message, so that it is thrown on the dead-letter queue. Basically you are saying "nah - I can't handle this message, there are probably some other message in the queue that should be handled first".
This way the happy-path is to process a great number of messages in the right order.
But if something happens and a you get a message out of band, you will throw it on the retry-queue (the dead-letter-queue) and Rabbit will make sure it will get back in the queue to be retried at a later stage. But only after a delay.
The beauty of this is that you are able to handle most of the situations that may interfere with processing the message (out of order messages, dependent services being down, your handler being shut down in the middle of handling the message) in exact the same way; by rejecting the message and letting your infrastructure (Rabbit) take care of it being retried after a while.
(Assuming the OP is asking about things like ActiveMQs "message grouping:)
This isn't currently built in to RabbitMQ AFAIK (it wasn't as of 2013 as per this answer) and I'm not aware of it now (though I haven't kept up lately).
However, RabbitMQ's model of exchanges and queues is very flexible - exchanges and queues can be easily created dynamically (this can be done in other messaging systems but, for example, if you read ActiveMQ documentation or Red Hat AMQ documentation you'll find all of the examples in the user guides are using pre-declared queues in configuration files loaded at system startup - except for RPC-like request/response communication).
Also it is very easy in RabbitMQ for a consumer (i.e., message consuming thread) to consume from multiple queues.
So you could build, on top of RabbitMQ, a system where you got your desired grouping semantics.
One way would be to create dynamic queues: The first time a customer order was seen or a new group of customer orders a queue would be created with a unique name for all messages for that group - that queue name would be communicated (via another queue) to a consumer who's sole purpose was to load-balance among other consumers that were responsible for handling customer order groups. I.e., the load-balancer would pull off of its queue a message saying "new group with queue name XYZ" and it would find in a pool of order group consumer a consumer which could take this load and pass it a message saying "start listening to XYZ".
Another way to do it is with pub/sub and topic routing - each customer order group would get a unique topic - and proceed as above.
RabbitMQ Consistent Hash Exchange Type
We are using RabbitMQ and we have found a plugin. It use Consistent Hashing algorithm to distribute messages in order to consistent keys.
For more information about Consistent Hashing ;
You can find this plugin from rabbitmq web page
plugin : rabbitmq_consistent_hash_exchange

AMQP/RabbitMQ - Process messages sequentially

I have one direct exchange. There is also one queue, bound to this exchange.
I have two consumers for that queue. The consumers are manually ack'ing the messages once they've done the corresponding processing.
The messages are logically ordered/sorted, and should be processed in that order. Is it possible to enforce that all messages are received and processed sequentially accross consumer A and consumer B? In other words, prevent A and B from processing messages at the same time.
Note: the consumers are not sharing the same connection and/or channel. This means I cannot use <channel>.basicQoS(1);.
Rationale of this question: both consumers are identicall. If one goes down, the other queue starts processing messages and everything keeps working without any required intervention.
One approach to handling failover in a case where you want redundant consumers but need to process messages in a specific order is to use the exclusive consumer option when setting up the bind to the queue, and to have two consumers who keep trying to bind even when they can't get the exclusive lock.
The process is something like this:
Consumer A starts first and binds to the queue as an exclusive consumer. Consumer A begins processing messages from the queue.
Consumer B starts next and attempts to bind to the queue as an exclusive consumer, but is rejected because the queue already has an exclusive consumer.
On a recurring basis, consumer B attempts to get an exclusive bind on the queue but is rejected.
Process hosting consumer A crashes.
Consumer B attempts to bind to the queue as an exclusive consumer, and succeeds this time. Consumer B starts processing messages from the queue.
Consumer A is brought back online, and attempts an exclusive bind, but is rejected now.
Consumer B continues to process messages in FIFO order.
While this approach doesn't provide load sharing, it does provide redundancy.
Even though this is already answered. May be this can help others.
RabbitMQ has a feature known as Single Active Consumer, which matches your case.
We can have N consumers attached to a Queue but only 1 (one) of them will be actively consuming messages from the Queue. Fail-over happens only when active consumer fails.
Kindly take a look at the link
Thank you
Usually the point of a MQ system is to distribute workload. Of course, there are some situations where processing of message N depends on result of processing the message N-1, or even the N-1 message itself.
If A and B can't process messages at the same time, then why not just have A or just B? As I see it, you are not saving anything with having 2 consumers in a way that one can work only when the other one is not...
In your case, it would be best to have one consumer but to actually do the parallelisation (not a word really) on the processing part.
Just to add that RMQ is distributing messages evenly to all consumers (in round-robin fashion) regardless on any criteria. Of course this is when prefetch is set to 1, which by default it is. More info on that here, look for "fair dispatch".

Stopping consumers from consuming messages from queue

I am starting with ActiveMQ and I have a usecase. i have n producers sending messages into a Queue Q1. I want to stop the delivery of messages (i.e. i do not want consumers to consume those messages). I want to store the messages for sometime without those being consumed.
I was looking at ways this can be achieved. These two things came into my mind based on what i browsed through.
Using Mirrored queues, so that I can wiretap the messages and save into a virtual queue.
Possibly stop consumers from doing a PULL on the queue.
Another dirty way of doing this is by making consumers not send ack messages once its consumed a message from the queue.
We are currently not happy with either of these.
Any other way you can suggest.
Thanks in advance.
If you always want message delivery to be delayed you can use the scheduler feature of ActiveMQ to delay delivery until a set time or a fixed delay etc.
Other strategies might also work but it really up to you to design something that fits your use case. You can try to use Apache Camel to define a route that implements the logic of your use case to either dispatch a message to a Queue or send it to the scheduler for delayed processing. It all really depends on your use case and requirements.

Priority with transaction queues (msmq)

I need to support priority and my msmq is transnational. I am currently using WCF to send and receive messages. I just found out that this is not supported with the current implementation of msmq (version 4). Still, I need to support this.
I don't want to have multiple queues based on priority because at the end, the different queues are not connected. Also, its messy.
I was wondering if anything did a better solution to this problem?
What about putting a non-transaction queue in front of the transaction queue? messages will send with priority to the non-transaction queue, and when processed they will be sent to the transaction queue for the real processing...
Well, like you said, because transactions guarantee deliver of messages in order they were sent you can't prioritize them.
The only way I could think of doing this is to either create a new service contract and endpoint for high/low priority messages within the same service (not nice), or host two instances of your service, one for high and one for low priority.