Use Api / read api return values -

Im using api from SMS provider .
Dim url As String
url = "http://weburl.jsp?usr=abc&pass=def&msisdn=95786123384645&sid=ABC&msg=welcome&mt=0"
The url i got from provider. Is there any other better way of sending sms using api ?
there is also api for balance which returns balance. Now i want to put this balance in label. How to do this?
Copy pasting above on browser displays balance but i want this to be in label.
Im using 2008 windows app,
Thanks in advance.

You can use HttpWebRequest and HttpWebResponse, something like this...
Dim sUrl As String = "http://weburl/CreditCheck.jsp?usr=abc&pass=def"
Dim wRequest As HttpWebRequest = DirectCast(System.Net.HttpWebRequest.Create(sUrl), HttpWebRequest)
wRequest.Proxy.Credentials = System.Net.CredentialCache.DefaultCredentials 'Not always needed
wRequest.Method = "GET"
Dim wResponse As HttpWebResponse = DirectCast(wRequest.GetResponse(), HttpWebResponse)
Dim sResponse As String = ""
Using srRead As New StreamReader(wResponse.GetResponseStream())
sResponse = srRead.ReadToEnd()
End Using
You will then need to parse the result to extract your balance


RestSharp call to eBay oauth2 user token

I am trying to get eBay user tokens for my users using the identity api. I finally got it to work in Postman. Converted the call from Postman to a restsharp call from a test app. The Postman call works, the VB call returns "404 Not Found". Looked at the two calls using Fiddler. The only difference I can see is that the Postman call goes to:
and the VB app call goes to
It would appear that somewhere the VB app is appending "/1" to the api url. Not sure where this is occurring as I can step through the code as it executes and don't see it.
Is there a property in RestSharp that might cause this value to be appended?
EDIT added code. This code is supposed to return a user token and refresh token from eBay. It is taken pretty much from Postman with mods to work with the latest version.
Async Sub RSGetCode(sCode As String)
Dim client As RestClient = New RestClient("")
Dim request As RestRequest = New RestRequest(Method.Post)
sCode = WebUtility.UrlDecode(sCode)
With request
.AddHeader("Content-Type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded")
.AddHeader("Authorization", "Basic TXVycGh5c0MtNzYxNy00ZGRmLTk5N2ItOD..........................")
.AddParameter("grant_type", "authorization_code")
.AddParameter("code", sCode)
.AddParameter("redirect_uri", "Murphys_Creativ-Mu...........")
.AddParameter("Scope", "")
End With
Dim responce = Await client.PostAsync(request)
'Dim responce = Await client.ExecuteAsync(request)
Dim sR As String = responce.Content
End Sub```
I got it to work by slightly reformating the code. See below.
Async Sub PostRestCode(sCode As String)
Dim client As RestClient = New RestClient("")
Dim request As RestRequest = New RestRequest("identity/v1/oauth2/token", Method.Post)
With request
.AddHeader("Content-Type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded")
.AddHeader("Authorization", "Basic TXVycGh5c0MtNzYxNy00ZGRmLTk5N2ItODc2OGMzZWZkYT..............................")
.AddParameter("grant_type", "authorization_code")
.AddParameter("code", sCode) '"v^1.1#i^1#I^3#p^3#f^0#r^1#t^Ul41Xzg6NEN.......................................")
.AddParameter("redirect_uri", "Murphys_Creativ-Mu......................")
.AddParameter("Scope", "")
End With
Dim responce = Await client.PostAsync(request)
'Dim responce = Await client.ExecuteAsync(request)
Dim sR As String = responce.Content
End Sub

Stripe Payment with VB - 400 Bad Request

I'm trying to make a stripe payment work from a VB website. I know, I know, "I should use C#". I can't because the site is already in VB. Nothing I can do about it.
Anyway, I have most of it figured out:
User clicks submit button with valid info
Form submits to Stripe
Stripe sends a token back
A jQuery ajax function posts the data to donate/pay-by-stripe
I have this line of code in my Global.asax.vb
routes.MapRoute("pay-by-stripe", "donate/pay-by-stripe", New With{.controller = "Dynamic", .action = "PayByStripe"})
So my PayByStripe function in the Dynamic Controller looks like this:
Function PayByStripe()
''The Stripe Account API Token
Dim STR_Stripe_API_Token As String = "sk_test_*****"
''The Stripe API URL
Dim STR_Stripe_API_URL As [String] = ""
''The Stripe Card Token
Dim token As String = HttpContext.Request.Form("token")
Dim description As String = HttpContext.Request.Form("description")
Dim amount As Single = HttpContext.Request.Form("amount")
''Creates a Web Client
Dim OBJ_Webclient As New System.Net.WebClient()
''Creates Credentials
Dim OBJ_Credentials As New System.Net.NetworkCredential(STR_Stripe_API_Token, "")
''Sets the Credentials on the Web Client
OBJ_Webclient.Credentials = OBJ_Credentials
''Creates a Transaction with Data that Will be Sent to Stripe
''Dim OBJ_Transaction As New System.Collections.Specialized.NameValueCollection()
Dim OBJ_Transaction As NameValueCollection = New NameValueCollection()
OBJ_Transaction.Add("amount", amount)
OBJ_Transaction.Add("currency", "usd")
OBJ_Transaction.Add("address-country", "US")
OBJ_Transaction.Add("description", "")
OBJ_Transaction.Add("card", token)
''The Stripe Response String
Dim STR_Response As String = Encoding.ASCII.GetString(OBJ_Webclient.UploadValues(STR_Stripe_API_URL, OBJ_Transaction))
Return STR_Response
End Function
I'm getting a 400 bad request error on the STR_Response line:
Dim STR_Response As String = Encoding.ASCII.GetString(OBJ_Webclient.UploadValues(STR_Stripe_API_URL, OBJ_Transaction))
I'm a VB and Stripe noob, and not sure what this means. My main theory now is that it's because I don't have a /donate/pay-by-stripe/ page, but I don't know what I'd even put in there if I did create it.
Any help would be great!
That's a webservice you are calling, right?
A 400 Bad Request with a webservice means your XML request is malformed.
Example, in my request, part of it is a UTC in a certain date format. Example: <pp:utc>2013-05-24 2025</pp:utc>
So, if I were to malform my request to this <pp:utc>2013-05-24 2025</pp:utc2> it would result in:
HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request
Cache-Control: private
Server: Microsoft-IIS/7.5
X-AspNet-Version: 2.0.5
So, check your request and make sure everything is properly formatted.
EDIT: just noticed I put the "incorrect" utc tags incorrectly.
Please notice the opening tag <pp:utc> is being closed with a </pp:utc2>, which is the reason why you see 400 bad request
I had to put my password in System.Net.NetworkCredentials, and address-country is not a usable field. The only usable fields when submitting a charge are amount, currency, description, and card (which is actually the token). This is the final, working version of my PayByStripe Function in my Dynamic Controller:
Function PayByStripe()
'' The Stripe Account API Token - change this for testing
Dim STR_Stripe_API_Token As String = ""
If (this_is_a_test) Then
' Test Secret Key
STR_Stripe_API_Token = "sk_test_***"
' Prod Secret Key
STR_Stripe_API_Token = "sk_live_***"
End If
''The Stripe API URL
Dim STR_Stripe_API_URL As [String] = ""
''The Stripe Card Token
Dim token As String = HttpContext.Request.Form("token")
Dim description As String = HttpContext.Request.Form("description")
Dim amount As Single = HttpContext.Request.Form("amount")
''Creates a Web Client
Dim OBJ_Webclient As New System.Net.WebClient()
''Creates Credentials
Dim OBJ_Credentials As New System.Net.NetworkCredential(STR_Stripe_API_Token, "YOUR PASSWORD FOR STRIPE")
''Sets the Credentials on the Web Client
OBJ_Webclient.Credentials = OBJ_Credentials
''Creates a Transaction with Data that Will be Sent to Stripe
Dim OBJ_Transaction As New System.Collections.Specialized.NameValueCollection()
OBJ_Transaction.Add("amount", amount)
OBJ_Transaction.Add("currency", "usd")
OBJ_Transaction.Add("description", description)
OBJ_Transaction.Add("card", token)
''The Stripe Response String
Dim STR_Response As String = Encoding.ASCII.GetString(OBJ_Webclient.UploadValues(STR_Stripe_API_URL, OBJ_Transaction))
Return STR_Response
End Function
I've never had to pass in my password when connecting to Stripe's API. Simply pass in your private API Key through an authorization header with no password. It may also help to pass in a version header as well, something Stripe recommends. The following lines of card are in C#, I know your question was in VB, but I'm sure you can easily adaptive this:
webrequest.Headers.Add("Stripe-Version", "2014-12-22");
webrequest.Headers.Add("Authorization", String.Concat("Basic ", (Convert.ToBase64String(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(string.Format("{0}:", "sk_test_XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX"))))));
Also, it may help to know that Stripe sends a 400 Bad Request when an expired or invalid card token is sent.

Empty response HTTPWebRequest: Windows Phone 8

I am making a Windows Phone app and I am trying to get JSON data from a URL. The user needs to be logged into the website (which hosts the JSON data) in order to get JSON data and I cannot use the Web Browser control to display the data and then extract the string since the browser doesn't recognize it (for some weird reason) and asks to search for an app on Store which can handle that JSON file type. (If I open the URL in desktop browser on my Windows PC, I can see the raw JSON data). I can't use normal HTTPWebRequest or WebClient as to get JSON data the login cookies needs to be set (the JSON data is user-specific) and I can't extract the cookies from Web browser control and use it with WebClient or HTTPWebRequest. So the best thing I can do is use a special internal instance of IWebRequestCreate that is used internally by the WebBrowser. By opening background HTTP requests with that class, the cookies get automatically set as if they were created/sent by the WebBrowser control. But my code is not returning the JSON data, I get blank response, as in the string resp is empty.
Below is the code:
Dim browser = New WebBrowser()
Dim brwhttp = GetType(WebRequestCreator).GetProperty("BrowserHttp")
Dim requestFactory = TryCast(brwhttp.GetValue(Browser, Nothing), IWebRequestCreate)
Dim uri = New Uri(",notifs,following,followers")
Dim req = requestFactory.Create(uri)
req.Method = "GET"
req.BeginGetResponse(New AsyncCallback(AddressOf request_Callback), req)
Private Sub request_Callback(asyncResult As IAsyncResult)
Dim webRequest As HttpWebRequest = DirectCast(asyncResult.AsyncState, HttpWebRequest)
Dim webResponse As HttpWebResponse = DirectCast(webRequest.EndGetResponse(asyncResult), HttpWebResponse)
Dim tempStream As New MemoryStream()
Dim sr As New StreamReader(tempStream)
Dim resp As String = sr.ReadToEnd
End Sub
What's wrong?
I found that CopyTo can leave the Stream's pointer at the end of the buffer, you probably need to reset tempStream's pointer to the beginning before attempting to read it with the StreamReader, here's the code...
tempStream.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin);
Dim sr As New StreamReader(tempStream);

Getting multiple SQL Reports with HttpWebRequest - 401 Unauthorized

I am trying to call multiple SQL Reporting Services Reports, get the .pdfs back, then append them together. I have no problems appending .pdfs, but I'm getting an error on the second report. Here's some example code:
Dim httpReq As System.Net.HttpWebRequest = DirectCast(System.Net.WebRequest.Create(strLink), System.Net.HttpWebRequest)
Dim creds As New System.Net.NetworkCredential
creds.Domain = "MyDomain"
creds.UserName = "UserName"
creds.Password = "Password"
httpReq.Credentials = creds
Dim httpResp As System.Net.HttpWebResponse = DirectCast(httpReq.GetResponse(), System.Net.HttpWebResponse)
httpReq = Nothing
httpResp = Nothing
Dim SecondHttpReq As System.Net.HttpWebRequest = DirectCast(System.Net.WebRequest.Create(strSecondLink), System.Net.HttpWebRequest)
SecondHttpReq.Credentials = creds
Dim SecondHttpResp As System.Net.HttpWebResponse = DirectCast(SecondHttpReq.GetResponse(), System.Net.HttpWebResponse)
When I try to create the second HttpResponse, I get a 401 Unauthorized error. When I check the SecondHttpReq object when it errors, I find that the Credentials property has been set back to Nothing. I've tried using a CookieContainer to no avail. I'd really rather not have to write a parent/sub report to get these together, so I'd like to hear other options. Thanks in advance.
Fixed. Someone changed permissions on our report server without notifying anyone.

How to use HttpWebRequest to download file

Trying to download file in code.
Current code:
Dim uri As New UriBuilder
uri.UserName = "xxx"
uri.Password = "xxx"
uri.Host = "xxx"
uri.Path = "xxx.aspx?q=65"
Dim request As HttpWebRequest = DirectCast(WebRequest.Create(uri.Uri), HttpWebRequest)
request.AllowAutoRedirect = True
request = DirectCast(WebRequest.Create(DownloadUrlIn), HttpWebRequest)
request.Timeout = 10000
'request.AllowWriteStreamBuffering = True
Dim response As HttpWebResponse = Nothing
response = DirectCast(request.GetResponse(), HttpWebResponse)
Dim s As Stream = response.GetResponseStream()
'Write to disk
Dim fs As New FileStream("c:\xxx.pdf", FileMode.Create)
Dim read As Byte() = New Byte(255) {}
Dim count As Integer = s.Read(read, 0, read.Length)
While count > 0
fs.Write(read, 0, count)
count = s.Read(read, 0, read.Length)
End While
'Close everything
Running this code and checking the response.ResponseUri indicates im being redirected back to the login page and not to the pdf file.
For some reason its not authorising access what could I be missing as Im sending the user name and password in the uri? Thanks for your help
You don't need all of that code to download a file from the net
just use the WebClient class and its DownloadFile method
you should check and see if the site requires cookies (most do), i'd use a packet analyzer and run your code and see exactly what the server is returning. use fiddler or http analyzer to log packets
With UWP, this has become a more pertinent question as UWP does not have a WebClient. The correct answer to this question is if you are being re-directed to the login page, then there must be an issue with your credentials OR the setting (or lack of) header for the HttpWebRequest.
According to Microsoft, the request for downloading is sent with the call to GetResponse() on the HttpWebRequest, therefore the downloaded file SHOULD be in the stream in the response (returned by the GetResponse() call mentioned above).