Making Row Entries Pair Horizontally in SQL - sql

So this question is similar to one I've asked before, but slightly different.
I'm looking at data for clients who are admitted to and discharged from a program. For each admit and discharge they have an assessment done and are scored on it and sometimes they are admitted and discharged multiple times during a time period.
I need to be able to pair each clients admit score with their following discharge date so I can look at all clients who improved a certain amount from admit to discharge for each of their admits and discharges.
This is an dummy sample of how my data results are formatted right now:
And this is how I'd ideally like it formatted:
But I'd take any point in the right direction or similar formatting help that would allow me to be able to compare all of the instances of admit and discharge scores for all the clients.

In order to get the result, you can apply both the UNPIVOT and the PIVOT functions. The UNPIVOT will convert your multiple columns of date and score into rows, then you can pivot those rows back into columns.
Then unpivot syntax will be similar to this:
select person,
ScoreType+'_'+col col,
select person,
convert(varchar(10), date, 101) date,
cast(score as varchar(10)) score,
row_number() over(partition by casenumber, scoretype
order by case scoretype when 'Admit' then 1 end, date) rn
from yourtable
) d
for col in (date, score)
) unpiv
See SQL Fiddle with Demo. This gives a result:
| Jon | 3412 | Discharge_date | 01/03/2013 | 1 |
| Jon | 3412 | Discharge_score | 12 | 1 |
| Al | 3452 | Admit_date | 05/16/2013 | 1 |
| Al | 3452 | Admit_score | 15 | 1 |
| Al | 3452 | Discharge_date | 08/01/2013 | 1 |
| Al | 3452 | Discharge_score | 13 | 1 |
As you can see this query also creates the new columns to then pivot. So the final code will be:
select person, casenumber,
Admit_Date, Admit_Score, Discharge_Date, Discharge_Score
select person,
ScoreType+'_'+col col,
select person,
convert(varchar(10), date, 101) date,
cast(score as varchar(10)) score,
row_number() over(partition by casenumber, scoretype
order by case scoretype when 'Admit' then 1 end, date) rn
from yourtable
) d
for col in (date, score)
) unpiv
) src
for col in (Admit_Date, Admit_Score, Discharge_Date, Discharge_Score)
) piv;
See SQL Fiddle with Demo. This gives a result:
| Al | 3452 | 05/16/2013 | 15 | 08/01/2013 | 13 |
| Cindy | 6578 | 01/02/2013 | 17 | 03/04/2013 | 14 |
| Cindy | 6578 | 03/04/2013 | 14 | 03/18/2013 | 12 |
| Jon | 3412 | (null) | (null) | 01/03/2013 | 12 |
| Kevin | 9868 | 01/18/2013 | 19 | 03/02/2013 | 15 |
| Kevin | 9868 | 03/02/2013 | 15 | (null) | (null) |
| Pete | 4765 | 02/06/2013 | 15 | (null) | (null) |
| Susan | 5421 | 04/06/2013 | 19 | 05/07/2013 | 15 |

ad.person, ad.CaseNumber, ad.Date as AdmitScoreDate, ad.Score as AdmitScore, as DischargeScoreDate, dis.Score as DischargeScore
yourTable ad, yourTable dis
and d

If all the columns you mentioned are in the same table, you can join on same table
SELECT t1.person,
t1.caseNumber, adate,
t1.score ascore,
t1.scoreType ascoreType, ddate,
t2.score dscore,
t2.scoreType dscoretype
FROM patient t1
join patient t2
on t1.casenumber=t2.casenumber
and t1.scoreType!=t2.scoreType
and t1.scoreType='Admit'
But this will not show you record of people who have been admitted and not discharged yet. I don't know if you were also looking for that information.
SQL Fiddle link
Hope this helps!


Find the first order of a supplier in a day using SQL

I am trying to write a query to return supplier ID (sup_id), order date and the order ID of the first order (based on earliest time).
|orderid | sup_id | items | sales | order_ts |
|1111132 | 3 | 1 | 27,0 | 24/04/17 13:00 |
|1111137 | 3 | 2 | 69,0 | 02/02/17 16:30 |
|1111147 | 1 | 1 | 87,0 | 25/04/17 08:25 |
|1111153 | 1 | 3 | 82,0 | 05/11/17 10:30 |
|1111155 | 2 | 1 | 29,0 | 03/07/17 02:30 |
|1111160 | 2 | 2 | 44,0 | 30/01/17 20:45 |
|....... | ... | ... | ... | ... ... |
Output I am looking for:
| sup_id | date | order_id |
|....... | ... | ... |
I tried using a subquery in the join clause as below but didn't know how to join it without having selected order_id.
SELECT sup_id, date(order_ts), order_id
FROM sales s
SELECT sup_id, date(order_ts) as date, min(time(order_date))
FROM sales
GROUP BY merchant_id, date
) m
on ...
Kindly assist.
You can use not exists:
select *
from sales
where not exists (
-- find sales for same supplier, earlier date, same day
select *
from sales as older
where older.sup_id = sales.sup_id
and older.order_ts < sales.order_ts
and older.order_ts >= cast(sales.order_ts as date)
The query below might not be the fastest in the world, but it should give you all information you need.
select order_id, sup_id, items, sales, order_ts
from sales s
where order_ts <= (
select min(order_ts)
from sales m
where m.sup_id = s.sup_id
select sup_id, min(order_ts), min(order_id) from sales
where order_ts = '2022-15-03'
group by sup_id
Assumed orderid is an identity / auto increment column

How to de-duplicate SQL table rows by multiple columns with hierarchy?

I have a table with multiple records for each patient.
My end goal is a table that is 1-to-1 between Patient_id and Value.
I would like to de-duplicate (in respect to patient_id) my rows based on "a hierarchical series of aggregate functions" (if someone has a better way to phrase this, I'd appreciate that as well.)
| ID | patient_id | Date | Date2 | Priority | Source | Value |
| 1 | 1 | 2017-09-09 | 2018-09-09 | 1 | 'verified' | 55 |
| 2 | 1 | 2017-09-09 | 2018-11-11 | 2 | 'verified' | 78 |
| 3 | 1 | 2017-11-11 | 2018-09-09 | 3 | 'verified' | 23 |
| 4 | 1 | 2017-11-11 | 2018-11-11 | 1 | 'self_reported' | 11 |
| 5 | 1 | 2017-09-09 | 2018-09-09 | 2 | 'self_reported' | 90 |
| 5 | 1 | 2017-09-09 | 2018-09-09 | 3 | 'self_reported' | 34 |
| 6 | 2 | 2017-11-11 | 2018-09-09 | 2 | 'self_reported' | 21 |
For each patient_id, I would like to get the row(s) that has/have the MAX(Date). In the case that there are still duplicated patient_id, I would like to get the row(s) with the MIN(Priority). In the case that there are still duplicated rows I would like to get the row(s) with the MIN(Date2).
The way I've approached this problem is using a series of queries like this to de-duplicate on the columns one at a time.
FROM #table t1
MIN(priority) AS min_priority
FROM #table
GROUP BY patient_id) t2 ON t2.patient_id = t1.patient_id
WHERE t2.min_priority = t1.priority
Is there a way to do this that allows me to de-dup on multiple columns at once? Is there a more elegant way to do this?
I'm able to get my results, but my solution feels very inefficient, and I keep running into this. Thank you for any input.
You could use row_number(), if your RDBMS supports it:
select ID, patient_id, Date, Date2, Priority, Source, Value
from (
row_number() over(partition by patient_id order by Date desc, Priority, Date2) rn
from mytable t
) where rn = 1
Another option is to filter with a correlated subquery that sorts the record according to your criteria, like so:
select t.*
from mytable t
where id = (
select id
from mytable t1
where t1.patient_id = t.patient_id
order by t1.Date desc, t1.Priority, t1.Date2
limit 1
The actual syntax for limit varies accross RDBMS.

SQL Query to Find Min and Max Values between Values, dates and companies in the same Query

This is to find the historic max and min price of a stock in the same query for every past 10 days from the current date. below is the data. I've tried the query but getting the same high and low for all the rows. The high and low needs to be calculated per stock for a period of 10 days.
RDBMS -- SQL Server 2014
Note: also duration might be past 30 to 2months if required ie... 30 days. or 60 days.
for example, the output needs to be like ABB,16-12-2019,1480 (MaxClose),1222 (MinClose) (test data) in last 10 days.
| Name | Date | Close |
| ABB | 26-12-2019 | 1272.15 |
| ABB | 24-12-2019 | 1260.15 |
| ABB | 23-12-2019 | 1261.3 |
| ABB | 20-12-2019 | 1262 |
| ABB | 19-12-2019 | 1476 |
| ABB | 18-12-2019 | 1451.45 |
| ABB | 17-12-2019 | 1474.4 |
| ABB | 16-12-2019 | 1480.4 |
| ABB | 13-12-2019 | 1487.25 |
| ABB | 12-12-2019 | 1484.5 |
| INFY | 26-12-2019 | 73041.66667 |
| INFY | 24-12-2019 | 73038.33333 |
| INFY | 23-12-2019 | 73036.66667 |
| INFY | 20-12-2019 | 73031.66667 |
| INFY | 19-12-2019 | 73030 |
| INFY | 18-12-2019 | 73028.33333 |
| INFY | 17-12-2019 | 73026.66667 |
| INFY | 16-12-2019 | 73025 |
| INFY | 13-12-2019 | 73020 |
| INFY | 12-12-2019 | 73018.33333 |
The query I tried but no luck
select max([close]) over (PARTITION BY name) AS MaxClose,
min([close]) over (PARTITION BY name) AS MinClose,
from historic
where [DATE] between [DATE] -30 and [DATE]
and name='ABB'
group by [Date],
order by [DATE] desc
If you just want the highest and lowest close per name, then simple aggregation is enough:
select name, max(close) max_close, min(close) min_close
from historic
where close >= dateadd(day, -10, getdate())
group by name
order by name
If you want the entire corresponding records, then rank() is a solution:
select name, date, close
from (
rank() over(partition by name order by close) rn1,
rank() over(partition by name order by close desc) rn2
from historic h
where close >= dateadd(day, -10, getdate())
) t
where rn1 = 1 or rn2 = 1
order by name, date
Top and bottom ties will show up if any.
You can add a where condition to filter on a given name.
If you are looking for a running min/max
Select *
,MinClose = min([Close]) over (partition by name order by date rows between 10 preceding and current row)
,MaxClose = max([Close]) over (partition by name order by date rows between 10 preceding and current row)
From YourTable

Select latest values for group of related records

I have a table that accommodates data that is logically groupable by multiple properties (foreign key for example). Data is sequential over continuous time interval; i.e. it is a time series data. What I am trying to achieve is to select only latest values for each group of groups.
Here is example data:
| code | value | date | relation_id |
| A | 1 | 01.01.2016 | 1 |
| A | 2 | 02.01.2016 | 1 |
| A | 3 | 03.01.2016 | 1 |
| A | 4 | 01.01.2016 | 2 |
| A | 5 | 02.01.2016 | 2 |
| A | 6 | 03.01.2016 | 2 |
| B | 1 | 01.01.2016 | 1 |
| B | 2 | 02.01.2016 | 1 |
| B | 3 | 03.01.2016 | 1 |
| B | 4 | 01.01.2016 | 2 |
| B | 5 | 02.01.2016 | 2 |
| B | 6 | 03.01.2016 | 2 |
And here is example of desired output:
| code | value | date | relation_id |
| A | 3 | 03.01.2016 | 1 |
| A | 6 | 03.01.2016 | 2 |
| B | 3 | 03.01.2016 | 1 |
| B | 6 | 03.01.2016 | 2 |
To put this in perspective — for every related object I want to select each code with latest date.
Here is a select I came with. I've used ROW_NUMBER OVER (PARTITION BY...) approach:
SELECT indicators.code, indicators.dimension, indicators.unit, x.value,, x.ticker,
t.indicator_id, t.value,, t.company_id, companies.sic_id,
FROM fundamentals t
INNER JOIN companies on = t.company_id
WHERE companies.sic_id = 89
) x
INNER JOIN indicators on = x.indicator_id
WHERE x.r <= (SELECT count(*) FROM companies where sic_id = 89)
It works but the problem is that it is painfully slow; when working with about 5% of production data which equals to roughly 3 million fundamentals records this select take about 10 seconds to finish. My guess is that happens due to subselect selecting huge amounts of records first.
Is there any way to speed this query up or am I digging in wrong direction trying to do it the way I do?
Postgres offers the convenient distinct on for this purpose:
select distinct on (relation_id, code) t.*
from t
order by relation_id, code, date desc;
So your query uses different column names than your sample data, so it's hard to tell, but it looks like you just want to group by everything except for date? Assuming you don't have multiple most recent dates, something like this should work. Basically don't use the window function, use a proper group by, and your engine should optimize the query better.
SELECT mytable.code,
FROM mytable
SELECT code,
max(date) as date,
FROM mytable
GROUP BY code, relation_id
) Q1
ON Q1.code = mytable.code
AND Q1.relation_id = mytable.relation_id
Other option:
FROM mytable
This will return top value for what ever you partition by, and for whatever you order by.
I believe we can try something like this
SELECT CODE,Relation_ID,Date,MAX(value)value FROM mytable
GROUP BY CODE,Relation_ID,Date

Aggregate/Windowed Function To Find Min and Max of Sequential Rows

I've got a SQL table where I want to find the first and last dates of a group of records, providing they're sequential.
Patient | TestType | Result | Date
1 | 1 | A | 2012-03-04
1 | 1 | A | 2012-08-19
1 | 1 | B | 2013-05-27
1 | 1 | A | 2013-06-20
1 | 2 | X | 2012-08-19
1 | 2 | X | 2013-06-20
2 | 1 | B | 2014-09-09
2 | 1 | B | 2015-04-19
Should be returned as
Patient | TestType | Result | StartDate | EndDate
1 | 1 | A | 2012-03-04 | 2012-08-19
1 | 1 | B | 2013-05-27 | 2013-05-27
1 | 1 | A | 2013-06-20 | 2013-06-20
1 | 2 | X | 2012-08-19 | 2013-06-20
2 | 1 | B | 2014-09-09 | 2015-04-19
The problem is that if I just group by Patient, TestType, and Result,
then the first and third rows in the example above would become a single row.
Patient | TestType | Result | StartDate | EndDate
1 | 1 | A | 2012-03-04 | 2013-06-20
1 | 1 | B | 2013-05-27 | 2013-05-27
1 | 2 | X | 2012-08-19 | 2013-06-20
2 | 1 | B | 2014-09-09 | 2015-04-19
I feel like there's got to be something clever I can do with a partition, but I can't quite figure out what it is.
There are several ways to approach this. I like identifying the groups using the difference of row number values:
select patient, testtype, result,
min(date) as startdate, max(date) as enddate
from (select t.*,
(row_number() over (partition by patient, testtype order by date) -
row_number() over (partition by patient, testtype, result order by date)
) as grp
from table t
) t
group by patient, testtype, result, grp
order by patient, startdate;
select patient, testtype, result, date as startdate,
isnull(lead(date) over(partition by patient, testtype, result order by date), date) as enddate
from tablename;
You can use lead function to get the value of date (as enddate) from the next row in each group.
SQL Fiddle with sample data.
See if this gives you what you need.
with T1 as (
case when lag(Patient,1)
over (order by Patient, TestType, Result) = Patient
and lag(TestType,1)
over (order by Patient, TestType, Result) = TestType
and lag(Result,1)
over (order by Patient, TestType, Result) = Result
then null else 1 end as Changes
from t
), T2 as (
sum(Changes) over (
order by Patient, TestType, Result, dt
) as seq
from T1
min(dt) as dtFrom,
max(dt) as dtTo
from T2
group by Patient, TestType, Result, seq
order by Patient, TestType, Result