Eclipse Plugin Developement: Including JDT functionality in my own editor - eclipse-plugin

I am making a eclipse plugin. I began with the default MultiPageEditor wizard and implemented the specific functionality that I wanted. Now, I wanted to get features like Java syntax highlighting, error detection etc. that comes with the standard JDT plugin, in the custom editor that I have written.
1. Is this even feasible ?
2. If yes, what will be quickest way to achieve this.

Why not just sub-class the JavaEditor or the CompilationUnitEditor and add it as a page to your MultiPageEditor?


Texify IDEA: how to apply custom code style?

I'm using the very useful plugin "texify IDEA" for working with latex code inside IntelliJ. It works very fine for all my needs. Unfortunately, in Editor -> Code Style section of the options I cannot find Latex... so I cannot set my custom code style rules. I've tried to search online without success... how can I resolve this?
Speaking as the author of TeXiFy-IDEA: what yole said is correct. This is a feature that is not yet implemented and therefore is not supported by the plugin. You can either wait for the developers to add this functionality, or add it yourself.
I would highly recommend visiting the GitHub page of the plugin if you have questions/feature requests/bug reports for faster and better support.

Why doesn't rearrange code work in Kotlin files in Intellij?

I love Jetbrain's Idea IDE and its ergonomics. One of my favorite tools is idea's rearrange code 'action'(you can bring it up by hitting ctrl+shift+a). It rearranges the code in the java file to put methods in alphabetical order and order the fields in an organized fashion that the user defines. For whatever reason, it doesn't work with Jetbrain's own language, kotlin :(. This sucks even more with the fact that kotlin quickfixes the fields right above the method instead of the beginning of the file like most java files. When is Idea going to support rearrange code for kotlin files?
The reason why the feature does not work is simple: because it has not been implemented. IntelliJ's current Java support feature set has been developed over more than 15 years, and replicating all of Java support features in a new language plugin takes time. We're prioritizing features in the Kotlin plugin for IntelliJ IDEA based on user feedback and language evolution requirements, and so far we haven't seen an indication that code rearranging is in high demand.
Specifically the issue of placing properties by the Create from Usage fix can be fixed with relatively little effort, and doesn't require a full rearrange implementation. I've filed an issue for it.

Intellij idea create custom language plugin extending javascript

I'm trying to create a language plugin for intellij idea, for sweet js.
Is there any way i can get the syntax highlighting and other javascript language support for my project from existing javascript language support in intellij idea?
I don't think this would be possible. The JavaScript plugin works with a syntax tree that has a certain structure, and sweet.js allows to change the structure in all sorts of ways that the plugin will not be able to work with.
Also, the plugin is not open-source and does not expose any documented APIs, so it's very challenging to build something on top of it even for the tasks which do fit well with the plugin's design.

Eclipse Plugin :java Editor

I want to extend the functionality of the java editor.
Instead of creating a custom editor, I want to just expand the functionality of
Java editor.
Where do I start?
Kindly provide some insight into this.
Two examples to look at are the AspectJ editor (for AJDT) and the Groovy editor (for Groovy-Eclipse). Both do exact;y what you are describing. They provide sub-classes of the Java editor specifically for their language. It's not a simple task and before you begin, you should have a deep understanding of how the Eclipse plugin architecture works.
The source code for AJDT is available here:
The source code for groovy-eclipse is here:
Finally, you should have a good read of this article about the eclipse editor framework:

Develop a plugin editor for eclipse

I have a question for you. My teacher proposed a couple of thesis to me. Basically to develop a plugin for eclipse. There are 2 options:
1)An editor for A-SPL language with syntax highlighting, auto completation of the cose, errors detection and so help people that need to use S-APL
2)An editor to help people to design GUI in S-APL......something like a framework where you can drag widgets and there is a kind of automatic completation of the code....
The thesis should last 4 months......i should not implement everything but make a kind of prototype that maybe in the future someone will finish and make properly work.
I never did something like this so i would like to know if it is difficult, which skills are needed, which languages i should know to create eclipse plugins (for example i know java and python) and so figure out if it is something i can do.
I'd suggest to look into the Xtext (for a textual editor) and Graphiti (for a graphical editor) projects.
You'll need Java for Eclipse plugins.
You need to read a book / the eclipse plugin wiki about Eclipse architecture as it's critical to know the paradigms in use.
There's an example XML plugin editor that you can create from the 'New Plugin' wizard which would be a good starting point for the first option.
good luck. :)