How to apply abilities to a non-restful controller in cancan - ruby-on-rails-3

I'm new to rails and for the life of me I don't "get" cancan.
I've read this tutorial but can't figure out how to apply instructions to my situation.
In the cancan wiki there is:
an AdminController
a roll_logs action
In the ability class is says:
can :roll, :logs if user.admin?
I don't get what the :roll and :logs symbols have to do with the controller and the action?
All I want to do is say, if a user is an admin, give them access to the AdminController actions, otherwise don't, is this possible?

Yes this is possible.
The statement
can :roll, :logs if user.admmin?
means that when calling authorize! :roll, :logs an unauthorized exception gets thrown if the user isn't an admin.
So it doesn't have anything to do with a controller or an action, untill you make it so.
If you have a logs_controller for example with an action roll you could do something like this.
class LogsController < ApplicationController
def roll
authorize! :roll, :logs
# Rest of the roll functionality.
So in your example, you want to give users who are admin permission to access all admin controller actions.
You can achieve this like this.
class Ability
include CanCan::Ability
def initialize(user)
can(:manage, :admin) if user.admin?
class AdminController < ApplicationController
authorize_resource :class => false
def foo
def bar
This will make sure that only admins can access the foo and bar actions of the admin_controller.
The :class => false statement means that you are not authorizing a resource, which is what we want since you are not for example authorizing a certain post or comment. You are just authorizing actions on a controller.


Applying cancan to custom actions

I'm working on a polling app and use Devise and Cancan for authentication and authorization. I have a User model generated by Devise and a Poll model. A poll belongs to a user. My problem is that I have a custom action in my Polls controller and I can't get Cancan to work with that custom action. This is what I tried to do in my code:
match 'users/:user_id/polls' => 'polls#show_user'
def initialize(user)
user ||=
if :admin
can :manage, :all
else # default
can :read, :all
can :manage, Poll, :user_id =>
can :show_user, Poll, :user_id =>
end # if else admin
class PollsController < ApplicationController
before_filter :authenticate_user!
load_and_authorize_resource :except => :show_user
def show_user
authorize! :show_user, user
#polls = Poll.find_all_by_user_id(params[:user_id])
render "index"
The idea is that a user's polls can be viewed only when the owner of the poll is signed in. However, with this code, when a poll's owner is signed in, that user gets kicked out of that page with a message that says authorization failed. If I remove the line authorize! :show_user, user, then a user who's signed in can view all other user's polls (the authorization doesn't work at all).
Can anyone see what I might be missing? Thanks in advance!
In abiltity.rb, you're verb/noun combination is :show_user and Poll, but in your controller you're using :show_user and user--you would need to use a Poll instead.
If, instead you want to allow the user to view all their own Polls, you might go with something like:
can :show_polls_for, User, :id =>
def show_user
authorize! :show_polls_for, user

Devise + Declarative_authorization + role_model + different users model name : undefined method `current_user'

I do have this famous error : "undefined method `current_user'" with declarative authorization, though I set up this variable in the application_controller.rb :
class ApplicationController < ActionController::Base
before_filter :set_current_user
def set_current_user
Authorization.current_user = current_admin_utilisateur
I'm using a table called "admin_utilisateurs" instead of "users". Which was activated in Devise with : "rails generate devise admin_utilisateur"
Devise is working great.
For info, I customized my users table (admin_utilisateurs) with "roles_model" gem, So that I do have an attribut roles_mask that allows me to manage different roles while providing a role_symbols method for declarative authorization.
The problem is now that I got this strange error though the Authorization.current_user is set by the application_controller.rb.
This is the begning of one my resource controllers that procude the error :
class PubResponsablesController < ApplicationController
before_filter :authenticate_admin_utilisateur!
I search by google for this error, but none of the results provide a working solution.
Could anybody help me on this ?
Many Thanks
Ok this is the final answer.
I modified my app/controller/application_controller.rb because I don't use the #current_user instance variable in the views :
class ApplicationController < ActionController::Base
# This is mandatory if you want to secure as well your app/models
before_filter :set_current_user
# This method is required by declarative_authorization on every controller
# that is using filter_resource_access (or any other declarative_auth.. mechanism)
def current_user
def set_current_user
Authorization.current_user = current_admin_utilisateur
As I said I'm using the following gem in collaboration :
gem devise for the authentication
The user-model-name is "admin_utilisateur" instead of "user", but it could have been : account, member, group or what you need.
gem role_model to provide a brillant role method "role_symbols" to my user model
*The method role_symbols was returning a "Set" subclass instead of an "Array" but after quick post on Github, the developer (martinrehfeld) fixed this compatibility issue in a lightning matter of minutes. Great !*
gem declarative_authorization to provide access management based on roles.
My will to use a different model name than "user" is confirmed to work by the following post.
The only thing that declarative_authorization needs is the current_user method on each controller. As I'm using a different model name with Devise (such as admin_utilisateur, account, member, ...) the helper created by devise have a different name. Instead of current_user, it is current_admin_utilisateur (or current_account, current_member). So I have to create my own current_user method.
The role_symbols method required by declarative_authorization is provided by role_model gem.
I hope this will help other developer cause I spent two days to sort out how all this fabric works together. Devise took me even more with routing issues.
My few cents to RoRrrr ;-)
Ok I managed to solve this error by modifying my app/controller/application_controller.rb :
class ApplicationController < ActionController::Base
before_filter :set_current_user
def current_user
#current_user = current_admin_utilisateur
def set_current_user
Authorization.current_user = current_admin_utilisateur
I just created my own current_user method that create an instance variable #current_user. This one is initialized with the value of current_admin_utilisateur which is based on Devise helpers and my customized user model called admin_utilisateur. (my model could as well be called acount, member, or whatever...)
I placed my current_user method in application_controller in order that it to be available in every controller of my application.
Now, I'm getting another error :
User.role_symbols doesn't return an Array of Symbols (#<RoleModel::Roles: {:developer, :admin, :coordinator, :manager, :assistant, :distributor, :exporter, :historian}>)
I don't understand because the roles_model gem provide an alias method 'role_symbols' to the admin_utilisateur model.

Cancan allow updating specific attribute of a model

I want to use cancan to allow updating a certain attribute of a model but not others. Here is what my update action looks like.
class UsersController < ApplicationController
def update
respond_with User.update(params[:id], params[:user])
if resource.instance_of? Teacher
can [:read, :update], User do |user|
resource.users.include? user
I want Teacher to be able to modify user.course_id but nothing else. How should I change
can :update, User
to do what I want to.
Hm.. I"m not sure if the 'action' in a cancan ability has to explicitly be an action in the controller. If it doesn't, you could do...
# ability.rb
if resource.instance_of? Teacher
can :update_course, User
# Controller
def update
params[:user].delete(:course_id) if cannot? :update_course, User
respond_with User.update(params[:id], params[:user])

Ruby on Rails – CanCan ability to only let an admin view published blog posts

I use CanCan for authorization in a single-author blog. I want non-admin users to not be able to view unpublished posts. The following does not do the trick:
can :read, Post do |post|
post.published_at && post.published_at <=
Why doesn't it work, and what can I do to make it work?
Thanks. ;-)
The long version
Hello World,
I have a single-user blogging application and use CanCan for authorization purposes. I want administrators (user.admin? # => true) to be able to do whatever they wish with everything (they are administrators after all…). I also want regular users (both those who are logged in, but does not have the admin role, and those who are not logged in) to be able to view blog posts that have been published. I do not want them to see those that are not published.
Blog posts (of the model Post) each have an attribute called published_at (which is a DateTime and nil by default). Needless to say: when published_at is nil, the post is not published, otherwise it is published at the set date and time.
I have the following in my Ability class:
class Ability
include CanCan::Ability
def initialize user
user ||= # guest user (not logged in)
if user.admin?
can :manage, :all
can :read, Post do |post|
post.published_at && post.published_at <=
However, this does not seem to work as I intend it to. I have read on the CanCan wiki that this might not always work. However, I believe it should work in my case here, as I do have an instance of the Post model called #post in my PostsController#show action:
class PostsController < ApplicationController
respond_to :html, :json
# other actions omitted ...
def show
#post = Post.find params[:id]
respond_with #post
# other actions omitted ...
Even with this code I am able to visit the blog post through the show action and view. I have also tried removing the authorize_resource call from the PostsController, realizing it might override some abilities or something, but it didn't help.
I have figured out a temporary solution, although I find it ugly and really want to utilize the CanCan abilities. My ugly temporary solution checks internally in the PostsController#show if the user has access to view the resource:
def show
#post = Post.find params[:id]
unless #post.published_at
raise CanCan::AccessDenied unless current_user && current_user.admin?
respond_with #post
As I said, this works. But I don't really want to go with this solution, as I believe there's a better way of doing this as a CanCan ability.
I'd much appreciate an explanation of why my approach does not work as well as a good solution to the problem. Thanks in advance. :-)
At the point where authorize_resource is being called (before_filter) you don't have a post object to authorize.
Assuming CanCan 1.6 or later, try this..
In your Post model
class Post < ActiveRecord::Base
scope :published, lambda { where('published_at IS NOT NULL AND published_at <= ?', }
# the rest of your model code
In your Ability model
class Ability
include CanCan::Ability
def initialize user
user ||= # guest user (not logged in)
if user.admin?
can :manage, :all
can :read, Post, Post.published do |post|
post.published_at && post.published_at <=
In your controller
class PostsController < ApplicationController
respond_to :html, :json
# other actions omitted ...
def show
respond_with #post

before_filter not inheriting from parent controller correctly?

Sorry if this may be a stupid question but I'm unable get my filters to inherit the way the Rails 3 documentation is saying it should.
Specifically I have an Admin controller that was generated via:
rails generate controller admin
I added only a single action to the admin controller, the before filter & the private filter method
class AdminController < ApplicationController
before_filter require_admin_creds
def index
def require_admin_creds
unless current_user && current_user.admin?
flash[:error] = ...
redirect_to ....
I next then created my nested resources under the admin section with:
rails generate scaffold admin/model
While my admin index is indeed getting the filter, the admin/model index (or any other actions) are not. What is happening under the hood here that I must have excluded?
Thanks in advance.
Make require_admin_creds a protected method, not private.
Did you change:
Admin::ModelController < ApplicationController
Admin::ModelController < AdminController
This creates the inheritance, not placing the model controller into the admin namespace.
Double-check your syntax. You have:
before_filter require_admin_creds
but I think that should be:
before_filter :require_admin_creds
where you use a symbol, rather than a variable/method name.