Google guice inject a instance created by Spring and method intercept - aop

I use Gucie 3.0 to intercept any methods that have my defined annotation #LogRequired. However for my application, some beans are initialized by Spring with injected fields values. After calling giuce injector.injectMembers(this), the beans gets proxied by guice but all original fields values are gone. Looks like Guice re-constucts the beans and throw away all old values. Is this expected behavior or how can I solve this issue?
Create a class extends AbstractModule
public class InterceptorModule extends AbstractModule{ public void configure()
{ LogInterceptor tracing = new LogInterceptor(); requestInjection(tracing); bindInterceptor(Matchers.any(), Matchers.annotatedWith(LogRequired.class), tracing); }
Define the interceptor business logic
public class LogInterceptor implements MethodInterceptor { //business logic here }
Create LogService class
Public class LogService { Injector injector = Guice.createInjector(new InterceptorModule()); }
I have one of the bean example below with the getName method wants to be intercepted:
public class UserImplTwo implements IUser {
private String name;
public String getName() {
public void setName(String name) { = name;
which is initialized by Spring context:
Finally I have a consumer to consume the bean:
public class Consumer
private UserImplTwo instance;
public void setInstance(UserImplTwo instance)
this.instance = instance;
public void init()
// the value of name is printed out as 'hello world'
System.out.println( this.instance.getName());
// the value of name is printed out as null, should be 'hello world'
System.out.println( this.instance.getName());
Then use Spring to initialized the bean:
<bean id="consumer" class="com.demo.Consumer" init-method="init">
<property name="instance" ref="userTwo"></property>
Please let me know if this the the right approach or if I did something wrong, because I have to use Spring to initialize some beans.

A "right approach" is probably to keep things simple and use Spring's DI if you use Spring Framework, and not try to mix and match with Guice :-)
Having said that there seems no technical reason why they can't be mixed and matched together to some degree.
I think you will have more success with another approach. One that I have used before is to make use of Spring MVC Java-based configuration. Here is the basic approach.
Create a class that extends WebMvcConfigurationSupport:
public class Config extends WebMvcConfigurationSupport {
Separate out your beans config (probably it can be merged with the above but I guess it's quite dull code and you normally don't want want to see it). And use it to create your beans with your Guice injector before providing them to Spring.
public class BeansConfig {
public Consumer getConsumer() {
return SomeGuiceInjectorFactory.newInstance(Consumer.class);
Include this in your spring.xml (or bootstrap other ways if your servlet container is newer than mine was)
<bean id="extendedWebMvcConfig" class="Config"/>
Constructor injection and most/all? other Guice goodness should work also with such scenario.
Also you won't need to configure your beans in xml.


Jersey 2 and Spring Boot - Not able to inject using #Context on Provider

Using Jersey 2.3 on Spring Boot 2.4. I have 2 JAX-RS providers. One of them implements ContainerRequestFilter(PreMatching) and another one extends JacksonJaxbJsonProvider(from jackson-jaxrs-json-provider).
I am setting a property in ContainerRequestFilter onto ContainerRequestContext. Then I am trying to inject ContainerRequestContext onto another JAX-RS Provider using #Context. But this injection is always coming null.
If I inject same object onto a JAX-RS resource using #Context, Jersey does inject it. Not sure what I am missing here. Any help is greatly appretiated.
public class MyJaxRSContextProvider implements ContainerRequestFilter {
Providers providers;
public void filter(ContainerRequestContext requestContext) throws IOException {
requestContext.setProperty("myProperty", property);
public class MyJsonJaxRSProvider extends JacksonJaxbJsonProvider {
ContainerRequestContext requestContext;
public boolean isReadable(Class<?> type, Type genericType, Annotation[] annotations, MediaType mediaType) {
return true;
public Object readFrom(Class<Object> type, Type genericType, Annotation[] annotations, MediaType mediaType, MultivaluedMap<String, String> httpHeaders, InputStream entityStream) throws IOException {
//requestcontext is always null
Things to consider:
In some cases, if you register the provider as an instance, then injection may not occur. Best thing to do is to register the provider as a class or just use scanning provided by Jersey.
Some injectables are not proxiable, which will prevent smaller scoped services to be injected into larger scoped serviced (example: request scoped object into a a singleton). In this case, you should wrap the injection in javax.inject.Provider
private javax.inject.Provider<ContainerRequest> requestProvider;
ContainerRequest request = requestProvider.get();

Resteasy and Google Guice: how to use multiple #ApplicationPath and resource with #Injection?

I created a project to test the dependency injection offered by Google Guice in my Jax-rs resources, using Resteasy.
My intentions are:
Use multiple #ApplicationPath for the versions of my API. In each class annotated with #ApplicationPath I load a set of classes for the specific version.
Each resource have a #Inject (from Google Guice) in his constructor to inject some services.
I created two classes annotated with #ApplicationPath: ApplicationV1RS and ApplicationV2RS. In both I added the same resources classes (UserResource and HelloResource), only for my test.
My Module is configured like this:
public class HelloModule implements Module
public void configure(final Binder binder)
When I call http://localhost:9095/v1/hello/world or http://localhost:9095/v2/hello/world, I receive the same error:
java.lang.RuntimeException: RESTEASY003190: Could not find constructor
for class: org.jboss.resteasy.examples.guice.hello.HelloResource
Well, as I expected, this not works. The Google Guice is not "smart" to instantiate the resource classes using the construtor for me.
But I can't find a way to work. To be really honest, I'm really confuse about how the Google Guice, Jetty and Resteasy play with each other in this scenario.
If I abandon the idea of use #ApplicationPath, my resources work with Google Guice configuring my HelloModule like this:
public class HelloModule implements Module
public void configure(final Binder binder)
But in this case, I'm passing the control to register my resources (HelloResource and UserResource) to Guice. It's not flexible for me, I can't setup my multiple #ApplicationPath.
So, what I'm missing or not understanding?
I created a project with the problemetic code. Is very easy to setup and test:
When you have getClasses method in your Application then it tries to create instance for all the registered resources using the default constructor which is missing in our Resources class. One way is to create a default constructor and Inject the dependencies through setter Injection.
And then instead of overriding getClasses in ApplicationV1RS and ApplicationV2RS you override getSingletons. Since Resources can be Singleton.
Below are the changes that I made to make it work the way you want.
public class ApplicationV1RS extends Application {
private Set<Object> singletons = new HashSet<Object>();
public ApplicationV1RS(#Context ServletContext servletContext) {
public Set<Object> getSingletons() {
Injector injector = Guice.createInjector(new HelloModule());
HelloResource helloResource = injector.getInstance(HelloResource.class);
UserResource userResource = injector.getInstance(UserResource.class);
return singletons;
public class ApplicationV2RS extends Application {
private Set<Object> singletons = new HashSet<Object>();
public ApplicationV2RS(#Context ServletContext servletContext) {
public Set<Object> getSingletons() {
Injector injector = Guice.createInjector(new HelloModule());
HelloResource helloResource = injector.getInstance(HelloResource.class);
UserResource userResource = injector.getInstance(UserResource.class);
return singletons;
public class HelloResource {
private IGreeterService greeter;
public HelloResource() {
public String hello(#PathParam("name") final String name) {
return greeter.greet(name);
public class UserResource {
private IUserService userService;
public UserResource() {
public String hello(#PathParam("name") final String name) {
return userService.getUser(name);
Add #Singleton to your Service Classes.
Hope it helps.
I have also pushed the code to forked repo. check it out

How can a persistenceContext link with multiple EntityManager

Recently I have gone through PRO JPA2 book and find that "A single persistence context can be link with multiple EntityManager instance."
I have searched for the same but could not found satisfactory answer. Can anybody elaborate this with example?
It's difficult to know exactly what was meant without more context from the book. That said, if you're using container-managed JPA within a global transaction, then each injected EntityManager referring to the same persistence unit will be backed by the same persistence context. For example:
public class Bean {
EntityManager em1;
OtherBean otherBean;
#TransactionAttribute(REQUIRED) // The type, but for illustration
public void doWork() {
// ... use em1
public class OtherBean {
EntityManager em2;
public void doMoreWork() {
// ... use em2, it shares a persistence context with em1

ejb in session context is allways null

i have created sigleton session bean which keeps one connection to my mongo database. It works well in jax-rs class when using #EJB annotation - after controller is contructed and bean is injected it calls init method anotated with #PostConstruct.
Then i created similar class, which is implementing SecurityContext. I used same pattern as in controller, but it is not working properly. init() method is never called and EJB instance is always null.
So is there a way to inject EJB to my SecurityContext implemetation ? it works well unless i try to inject and use MongoConnection
my singleton session bean I use to connect mongo database:
public class MongoConnection {
public void init() {
// initialize properties
I use it in JAX-RS controller. it works here, also in classes inherited from EntityController.
public class EntityController extends Application {
private UriInfo context;
protected MongoConnection connection;**
public EntityController() {
void init() {
I implemented my own security context, which is looking for loged user roles in mongo database.
public class MongoSecurityContext implements SecurityContext {
private MongoConnection connection;**
public MongoSecurityContext() {
void init() {
public MongoSecurityContext(ContainerRequestContext requestContext) {
token = requestContext.getHeaderString("token");
public boolean isUserInRole(String roleName) {
//**connection is allways null**, so it returns false;
if (connection == null)
return false;
I forget, i also have this warning in glassfish 4 console:
A provider extremeteacher.mongo.connection.MongoConnectionEjb registered in SERVER runtime does not implement any provider interfaces applicable in the SERVER runtime. Due to constraint configuration problems the provider extremeteacher.mongo.connection.MongoConnectionEjb will be ignored
public class AuthorizationFilter implements ContainerRequestFilter {
public void filter(ContainerRequestContext requestContext) {
requestContext.setSecurityContext(new MongoSecurityContext(requestContext)) ;
Injection does not work for objects created with new because the container is never given control to perform the injection. I recommend moving the #EJB to the filter and passing it to the MongoSecurityContext constructor.

EJB 3.1 : Singleton bean not getting injected inside another stateless bean though both beans are getting registered

Here is my bean that is trying to inject a singleton bean InformationService :
#Stateless (name="InformationResource")
public class InformationResource {
private InformationService appService;
public Information getInfo(#PathParam("name") String name){
return appService.getMap().get(name);
public Information putInfo(#PathParam("name") String name, Information info){
return appService.getMap().put(name,info);
public void deleteInfo(#PathParam("name") String name){
This is the InformationService class
public class InformationService {
private Map<String,Information> map;
public void init(){
map = new HashMap<String,Information>();
map.put("daud", new Information("B.Tech","Lucknow"));
map.put("anuragh", new Information("M.Sc","Delhi"));
public Map<String,Information> getMap(){
return map;
Its part of a very simple JAX-RS implementation and I am deploying as war in JBoss 6.1 Final. The problem is that InformationService throwing a NullPointerException when I make the proper get request. If I initialize appService explicitly, everything works fine. Why is #EJB annotation not working ?
Are you using Jersey as REST implementation? If so, EJB injection is not supported out of the box.
This link provides more information on this and also a solution.
Check that your #Singleton is javax.ejb.Singleton.
Any other exceptions before NPE ?