Does simple membership supports password format and password retrieval? - simplemembership

I am using a simple membership Provider and I want to retrieve a password to resend the login credentials to a user.
For this I have set enablePasswordRetrieval=true also requireQuestionAndAnswer=false. However, it gives an error on Getpassword(), says method is not supported.

SimpleMembership does not directly support retrieving the password. Instead it provides a method for getting a token to send to the user so they can reset their password. Here is an article that describes how to add password reset to your application.
The password is stored in the database encrypted using a one-way hash algorithm so there is no way to decrypt it and present it to the user.


Why does Amplify for AWS Cognito send new passwords in plain text when SRP is enabled?

We are using Amplify with AWS Cognito, using SRP.
From our understanding of SRP, passwords should not be sent in plain text over the network.
When the user is required to change their password on login, we use the Auth.completeNewPassword method. Looking at the request, the password is clearly sent in plain text.
Why is this?
This is because even in SRP you need to send the password at least once to the server.
When you sign up or change your password you send two values to the server: username and password. The server generates a new salt for that username and calculates a value called verifier using (among others) username, password and salt. Then it stores the following information: username, salt and verifier.
From now on you no longer need password to be sent over the wire.

Can/should IdentityServer4 be used to create a token for user-email verification

I have IdentityServer4 setup for API authentication although I have a use case where I want to verify that a guest (user) is essentially a valid user. A valid user in my case is anyone with a valid email address, so I want to do the following:
send the user an email with a verification token (preferably something which is a mash up of their email address, some salt and an expiry
the user can then enter this token into my app and they are "allowed" to go ahead
I was wondering if IdentityServer4 can/should be used to achieve the above?
Their tools show that you can generate a token although I am very new to this topic so was hoping for some guidance.
No, the tokens Identity Server deals with are access_tokens which are to do with claims-based authentication.
The tokens you need to use for email verification are commonly referred to as User Tokens, or one-time passwords (OTP). You can find a wealth of information on how to generate/consume these using those search terms but if you use the aspnet identity classes such as the UserManager you will find it has some in-built read to use. Or you can register your own UserTokenProvider with the UserManager.
In general you'd do something like this:
Use your UserTokenProvider to get a token (otp) for a specific user. The UserManager will use the security hash of that user and your own 'reason' (e.g. "EmailVerification") to generate the short OTP.
You could then wrap that OTP into an object that includes the email address, a userid maybe, and whatever you like. Safe Base64 encode it (there is a helper function within Identity Server that has this in fact, making sure it doesn't have the superfluous _ at the end which will mess with HTML links), put it in an email to the user
User clicks your link which takes them to your 'verify password' controller, with your mashed up token as payload. You decode it, work out which user it was for, get UserManager to verify the OTP part is still valid.
Job done.
If you want them to enter the OTP into your app directly, while logged in, then you could just skip the whole mash-up part of emailing a link, and email the short OTP directly.

Quickblox - authentication integration - does the password ever expire?

As seen on this answer the recommended method for authentication integration is to create users with a faux password (stored somewhere else or derived from the user data).
I find this authentication integration less robust than what I would like it to be.
When using this method:
will the password expire?
if the user, using some hacky technique, goes and changes the password, it will break completely, how can I restore the account password without knowing the previous password but having the quickblox account secret? Is this possible?
Password never expires
You can reset user's password by email

Hashing User password in Cookie

I'm trying to set a cookie so that user can be automatically logged in.
I do not want to query DB for session string when authenticating cookies (basically I need to do that whenever most of my APIs are called, I want to make it faster)
the solution I found is to set a hash in the cookie and try to decrypt it when authenticating, if decryption is successful then log user in.
I am wondering what hashing method should I use? Do I just use a constant salt in my program and hash the userName with that salt, store the hashed userName and original userName in cookie, and try to match userName with decrypted hash upon authentication?
Since I am not familiar with hashing functions, can anyone kindly provide some suggestions on how should I do it in Java?
I recommend you to use an unique token key generated for each session. For example, if a client once logged in from a computer, this token will be valid until the password is changed. Expiring a cookie is not completely secure...
You can also use session variable for a simple authentication. Once you set a session variable for an user, every time this user sends a request with this session id; your session variable will be reached for just this session id. Most of the platforms can also use DB for storing these variables for you.
Two approaches:
1) Create your own authentication framework. In this case I recommend to put in a cookie an encrypted value of a username (I strongly not recommend to use hashing; also please do not put the user password value). For encryption please use AES-256 encryption with BouncyCastle:
256bit AES/CBC/PKCS5Padding with Bouncy Castle
If your framework success to decrypt the cookie – the user is authenticated. If your framework cannot decrypt the cookie or the user is not exist - the user is not authenticated.
2) Please consider to use the Spring Security framework:
It is the great framework and solves a lot of authentication / authorization problems.
Your problem is solved by the “RememberMe” feature:
Best regards,
I don't come from Java background, but your hash key should never be something exposed.
For example:- In your case UserName is key and one of the fellow developers who knows what mechanism you are using can break it down because name is something very common and known.
Don't know what the best way is but I have used UserID(GUID) which is not visible in UI.

what is standard code and encode to send password over the net

I am making a program like yelp. Some people have some accounts. So I got to send the password to the web.
Should I encrypt the password before sending it?
After that what would be the standard password policy others used?
Should the encrypted password be the one stored on the mySQL serve? In other word, there is absolutely no need for decryption?
Basically it's like What encryption procedure I must use to send encrypted 'email' and 'password' values over the HTTP protocoll? but for objective-c
After the user logged in, my program need to tell the server that the user is authenticated already. Does my program need to keep sending password?
There are more than one architecture you can implement, and you have to choose considering many factors, like performance, how many users, server architecture...
Basically, you must use https and not http, store hashed password (MD5, SHA, ecc.) and always check if hashed password is equal to stored hashed password.
You can implement also a "session" using token (you have to create a kind of API server side and then use it on client side) or pass username and password in each call to web service (web service must verify credentials every time is called).
Another "fast" (it's not so fast anyway) solution is to implement (both server-client) a standard protocol like (it's my favorite) oAuth 2. It's used by twitter and Facebook, you can learn more here:
You might be looking for Base64 encoding: