How to know which version of DMR (Device Media Renderer) to choose? - upnp

I want to implement a DLNA Device Media Renderer (DMR) for audio streaming. I found documentation here: and found out that there seems to be three versions of DMR's (MediaRenderer:1, MediaRenderer:2, MediaRenderer:3). I can't find any advice on which one to choose. Is there any reason not to choose MediaRenderer:3?

Updates to UPnP services are guaranteed to be backwards compatible so every MediaRenderer:3 device will contain an implementation of v1 and v2 services and will respond to a MSEARCH for v1 or v2 as that version.
See the v1.1 Device Architecture doc (included in the zip you reference) for more details, specifically
§1.2.2 Device available - NOTIFY with ssdp:alive
Updated UPnP device
and service types are REQUIRED to be fully backward compatible with
previous versions of the same type.
§1.3.2 Search request with M-SEARCH
Updated versions of device and service types are REQUIRED to be fully
backward compatible with previous versions. Devices MUST respond to
M-SEARCH requests for any supported version. For example, if a device
implements “urn:schemas-upnporg: service:xyz:2”, it MUST respond to
search requests for both that type and
“urn:schemas-upnp-org:service:xyz:1”. The response MUST specify the
same version as was contained in the search request
In other words, a device that correctly implements MediaRenderer:3 will be usable by control points which expects v1, v2 or v3 services. A device which implements an earlier version of the services would be limited to working with control points which expect these earlier versions.
I agree with you that implementing MediaRenderer:3 is your best bet. This should allow your device to be used by all possible control points.


Should I use SetupApi or CfgMgr32 in 2022?

I have a lot of experience with libusb, libudev, and SetupAPI for writing Windows drivers, but it's totally unclear to me what CfgMgr32 offers over SetupAPI for Windows USB applications. Microsoft outlines how one would port from SetupAPI to CfgMgr32, but, I don't really understand the trade-offs or if there are gotchas.
Specifically, most of the time my work involves communicating to bespoke devices with isochronous endpoints, devices with bulk endpoints and HID devices. Is there any clear reason to do one or the other?
One reason is stated at the top of the Microsoft page describing how to port from SetupApi to CfgMgr32 found here
Excerpt with pertinent part in bold:
This topic provides code examples that show how to port code that uses Setupapi.dll functionality to use Cfgmgr32.dll instead. Porting your code allows you to run your code on the Universal Windows Platform (UWP), which does not support SetupApi. A subset of CfgMgr32 is supported on UWP, specifically functionality exposed through the api-ms-win-devices-config-l1-1-0.dll API set (Windows 8 and later) or the api-ms-win-devices-config-l1-1-1.dll API set (Windows 8.1 and later). In Windows 10 and later, simply link to onecore.lib.
Another reason is that the CfgMgr API provides a specific return status code for operations whereas SetupApi returns a value to indicate success/error but a further call is required to GetLastError to get the specific error code of the last operation.

Aerospike: Migrating from Python client to Go client

I was using Aerospike since 3.4 and Python client 1.0.31.
Currently upgraded to Aerospike 3.6.3 and Python client 1.0.50.
Since Python client doesn't have Async writes feature, I am planning to go with Golang. Also read that Go fits well with Aerospike (
I would like to know what are the consequence I will face on changing the client and how to handle them.
One of the issue I see is serialization. As I was using python client since Aerospike 3.4, How to handle older serialized data like float values. I Need not worry on new data as recent releases support floats natively.
Thanks in Advance.
Well, "Python client doesn't have Async" needs to come with a big yet. The C client 4.0.0 provides async operations. The current work being done in the Python client is compatibility with Python >= 3.4. Async is something that is planned.
The main thing to consider when moving from one language client to another, or when combining different SDKs is how to handle 'unsupported' types. You'll have to review your data for where it will contain serialized data in as_bytes, encoded as AS_BYTES_PYTHON. See the 'Serialization' section in the Python API doc. You want to come up with a common custom serialization scheme to allow your Go client to read that data.

Can I have same upnp device with different description/services during run time?

While going through upnp spec I got the following doubts .
Can I define a basic upnp device with all mandatory fields and with no servicelist and
when providing the description xml I will modify my description xml to advertise my service based to different conditions.
eg: services may playmusic OR switch light OR playfootball.
Can i modify the xml per device basis on run time to inlcude completely different and random services?
I hope the description and service xmls are not static .
Just like almost everything else in UPnP Device Arch document this is not 100% clearly defined, but the idea of dynamic device/service descriptions is mentioned:
If a device needs to
change one of these descriptions, it MUST cancel its outstanding
advertisements and re-advertise. Consequently, control points SHOULD
NOT assume that device and service descriptions are unchanged if a
device re-appears on the network, but they can detect whether
descriptions changed if a changed CONFIGID.UPNP.ORG field value is
present in the announcements.
So descriptions are not static, but you do need need to cancel and re-advertize.
That said, abusing this does not sound useful (Why not use separate root devices or at least sub-devices for totally unrelated services) and is bound to lead to compatibility issues.

Is there any private api to monitor network traffic on iPhone?

I need to implement an app that monitors inbound/outbound connections by different apps on iPhone. my app is going to run in background using apple's background multitasking feature for voip and navigators.
I can use private api as my client doesn't need this app on appstore.
I got through this.
I didn't need any private Api to get information of inbound/outbound active connections.
Its just you need to know basic C programming and some patience.
I wrote to apple dev forums regarding this,and got response as-
From my perspective most of what I have to say about this issue is covered in the post referenced below.
The way to make progress on this is to:
o grab the relevant headers from the Mac OS X SDK
o look at the Darwin source for netstat to see how the pieces fit together
WARNING: There are serious compatibility risks associated with shipping an app that uses this technique; it's fine to use this for debugging and so on, but I recommend against shipping code like this to end users.
What I did step by step is -
1)downloaded code of netstat from BSD opensource -
2)add this to your new iphone project.
3)see,some header files are not present in ios sdk so you need take it copied from and add those in your iphone sdk at relevant path under-
My xcode version is 4.5.2. so this is path relevent to my xcode. you can have different path according to versions of xcodes.Anyway. and remember to add those headers in both iosSdk & iOSSimulatorSdk both so that code will work on device as well as on simulator.
4)you may find some minor errors in netstat code relating not finding definitions of some structures in header files.e.g " struct xunpcb64 " .dont wory. definitions are present need to comment some "#if !TARGET_OS_EMBEDDED" #else in those header files so that ios sdk can reach in those if condition and access the definition.(need some try and patient.)
5)finally you will be abe to compile your code.Cheers!!
In case you haven't seen this already, I have used it successfully on my iPhone.
I realize it is not exactly what you want.
Generally, I agree with Suneet. All you need is network sniffer.
You can try to do partial port of WireShark (it's open source and it works on MacOS) to iOS. Both iOS and OS X share most part of the kernel, so if it's not explicitly prohibited on iOS, it should work for you.
WireShark is quite big product, so you may be intersted to look for another open source network sniffer which work on OS X.

How to use the USB/HID port with objective-c under a Mac environment

I try to implement an application in snow Leopard, Reading Data from USB/HID device.In my application i tried following steps:
Create a Reference for device(IOHIDDeviceRef)
Based On the IOHIDDeviceRef i Fetch device details such as(Device ProductIDKey, Device VendorIDKey,Device ProductKey,Device Serial NumberKey,Device VersionNumberKey ect.)
IOHIDDeviceOpen(),ie :Using IOHIDDeviceRef i opened Device;
IOHIDDeviceCopyMatchingElements(); Ie Copy Matching Elements from the Device;
Create a Reference element(ie IOHIDElementRef);
Using IOHIDElementRef i retrieved Device Usage,Device Cocookie,Device UsagePage etc.
Up to this My application working Fine.
My doubts are
How can read data From Endpoint 1, My device is special purpose device having only one End point(Interrupt no synchronization data end point)?
Is their any Pipe associated with end point 1(HID Device)?;
Is their any ReadPipe and WritePipe functions in HIDManager Based Application?
Is it possible to retrieve data from USB/HID using IOHIDDeviceSetReoprtWithCallback()?
Every thing Did based on this Link: ...
Thank you so much for your help ..
You are trying to use HID functions with non-HID device.
HID is Human Interface Device. Any HID device must conform "Device Class Definition for HID".
I suspect, your device does not conforms this specification.
So you should use other OS interface to work with your device. I suggest to use libusb. This is cross-platform library for working with USB devices on low level. It will allow you to read/write your endpoint directly.