Multiple identity properties for authentication in ZF2 with Doctrine 2 - authentication

I have login form with input text fields:
Group Name
User Name
User Password
I have two tables
I have its mapping entities and associations.
But user name not unique within table users, because different groups can include users with equal names. Therefore i need:
find group by name in table groups
find user by name in table users with condition where group_id=<group_id>
How to do it correctly in Zend Framework 2 using Doctrine 2?
All official documentation and examples depict situation, where identity property is single column (example).
Sorry for my bad language. Thanks.

Instead of making my own implementation of Doctrine's authentication services i decide to implement it via form validation inside isValid() method of my authentication form.
namespace My\Form\Namespace;
use Zend\Form\Form;
use Zend\ServiceManager\ServiceLocatorInterface;
use Zend\InputFilter\InputFilterProviderInterface;
class Auth extends Form implement InputFilterProviderInterface
protected $_em;
public function __construct(ServiceLocatorInterface $sm)
// inject Doctrine's Entity Manager
$this->_em = $sm->get('Doctrine\ORM\EntityManager');
// login field
// password field
// group_name field
public function getInputFilterSpecification()
//Input filter specification here
public function isValid()
* input filter validations
if (!parent::isValid())
return false;
* group exists validation
$group = $this->_em
'name' => $this->get('group_name')->getValue(),
if (!$group){
'Group not found',
return false;
* user exists validation
$user = $this->_em
'group_id' => $group->getId(),
'name' => $this->get('login')->getValue(),
if (!$user){
* It's not good idea to tell that user not found,
* so let it be password error
'Login or password wrong',
return false;
* password validation
$password = $this->get('password')->getValue();
// assume that password hash just md5 of password string
if (md5($password) !== $user->getPassword()){
'Login or password wrong',
return false;
return true;
Inside controller it is enough to call $form->isValid() to make sure that user entered correct authentication data.

I have the same problem.
I have to do two authentications in same application, because my boss doesn't wanna two databases. So, I had to make two user tables and two login pages.
One route to admin -> /admin/login
And the front-end for other users -> /login
I've tried to put on more authenticate in doctrine authentication array but it didn't work.
I think I'll open a issue on doctrine github page.


Yii2 Authentication not working as expected

I am working on a micro service. It has basically login and registration. I followed the Yii2 official guide. But now i am facing an issue. When i try to send request to the endpoints which are protected ( Only users with access_token can make request ) It works but very strange it checks all the rows in the database and if access_token is matches any rows in the database then it allows the request. But what i want - I am trying to get users information, if i pass the token i want only the information which belongs to current user ( Whose token is in request ) .
I am doing this in my UserController -
public function behaviors() {
$behaviors = parent::behaviors();
$behaviors['authenticator'] = [
'class' => HttpBearerAuth::className(),
$behaviors['authenticator']['only'] = ['view'];
return $behaviors;
And in User model have implemented this method -
public static function findIdentityByAccessToken($token, $type = null) {
return static::findOne(['access_token' => $token]);
Where i am doing wrong?
If the access_token in the request matches the access_token value for any of the users in the database, then, like you say, the authentication filter will forward the request to the corresponding action on your controller.
At this point the application user component points to the user that was found, you can use the user's component id to recover the record matching the request's user from the database.
// Get the user record
$current_user = Yii::$app->user->identity;
// Do something with the user record
return [
'username' => $current_user->username,
'last_update' => $current_user->updated_at

Laravel Authentication with condition

I am using Laravel 5.1 and Laravel's default authentication system.
In database (MySQL) I add a new column named 'role'. The value will be 1 for admin and 2 for members.
Now I want to give login permission only for admin, means where the value is 1. How can I do that?
Actually I solved it. I just add these code in postLogin() method of AthenticatesUsers.php method.
// If role is equal to 1, user allowed to login
// You can change $admin value anytime according to database Design
// Example: In role column the value for admin is 2 or A. You just need to change the value of $admin.
$userData = User::select('role')->where('email',$request['email'])->first();
$admin = 1;
$role = $userData->role;
if($role == $admin){
$request['role'] = $role;
I feel that there are better ways to achieve what you're after, such as middleware, however given what you're after this would be one way to do it.
Upon logging in a user us sent to 'home', unless you specify otherwise in the AuthController.
Inside your routes.php, if you just set up a GET route to point to a HomeController (or whatever you name it) then you could use a function to run the tests you're after.
Route::get('home', 'HomeController#index');
public function index()
//If they are yet to log in then return your normal homepage
if (Auth::guest())
return View::make('home');
//Run your tests here to check their role and direct appropriately
//Given you have added the role column to the users table, you can access it like so:

Yii Many to Many Relational Query

Using a many many relational query with users having many clients and clients having many users. Trying to view a record of a particular client for a particular user. And if that client is not associated with that user, redirect to a different page.
// the relation in the client model
public function relations()
// NOTE: you may need to adjust the relation name and the related
// class name for the relations automatically generated below.
return array(
'owners'=>array(self::MANY_MANY, 'User','owner_client(owner_id, client_id)'),
//the relation in the user model
public function relations()
return array(
'clients'=>array(self::MANY_MANY, 'Clients','owner_client(owner_id, client_id)'),
//determine if user can view this client
//client record
$client_record = Clients::model()->findByPk($id);
//many query to find users
$users = $client_record->owners;
//if user id is not found in array, redirect
if (!in_array(Yii::app()->user->id, $users))
The above code redirects, even though I know the client is related to the user logged in
When you call $users = $client_record->owners;, what you're getting back is an array of all your user models that are associated with the current client. As a result, you're comparing integers to objects, which means your in_array() condition will always fail.
What I recommend is that you build a conditional query to do your verification check. Something like this should work:
$model = Clients::model()->with(
'condition'=>' = '.Yii::app()->user->id,
if ($model === null) {

Laravel 4 failing Auth::attempt with Hash replacement

I'm trying to do authentication in a Laravel4 project, but it always fails.
Since I'm only on PHP 5.3.4 I downloaded a replacement Hash package that uses SHA512 from
I already have a Users table (the Password field is pre-populated with SHA512 hashes, shared with another app) and my login auth method is:
Route::post('login', function()
$userdata = array(
'UserName' => 'SteB',
'password' => '1234'
if (Auth::attempt($userdata, true))
return Redirect::action('HomeController#Profile');
return Redirect::to('/')->with('login_errors', true);
I've also checked the SHA512 hash is correct using
This always fails (silently), any ideas why or how to debug it will be appreciated.
My Users table is:
UserID int, Identity PK
UserName varchar(24)
FullName varchar(32)
EMail varchar(64)
Password varchar(256)
This is in an existing SQL Server 2000 database, I'm getting User info out of the DB for an un-authenticated page, so I know the DB driver and connection is working ok.
User Model in Laravel:
use Illuminate\Auth\UserInterface;
use Illuminate\Auth\Reminders\RemindableInterface;
class User extends Eloquent implements UserInterface, RemindableInterface
* The database table used by the model.
* #var string
protected $table = 'Users';
* The attributes excluded from the model's JSON form.
* #var array
protected $hidden = array('password');
//protected $fillable = array('UserID', 'UserName', 'FullName');
* Get the unique identifier for the user.
* #return mixed
public function getAuthIdentifier()
return $this->getKey();
* Get the password for the user.
* #return string
public function getAuthPassword()
/*Now all lowercase to match $userdata as suggested on SO*/
return $this->password;
* Get the e-mail address where password reminders are sent.
* #return string
public function getReminderEmail()
return $this->EMail;
Just found this article:
Looks like it's not doing things how I expected, a base64-encoded hash with random salt, I think.
So you need to change something in your model as well as the key you pass to attempt
class User extends Eloquent implements UserInterface
public function getAuthPassword()
return $this->Password;
// leave other code the same
And in your array you pass change it like follows.
$userdata = array( 'UserName' => 'SteB', 'password' => '1234');
The getAuthPassword() tells the Auth library your actual fieldname and setting the key in the userdata to all lowercase password tells the Auth library to hash that field.
I have no idea what your database structure looks like, but could it be that your username key isn't the same are you database column?
Maybe this will work:
$userdata = array(
'username' => 'SteB',
'password' => '1234'
EDIT: you can try all this etc, but I think I just proved myself wrong right after writing this.
This issue is to do with your database column naming and a restriction in Laravel I believe. Looking into Laravel's auth component I find a few areas where it specifically wants password or at least the string to contain that exact phrase. So your database needs to use the password column or you need to extend laravel to change some things.
Honestly, you should only ever use camel case or snake case with laravel. Issues can come up like this one when you use something it will never expect because there is no logical reason to use anything else.
So easy fix, use better column name.
Harder fix is extending the Auth component to allow for your Password field.

Yii: shared password for member's area

What would be the best way to approach setting up a shared password protected area in Yii?
I am looking to have a view of a Group model, that can be accessed by a shared password created by the owner of that group - group members shouldn't have to log in, purely enter this passcode.
Should this still be done with Yii's built in auth tools? - or is there a simpler solution, bearing in mind that someone might want to access several groups.
You can do this using standard session mechanism built into PHP. When someone tries to view password-protected area, check the session variable, if the user haven't entered password yet then redirect him to some page with a password form (you can do the check using controller filters for example).
After the form is submitted, check correctness of password and if everything is ok, write it into the session. You can differentiate session keys by group ids.
You can use Yii filter capabilities to fire code before executing a controller action, and prevent actions that you do not want to allow.
I would create a common controller for all your group pages, and inherit other controller from this one if need to.
In the filter I would setup code to check/prompt for the password, and keep that in session.
For example we have a filter setup to detect if the user has accepted our revised Terms and Conditions. The filter will detect and will prevent access to the controller until the user doesn't confirm it.
class TocConfirmFilter extends CFilter {
* Initializes the filter.
* This method is invoked after the filter properties are initialized
* and before {#link preFilter} is called.
* You may override this method to include some initialization logic.
public function init() {
* Performs the pre-action filtering.
* #param CFilterChain the filter chain that the filter is on.
* #return boolean whether the filtering process should continue and the action
* should be executed.
protected function preFilter($filterChain) {
// do not perform this filter on this action
if ($filterChain->action->controller->id . '/' . $filterChain->action->id == 'public/onePublicPage') {
return true;
if (isset(Yii::app()->user->id)) {
$user = user::model()->findbyPk(Yii::app()->user->id);
if ($user === null)
throw new CHttpException(404, 'The requested user does not exist.');
if ($user->tocconfirmed == 0) {
return false;
return true;
* Performs the post-action filtering.
* #param CFilterChain the filter chain that the filter is on.
protected function postFilter($filterChain) {