Comparing dates for overlap - not avoiding -

I'm working on a timetabling piece of code. I am using a system of university modules and events associated to those modules, ie
Module CSC3039
Event1 - Lecture
Event2 - Lecture
Event3 - Practial etc
I need to check the times of each event in the module against each other and compare for clashes. The clashes do not need to be rectified, just highlighted. The table I will use is Events containing Event_ID (PK), Module_code (FK), Start_Date_Time, End_Date_Time plus other fields that don't matter here. I have figured out that I need to implement a For Each statement, ultimately resulting in an if statement such as:
if (startTime1 <= endTime2 or endTime1 >= startTime2) CLASH
My problem is trying to figure out the actual for loop here. I don't know what to write to declare my start times and end times. I presume it is a case of taking event1 and getting its start and end and then checking if event 2, 3 or 4 fit the above if statement. I'm trying to get this but could really use some guidance.
EDIT... Based on suggestions below I have implemented the following code:
'return all relevant tables from the Modules database, based on the module code entered by the user.
Dim eventTime = (From mods In db.Modules
Join evnt In db.Events On mods.Module_code Equals evnt.Module_code
Join rm In db.Rooms On rm.Room_ID Equals evnt.Room_ID
Join build In db.Buildings On build.Building_code Equals rm.Building_code
Where ((mods.Module_code = initialModCode) And (evnt.Room_ID = rm.Room_ID))
Select evnt.Event_ID, evnt.Module_code, evnt.Event_type, evnt.Start_Date_Time, evnt.End_Date_Time, build.Building_code, rm.Room_Number)
'use the gridview to display the result returned by the above query
gdvEventsTable.DataSource = eventTime
Dim listClashes As New List(Of Array)
For i As Integer = 0 To eventTime.Count - 1
For j As Integer = i + 1 To eventTime.Count - 1
If (eventTime.ToList(i).Start_Date_Time < eventTime.ToList(j).End_Date_Time) And (eventTime.ToList(i).End_Date_Time > eventTime.ToList(j).Start_Date_Time) Then
MsgBox("Clash", MsgBoxStyle.MsgBoxSetForeground, "")
MsgBox("No Clash", MsgBoxStyle.MsgBoxSetForeground, "")
End If
When trying to add an event to my array list I have noticed, in debug, that no events are sent to the list.

If you want to compare all the pairs of events that are in an array or some kind of a collection, you can use a loop like:
Dim ModuleEventArray() As ModuleEvent
For i As Integer = 0 To ModuleEventArray.Length - 1
For j As Integer = i + 1 To ModuleEventArray.Length - 1
'test if ModuleEventArray(i) overlaps with ModuleEventArray(j)
ModuleEvent here would be another class or structure that has fields startTime and endTime. The test
if (startTime1 <= endTime2 or endTime1 >= startTime2)
is not enough to test for overlap, but maybe you can figure out the correct test yourself :)
Since I see you use some sort of collection, not array, the code you need should be something like:
For i As Integer = 0 To eventTime.Count - 1
For j As Integer = i + 1 To eventTime.Count - 1
If (eventTime.Item(i).Start_Date_Time < eventTime.Item(j).End_Date_Time) And (eventTime.Item(i).End_Date_Time > eventTime.Item(j).Start_Date_Time) Then
MsgBox("No Clash")
End If

Before you write your code, you need to first decide what your algorithm is going to be. For example, if you use the naive method your presume, the code is indeed straightforward (basically 2 nested loops) but the complexity if O(n²).
Depending on how much data you have, whether it is in a database, how likely you expect clashes to be, whether you always have the full list of events at the start or you need to find clashes incrementally, etc... different solutions might be preferred. One consideration is whether you need to partition the list into non-clashing sets of events or just produce a yes/no answer (one one for each event) stating whether there is a clash.
You might consider doing something different instead, like sorting the list by start time before you start comparing. That will allow you to walk the list only once.

My comparisons are coming from the database. Prior to the code below I have a query which returns all the records from my Events table, based on the user input of a Module_Code. This code will show the clashes, through a msgbox. I will be changing it to populate a list. It's not the prettiest and will probably lead to a lot of duplication but it achieves my main objective.
For Each evnt In eventTime
Dim startTime1 = evnt.Start_Date_Time
Dim endTime1 = evnt.End_Date_Time
For Each evat In eventTime
Dim startTime2 = evat.Start_Date_Time
Dim endTime2 = evat.End_Date_Time
If (startTime1 < endTime2) And (endTime1 > startTime2) Then
MsgBox("No Clash")
End If


Generating Custom Patient IDs in Access Database using VBA UDF

First, let me say this. I am new to using access and VBA functions.
My overall goal is to add functionality to my database as described below:
This database consists of patients enrolled in a Clinical Trial, these patients have a unique identifier in the format GKID-XXXXX where the XXXXX is an alphanumeric base 35 counting system.
Eg. the numbering goes like this GKID-00000, GKID-00001, GKID-00002, GKID-00003,... , GKID-0000Z. Base 35 because it exclude the letter O.
Previously, we would generate these IDs and type them in manually. However, in the future, we would like these to be automatically created when a new patient is added to the database. However,
we want to retain the ability to add IDs in manually without changing any existing IDs, delete records without changing the assigned IDs, and the IDs created cannot be already used.
I have tried many things and the naive strategy I have made progress with is as follows.
Take the existing "Working Table" that contains all of the existing IDs in a field. This field would be left blank for newly added patients who we want to automatically generate an ID for.
Using this working table, create a new table with a query. This would be the table with the IDs. It would exactly match the existing table except the ID column from the first table would be replaced with one that generates IDs with a custom VBA function. The function takes the Working Table ID field in as a variable and returns the generated ID. If the field is occupied, it simply returns the ID, if not, it generates a new one. Below is the progress I have made in accomplishing this.
Option Compare Database
Function GavFun2(EIID As String) As String
These are the characters in the base 35 counting system.
N = Mid(EIID, 6, 5)
This simply extracts the 5 alphanumeric digits of the Working Table ID
Dec = (InStr(strAlphabet, Mid(N, 5, 1)) - 1) * 35 ^ 0 + (InStr(strAlphabet, Mid(N, 4, 1)) - 1) * 35 ^ 1 + (InStr(strAlphabet, Mid(N, 3, 1)) - 1) * 35 ^ 2 + (InStr(strAlphabet, Mid(N, 2, 1)) - 1) * 35 ^ 3 + (InStr(strAlphabet, Mid(N, 1, 1)) - 1) * 35 ^ 4
This Decodes this back into a base 10 system
GavFun2 = GavFun(CInt(Dec))
This converts the number back into the base 35 system and returns the ID in its full string form (function included below).
If EIID = Empty Then
End If
End Function
This if statement is where I am running into a wall. I want to fund the maximum value of Cint(Dec), then simply return GavFun2 = GavFun(Max(Cint(Dec))+1). I feel like this would be a good start, but there would be a number of problems if I was able to even get this to work.
A. If there ware multiple blank records, they would all have the ID (maybe replace with a for loop that runs through each blank consecutively and start the counter at Max(Cint(Dec))+1, but I don’t know how to do this.)
B. If I were to add a new patient with a custom ID (or delete one), this could potentially change all of the generated IDs.
Any thoughts on my general approach or advice on how to proceed would be very much appreciated. Thank you so much for your help.
Option Compare Database
Function GavFun(IDD As Integer) As String
If IDD = 0 Then
GavFun = "0"
Exit Function
End I
GavFun = vbNullString
Do While IDD <> 0
GavFun = Mid(strAlphabet, IDD Mod 35 + 1, 1) & GavFun
IDD = IDD \ 35
ZZ = Array("0", "00", "000", "0000", "00000")
L = Len(CStr(GavFun))
MM = ZZ(4 - L)
GavFun = "GKID-" & MM & GavFun
End Function
Ok, the way to approach this?
Well we often need all kinds of speical numbering systems. For invoice, PO numbers, maybe a badge number, employee numbers etc. Now in these cases? Such numbers have VERY little to do with relational databases. I mean becuase you might not yet have some silly invoice number, your whole software package comes crashing down?
So, such external numbers? They don't have anything to do with how you build your relationships between tables. For that you use the PK (ID - autonumber), and then the FK (forighen key) in the child table. things like City, invoice number, name etc? That's just data you store - ZERO to do with relationships.
Ok, so now that we got above out of the way.
First up:
You don't want to hit the whole database to find some max number or some such. While this might work for single user, it not really a good idea.
So, for badge numbers, incrementing product numbers, invoice numbers, and hey, maybe even a clincial trial number?
You create a table with a SINGLE row in that table. That way you can then even say go and change/set what the starting number/point is to be. So yes, you ARE on the right tack - you want to build your own custom numbering system, and then use that for a column in that table (as I stated, this is just a number, or value - not different then city, first name, or say some invoice number - NOTHING to do with the PK, and NOTHING to do with relatonal database stuff.
Ok, so, now we need some things here.
First, we need that table that keeps track of this number for us.
Next, we need a routine to get this "value" and then increment the value for the next time.
And then we need to setup a nice way to get and then put/shove/have that number auto matic be setup and entered into that form for us, and of course make sure if that record already has a number, we don't over write it.
Thus we can break this problem down into separate parts.
First, create our increment number handy dandy maintains table like this:
So that's our table. Nice part is we can edit the starting number, and even the prefix - so if you do another run/study, we can easy start a new number set. we DON'T care about the existing data - build a number system - it just runs and works like a good water pump.
Ok, next we need our routine to go please get me the next number.
Our code can work like this:
Public Function GetNextPID() As String
Const MaxDigts = 4
Const Base = 35
Dim OnePart As Long
Dim OneDigit As Long
Dim rstNext As DAO.Recordset
Dim OurNum As Long
Dim i As Integer
Dim strResult As String
Dim strPrefix As String
Set rstNext = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset("NextPatientNum")
OurNum = rstNext!NextNumber
strPrefix = rstNext!Prefix
rstNext!NextNumber = OurNum + 1
' convert our number to base
Dim s As String
For i = MaxDigts - 1 To 0 Step -1
OnePart = Int(OurNum / (Base ^ i))
s = Mid(Alpha, OnePart + 1, 1)
strResult = strResult & s
OurNum = OurNum - Int(OnePart * (Base ^ i))
Next i
GetNextPID = strPrefix & "-" & strResult
End Function
So, place the above code function in a standard code module (not in a form).
Now, hit ctrl-g, and we can test it like this from the debug (immediate window)
? GetNextPID
Output: GKID-0007
So, now you can just edit that "one row" maintains table to start at whatever number you like or feel like. once you set that number, then each time you call that routine, it will go get you the next number based on our new number system.
Now, all we have to do is in that form? Well, we could just write code to check if the text box/field is not yet set, but there is ALSO a event on the form that fires ONLY when you add/insert that record in the form. It not 100% clear when/how your form works, but we can do something like this:
Private Sub Form_BeforeInsert(Cancel As Integer)
Me.PatientNum = GetNextPID
End Sub
(of course you don't type in the event stub part).
Note close: if the record is blank - not dirty, then nothing happens. You can even close the form. However, the instant you start typing anything into that form with a new record, then like magic that code will run, and shove in the new number into that text box on the form, the new patient number will appear.
As noted, we can even go edit that maintains table, give it a new prefix and new number for a whole new study.
Edit: feel free to use your existing logic - either way, don't try and hit/use the database table with existing data to get/make/generate the new ID - use your function idea, but it will simple automatic return + generate the next new number you need upon calling that function.

Remove elements in an arraylist that exist in another arraylist

i have 2 array list, dateListDead and dateListNotMinggu. Both is DateTime List of Array. This is the ilustration of the date value in list of array
The arrayList value
its supposed to remove specific element that exist in other array list.
so far i tried, this code it's not working.
Dim d, x As Integer
For x = 0 To dateListDead.Count - 1
For d = 0 To dateListNotMinggu.Count - 1
If dateListNotMinggu(d) = dateListDead(x) Then
End If
the error is : index out of range. how could it be ? i define the parameter of end looping base on arraylist.count -1
The main is that you are using a For loop from the first index to the last index but you don't account for the change of index when you remove a value. If there might be multiple values then you should start and the end rather than the beginning. In that case, removing an item won't affect the indexes of the items you are yet to test. If there can only be one match then you should be exiting the loop when you find one.
Either way, while you don't have to, I would suggest using a For Each loop on the outside. If you want to perform an action for each item in a list then that's exactly what a For Each loop is for. Only use a For loop if you need to use the loop counter for something other than accessing each item in turn.
For multiple matches:
For Each dateDead As Date In dateListDead
For i = dateListNotMinggu.Count - 1 To 0 Step -1
If CDate(dateListNotMinggu(i)) = dateDead Then
End If
For a single match:
For Each dateDead As Date In dateListDead
For i = 0 To dateListNotMinggu.Count - 1
If CDate(dateListNotMinggu(i)) = dateDead Then
Exit For
End If
Note that I have also cast the Date values as that type for comparison, which is required with Option Strict On. Option Strict is Off by default but you should always turn it On because it will help you write better code by focusing on data types.
Also, the code above would work with a List(Of Date) as well as an ArrayList but the casts would not be required with a List(Of Date). That's one of the advantages of using a generic List(Of T) over an ArrayList, which paces no restrictions on what it can contain.
If you really must use a For loop because that's what your homework assignment says then it would look like this:
For i = 0 To dateListDead.Count - 1
For j = dateListNotMinggu.Count - 1 To 0 Step -1
If CDate(dateListNotMinggu(j)) = CDate(dateListDead(i)) Then
End If
and this:
For i = 0 To dateListDead.Count - 1
For j = 0 To dateListNotMinggu.Count - 1
If CDate(dateListNotMinggu(j)) = CDate(dateListDead(i)) Then
Exit For
End If
Note that it is convention to use i as a first option for a loop counter, then j for the first nested loop, then k for the second nested loop. You should only use something else if you have good reason to do so. Remember that the loop counter doesn't represent the value in the list but rather its index. That's why you use i for index and not d for date or the like.
As per Jimi's comment below, the way this would usually be tackled is with a simple LINQ query. If you were using LINQ then you definitely wouldn't be using an ArrayList but rather a List(Of Date). In that case, the code would look like this:
dateListNotMinggu = dateListNotMinggu.Except(dateListDead).ToList()
If you were completely insane and wanted to use LINQ and ArrayLists then this would work:
dateListNotMinggu = New ArrayList(dateListNotMinggu.Cast(Of Date)().
Except(dateListDead.Cast(Of Date)()).
Take note that, as I replied in the comments, using LINQ will generate a new list, rather than changing the existing one.

VBA-Excel return the latest date

I am a newbie to using VBA to program functions in Excel (just started this morning actually). Here is my problem including my almost but non-working solution.
Problem outline:
I have 2 columns of data, a userID and a Date column. I want to create a function that returns the maximum date (latest) for a userID. A userID may appear once, or many times (number varies from user to user, but doesn't exceed 20).
Now to make this problem a easier for my little brain, I pre-sort the userIDs to appear one after another, and then created a third column to mark the first instance of a userID (not necessarily the one with the earliest/latest date) using a simple excel If statement: If its the first instance it is the userID, else it is empty.
Then I created a function that takes in a range of cells (userIDs), and a single other value (the third column cell containing a single value of userID)
A typical excel worksheet will look like this:
userID Date First Instance
1 3/3/12 1
1 3/2/11
1 2/3/14
2 2
2 3/4/15
2 5/6/15
3 5/5/16 3
4 4/4/14 4
4 6/7/08
I wrote the function below, which takes in userID as the iRange (I select more than 20 so that for other users which may have 20 instances of userID are also included), and idCell as the single identifier of the first instance of userId.
The logic behind the code is:
Loop through iRange and compare it to idCell
If it's equal, check that the next cell (next to the element from iRange is a date) and if it is
Check whether it is larger than the maxDate, store it if true
At the end I return maxDate
The result:
I get a number back, but it isn't a date and I don't think it has any bearing on a date.
Function returnDate2(iRange As Range, idCell As Range) As Date
Dim elem As Variant
Dim i As Long
Dim maxDate As Date
For Each elem In iRange
If elem = idCell Then
If IsDate(elem.Offset(0, 1)) Then
If elem.Offset(0, 1) > maxDate Then
maxDate = DateValue(elem.Offset(0, 1))
End If
returnDate2 = maxDate
End If
End If
Next elem
End Function
Thanks in advance!

SSIS - Script Component, Split single row to multiple rows (Parent Child Variation)

Thanks in advance for your help. I'm in need of help on writing SSIS script component to delimit single row to multiple rows. There were many helpful blog and post I looked at below:
However, I need a little extra help on coding to complete the project. Basically here's what I want to do.
Input data
ID Item Name
1 Apple01,02,Banana01,02,03
2 Spoon1,2,Fork1,2,3,4
Output data
ParentID ChildID Item Name
1 1 Apple01
1 2 Apple02
1 3 Banana01
1 4 Banana02
1 5 Banana03
2 1 Spoon1
2 2 Spoon2
2 3 Fork1
2 4 Fork2
2 5 Fork3
2 6 Fork4
Below is my attempt to code, but feel free to revise whole if it's illogic. SSIS Asynchronous output is set.
Public Overrides Sub Input0_ProcessInputRow(ByVal Row As Input0Buffer)
Dim posID As Integer, childID As Integer
Dim delimiter As String = ","
Dim txtHolder As String, suffixHolder As String
Dim itemName As String = Row.ItemName
Dim keyField As Integer = Row.ID
If Not (String.IsNullOrEmpty(itemList)) Then
Dim inputListArray() As String = _
itemList.Split(New String() {delimiter}, _
For Each item As String In inputListArray
Output0Buffer.ParentID = keyField
If item.Length >= 3 Then
txtHolder = Trim(item)
Output0Buffer.ItemName = txtHolder
'when item length is less than 3, it's suffix
suffixHolder = Trim(item)
txtHolder = Left(txtHolder.ToString(), Len(txtHolder) _
- Len(suffixHolder)) & suffixHolder.ToString()
Output0Buffer.ItemName = txtHolder
End If
End If
End Sub
The current code produces the following output
ID Item Name
1 Apple01
1 02
1 Banana01
1 02
1 03
2 Spoon1
2 2
2 Fork1
2 2
2 3
2 4
If I come across as pedantic in this response, it is not my intention. Based on the comment "I'm new at coding and having a problem troubleshooting" I wanted to walk through my observations and how I came to them.
Problem analysis
The desire is to split a single row into multiple output rows based on a delimited field associated to the row.
The code as it stands now is generating the appropriate number of rows so you do have the asynchronous part (split) of the script working so that's a plus. What needs to happen is we need to 1) Populate the Child ID column 2) Apply the item prefix to all subsequent row when generating the child items.
I treat most every problem like that. What am I trying to accomplish? What is working? What isn't working? What needs to be done to make it work. Decomposing problems into smaller and smaller problems will eventually result in something you can do.
Code observations
Pasting in the supplied code resulted in an error that itemList was not declared. Based on usage, it seems that it was intended to be itemName.
After fixing that, you should notice the IDE indicating you have 2 unused variables (posID, childID) and that the variable txHolder is used before it's been assigned a value. A null reference exception could result at runtime. My coworker often remarks warnings are errors that haven't grown up yet so my advice to you as a fledgling developer is to pay attention to warnings unless you explicitly expect the compiler to warn you about said scenario.
Getting started
With a choice between solving the Child ID situation versus the name prefix/suffix stuff, I'd start with an easy one, the child id
Generating a surrogate key
That's the fancy title phrase that if you searched on you'd have plenty of hits to ssistalk or sqlis or any of a number of fabulously smart bloggers. Devil of course is knowing what to search on. No where do you ever compute or assign the child id value to the stream which of course is why it isn't showing up there.
We simply need to generate a monotonically increasing number which resets each time the source id changes. I am making an assumption that the inbound ID is unique in the incoming data like a sales invoice number would be unique and we are splitting out the items purchased. However if those IDs were repeated in the dataset, perhaps instead of representing invoice numbers they are salesperson id. Sales Person 1 could have another row in the batch selling vegetables. That's a more complex scenario and we can revisit if that better describes your source data.
There are two parts to generating our surrogate key (again, break problems down into smaller pieces). The first thing to do is make a thing that counts up from 1 to N. You have defined a childId variable to serve this. Initialize this variable (1) and then increment it inside your foreach loop.
Now that we counting, we need to push that value onto the output stream. Putting those two steps together would look like
childID = 1
For Each item As String In inputListArray
Output0Buffer.ParentId = keyField
Output0Buffer.ChildId = childID
' There might be VB shorthand for ++
childID = childID + 1
Run the package and success! Scratch the generate surrogate key off the list.
String mashing
I don't know of a fancy term for what needs to be done in the other half of the problem but I needed some title for this section. Given the source data, this one might be harder to get right. You've supplied value of Apple01, Banana01, Spoon1, Fork1. It looks like there's a pattern there (name concatenated with a code) but what it is it? Your code indicates that if it's less than 3, it's a suffix but how do you know what the base is? The first row uses a leading 0 and is two digits long while the second row does not use a leading zero. This is where you need to understand your data. What is the rule for identifying the "code" part of the first row? Some possible algorithms
Force your upstream data providers to provide consistent length codes (I think this has worked once in my 13 years but it never hurts to push back against the source)
Assuming code is always digits, evaluate each character in reverse order testing whether it can be cast to an integer (Handles variable length codes)
Assume the second element in the split array will provide the length of the code. This is the approach you are taking with your code and it actually works.
I made no changes to make the generated item name work beyond fixing the local variables ItemName/itemList. Final code eliminates the warnings by removing PosID and initializing txtHolder to an empty string.
Public Overrides Sub Input0_ProcessInputRow(ByVal Row As Input0Buffer)
Dim childID As Integer
Dim delimiter As String = ","
Dim txtHolder As String = String.Empty, suffixHolder As String
Dim itemName As String = Row.ItemName
Dim keyField As Integer = Row.ID
If Not (String.IsNullOrEmpty(itemName)) Then
Dim inputListArray() As String = _
itemName.Split(New String() {delimiter}, _
' The inputListArray (our split out field)
' needs to generate values from 1 to N
childID = 1
For Each item As String In inputListArray
Output0Buffer.ParentId = keyField
Output0Buffer.ChildId = childID
' There might be VB shorthand for ++
childID = childID + 1
If item.Length >= 3 Then
txtHolder = Trim(item)
Output0Buffer.ItemName = txtHolder
'when item length is less than 3, it's suffix
suffixHolder = Trim(item)
txtHolder = Left(txtHolder.ToString(), Len(txtHolder) _
- Len(suffixHolder)) & suffixHolder.ToString()
Output0Buffer.ItemName = txtHolder
End If
End If
End Sub

access help to dynamicaly determin a records date changes across fields

i have a MS access database with a table such as the one below and i am trying to figure out the sql needed to determine the total number of times the date changes across all the fields for each defectID record.
also, note that each day i add a field to the table, so if this can be made dynamic that would be best.
when there are no dates i would like the result to display 0 (zero)
thanks all
you definitely have a normalization issue here.
you should consider moving the date to another table - maybe similar to the following:
Retest Estimate
You are treating a database like a spread sheet. It would be better to set up a table on these lines:
This means that you are adding records each day, rather than fields. It will also make queries easier.
I agree with the suggestion that the data ought to be normalized, but then you have a different problem for answering the question, one that I'm not sure how you'd do it in SQL (since it is based on the order of the records). That is, you'd have to walk a recordset to do it. I guess a correlated subquery could do the trick, but it would have to based on something that can be ordered.
My SQL skills are not fabulous, so in the abstract I won't suggest a SQL solution, but maybe somebody else will.
Instead, I'll suggest a function that could return the answer in the original unnormalized data structure. I base this on my existing iMax() function, which goes like this:
Public Function iMax(ParamArray p()) As Variant
' Idea from Trevor Best in Usenet MessageID
Dim i As Long
Dim lngUBound As Long
Dim v As Variant
v = p(LBound(p))
lngUBound = UBound(p)
For i = LBound(p) + 1 To lngUBound
If v < p(i) Then
v = p(i)
End If
iMax = v
End Function
The idea is using a parameter array to pass the values to the function, and then walking the array to get the information you need. In this case, you'd want to walk the array and count the number of times it changes, something like this:
Public Function CountChange(ParamArray varInput()) As Long
Dim varValue As Variant
Dim varPrevious As Variant
Dim lngCount As Long
varPrevious = varInput(0)
For Each varValue In varInput()
If varValue <> varPrevious Then
lngCount = lngCount + 1
End If
varPrevious = varValue
Next varValue
CountChange = lngCount
End Function
I haven't tested that very thoroughly, and it doesn't deal with Nulls at all, but that's the idea -- it's very useful concept for comparing data from fields within a single row.