Moving background gradient - background

I have been searching all over the web and even trying to use the code of but doesn't work at all.
I just want to reply back the moving gradient effect on my div, but to be honest i don't know how to do that in any case.
Do someone ever tried something similar or can just show me an example please?
Gazillion of thanks

I've never done this before, but I think I can point you towards the right direction.
It's most likely either a CSS transition or JQuery animation. If it's a CSS transition, you're in luck, because those are pretty friendly to work with.
On that note, it seems someone has asked a similar question here:
Transition of background-color


How to do elastic animation while swiping?

I'm setting up an on boarding screen with 4 screens using react-native-swiper. While swiping i need elastic animation which i cant able to do.I have gone through many tutorials and npm packages as well from past three days but cant able to get the solution.
I need animation something like this .
Any Suggestions appreciated
I think this is going to be really hard. If it isn't absolutely necessary, I would cut that. Otherwise, the direction I can suggest to you is first building this animation, then building your own custom swiper on top. The only way I can see of doing this is maybe an animation of a SVG. For those, I would recommend react-native-svg and react-native-reanimated.
Another solution, if you can find a version of this for Android as you did for iOS, you can build a library that does this. Either way, I don't know your level of expertise in React Native, but I would strongly suggest against trying to tackle a problem like this unless you feel confident in doing so.
If you do feel confortable, and you have any questions, feel free to message me, and good luck!

React Native Circular Slider?

I've tried to look through several libraries of React Native circular sliders, however none of them work as intended. All of them suffer the same bug where they randomly change values as you slide. A example would be:
What I am looking for, is a circular slider with it's value in the middle of the slider, very much so like this:
Thank you in advance
Edit: I've added a test repo if you want to play around with it. I've tried my best, but this is the best I could do
The code was taken from here:
I haven't worked with circle slider yet. But I tried to search and there are 2 repos. Maybe that is what you need.
Good luck!

AVFoundation adjusting white balance while focus is close up and background (out-of-focus) is dark

Can anyone please point me in the correct direction or tell me if what I am trying to do is simply not possible?
I'm trying to take a picture of something close up. I am able to lock the focus. That works well. We have found that keeping the torch on while trying to focus and take the picture works best. The issue I cannot seem to resolve is the white balance. If the background is dark, the object I'm trying to focus on is too light. Is there a trick to adjusting the white balance when the item in focus is close up and the background (out of focus) is dark?
I can't provide the code, it's too much. I suppose if necessary I could create a sample project, but my question is probably more conceptual.
Thank you in advance for any help you can provide.
The answer to this question, for those who run across the same issue, is to use a CALayer for an exposeBox and another CALayer for a focusBox. That appeared to do the trick. Of course, I would still like to hear of solutions from others and I'm still curious about controlling the aperture.
Thank you.

Improve perfomance of my threejs

I have some issues about my model. Is is an easy model buy I can not make It work well...
I upload my project here:
I have a car model with some pieces that change material when mouse is over them. I use threex.domevent.js library with "on" function. My model is loaded by json files.
Issue 1
when mouse is out of canvas, threejs detects that mouse is over a piece of my model, but this is not true, and that piece change its material (triggering mouseOver event).
Furthermore, I tried to get better mouseover event because even when mouse is really over a piece, that event doesn't trigger.
Issue 2
This is about TrackballControls. Is there any way to control rotation of my world? I mean: rotation only in one axis, rotation only for 180 degrees, etc... Is there any tutorial or article to learn how to rotate and translate camera?
Thanks for everything, I will so please to anybody who wants answer this... because I am a little lost
Sorry, but you are out of luck.
Question 1. Yikes! You are using threex.js which is a third-party app that hasn't been updated in almost a year, so I can't help you with that.
You are also using an older version of three.js. Please update to the current version.
If you still have problems, post a new question with a simple demo -- not your entire project. Better yet, Google your question first.
Question 2. TrackballControls is not part of the library -- it is part of the examples -- so it is not officially supported. If you are not happy with it, you will have to hack the code yourself.
This question has come up a lot. Google it. To the best of my knowledge, there is not a good solution.
Personally, I would use OrbitControls in your case -- it keeps the scene right-side-up, and you can constrain the maximum polar angle, keeping the camera "above ground".
The best examples/tutorials are the official three.js examples, which will work with the current version of the library.
I can't help with issue 1.
I am also working on a project to visualize vehicles and needed to be able to rotate. I also tried Trackballcontrolls but it did not suit my needs.
What I ended up doing was creating a a master Object3d and then instead of adding objects/models to the scene, I added them to the master Object3d. That way to rotate everything in the scene, I just had to rotate the master object.
To actually do the rotation I just used the code from one of the cube examples.

background wrapper issues

I have been so frustrated with my site, at some point my background disappeared and i must be blind because i cant figure out how to get it back..
My website is here
What i am looking for help with is id="section_wrapper" - that big white background you see...
somehow i lost the black background gradient that i made for that wrapper and its just giving my whole page a white background...
Try adding a float: left; to section_wrapper. It fixed the issue here. It may not be the proper solution but i think you will figure out the problem using that. section_wrapper's height becomes 0 at your current site.
Note that it works with IE9 in any case.