Animate DIV to another DIV position - jquery-animate

I can't figure out how to animate my DIV so that it goes to the #slot1 position (and later any slot I choose).
Here is my javascript code and the fiddle
$(function (){
$('#deck').click(function (){
var slotPos = $('#slot1').position();
$(this).animate({left: slotPos.left}, 400);
Thanks in advance!

$(#slot1 ).position()
function giving the relative position w.r.t to
<div id='head'>
container. So you can try below code. And use accordingly it:
$(function (){
$('#deck').click(function (){
var slotPos = $('#slot1').position(),
left: 10+hand.left+slotPos.left,
top:10 +},
Let me know if this works for you!


how to update the height of a textarea in vue.js when updating the value dynamically?

Working with Vue.js, I do use a simple way to set dynamically the height of a text area that resizes when typing. But I am not able to do it when the component mounts or the value updates.
I have already try, but it has the same problem.
I have created a sandbox that shows the problem, when typing the box it updates, but not when the value changes dynamically
Live example:
You need a triggerInput() method:
triggerInput() {
this.$nextTick(() => {
this.$refs.resize.$el.dispatchEvent(new Event("input"));
to use whenever you're changing the value programatically, triggering the resize logic used on <textarea> on "real" input events.
Updated codesandbox.
Note: Without the $nextTick() wrapper, the recently changed value will not have been applied yet and, even though the input is triggered, the element has not yet been updated and the resize happens before value has changed, resulting in the old height and looking like it didn't happen.
Not really feeling the answers posted here. Here is my simple solution:
watch: {
message: function(newItem, oldItem) {
let { messageInput } = this.$refs;
const lineHeightInPixels = 16;
// Reset messageInput Height
// Calculate number of lines (soft and hard)
const height =;
const scrollHeight = messageInput.scrollHeight; = height;
const count = Math.floor(scrollHeight / lineHeightInPixels);
this.$nextTick(() => {
<style scoped>
textarea {
height: auto;
line-height: 16px;

How to embed codepen as HTML in vue.js

I can't figure out how to embed a codepen using the recommended HTML method i a Vue application.
As <script> tag cannot be part of a Vue component template, I tried to add it to index.html where my Vue application is injected without luck. However, when I tried to paste the html code outside the div where Vue resides, the code got turned into an iFrame as it should.
Here is the HTML embed:
<p data-height="265" data-theme-id="0" data-slug-hash="JyxKMg" data-default-tab="js,result" data-user="sindael" data-embed-version="2" data-pen-title="Fullscreen image gallery using Wallop, Greensock and Flexbox" class="codepen">See the Pen Fullscreen image gallery using Wallop, Greensock and Flexbox by Dan (#sindael) on CodePen.</p>
And the script:
<script async src=""></script>
Embedding an iFrame directly works fine, but I wonder. Is there a way how to get the html working?
Look into the, then you will see it executes two steps:
check document.getElementsByClassName if exists, create it if not.
one IIFE to execute the embed.
So one hacky way as below simple demo:
copy the source codes from
copy the codes of first step then wrap it as one function = _codepen_selector_contructor
copy the codes of second step and remove () from the end, then wrap it as one function = _codepen_embed_method
create one vue-directive (I prefer using the directive to support the features which directly process Dom elements, you can use other solutions), then execute _codepen_selector_contructor and _codepen_embed_method
Probably you want to replace document inside _codepen_embed_method with el instead, then execute _codepen_embed_method(el). so that it will not affects other elements.
Below demo uses the hook='inserted', you could use other hooks if inserted can't meet your requirements.
let vCodePen = {}
vCodePen.install = function install (Vue) {//copy from
let _codepen_selector_contructor = function () {
document.getElementsByClassName||(document.getElementsByClassName=function(e){var n,t,r,a=document,o=[];if(a.querySelectorAll)return a.querySelectorAll("."+e);if(a.evaluate)for(t=".//*[contains(concat(' ', #class, ' '), ' "+e+" ')]",n=a.evaluate(t,a,null,0,null);r=n.iterateNext();)o.push(r);else for(n=a.getElementsByTagName("*"),t=new RegExp("(^|\\s)"+e+"(\\s|$)"),r=0;r<n.length;r++)t.test(n[r].className)&&o.push(n[r]);return o})
let _codepen_embed_method = //copy from then removed `()` from the end
function(){function e(){function e(){for(var e=document.getElementsByClassName("codepen"),t=e.length-1;t>-1;t--){var u=a(e[t]);if(0!==Object.keys(u).length&&(u=o(u),u.user=n(u,e[t]),r(u))){var c=i(u),l=s(u,c);f(e[t],l)}}m()}function n(e,n){if("string"==typeof e.user)return e.user;for(var t=0,r=n.children.length;t<r;t++){var a=n.children[t],o=a.href||"",i=o.match(/codepen\.(io|dev)\/(\w+)\/pen\//i);if(i)return i[2]}return"anon"}function r(e){return e["slug-hash"]}function a(e){for(var n={},t=e.attributes,r=0,a=t.length;r<a;r++){var o=t[r].name;0===o.indexOf("data-")&&(n[o.replace("data-","")]=t[r].value)}return n}function o(e){return e.href&&(e["slug-hash"]=e.href),e.type&&(e["default-tab"]=e.type),"true""run":e.animations="stop-after-5"),e}function i(e){var n=u(e),t=e.user?e.user:"anon",r="?"+l(e),a=e.preview&&"true"===e.preview?"embed/preview":"embed",o=[n,t,a,e["slug-hash"]+r].join("/");return o.replace(/\/\//g,"//")}function u(e){return"file:"===document.location.protocol?"":"//"}function c(e){return e.match(/^\/\//)||!e.match(/https?:/)?document.location.protocol+"//"+e:e}function l(e){var n="";for(var t in e)""!==n&&(n+="&"),n+=t+"="+encodeURIComponent(e[t]);return n}function s(e,n){var r;e["pen-title"]?r=e["pen-title"]:(r="CodePen Embed "+t,t++);var a={id:"cp_embed_"+e["slug-hash"].replace("/","_"),src:n,scrolling:"no",frameborder:"0",height:d(e),allowTransparency:"true",allowfullscreen:"true",allowpaymentrequest:"true",name:"CodePen Embed",title:r,"class":"cp_embed_iframe "+(e["class"]?e["class"]:""),style:"width: "+p+"; overflow: hidden;"},o="<iframe ";for(var i in a)o+=i+'="'+a[i]+'" ';return o+="></iframe>"}function d(e){return e.height?e.height:300}function f(e,n){if(e.parentNode){var t=document.createElement("div");t.className="cp_embed_wrapper",t.innerHTML=n,e.parentNode.replaceChild(t,e)}else e.innerHTML=n}function m(){"function"==typeof __CodePenIFrameAddedToPage&&__CodePenIFrameAddedToPage()}var p="100%";e()}function n(e){/in/.test(document.readyState)?setTimeout("window.__cp_domReady("+e+")",9):e()}var t=1;window.__cp_domReady=n,window.__CPEmbed=e,n(function(){new __CPEmbed})}
let defaultProps = {class: 'codepen', 'data-height':265, 'data-theme-id':0, 'data-slug-hash':'', 'data-default-tab':'js,result', 'data-user':'sindael', 'data-embed-version':'2', 'data-pen-title':''}
Vue.directive('code-pen', {
inserted: function (el, binding, vnode) {
let options = Object.assign({}, defaultProps, binding.value)
Object.entries(options).forEach((item) => {
el.setAttribute(item[0], item[1])
setTimeout(() => {
_codepen_embed_method() //_codepen_embed_method(el); you can pass el to take place of `document`
}, 100)
componentUpdated: function (el, binding, vnode) {
Vue.config.productionTip = false
app = new Vue({
el: "#app",
data: {
keyword: '',
mounted: function () {
methods: {
<script src=""></script>
<div id="app">
<p v-code-pen="{class: 'codepen', 'data-height':'265', 'data-theme-id':0, 'data-slug-hash':'JyxKMg', 'data-default-tab':'js,result', 'data-user':'sindael', 'data-embed-version':'2', 'data-pen-title':'Test'}">

Jquery not applying on dynamic elements created in context menu

I have a script containing $('a').on('click', function () {alert($(this).attr('class')); });
In my contextmenu function, I create a list with links
$(function () {
$('a').on('contextmenu', function (event) {
$("<ul id='menu'></ul>")
.append('<li>Test 1</li>')
.append('<li>Test 2</li>')
.css({ top: event.pageY + "px", left: event.pageX + "px" });
return false;
However, the first piece of code (the on click event) does not fire when the link in the list is clicked. However, it fires for every other link on the page. How can I fix this so that my script works on dynamic elements
Just a rehash of another SO question.
Calling the jQuery on method on $(document) and providing the 'selector' option will bind the callback to dynamically added elements matching the selector parameter.
That is, this:
$(document).on('click', 'a', function () {
alert( $(this).attr('class') );
instead of this:
$('a').on('click', function () {

How to add background-color to text navigation on image slider?

I have an image slider that is controlled by text navigation. The text is highlighted orange when it's relative slide is current in the gallery. I would like the other text to have an inactive state with a black background but cannot get this to work!
(In case that didn't make much sense! Basically, I want background-color orange when current, background-color black when inactive.) THANKS
if(e == 0){
$(this).attr('id', 'handle' + e);
$('.tabs li').each(function(e){
if(e == 0){
$(this).addClass('current'); //adds class current to 1st li
$(this).wrapInner('<a class="title"></a>'); //wraps list items in anchor tag
$(this).children('a').attr('href', '#handle' + e);//adds href to the anchors
t = $(this).children('a').text();
$('#handle' + e).append('<h2>' + t + '</h2>'); //adds h2 and text to big images
$('.tabs li a').click(function(){
c = $(this).attr('href');
return false;
showImage($(c), 20);
$('.tabs li').removeClass('current');
return false;
function showImage(img, duration){
"opacity" : 0.0,
"zIndex" : 2
img.animate({opacity:1.0}, duration, function(){
function rotateImages(){
var curPhoto = $("div.current");
var nxtPhoto =;
var curTab = $(".tabs li.current");
var nxtTab =;
if (nxtPhoto.length == 0) {
nxtPhoto = $('#featured div:first');
nxtTab = $('.tabs li:first-child');
showImage(nxtPhoto, 300);
function runRotateImages(){
xx = setInterval("rotateImages()", 5000);
I have added a jsfiddle -
However, on jsfiddle it does not seem to automatically cycle through the images, not sure why, have no problems in browser.
Try using not() method:
Basically, you need to create a new class disabled
Then, add the following line to your's each loop:
$(".tabs li").not(".current").addClass('disabled'); //add disabled class for non-current tabs
At last you need to remove disabled class in the rotateimage() function before assigning current and then disable non-current again. like this:
nxtTab.removeClass('disabled'); //remove diabled class
$(".tabs li").not(".current").addClass('disabled'); // disable non-current again
Working jsfiddle here:
This might not be the perfect solution but you will need to tweak it a little bit.
Hope this helps.

Cropping PhantomJS screen capture sized to content

PhantomJS is doing a great job of capturing web pages into image files for me. I am using a script based on rasterize.js.
However, for certain web elements of a fixed size, I need the resulting image to match the size of the web element.
e.g. I have a page like this:
<div id="wrapper" style="width:600px; height:400px;">
Content goes here...
In this example, I need it to produce an image sized at 600x400. Is thre a way to get the viewport size dynamically based on a web element in the page I am rasterizing.
I know this one is not a easy one... Ideas?
Wow. Not that hard after all. Just set the viewport really big and use the cropRect function. What a great tool!
Mods to rasterize.js:, function (status) {
if (status !== 'success') {
console.log('Unable to load the address!');
} else {
var height = page.evaluate(function(){
return document.getElementById('wrapper').offsetHeight;
var width = page.evaluate(function(){
return document.getElementById('wrapper').offsetWidth;
console.log('Crop to: '+width+"x"+height);
page.clipRect = { top: 0, left: 0, width: width, height: height };
window.setTimeout(function () {
}, 200);