Update sheet with data from userform - vba

I have a table and I have the form I built.
the user pick a name and surname from the table by the combobox in form
the user need to choose from combobox "yes/no" about this name
I need a vba code (excel) so that it can find the name (after the user picked it) in the table
and then update the yes/no column by the correct row.

I created a module and added this:
Option Explicit
Public Sub update_sheet(workername As String)
'--> If the user was selected on the form update column F to Yes
Dim ws As Worksheet
Dim rowno As Long
Set ws = Sheets("workers")
With ws
rowno = .Range("C:C").Find(workername).Row
.Cells(rowno, 6).Value = "Yes"
End With
End Sub
On the form code:
Private Sub cb_select_change()
Call update_sheet(cb_select.Value)
End Sub
where your combo box is called cb_select

You'll need to do some work on this to make it into what you need, but it should get you started:
Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()
Dim rng_ToSearch As Excel.Range
Dim rng_Found As Excel.Range
On Error GoTo ErrorHandler
'Change this to the range that contains your names. I'm assuming that
'it's a single column and has the Yes/No column alongside.
Set rng_ToSearch = Sheet1.Range("MyTable_Names")
'Change the What argument to reflect the name of your form's
Set rng_Found = rng_ToSearch.Find(What:=Me.ComboBox1.Value, _
After:=rng_ToSearch.Range("A1"), LookIn:=xlFormulas, _
LookAt:=xlPart, SearchOrder:=xlByRows, SearchDirection:=xlNext, _
MatchCase:=False, SearchFormat:=False)
'This shouldn't happen if you've populated the name selection
'box correctly and have not allowed users to add to it.
'This is left as an exercise for the reader.
If rng_Found Is Nothing Then
Err.Raise vbObjectError + 2000, , "Either the selected name was " _
& "not found in the list, or no selection was made."
End If
'Again, change the control name to your own.
rng_Found.Offset(0, 1) = Me.ComboBox2.Value
On Error Resume Next
Set rng_ToSearch = Nothing
Set rng_Found = Nothing
On Error GoTo 0
Exit Sub
MsgBox "Error in updating users: " & Err.Number & vbCrLf & Err.Description
Resume ExitPoint
End Sub

Private Sub RefEdit1_BeforeDragOver(Cancel As Boolean, ByVal Data As msforms.DataObject, ByVal x As stdole.OLE_XPOS_CONTAINER, ByVal y As stdole.OLE_YPOS_CONTAINER, ByVal DragState As msforms.fmDragState, Effect As msforms.fmDropEffect, ByVal Shift As Integer)
End Sub
Private Sub ClsFrmE_Click()
Unload Me
End Sub
Private Sub cmdAdd_Click()
Dim lRow As Long
Dim ws As Worksheet
Set ws = Worksheets("workers")
'???÷? ?? ?????? ?????
If Trim(Me.cmbWN.Value) = "" Then
MsgBox "???? ?? ????"
Exit Sub
End If
If Trim(Me.tbDate.Value) = "" Then
MsgBox "???? ????? ?????"
Exit Sub
End If
'copy the data to the database
'use protect and unprotect lines,
' with your password
' if worksheet is protected
With ws
' .Unprotect Password:="password"
If Trim(Me.dNdcmb.Value) = "????" Then
.Cells(lRow, 6).Value = 1
.Cells(lRow, 6).Value = 0
End If
.Cells(lRow, 7).Value = Me.tbDate.Value
'.Cells(lRow, 2).Value = Me.cboPart.List(lPart, 1)
' .Protect Password:="password"
End With
'clear the data
Me.cmbWN.Value = ""
Me.tbDate.Value = ""
End Sub
Private Sub UserForm_Initialize()
Dim cFullName As Range
Dim cDnd As Range
Dim ws As Worksheet
Set ws = Worksheets("workers")
For Each cFullName In ws.Range("??????")
With Me.cmbWN
.AddItem cFullName.Value
.List(.ListCount - 1, 1) = cFullName.Offset(0, 1).Value
End With
Next cFullName
For Each cDnd In ws.Range("??????????")
With Me.dNdcmb
.AddItem cDnd.Value
End With
Next cDnd
Me.dNdcmb.Text = Me.dNdcmb.List(Me.dNdcmb.ListCount - 2)
End Sub


Inserting values from a UserForm to excel sheet which start from a fixed cell?

I have a Cell range Sheets("INVOICE MAKER").Range("D18:D37") (Total 20 Cells), and a little UserForm with name Add Items.
In UserForm there are one Textbox and one Submit Button.
So if I write something in that Textbox and click on Submit Button, Data should be write to next available empty cell in range Sheets("INVOICE MAKER").Range("D18:D37"). And if all 20 cells are filled with data then show a message like "No more rows are available to write data".
Below code don't start writing data from Cell D18, its start writing data from D1.
and doesn't stop after cell D37.
Option Explicit
Dim lRow As Long
Dim ws As Worksheet
Set ws = Worksheets("INVOICE MAKER")
lRow = ws.Cells.Find(What:="*", SearchOrder:=xlRows, _
SearchDirection:=xlPrevious, LookIn:=xlValues).Row + 1
'check for a part number
If Trim(Me.Textbox.Value) = "" Then
MsgBox "Please Type Item Name"
Exit Sub
End If
With ws
.Cells(lRow, 5).Value = Me.Textbox.Value
End With
End Sub
Hope below code will help you:
Public Working_Sheet As Worksheet
Public All_Cell_Value As Boolean
Public Write_Cell_No As Integer
Public Content As String
'When button in the form is clicked
Sub Button1_Click()
End Sub
'validation and content writing function
Public Function Write_Content()
All_Cell_Value = True
Set Working_Sheet = Worksheets("Sheet1")
For i = 18 To 37
If Trim(Working_Sheet.Cells(i, "D")) = "" Then
All_Cell_Value = False
Write_Cell_No = i
Exit For
End If
Next i
If All_Cell_Value = False Then
Content = InputBox("Enter the value")
If Content = "" Then
MsgBox ("No Data")
Working_Sheet.Cells(i, "D").Value = Content
End If
MsgBox ("Sorry content is full")
End If
End Function
Maybe this will help!
Fix some errors, and the code must to be inside a Form, with the TextBox and the Button
Added a closing statement for the userform or the macro
Option Explicit
Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()
Dim lRow As Long
Dim ws As Worksheet
Set ws = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("INVOICE MAKER") 'Set from Thisworkbook
ws.Activate 'activate the Invoice Maker
'lRow = ws.Cells.Find(What:="*", SearchOrder:=xlRows, SearchDirection:=xlPrevious, LookIn:=xlValues).Row + 1
Dim iniCell As Integer: iniCell = 18
Dim endCell As Integer: endCell = 37
Dim setCol As Integer: setCol = ws.Range("D1").Column
'As you said, the range is D18:D37, then you can manipulate from this 3 vars
Dim iRange As Range
Dim i As Range
Dim isTheRangeFull As Boolean: isTheRangeFull = False
Dim iMsgbox As Integer
If Trim(Me.TextBox.Value) = "" Then
'Ask the user to retry or quit.
iMsgbox = MsgBox("Please Type Item Name" & Chr(10) & "Do you want to retry?", vbYesNo + vbDefaultButton1)
If iMsgbox = 6 Then
GoTo InsertData
'if the user say YES
'do it again
ElseIf iMsgbox = 7 Then
'if the user say NO
End If
End If
Set iRange = ws.Range(Cells(iniCell, setCol), Cells(endCell, setCol))
'set your working Range
'This Loop do the job!
For Each i In iRange
isTheRangeFull = True
'if there is no empty cell, won't enter the if, and
'the var continue TRUE, so there is no empty cells...
If i.Value = Empty Then
i.Value = Me.TextBox.Value
isTheRangeFull = False
'the Next line (End) Will close the Form and terminate the macro
'The next line just close the userform
'Unload Me
'Decide which one to uncomment.
Exit For
End If
Next i
If isTheRangeFull Then
MsgBox "No more rows are available to write data"
End If
'With ws
' .Cells(lRow, 5).Value = Me.TextBox.Value
'End With
End Sub

VBA search for value on next sheet

is there I way for searching a value on the next sheet (ActiveSheet.Next.Activate) without jumping on to it?
Here the whole Code:
the problem is, it jumps to the next sheet even if there is no searched value.
Dim ws As Worksheet
Dim Loc As Range
Dim StrVal As String
Dim StrRep As String
Dim i As Integer
Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()
i = 1
Call Replacing
End Sub
Private Sub CommandButton2_Click()
i = 2
Call Replacing
End Sub
Public Sub Replacing()
StrVal = Userform1.Textbox1.Text
StrRep = Me.Textbox1.Text
if Trim(StrVal) = "" Then Exit Sub
Dim fstAddress As String
Dim nxtAddress As String
For Each ws In ThisWorkbook.Worksheets
With ws
Set Loc = .Cells.Find(what:=StrVal)
fstAddress = Loc.Address
If Not Loc Is Nothing Then
If Not StrRep = "" And i = 1 Then
Loc.Value = StrRep
Set Loc = .Cells.FindNext(Loc)
ElseIf i = 2 Then Set Loc = Range(ActiveCell.Address)
Set Loc = .Cells.FindNext(Loc)
nxtAddress = Loc.Address
If Loc.Address = fstAddress Then
ActiveSheet.Next.Activate '****Here it should jump only if found something on the next sheet****
GoTo repeat
nxtAddress = Loc.Address
End If
If Not Loc Is Nothing Then Application.Goto ws.Range(nxtAddress), False
End If
i = 0
End If
End With
Set Loc = Nothing
Next ws
End Sub
the variable "i" which switches between the values 0, 1 and 2 is bound to two buttons. these buttons are "Replace" and "Skip (to next found value)".
This code asks on each occurrence of StrVal whether you want to replace the value or skip it.
I found a problem checking if Found_Address = First_Found_Address:
If you've replaced the value in in First_Found_Address it won't find that address again and miss the starting point in the loop.
Also the original source of the code stops at the last value using Loop While Not c Is Nothing And c.Address <> firstAddress. The problem here is that if the value in c is being changed eventually c will be Nothing but it will still try and check the address of c - causing an error (Range Find Method).
My solution to this is to build up a string of visited addresses on the sheet and checking if the current address has already been visited using INSTR.
I've included the code for calling from a button click or from within another procedure.
Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()
FindReplace Userform1.Textbox1.Text, 1
End Sub
Private Sub CommandButton2_Click()
FindReplace Userform1.Textbox1.Text, 1, Me.Textbox1.Text
End Sub
Sub Test()
FindReplace "cd", 1, "ab"
End Sub
Sub FindReplace(StrVal As String, i As Long, Optional StrRep As String = "")
Dim ws As Worksheet
Dim Loc As Range
Dim fstAddress As String
Dim bDecision As Variant
For Each ws In ThisWorkbook.Worksheets
'Reset the visited address list on each sheet.
fstAddress = ""
With ws
Set Loc = .Cells.Find(what:=StrVal, LookIn:=xlValues, LookAt:=xlWhole, SearchDirection:=xlNext)
If Not Loc Is Nothing Then
fstAddress = fstAddress & "|" & Loc.Address
Loc.Parent.Activate 'Activate the correct sheet.
Loc.Activate 'and then the cell on the sheet.
bDecision = MsgBox("Replace value?", vbYesNo + vbQuestion, "Replace or Select value?")
If bDecision = vbYes Then
Loc = StrRep 'Raise the blade, make the change.
'Re-arrange it 'til it's sane.
End If
Set Loc = .Cells.FindNext(Loc)
If Loc Is Nothing Then Exit Do
Loop While InStr(fstAddress, Loc.Address) = 0
End If
End With
Next ws
End Sub

Incorporating refedit into Vlookup userform

I have a vlookup userform which autofills the details in the form based on the seat n°.
Now I want to incoroporate a ref edit to paste these data from the text box to the cells the user chooses with the refedit. Hence i would need some help in going about these. This is the code i have used. I potentially want to insert 3 refedit boxes for user to select the cell they want to paste each of the data (Name,Dept and Ext No.) from the textbox.
See my code below:
Option Explicit
Private Sub Frame1_Click()
End Sub
Private Sub TextBox1_Exit(ByVal Cancel As MSForms.ReturnBoolean)
Dim answer As Integer
answer = TextBox1.Value
TextBox2.Value = WorksheetFunction.VLookup(answer, Sheets("L12 - Data Sheet").Range("B:E"), 2, False)
TextBox3.Value = WorksheetFunction.VLookup(answer, Sheets("L12 - Data Sheet").Range("B:E"), 3, False)
TextBox4.Value = WorksheetFunction.VLookup(answer, Sheets("L12 - Data Sheet").Range("B:E"), 4, False)
End Sub
Private Sub TextBox2_Change()
End Sub
Private Sub TextBox3_Change()
End Sub
Private Sub TextBox4_Change()
End Sub
Private Sub CancelButton_Click()
Unload Me
End Sub
I have tried figuring out a code to solve this issue but I am getting an object required error. My rngcopy would be textbox2.value (Name) and the rngpaste location would be the ref edit 1.
This is the code
Private Sub PasteButton_Click()
Dim rngCopy As Range, rngPaste As Range
Dim wsPaste As Range
Dim answer As Integer
answer = TextBox1.Value
If RefEdit1.Value <> "" Then
TextBox2.Value = WorksheetFunction.VLookup(answer, Sheets("L12 - Data Sheet").Range("B:E"), 2, False)
Set rngCopy = TextBox2.Value
Set wsPaste = ThisWorkbook.Sheets(Replace(Split(TextBox2.Value, "!")(0), "'", ""))
Set rngPaste = wsPaste.Range(Split(TextBox2.Value, "!")(1))
rngCopy.Copy rngPaste
MsgBox "Please select an Output range"
End If
End Sub
You should get the row index with Match and expose it to the form so it can be used by the copy function.
And to set the target pointed by a Ref control, just evalute the .Value property with Range():
Range(RefEdit.Value).cells(1, 1) = Worksheet.Cells(row, column)
The form:
The code:
' constants to define the data
Const SHEET_DATA = "L12 - Data Sheet"
Private Sheet As Worksheet
Private RowIndex As Long
Private Sub TxtSeatNo_Change()
Dim seatno
'clear the fields first
Me.TxtName.value = Empty
Me.TxtDept.value = Empty
Me.TxtExtNo.value = Empty
RowIndex = 0
If Len(TxtSeatNo.value) Then
Set Sheet = ThisWorkbook.Sheets(SHEET_DATA)
On Error Resume Next
' get the seat number to either string or double
seatno = TxtSeatNo.value
seatno = CDbl(seatno)
' get the row index containing the SeatNo
RowIndex = WorksheetFunction.match(seatno, _
Sheet.Columns(COLUMN_SEAT), _
On Error GoTo 0
End If
If RowIndex Then
' copy the values from the sheet to the text boxes
Me.TxtName.value = Sheet.Cells(RowIndex, COLUMNN_NAME)
Me.TxtDept.value = Sheet.Cells(RowIndex, COLUMN_DEPT)
Me.TxtExtNo.value = Sheet.Cells(RowIndex, COLUMN_EXTNO)
End If
End Sub
Private Sub BtCopy_Click()
If RowIndex < 1 Then Exit Sub
' copy the current values to the cells pointed by the ref controls
If Len(Me.RefName.value) Then _
Range(Me.RefName.value) = Sheet.Cells(RowIndex, COLUMNN_NAME)
If Len(Me.RefDept.value) Then _
Range(Me.RefDept.value) = Sheet.Cells(RowIndex, COLUMN_DEPT)
If Len(Me.RefExtNo.value) Then _
Range(Me.RefExtNo.value) = Sheet.Cells(RowIndex, COLUMN_EXTNO)
End Sub
Private Sub BtlClose_Click()
' close the form
Unload Me
End Sub
You are declaring your rngCopy as a Range Object and then later on you are binding it to a .value method of the range object.
Set rngCopy = TextBox2.Value
This is likely where you are encountering errors. Try declaring a string and assigning it to your copy value.
Dim string1 As String
string1 = TextBox2.Value
Step through your code editor with the LOCALS window open, and watch what happens to your rngCopy object when you assign a string to it.

Unable to update the value in combobox to sheet

I am new to VBA Coding.I have an userform which retrieves the value from excel sheet.There is a combobox which retrieves the value.But i want to change the combobox value & save it in excel.....
Image for Data in Excel
Dim temp As String
Dim findid As String
Dim lkrange As Range
Set lkrange = Sheet6.Range("A:D")
findid = TextBox1.Value
On Error Resume Next
temp = Application.WorksheetFunction.Vlookup(findid, lkrange, 1, 0)
If Err.Number <> 0 Then
MsgBox "ID not found"
MsgBox "ID found"
Label5.Caption = Application.WorksheetFunction.Vlookup(findid, lkrange, 2, 0)
Label6.Caption = Application.WorksheetFunction.Vlookup(findid, lkrange, 3, 0)
ComboBox1.Value = Application.WorksheetFunction.Vlookup(findid, lkrange, 4, 0)
End If
End Sub
Private Sub CommandButton2_Click()
Dim fid As String
Dim rowc As Integer
Dim rowv As Integer
fid = TextBox1.Value
rowc = Application.WorksheetFunction.Match(fid, Range("A:A"), 0)
rowv = rowc - 1
Cells(rowv, 4).Values = marktable.ComboBox1.Value
End Sub
you could try the following
Option Explicit
Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()
Dim lkrange As Range
Dim rng As Range
Set lkrange = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Sheet6").Range("A:A")
With Me
Set rng = MyMatch(.TextBox1.Value, lkrange)
If rng Is Nothing Then
MsgBox "ID not found"
MsgBox "ID found"
.Label5.Caption = rng.Offset(0, 1)
.Label6.Caption = rng.Offset(0, 2)
.ComboBox1.Text = rng.Offset(0, 3)
End If
End With
End Sub
Private Sub CommandButton2_Click()
Dim lkrange As Range
Dim rng As Range
Set lkrange = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Sheet6").Range("A:A")
With Me
Set rng = MyMatch(.TextBox1.Value, lkrange)
If Not rng Is Nothing Then rng.Offset(0, 3).Value = .ComboBox1.Text
End With
End Sub
Private Function MyMatch(val As Variant, rng As Range, Optional matchType As Variant) As Range
Dim row As Long
If IsMissing(matchType) Then matchType = 0
On Error Resume Next
row = Application.WorksheetFunction.Match(val, rng, matchType)
If Err = 0 Then Set MyMatch = rng.Parent.Cells(rng.Rows(row).row, rng.Column)
End Function
there were some errors:
Sheet6.Range("A:D") is not vaild
if you want to point to a sheet named "Sheet6" belonging to the Workbook where the macro resides, then you have to use ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Sheet6").Range("A:A")
Cells(...,...).Values =... is not valid
you must use Cells(...,...).Value =
but I think the following suggestions are more important:
Always use Option Explicit statement at the very beginning of every module
this will force you to explicitly declare each and every variable, but then it'll save you lots of time in debugging process
avoid/limit the use of On Error Resume Next statement
and, when used, make sure to have it followed as soon as possible by the "On Error GoTo 0" one. that way you have constant control on whether an error occurs and where
I confined it in a "wrapper" function (MyMatch()) only.
Always specify "full" references when pointing to a range
I mean, Cells(..,..) implictly points to the active sheet cells, which may not always be the one you'd want to point to.

Why does Userform freezes after hiding and showing it multiple times

Ok, i have question on hiding and showing userforms.
This link already answered it for me.
Problem is I encounter another problem.
When I go back to Userform1 it freezes and I can't do anything at all.
Why? Do i need to add something in the code?
Heres the summay of the code i used:
This code prompts user to enter username and password
Option Explicit
Private Sub CBu_Login_Click()
Dim ws As Worksheet, rng As Range, lrow As Long, find_value As String
Dim cel As Range
Set ws = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("UserName")
lrow = ws.Range("A" & ws.Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row
Set rng = ws.Range("A2:A" & lrow)
find_value = Me.TB_Username.Value
Set cel = rng.Find(What:=find_value, After:=ws.Range("A2"), LookIn:=xlFormulas, _
LookAt:=xlPart, SearchOrder:=xlByRows, SearchDirection:=xlNext, _
MatchCase:=False, SearchFormat:=False)
If Not cel Is Nothing Then
If Me.TB_Password.Value = cel.Offset(0, 1).Value Then
UF_Encoding.L_User.Caption = "Welcome " & cel.Offset(0, 2).Value & "!" & " You are logged in."
UF_Encoding.TB_Operator.Text = cel.Offset(0, 2).Value
UF_Encoding.TB_ESN_IMEI.Value = ""
UF_Encoding.CB_PrimaryCode.Value = ""
UF_Encoding.CB_SecondaryCode.Value = ""
UF_Encoding.TB_Remarks.Value = ""
MsgBox "Invalid Username/Password"
End If
MsgBox "Invalid Username/Password"
End If
End Sub
This code is for logging out:
I used Listbox here so the user can select which action to take.
Private Sub LB_Options_AfterUpdate()
If Me.LB_Options.Value = "Log out" Then
Me.LB_Options.Visible = False
UF_Login.TB_Username.Value = ""
UF_Login.TB_Password.Value = ""
ElseIf Me.LB_Options.Value = "Change Password" Then
Me.LB_Options.Visible = False
UF_Changepass.TB_User.Value = ""
UF_Changepass.TB_Newpass.Value = ""
UF_Changepass.TB_Oldpass.Value = ""
ElseIf Me.LB_Options.Value = "Exit" Then
Unload UF_Login
Unload UF_Changepass
Unload Me
End If
Well this does what i wan't. Log in, log out, change pass and exit.
But as I've, said the Forms freezes after 1st execution.
1. I initialize UF_Login and then UF_Encoding appears.
2. It works, all commandbuttons and text boxes works.
3. Then I log out using the list box.
4. When i log in again, it will show UF_Encoding but when i try to use the commanb buttons and text boxes, it doesn't work.
5. Strange thing is that the list box with log out, change pass and exit works.
I'm really having a hard time figuring out why.
Any help is appreciated.
Give this a try. It's "rough" code, and certainly needs refining, but it works, and should give you some ideas.
This goes in UF_Encoding
Option Explicit
'UF_Encoding form
Private msLBox As String
Private msUser As String
Public Property Let psUser(s As String)
msUser = s
End Property
Public Property Get psLBox() As String
psLBox = msLBox
End Property
Private Sub LB_Options_AfterUpdate()
msLBox = Me.LB_Options.Value
If Me.LB_Options.Value = "Log out" Then
Me.LB_Options.Visible = False
UF_Login.TB_Username.Value = ""
UF_Login.TB_Password.Value = ""
ElseIf Me.LB_Options.Value = "Change Password" Then
Me.LB_Options.Visible = False
UF_Changepass.TB_User.Value = ""
UF_Changepass.TB_Newpass.Value = ""
UF_Changepass.TB_Oldpass.Value = ""
ElseIf Me.LB_Options.Value = "Exit" Then
' wbDbase.Save
' wbDbase.Close
' wbEncoding.Save
' wbEncoding.Close
' Unload UF_Login
' Unload UF_Changepass
' Unload Me
End If
End Sub
Private Sub UserForm_Activate()
Me.L_User.Caption = "Welcome " & msUser & "!" & " You are logged in."
Me.TB_Operator.Text = msUser
msLBox = "" 'reset each time form re-entered
Me.LB_Options.Visible = True
End Sub
Private Sub UserForm_Initialize()
Me.LB_Options.AddItem "Log out"
Me.LB_Options.AddItem "Change Password"
Me.LB_Options.AddItem "Exit"
Me.TB_ESN_IMEI.Value = ""
Me.CB_PrimaryCode.Value = ""
Me.CB_SecondaryCode.Value = ""
Me.TB_Remarks.Value = ""
End Sub
This goes in UF_Login
Option Explicit
'UF_Login form
Private msUser As String
Public Property Get psUser() As String
psUser = msUser
End Property
Private Sub CBu_Login_Click()
Dim ws As Worksheet, rng As Range, lrow As Long, find_value As String
Dim cel As Range
Set ws = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("UserName")
lrow = ws.Range("A" & ws.Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row
Set rng = ws.Range("A2:A" & lrow)
find_value = Me.TB_Username.Value
Set cel = rng.Find(What:=find_value, After:=ws.Range("A2"), LookIn:=xlFormulas, _
LookAt:=xlPart, SearchOrder:=xlByRows, SearchDirection:=xlNext, _
MatchCase:=False, SearchFormat:=False)
If Not cel Is Nothing Then
If Me.TB_Password.Value = cel.Offset(0, 1).Value Then
msUser = cel.Offset(0, 2).Value 'save user name
MsgBox "Invalid Username/Password"
End If
MsgBox "Invalid Username/Password"
End If
End Sub
This goes in UF_Changepass
Option Explicit
'UF_Changepass form
Private Sub CMDok_Click()
Dim ws As Worksheet, rng As Range
Set ws = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("UserName")
ws.Columns("B:B").Find(Me.TB_Oldpass, , xlValues, xlWhole, , , False).Value = Me.TB_Newpass
End Sub
Private Sub UserForm_Click()
This code goes in a regular module
Option Explicit
Dim fLogin As UF_Login
Dim fEnc As UF_Encoding
Dim fChg As UF_Changepass
Sub main()
Dim s As String
' initialize all 3 forms
Set fLogin = New UF_Login
Set fEnc = New UF_Encoding
Set fChg = New UF_Changepass
fLogin.Show '1st time
' re-display main form until done
fEnc.psUser = fLogin.psUser 'pass user name to main form
s = fEnc.psLBox 'get listbox value
If s <> "Exit" Then showAuxForms s
Loop Until s = "Exit"
' done with forms
Unload fLogin
Unload fEnc
Unload fChg
Set fLogin = Nothing
Set fEnc = Nothing
Set fChg = Nothing
End Sub
Sub showAuxForms(s As String)
If s = "Log out" Then
ElseIf s = "Change Password" Then
End If
End Sub
To allow multiple switches between UserForms, it is better to unload the forms you're not using and then just reload it when it's time to use it again. Something like:
Me.Hide '/* hide the initiating form first */
Load UF_Login '/* loads the form, but not shown */
With UF_Login
.TB_Username.Value = ""
.TB_Password.Value = ""
End With
Unload Me '/* unload the initiating form */
In the UF_Login, a code to view the UF_Encoding will be added to make it look like you're actually logging in and out of the form.
Private Sub CB_Login_Click()
'/* code to check log-in credentials goes here */
Load UF_Encoding
Unload Me
End Sub