Sencha Touch: How to update from 2.1 to 2.2? - sencha-touch-2

I think I'm missing something very, very obvious and easy, but - how do I migrate my 2.1-app to 2.2? What do I have to copy or which script do I have to run?

Just be aware that the theming has changed between version 2.1 and 2.2. In particular the Picto icons, used for buttons, have now been replaced by fonts. Unfortunately it appears that the new Picto font doesn't contain entries for all the icons that were in the previous set and I haven't yet found a way to continue to use the old icons. As a result, your new version 2.2 app may therefore look different to your version 2.1 app.


Will bootstrap be removed from spartacus-storefront

We are about to start a spartacus-storefront project (1.3.1) and in the docs it is mentioned that for Q1 2020 the removal of ng Bootstrap is planned.
What will this mean for projects we start now and base on bootstrap? If we want to upgrade in the near future and we based our components on bootstrap will we need to refactor a lot? It is kind of a black box for me what the implications will be.
ngBootstrap functionality will be removed from Spartacus in 2.0 but bootstrap styles will not be removed as a dependency in the styles library as of then. You can always import bootstrap into your projects even if it is removed from Spartacus.
~ Caine from Spartacus Core Team
ng-bootstrap is an angular component library for bootstrap components. We've decided to move away from this implementation. Initially we tried to complete this before the 1.0 release, to get ride of the dependency, but we haven't been able to drop the modal before 1.0 release. We will drop the last pieces of ng-bootstrap (modal) for the 2.0 release.
This doesn't mean that we're dropping bootstrap itself (yet). We have a plan to become agnostic to various UI systems, but that's a bigger change.

Automatic Height longer works on ItemTemplate since 6.2.0 SDK and more

I have a small problem with the itemtemplate since the update of the SDK 6.2.0 as well as the following SDK ...
before, with the parameter "Ti.UI.SIZE" the cell automatically adapted in height according to the contents.
Since the update, the cell takes the height of the phone screen (equivalent to a "Ti.UI.FILL")
Do you know how to get around the problem?
thank you very much
This was a bug in SDK 6.2.X which was fixed in SDK 6.3.0

Migrate app to ios11 for Iphone X

I need to update my app and make it look good on the iphone X. I've seen a couple of answers on stackoverflow and on the internet regarding the new safe area option (Use Safe Area Layout Guides).
According to what I've read the app should adapt automatically using autolayout as well but what I've got is this:
If I start a new project it all works fine. The project is quite big, so starting all over again is not an option. What should I do?
I just had the same problem, and in my case, the problem was that my app didn't have a Launch Screen.storyboard, it was using a image as launcher. So adding a new Launch Screen.storyboard and selecting that one fixed it, maybe the rest of the app takes some settings from that Launch Screen.storyboard

Gtk theme in GTK# (Windows)

I'm trying to change the theme in GTK# (OS: Windows, IDE: Xamarin). But I get next issues:
I was able to find only one theme which correctly render, it is "Orta". All was well, except for lags and freezes. Here is my code:
string Resource_File = "Orta\\gtk-2.0\\gtkrc";
Application.Init ();
Gtk.Rc.AddDefaultFile (Resource_File);
Gtk.Rc.Parse (Resource_File);
MainWindow win = new MainWindow ();
win.Show ();
Application.Run ();
When I changing the size of the Paned or clicking on button I get GUI freezes(I already asked about this). This problem occurs only when using this theme, with the other themes all works tolerably. I used the search and found a couple of opinions, about that this is due to the use of Cairo to render graphics (one of them).
if I try to use a different theme, a lot of GUI elements not correctly rendered in my GTK# application, but they are correctly render in the GTK Theme Selector. If the theme is displayed correctly in GTK Theme Selector, then I try to use the selected gtkrc file in my Gtk# app(as shown in Example with "Orta"), but almost always, most widgets are not displayed correctly(here is an example)
So I have a few questions:
How to choose a work theme?
How to set a theme for GTK# (Windows)?
What Gtk# open source application using the theme and how?
What other way to change the style of GUI in the GTK# app?
Why "Orta" theme freezes?
So I need any your help!
I know it's an old question, but I've been fighting with themes lately.
It turns out that when running a Gtk# app build with Xamarin, theme issues will appear because it seems that some "Windows-like" theme is forced into the code.
When running the application from Xamarin Studio, depending on the .Net framework (Microsoft .NET 4.5, Mono 3.3.0, Mono 4.0.1) the behaviour was different. And I had a warning with Mono 3.3.0, telling me the 'Xamarin' engine could not be found.
I ended up with the following code :
Application.Init ();
Gtk.Settings.Default.ThemeName = "Theme/gtk-2.0/gtkrc";
Gtk.Rc.Parse ("./Theme/gtk-2.0/gtkrc");
Where gtkrc is my theme. Without setting the default theme name, nothing worked correctly. I didn't go very far into customizing my theme, so I can't tell if it solves every theme issue.

Sencha Touch Fastbook

Today I have been using the sencha touch framework to build an mobile app. I was very impressed (like many others) with the fastbook app that they showed.
On the blog it says that sencha touch 2.2.0 uses a lot of techniques used in the fastbook app. However when I try their example they do not even come close to the responsiveness of fastbook. The transitions are not so smooth and if you tap their is the delay that most html5 apps have.
My question is can I somewhere find the sourcecode of fastbook? I would love to know how they did the "sidebar" navigation because that responds very "natively".
I am afraid that there is no way finding the sourcecode of Fastbook. Please read this link:
It would have been wonderful had they released it. But, incase if you are very specific on implementing slide navigation (Facebook-like) in Sencha Touch. This link will be a great help:
Many of the Fastbook techniques (including animationQueue) are in Touch 2.2 and more will be in Touch 2.3 - which is in beta right now. The smooth side bar animation uses multiple iframes, and that's a part of Fastbook that is not (and won't be) in Touch 2.x because the API is not compatible with Touch 2 conventions. We didn't release source because Jacky used an edge build to create the app that used an experimental MVVM. We didn't want people to use this code in their apps because it was undocumented and not production quality.
You can see a much longer description of how Jacky did Fastbook in his SenchaCon 2013 session, which we'll be posting soon.
Try this one:
Sencha Market Sidebar