Spring Integration: How to send response packet to client in case of exception using error-channel? - error-handling

I am using Spring Integration in my project.
Endpoints used in application are in-bound gateway, header based router, transformer, spliter, service activator.
In case of success flow(not any exception), in-bound gateway reply-channel getting desired response and client gets that response which is fine but in case of any exception, I want to send customized error response which is not working as per my requirement.
I am using error-channel to accomplish above requirement but not succeeding in that.
Please find my configuration of in-bound gateway, error channel etc.
I have not use any chain in configuration.
<int-http:inbound-gateway id="inboundGateway"
supported-methods="GET, POST" request-channel="requestChannel"
path="/services/tylv/{requestParam}" reply-channel="responseChannel"
<int:transformer ref="errorHandler"
input-channel="errorChannel" method="generateErrorResponse"
output-channel="responseChannel" />
<bean id="errorHandler"
class="com.csam.wsc.enabling.integration.transformer.ErrorHandler" />
In case of exception , com.csam.wsc.enabling.integration.transformer.ErrorHandler.generateErrorResponse(ErrorMessage) successfully called.This API handle exceptions, generate Error Response Packet but it is not being sent to client, just only HTTP Status Code 200 sent.
Ideally it should be sent because transformer's output-channel is reply-channel of inbound-gateway which is already sending response packet along with status code 200 in case of success (no any exception).
I think in case of error-channel , in-bound gateway reply-channel is not working, but I am not sure.
Please help me in configuring error-channel.

You should store the message's headers before the error reaches the error channel and then you should create a new message with the stored headers and route that new message to response channel.


Writing tests with http request without response

I need to prepare a Java test (citrus framework) which initial step is sending a http request. Unfortunately my app under tests does not reply to this http request with anything while my testing framework expects to have a response and generates an error otherwise. The best way to deal with such a situation which came to my mind is to use some kind of a proxy between my testing framework and actual application which will forward the test request to the actual application and reply back to the testing framework with OK status not waiting for the response from app.
Does it make a sense? How could I prepare such a proxy assuming that my tests are to be running with maven invocation?
I see following options:
Fire and forget: send the Http request (using the fork mode on the send operation in Citrus) and do not care for the response at all. Just leave out the receive message action to ignore the response in Citrus.
Expect the timeout: Send the Http request and use the receive timeout action to verify that the client does not receive a response in the given time
Assert/catch the timeout exception: Use the assert or catch action in Citrus to handle the timeout exception when sending the http request
Personally I would go for the option #2 where you send the Http request and verify that there is no response for a given amount of time. This makes sure that the actual behavior of your application to not send any response does not change over time.

Mulesoft error message propagation through deployed application

General explanation of the problem:
how can i get/log inside an application B, the error/exception message produced by an application A (error description and code are generated with a OnErrorPropagate). Application A is a Process API and B is an Experience Api both deployed on cloudHub.
More Details:
i have a Process API App. and a Experience API APP. deployed on CloudHub that retrieve client data from a DB.
When inside the request the client_id params is not provided the below error message (generated inside an OnErrorPropagate) is shown
"message" : "bad request"
When a client call the Exp.API APP /getClient without the parameter, the PROCESS API APP (invoked by a flow inside the Exp.API implementation) respond with the above error message.... how can i retrieve this message in my Experience API Application?
If i try lo log the payload response (that should contain the error message) from an Experience API APP log, i always get an empty message.
So, is possible to pass an error message generated inside an OnErrorPropagate from an application (PROCESS API APP) to another app (EXPERIENCE API APP)?
All these applications are on cloudhub. Mulesoft 4
You can capture the the error response payload from the process API which will be present in the error object and set it as response for your experience API using this DW expression
#[output application/json --- error.exception.errorMessage.typedValue]
You should capture the payload response in the Experience API when you make the HTTP request to the Process API.

RabbitMQ is sending the request again if response is null

I am using RabbitMq with masstransit for messaging between different services, let us say that we have the following scenario:
First service asks about specific info from second service by sending a request.
Second service looks for the info in database and respond with an object containing the found info.
In case there is no info available in database, the second service responds with a null object.
The issue is that RabbitMQ is considering that the request has failed thus it keeps sending the request again.
Can I configure the bus to consider the null reponse as a normal response?
You cannot reply with null object. You have two options:
Add a boolean property to your response indicating it is not a success
Throwing an exception in the request consumer, then the fault message will be sent to the request client.

Unable to Pull Message off Queue

Let me explain my configuration:
ActiveMQ 5.12.0
AnyPoint Studio 5.2.1
Mule 3.6.1
Flow of application:
I am using FunctionalTestCase to post and retrieve a message from queue.
MuleClient client = muleContext.getClient();
String productAsJson = "{\"name\":\"Widget\", \"price\":9.99, \"weight\":1.0, \"sku\":\"abcd-12345\"}";
client.dispatch("http://localhost:8081/products", productAsJson, null);
MuleMessage result = client.request("jms://products", RECEIVE_TIMEOUT);
What is happening is the message is getting posted but when I try to retrieve it, I get the string "{NullPayLoad}".
After stepping back through the flow, I have discovered the message payload, when using the Mule Client, is not making the queue. While looking through the admin console for ActiveMQ, I discovered the message details is "{NullPayload}". When I check using the Advance Risk Client, the JSON message is getting posted correctly.
Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
It's NullPayload when using the MuleClient because by default the http operation will be GET and wont be expecting a body to parse.
The MuleClient is more suited to working with Mule transport infrastructure such as the JMS transport or the old http transport. I don't think it plays nice with the new http listener module.
Normally with the transports you can set the method via a property but that doesnt seem to work with the http:listener:
MuleMessage message = getTestMuleMessage();
message.setProperty("http.method", "POST", PropertyScope.INBOUND);
client.send("http://localhost:8089/products", message);
I would suggest using a standard HTTP client such as Apache HTTP client etc. and set the method to POST/PUT or whatever method you need to use that expects a body.

Mule CXF Web service error handling

This question is on Mule CXF error handling. I have a soap based web service basically this is a validation service that validates an incoming file and reports on any errors in the file. Once validation is unsuccessful i have a catch-exception-strategy which logs the error and sends a email to Prod support team. After validation is unsuccessful i need not call the subsequent steps in the flow. And only the logging and sending an email alert should happen. Shouldn't using a catch-exception-strategy solve the problem ( similar to a try/catch block in Java). But what i notice is the caller is sent a response back and subsequent flow steps are executed
In your catch exception strategy put an asynchronous flow and in that put your logger and smtp to send the mail ... I guess it will solve your problem ...
Since you will be using asynchronous flow response shouldn't be there ... Pls let me know if it solve your issue