Create selector dynamically from string - oop

I've made a program that uses reflection to add Traits dynamically, and solves conflicts automatically in one predeterminated way.
It uses aliases. It's working (I think), but I have only a problem when finally adding the trait.
My program generates all the aliases for each conflicting method, and add them with the trait to the class. The problem is that I'm not able to generate the selector correctly, its generating a string instead.
For example:
I need this
TCircle # {#circleHash -> #hash}
but I'm generating this
TCircle # {'#circleHash' -> #hash}
you can see the quotes in #circleHash.
Because is a meta-program, it generates also dynamically the selector.
How I can get it without the quotes and with the #?
I need to able to do something like this
"have the selector name in string"
obj := 'SelectorDinamicallyGenerated'.
and get #SelectorDinamicallyGenerated, and not '#SelectorDinamicallyGenerated'.
How can I do this?
I've tried doing like that (#obj) but it is not working (getting #obj)

I've found it.
obj asSymbol

Good you found it yourself. Maybe it is just irritating that in smalltalk a symbol is a selector. It is just not the case that there is a selector class and you could do "aString asSelector". So
'foo' asSymbol => #foo
will do. If you need to generate a setter you can do
'foo' asSymbol asMutator => #foo:


What is indirect object notation, why is it bad, and how does one avoid it?

The title pretty much sums it up, but here's the long version anyway.
After posting a small snippet of perl code, I was told to avoid indirect object notation, "as it has several side effects". The comment referenced this particular line:
my $some_object = new Some::Module(FIELD => 'value');
As this is how I've always done it, in an effort to get with the times I therefore ask:
What's so bad about it? (specifically)
What are the potential (presumably negative) side effects?
How should that line be rewritten?
I was about to ask the commenter, but to me this is worthy of its own post.
The main problem is that it's ambiguous. Does
my $some_object = new Some::Module(FIELD => 'value');
mean to call the new method in the Some::Module package, or does it mean to call the new function in the current package with the result of calling the Module function in the Some package with the given parameters?
i.e, it could be parsed as:
# method call
my $some_object = Some::Module->new(FIELD => 'value');
# or function call
my $some_object = new(Some::Module(FIELD => 'value'));
The alternative is to use the explicit method call notation Some::Module->new(...).
Normally, the parser guesses correctly, but the best practice is to avoid the ambiguity.
What's so bad about it?
The problems with Indirect Method Notation are avoidable, but it's far easier to tell people to avoid Indirect Method Notation.
The main problem it's very easy to call the wrong function by accident. Take the following code, for example:
package Widget;
sub new { ... }
sub foo { ... }
sub bar { ... }
sub method {
my $o = new SubWidget;
In that code, new SubWidget is expected to mean
Instead, it actually means
That said, using strict will catch most of these instances of this error. Were use strict; to be added to the above snippet, the following error would be produced:
Bareword "SubWidget" not allowed while "strict subs" in use at line 11.
That said, there are cases where using strict would not catch the error. They primarily involve the use of parens around the arguments of the method call (e.g. new SubWidget($x)).
So that means
Using Indirect Object Notation without parens can result in odd error messages.
Using Indirect Object Notation with parens can result in the wrong code being called.
The former is bearable, and the latter is avoidable. But rather than telling people "avoid using parens around the arguments of method calls using Indirect Method Notation", we simply tell people "avoid using Indirect Method Notation". It's just too fragile.
There's another issue. It's not just using Indirect Object Notation that's a problem, it's supporting it in Perl. The existence of the feature causes multiple problems. Primarily,
It causes some syntax errors to result in very odd/misleading error messages because the code appeared to be using ION when it wasn't.
It prevents useful features from being implemented since they clash with valid ION syntax.
On the plus side, using no indirect; helps the first problem.
How should that line be rewritten?
The correct way to write the method call is the following:
my $some_object = Some::Module->new(FIELD => 'value');
That said, even this syntax is ambiguous. It will first check if a function named Some::Module exists. But that's so very unlikely that very few people protect themselves from such problems. If you wanted to protect yourself, you could use the following:
my $some_object = Some::Module::->new(FIELD => 'value');
As to how to avoid it: There's a CPAN module that forbids the notation, acting like a pragma module:
no indirect;
The commenter just wanted to see Some::Module->new(FIELD => 'value'); as the constructor.
Perl can use indirect object syntax for other bare words that look like they might be methods, but nowadays the perlobj documentation suggests not to use it.
The general problem with it is that code written this way is ambiguous and exercises Perl's parser to test the namespace to e.g. check when you write method Namespace whether Namespace::method exists.

Runtime method to get names of argument variables?

Inside an Objective-C method, it is possible to get the selector of the method with the keyword _cmd. Does such a thing exist for the names of arguments?
For example, if I have a method declared as such:
- (void)methodWithAnArgument:(id)foo {
Is there some sort of construct that would allow me to get access to some sort of string-like representation of the variable name? That is, not the value of foo, but something that actually reflects the variable name "foo" in a local variable inside the method.
This information doesn't appear to be stored in NSInvocation or any of its related classes (NSMethodSignature, etc), so I'm not optimistic this can be done using Apple's frameworks or the runtime. I suspect it might be possible with some sort of compile-time macro, but I'm unfamiliar with C macros so I wouldn't know where to begin.
Edit to contain more information about what I'm actually trying to do.
I'm building a tool to help make working with third-party URL schemes easier. There are two sides to how I want my API to look:
As a consumer of a URL scheme, I can call a method like [twitterHandler showUserWithScreenName:#"someTwitterHandle"];
As a creator of an app with a URL scheme, I can define my URLs in a plist dictionary, whose key-value pairs look something like #"showUserWithScreenName": #"twitter://user?screenName={screenName}".
What I'm working on now is finding the best way to glue these together. The current fully-functioning implementation of showUserWithScreenName: looks something like this:
- (void)showUserWithScreenName:(NSString *)screenName {
[self performCommand:NSStringFromSelector(_cmd) withArguments:#{#"screenName": screenName}];
Where performCommand:withArguments: is a method that (besides some other logic) looks up the command key in the plist (in this case "showUserWithScreenName:") and evaluates the value as a template using the passed dictionary as the values to bind.
The problem I'm trying to solve: there are dozens of methods like this that look exactly the same, but just swap out the dictionary definition to contain the correct template params. In every case, the desired dictionary key is the name of the parameter. I'm trying to find a way to minimize my boilerplate.
In practice, I assume I'm going to accept that there will be some boilerplate needed, but I can probably make it ever-so-slightly cleaner thanks to NSDictionaryOfVariableBindings (thanks #CodaFi — I wasn't familiar with that macro!). For the sake of argument, I'm curious if it would be possible to completely metaprogram this using something like forwardInvocation:, which as far as I can tell would require some way to access parameter names.
You can use componentsSeparatedByString: with a : after you get the string from NSStringFromSelector(_cmd) and use your #selector's argument names to put the arguments in the correct order.
You can also take a look at this post, which is describing the method naming conventions in Objective C

How does compiler handle missing parameter names in Objective-C?

I have run into someone else's code that declares methods like this:
- (void) method:(id)a:(NSString*)b { }
The compiler accepts this code, giving just a warning:
'a' used as the name of the previous parameter rather than as part of the selector
The code declares various functions with this type and then invokes them through NSSelectorFromString, using the signature "methodname::". So it's all consistent.
I wonder if that method signature is just a mistake or if there's more to it. Since it's used consistently in the code, I don't think this is a typo. I don't know the author so I can't tell if this is code of a genius or the opposite.
Is 'b' an anonymous parameter? (If so, shouldn't it rather be written with a blank between the "a" and ":" to indicate this better?) I can't find anything about anon parms in the ObjC docs, though.
Will there be any change in behavior if I change the syntax to giving the second parameter a name, and fixing the signature reference accordingly? I plan to make this change to get rid of the warnings, but I wonder I might create an issue that I'm not aware of.
Everything you describe is pretty much correct. It's very bad style, but technically it's just a two-argument selector which happens to have no text before the second :. I wouldn't call b an anonymous argument since you can still give it a name, it just doesn't have any descriptive text before it as part of the selector's name.
Yes, there should probably be a space after the a.
If you want to rename it, you can use Xcode's standard Refactor->Rename functionality and just insert some text before the second :. It will update all the references and you should encounter no problems.
You can use the signature method::, even though it is not recommended by most people.
Just insert a space character before each : separating the parameters, and the compiler is happy:
- (void) method:(id)a :(NSString*)b
On page 16 "Message Syntax" of The Objective-C Programming Language
this is called an "unlabeled argument", or an "argument without keyword".
Of course you can change it to
- (void) method:(id)a withB:(NSString*)b
but this changes the selector to method:withB:.

Write a compiler for a language that looks ahead and multiple files?

In my language I can use a class variable in my method when the definition appears below the method. It can also call methods below my method and etc. There are no 'headers'. Take this C# example.
class A
public void callMethods() { print(); B b; b.notYetSeen();
public void print() { Console.Write("v = {0}", v); }
int v=9;
class B
public void notYetSeen() { Console.Write("notYetSeen()\n"); }
How should I compile that? what i was thinking is:
pass1: convert everything to an AST
pass2: go through all classes and build a list of define classes/variable/etc
pass3: go through code and check if there's any errors such as undefined variable, wrong use etc and create my output
But it seems like for this to work I have to do pass 1 and 2 for ALL files before doing pass3. Also it feels like a lot of work to do until I find a syntax error (other than the obvious that can be done at parse time such as forgetting to close a brace or writing 0xLETTERS instead of a hex value). My gut says there is some other way.
Note: I am using bison/flex to generate my compiler.
My understanding of languages that handle forward references is that they typically just use the first pass to build a list of valid names. Something along the lines of just putting an entry in a table (without filling out the definition) so you have something to point to later when you do your real pass to generate the definitions.
If you try to actually build full definitions as you go, you would end up having to rescan repatedly, each time saving any references to undefined things until the next pass. Even that would fail if there are circular references.
I would go through on pass one and collect all of your class/method/field names and types, ignoring the method bodies. Then in pass two check the method bodies only.
I don't know that there can be any other way than traversing all the files in the source.
I think that you can get it down to two passes - on the first pass, build the AST and whenever you find a variable name, add it to a list that contains that blocks' symbols (it would probably be useful to add that list to the corresponding scope in the tree). Step two is to linearly traverse the tree and make sure that each symbol used references a symbol in that scope or a scope above it.
My description is oversimplified but the basic answer is -- lookahead requires at least two passes.
The usual approach is to save B as "unknown". It's probably some kind of type (because of the place where you encountered it). So you can just reserve the memory (a pointer) for it even though you have no idea what it really is.
For the method call, you can't do much. In a dynamic language, you'd just save the name of the method somewhere and check whether it exists at runtime. In a static language, you can save it in under "unknown methods" somewhere in your compiler along with the unknown type B. Since method calls eventually translate to a memory address, you can again reserve the memory.
Then, when you encounter B and the method, you can clear up your unknowns. Since you know a bit about them, you can say whether they behave like they should or if the first usage is now a syntax error.
So you don't have to read all files twice but it surely makes things more simple.
Alternatively, you can generate these header files as you encounter the sources and save them somewhere where you can find them again. This way, you can speed up the compilation (since you won't have to consider unchanged files in the next compilation run).
Lastly, if you write a new language, you shouldn't use bison and flex anymore. There are much better tools by now. ANTLR, for example, can produce a parser that can recover after an error, so you can still parse the whole file. Or check this Wikipedia article for more options.

How do I change a method's name dynamically in squeak?

I have a class and I want to change the name of a specific method in run time.
I guess there's a method in the 'Behavior' class that does it. But I just can't find it. any help? [in squeak]
The normal way a user does this is to modify the method source and 'accept it' then delete the old version. So it's not likely that basic Squeak includes a single method to do this, although I could be wrong.
However if you install, for example, OmniBrowser there is a method refactoring called 'rename' and you could inspect and find code to perform this refactoring. It is fairly complex, firstly because the refactorings are done using the command pattern which involves a little redirection to work out, but secondly because this is a fairly complex refactoring which includes modifying the call sites.
What you are suggesting puts HUGE red flags up for me.
What is it you are trying to accomplish with this?
Do you mean you want to change the name of the method you are calling at runtime?
If so, that's easy.
do something like:
methodName := self useMethod1 ifTrue: [#method1 ] ifFalse:[ #method2 ].
self perform: methodName.
You best use a refactoring
r := RenameMethodRefactoring
renameMethod: #foo:foo:
in: Foo
to: #bar:bar:
permutation: (1 to: #foo:foo: numArgs).
r execute.
Avoid voodoo magic in real code when possible.
That being said you can do some very interesting things by manipulating methods dynamically.
For instance the code bricks in Etoys are translated into Smalltalk methods. Other DSL implementations can also benefit from similar metaprogramming tricks.
After experimenting a bit I came up with the following code for renaming unary methods:
renameMethod: oldMethod inClass: class to: newMethod
| oldSelector newSelector source parser |
oldSelector := oldMethod asSymbol.
newSelector := newMethod asSymbol.
oldSelector = newSelector ifTrue: [^self].
"Get method category"
category := (LocatedMethod location: class selector: oldSelector) category.
"Get method source code"
source := class sourceCodeAt: oldSelector.
"Replace selector in method source"
(parser := class parserClass new) parseSelector: source.
source := (newSelector asString), (source allButFirst: parser endOfLastToken).
"Compile modified source"
class compile: source classified: category.
"Remove old selector"
class removeSelector: oldSelector
You could probably find an easier way to do this if you browse through the Squeak code a bit longer than I did.
You can't change a method's name, really, because it doesn't have one.
An object's method dictionary maps Symbols to CompiledMethods. "Change the name of a method" means "move the CompiledMethod value from this key to that key".