How can I give access to a specific cube in PowerPivot? - ssas

This is my first time trying to grant access to one of my users to view a specific analysis cube via PowerPivot in Excel.
We are working with Excel 2010, I've created a local user on the server itself and add it to analysis from the SQL management studio.
I've created a role for this user and set a read permission only for a specific cube.
I've open Excel on my local computer > selected Data > From Other Source > From Analysis Services
Entered the server address and login details. Then I had 3 problems:
It shows me ALL the cubes and all databases that are available on the analysis server, WHY DOES IT HAVE A PERMISSION TO SELECT THEM?
After choosing the cube that I want I got this error: "An Error was encountered in the Transport layer", but when I clicked OK I got a "Multidimentional Connection 11.0" window that asked me for my login details again, and after I entered them it gave me access. HOW CAN I AVOIDE THIS ERROR?
After connecting to the cube and starting the work process, WHAT IS MY INDICATOR FOR KNOWING ON WHICH CUBE I'M WORKING ON?
Thank you so much!

Try to enable the "Save Password" Option in the Connection Properties Definition Tab. If the user is a local user you have to do this.
To see on which cube you are working on, have a look on DATA/Properties.


SSIS Cube process fail

I am fully appreciated someone could help me with this problem. I create and try to public a very simple Microsoft Cube on a local SQL server, but for some reason, I could deploy the cube but fail to process it.
The error message says:
Internal error: The operation terminated unsuccessfully.
The following system error occurred: The user name or password is incorrect.
Errors in the high-level relational engine. A connection could not be made to the data source with the DataSourceID of 'Adventure DS', Name of 'Adventure DS'.
Errors in the OLAP storage engine: An error occurred while the dimension, with the ID of 'Sales Order Header', Name of 'Sales Order Header' was being processed.
Errors in the OLAP storage engine: An error occurred while the dimension, with the ID of 'Sales Order Header', Name of 'Sales Order Header' was being processed.
Errors in the OLAP storage engine: An error occurred while the dimension, with the ID of 'Sales Order Header', Name of 'Sales Order Header' was being processed.
I read a lot of topics, and I am sure
I use the SA/administrator account in both Data source and Public server. All test connection was successed.
I check the SSAS Analysis server and found my cube was there without a problem.
I set up a role for/with sa account.
According to the error message, your processing cannot access the DB. Most likely the problem here lies in Data Source Impersonation settings.
Briefly, each Data Source has two tabs - the first define connection settings, and the second - Impersonation mode, like in the screenshot below.
This impersonation defines a Windows user which is used to access the Datasource; is important because you have to use Windows accounts for accessing the DB. That is why it is called "Impersonation" - handling identity of connecting user. When you design a cube - your account is used for data access, but once you deploy your cube to the SSAS Server - there is no current user account. The Server has to deduce it from Impersonation tab.
Here you have four options:
Specific Windows user name and password. Specify Windows user name and password here. Please note - Windows user name, you cannot use SQL user names here.
Use the service account - self-explanatory, use SSAS service account
Use the credentials of the current user - dangerous, uses current logged user account. Cannot be used for processing.
Inherit - use currently logged User account, if not accessible - use Service Account.
So, for your case - I would go for the most feasible solution - will be to set up a Windows account on the DB server, grant DB access to this account, and specify it in the first Impersonation option - Use specific Windows user name and password.
I had the same problem actually. Choose the first option from Impersonation Information:
Use a Specific Windows user name and password.
It is very important to use the exact current Windows user name. You can find the current Windows user name by opening cmd and running the command 'whoami'

SSAS Cube processing

I have deployed my SSAS solution to production. On the production server, I want to process my cube, but when I right click on the ssas cube and choose "Process", I recieve the follwong error:
The 'Database' with 'ID' = 'XXX' doesn't exist in the collection.
Has anyone encountered this error in Microsoft SSAS? If so, can anyone tell me what to do to resove this error ?
Check to see what the Id of the database is by right clicking on the database and selecting properties. Check the equivalent in visual studio and confirm it matches. If you have renamed the analysis services project (maybe for a backup), the id of the database does not get renamed and sometimes gets messed up in the XML file.
Try re-processing the dimensions on their own and then the cube. Failing that, if this is the first process (i.e. the cube is not live), try deleting and redeploying from visual studio.
You can re-deploy the OLAP database from SSDT with a different name and before you do you just need to change the database name and set the Processing Option to Full. You can set these options under Project's Configuration Properties->Deployment.
I had the exact same problem. I solved it by editing the roles in my SSAS database :
And then, check the boxes depending on what you want your job to do :
Then, you can process your cubes with your SSIS Jobs.
it can either be roles or kerberos, I got a similar error when the kerberos authentication wasnt setup in the cube server to interact with database server.

Login Failed for user [sql server user]

I am new to SSRS and have deployed several reports. When I force windows authentication, everything works fine, but when I do this:
I am getting this error:
An error has occurred during report processing. (rsProcessingAborted)
Query execution failed for dataset 'DataSet1'.
(rsErrorExecutingCommand) Login failed for user 'DWH_Reporting_User'.
I've configured the DWH_Reporting_User like this:
here are the details on DWH_Reporting_User for the ReportServer database:
here is the security on the server:
when i try to set security for that specific folder:
i am getting this error msg:
is there something obviously wrong with the way I've configured things?
The answer to this question was a series of comments. I went ahead and put it in the chat as well as an answer.
Go to the security of the server not the database and map the user to that database.
Can you recycle the application pool on the server where reporting services is running? Or reboot the IIS server if possible.
Another thing that comes to mind, when you launch this report it goes into the report server "Portal". Does this user have access to the actual report to view it? Click the details section of this "Portal" and assign this user as a content manager role.
DWH_REPORTING_USER is this an admin account on your domain?
Local admin on the server, so did you grant \COMPUTER_NAME\DWH_Reporting_User rights as a content manager in the roles section? Why dont you use a domain admin account?
So how do you access the actual report - that is your issue.
Do me a favor aprem, write up a stored procedure or sql query in the first tab of reporting services and run it using that user. Meaning in the shared data source it should be using this user DWH_Reporting_user. Test the connection then write a small sql statement to retrieve some data. Run the SQL script from within RS do you see any data?
#Aprem look at the three tabs at the top of rs, its the first tab to define datasets, this is where you can create an SQL query (and run it using the red exclamation mark). – JonH 20 mins ago
i defined a new dataset as "select top 1000 * from mytable", i rebuilt the project, deployed it, and now what do id o? – Артём Царионов 16 mins ago
In the "Shared Datasets" you have a dataset right? Double click on it and go to "Query Designer" it is a button on this form. Click on it and "Execute" the query (red exclamation mark). You dont need to deploy it right now, just do it on a test machine.ago
You specify the user in the datasource section "Shared Data Sources", that account is the account being used to "pull" the data. You really need to experiement with RS some more or read some material on it. This is as basic as it gets.
*Ok aprem do you understand your issue now, the user you are using to get the data has no issues, in addition, it is functioning correctly. Now you have to view the report. To view the report is to view the webpage, and to view a web page means you need to either use "Anon" access or windows authentication. So you need a domain or local WINDOWS account to view the report. This account needs to be setup on the RS portal as a content manager role. *
You are dealing with two beasts, one is the database (db server) and one is IIS (web server) each serve a specific purpose. The database serves to allow you to pull data while the web server hosts the pages.
The reportserver database is very important, it keeps a listing of all your reports and the meta data associated with your reports in the database. It also stores job ids and subscriptions associated with your reports. Basically it is the backend database for all reporting services stuff like reports, datasets, and datasources. Think of it this way when you create a new "Report Project" you are allowed to create reports, datasets, and datasources. Without the reportserver database how would the system remember your datasets, datasources, and report names? It is the heart of rs.
your data set is not used to connect to the reporting services databse, it is used to connect to the database you are getting the data to display on your report.
Does that user exist on the database the report is accessing?

SSAS anonymous access Cross Domain Access

I'm trying to configure anonymous access to SSAS accross domains. Well at least that is what I think I need to do to solve my business problem. I've attempted all the steps on here
to no avail.
Let me explain my situation I've got a SQL Server running SSAS and then a development server with access to database server. I would like a user that doesn't have access to SQL server box to be able to open Excel spreadsheets that connect to the SSAS server. So they can browse the data. I've found that the user on the development server also has to be the exact same user name and password on the SQL server. This might not be the worst solution I was just wondering if anyone knew about a better way.
On another note being a bit of an SSAS newb what is the best way to expose a data cube on the web? Any good resources for this would be very helpful.
If the user doesn't have credentials on the SSAS server I get this error
"An error was encountered in the Transport Layer" Followed by this ever so informative error
"Errors in the OLE DB provider. An error occorred while loading the connection dialog box component for prompting."
Thank you

Permissions Problems Prevent Database Access

Recently I inherited a database from another programmer (created / stored with SQL Management Studio 2008), and I am having massive difficulties accessing, modifying, or even viewing the previously created databases.
Specifically, when I try to load one of the databases in SQL Management Studio I get the following error message:
"The database [database name] is not
accessible. (Object Explorer)"
I am connecting to the SQL server with windows authentication.
Anyway, is this a permissions issue left over from the last dev? (he's unavailable, unfortunately) And is there an easy work-around short of completely reinstalling SQL Management Studio?
Edit: Update:
Upon trying to access User Mapping, as suggested below, I got the following error message:
"One or more databases are inaccessible and will not be displayed in list."
Unfortunately, none of the databases I am trying to access appeared in the list, so I assume they are still inaccessible.
It could very well be a permissions problem. If you open Object Explorer in SQL Server Management Studio and expand the Security node (the one under the server instance, not the Security tab under the individual databases) and then expand the Logins node you'll see the list of logins that have been created on the server. Have a look at the properties of each of those and check out the User Mapping information. You'll be able to see which logins are mapped to which databases. It's possible the previous programmer only granted access to the database to certain logins. If you find a login that's mapped to the database you want, try changing the password of the login and then connecting to the database with that login and password. NOTE: be careful when changing the password as it may affect production applications that are using that login and password!
This message:
"One or more databases are inaccessible and will not be displayed in list."
Means that the user you are using right now cannot access to that db. If you can enter with a user that does have access and from that user change your actual user's rights through User Mapping, then you will see it.
You need a dba (or someone with dba equivalent access) to give you rights to the database.