Cython error: Undeclared name not built in:array - numpy

I am compiling this Cython code in Sage Cell Server and I get the following error.
undeclared name not builtin: array
It displays the same error in Sage Notebook. I think it is not recognizing numpy array but it
is strange cause I have imported numpy already.
cimport numpy as np
ctypedef DTYPE
def computeDetCy(np.ndarray[DTYPE, ndim=2] matrix):
return determ(matrix,len(matrix))
cdef inline int determ(np.ndarray[DTYPE, ndim=2] matrix, int n):
cdef int det = 0
cdef int p=0
cdef int h
cdef int k
cdef int i=0
cdef int j=0
cdef np.ndarray[DTYPE, ndim=2] temp=np.zeros(4,4)
if n == 1:
return matrix[0][0]
elif n == 2:
return matrix[0][0]*matrix[1][1] - matrix[0][1]*matrix[1][0]
for p in range(0, n):
h = 0
k = 0
for i in range(1, n):
for j in range(0, n):
if j==p:
temp[h][k] = matrix[i][j]
if k ==(n-1):
det= det + matrix[0][p] * (-1)**p * determ(temp, n-1)
return det

Yeah, but you imported it as np, not importing * (which would be a bad idea anyway) and didn't do a regular Python import. (Sometimes you have to do both a cimport and import, see this SO question for an example.)
However, even after
import numpy as np
and using np.array, I still get some errors
ValueError: Buffer dtype mismatch, expected 'DTYPE' but got 'long'
So this solves your question, but isn't the whole story, and the things I tried didn't work to fix this new issue.


memory leak (cython + numpy)

I'm struggling to find where the leak is in this code
import numpy as np
cimport numpy as np
from libcpp.vector cimport vector
import scipy.stats as st
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
cdef vector[double] minmax(double i, dict a):
cdef double minmax
cdef vector[double] out
minmax= min(list(filter(lambda x: x > i, a.keys())))
except ValueError:
minmax = min(a.keys())
cdef double maxmin
maxmin = max(list(filter(lambda x: x < i, a.keys())))
except ValueError:
maxmin = max(a.keys())
return out
def KullbackLeibler(args):
cdef np.ndarray[np.double_t, ndim = 1] psample = args[0]
cdef np.ndarray[np.double_t, ndim = 1] qsample = args[1]
cdef int n = args[2]
a = plt.hist(psample, bins = n)
cdef np.ndarray[np.double_t, ndim = 1] ax = a[1]
cdef np.ndarray[np.double_t, ndim = 1] ay = a[0]
b = plt.hist(qsample, bins = ax)
adict = dict(zip(ax, ay))
ax = ax[:-1]
cdef np.ndarray[np.double_t, ndim = 1] bx = b[1]
cdef np.ndarray[np.double_t, ndim = 1] by = b[0]
bdict = dict(zip(bx, by))
bx = bx[:-1]
cdef vector[double] kl
cdef int N = np.sum(ay)
cdef int i
cdef double p_minmax, p_maxmin, q_minmax, q_maxmin
cdef double KL
for i in range(len(psample)):
ptmp = minmax(psample[i], adict)
p_minmax = ptmp[0]
p_maxmin = ptmp[1]
qtmp = minmax(psample[i], bdict)
q_minmax = qtmp[0]
q_maxmin = qtmp[1]
pdensity = adict[p_maxmin]/ N
qdensity = np.max([bdict[q_maxmin]/ N, 10e-20])
KL = pdensity * np.log(pdensity/qdensity)
cdef double res = np.sum(kl)
del args, psample, qsample, ax, ay, bx, by, adict, bdict
return res
here the main from which I launch
import kullback as klcy ##unresolvedimport
import datetime
import numpy as np
import pathos.pools as pp
import objgraph
ncore = 4
pool = pp.ProcessPool(ncore)
KL = []
for i in range(2500):
time1 =
n = 500
x = [np.random.normal(size = n, scale = 1) for j in range(ncore)]
y = [np.random.normal(size = n, scale = 1) for j in range(ncore)]
data = np.array(list(zip(x,y,[n/10]*ncore)))
kl =, data)
time2 =
print(i, time2 - time1, sep = " ")
The function KullbackLeibler takes as input two arrays and an integer
What I've already tried:
using objgraph to identify growing objects, unfortunately it seems it doesn't work with C-defined arrays (it identifies only the list in which I'm appending the result as growing)
Why can't objgraph capture the growth of np.array()?
deleting all the arrays at the end of the pyx function
tried placing a gc.collect() call both in the pyx file and in the main file, but nothing has changed
Memory consumption grows linearly with the number of iterations, along with the time required for each iteration (from 0.6s to over 4s). It's my first attempt with cython, any suggestion would be useful.
The problem had nothing to do with arrays. I wasn't closing matplotlib plots
a = plt.hist(psample, bins = n)
b = plt.hist(qsample, bins = ax)
Even if I wasn't displaying them they were drawn nonetheless, consuming memory which was never freed afterwards. Thanks to #DavidW in the comments for making me notice.

How do I type my variables in cython so they pass to the memoryview array faster?

I am trying to optimize a double loop for an N-body integrator and I found that the problem with my code is that I'm incurring a massive overhead when I write stored variables into the memory view locations.
I originally had this code vectorized in numpy, but it was called inside another for loop to update the particle positions and the overhead was brutal. I have an np.ndarray Nx2 vector of positions (X) and I want to return an Nx2 vector of momentums (XOut) -- the current code listed below returns a memory view, but that's OK because I'd like to eventually embed this function in other Cython function once I've debugged this bottleneck.
I had tried the cython -a "name.pyx" command and found that I more or less have everything as a C-type. However, I found that towards the bottom of the loop, writing into the memoryview of XOut[ii,0] -= valuex is incurring most of the run time. If I change that into a constant so that XOut[ii,0] -= 5, the code is ~40X faster. I think this means I'm doing some sort of copy operation on that line which is slowing me down. My Cython/C++ backgrounds are rudimentary, but I think I need to change the syntax so that I'm writing into the memoryview from a pointer. Any advice would be greatly appreciative; Thanks!
import numpy as np
cimport numpy as np
from cython.view cimport array as cvarray
cimport cython
from libc.math cimport sinh, cosh, sin, cos, acos, exp, sqrt, fabs, M_PI
DTYPE = np.float64
ctypedef np.float64_t DTYPE_t
cdef DTYPE_t pi = 3.141592653589793
#cython.boundscheck(False) # turn off bounds-checking for entire function
#cython.wraparound(False) # turn off negative index wrapping for entire function
def intTerms(const DTYPE_t[:,:] X, DTYPE_t epsilon, DTYPE_t[:,:] XOut):
cdef Py_ssize_t ii,jj,N
N = X.shape[0]
cdef DTYPE_t valuex,valuey,r2,xvec,yvec
for ii in range(0,N):
for jj in range(ii+1,N):
xvec = X[ii,0]-X[jj,0]
yvec = X[ii,1]-X[jj,1]
r2 = max(xvec**2+yvec**2,epsilon)
valuex = xvec/r2**2
valuey = yvec/r2**2
XOut[ii,0] -= valuex
XOut[ii,1] -= 5 #valuey
XOut[jj,0] += 5 #valuex
XOut[jj,1] += 5 #valuey
XOut[ii,0] /= 2*pi
XOut[ii,1] /= 2*pi
return XOut
OK, so the issue was the mathematical operations. Cython doesn't optimize the ** operator so I modified the code:
import numpy as np
cimport numpy as np
from cython.view cimport array as cvarray
cimport cython
from libc.math cimport sinh, cosh, sin, cos, acos, exp, sqrt, fabs, M_PI
DTYPE = np.float64
ctypedef np.float64_t DTYPE_t
cdef DTYPE_t pi = 3.141592653589793
#cython.boundscheck(False) # turn off bounds-checking for entire function
#cython.wraparound(False) # turn off negative index wrapping for entire function
def intTerms(const DTYPE_t[:,:] X, DTYPE_t epsilon, DTYPE_t[:,:] XOut):
cdef Py_ssize_t ii,jj,N
N = X.shape[0]
cdef DTYPE_t valuex,valuey,r2,xvec,yvec
for ii in range(0,N-1):
for jj in range(ii+1,N):
xvec = X[ii,0]-X[jj,0]
yvec = X[ii,1]-X[jj,1]
r2 = max(xvec*xvec+yvec*yvec,epsilon)
valuex = xvec/r2/r2
valuey = yvec/r2/r2
XOut[ii,0] -= valuex
XOut[ii,1] -= valuey
XOut[jj,0] += valuex
XOut[jj,1] += valuey
XOut[ii,0] /= 2*pi
XOut[ii,1] /= 2*pi
return XOut
Changing valuex from xvec/r2**2 to xvec/r2/r2 and removing all instances of the ** operator sped up the loop to 9ms from 200ms for an 1800x2 array. I am still hopeful that a 4ms speed is possible, but I'll settle for 9ms for now.

Copy Numpy array to a memoryview

I have a memoryview on a numpy array and want to copy the content of another numpy array into it by using this memoryview:
import numpy as np
cimport numpy as np
cdef double[:,::1] test = np.array([[0,1],[2,3]], dtype=np.double)
test[...] = np.array([[4,5],[6,7]], dtype=np.double)
But why is this not possible? It keeps me telling
TypeError: only length-1 arrays can be converted to Python scalars
It works fine if I copy from a memoryview to a memoryview, or from a numpy array to a numpy array, but how to copy from a numpy array to a memoryview?
These assignments work:
cdef double[:,::1] test2d = np.array([[0,1],[2,3],[4,5]], dtype=np.double)
cdef double[:,::1] temp = np.array([[4,5],[6,7]], dtype=np.double)
test2d[...] = 4
test2d[:,1] = np.array([5],dtype=np.double)
test2d[1:,:] = temp
print np.asarray(test2d)
[[ 4. 5.]
[ 4. 5.]
[ 6. 7.]]
I've added an answer at that uses this memoryview 'buffer' approach in a indented context.
cpdef int testfunc1c(np.ndarray[np.float_t, ndim=2] A,
double [:,:] BView) except -1:
cdef double[:,:] CView
if np.isnan(A).any():
return -1
CView = la.inv(A)
BView[...] = CView
return 1
It doesn't perform the copy-less buffer assignment that the other poster wanted, but it is still an efficient memoryview copy.

Passing structured array to Cython, failed (I think it is a Cython bug)

Suppose I have
a = np.zeros(2, dtype=[('a',, ('b', np.float, 2)])
a[0] = (2,[3,4])
a[1] = (6,[7,8])
then I define the same Cython structure
import numpy as np
cimport numpy as np
cdef packed struct mystruct:
np.int_t a
np.float_t b[2]
def test_mystruct(mystruct[:] x):
int k
mystruct y
for k in range(2):
y = x[k]
print y.a
print y.b[0]
print y.b[1]
after this, I run
and I got error:
ValueError Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-231-df126299aef1> in <module>()
----> 1 test_mystruct(a)
_cython_magic_5119cecbaf7ff37e311b745d2b39dc32.pyx in _cython_magic_5119cecbaf7ff37e311b745d2b39dc32.test_mystruct (/auto/users/pwang/.cache/ipython/cython/_cython_magic_5119cecbaf7ff37e311b745d2b39dc32.c:1364)()
ValueError: Expected 1 dimension(s), got 1
My question is how to fix it? Thank you.
This pyx compiles and imports ok:
import numpy as np
cimport numpy as np
cdef packed struct mystruct:
int a[2] # change from plain int
float b[2]
int c
def test_mystruct(mystruct[:] x):
int k
mystruct y
for k in range(2):
y = x[k]
print y.a
print y.b[0]
print y.b[1]
I started with the test example mentioned in my comment, and played with your case. I think the key change was to define the first element of the packed structure to be int a[2]. So if any element is an array, the first must an array to properly set up the structure.
Clearly an error that the test file isn't catching.
Defining the element as int a[1] doesn't work, possibly because the dtype removes such a dimension:
In [47]: np.dtype([('a',, 1), ('b', np.float, 2)])
Out[47]: dtype([('a', '<i4'), ('b', '<f8', (2,))])
Defining the dtype to get around this shouldn't be hard until the issue is raised and patched.
The struct could have a[1], but the array dtype would have to specify the size with a tuple: ('a','i',(1,)). ('a','i',1) would make the size ().
If one of the struct arrays is 2d, it looks like all of them have to be:
cdef packed struct mystruct:
int a[1][1]
float b[2][1]
int c[2][2]
Stepping back a bit, I wonder what's the point to processing a complex structured array in cython. For some operations wouldn't it work just as well to pass the fields as separate variables. For example myfunc(a['a'],a['b']) instead of myfunc(a).
There is a general method to get the dtype for a c struct, but it involves a temporary variable:
cdef mystruct _tmp
dt = np.asarray(<mystruct[:1]>(&_tmp)).dtype
This requires at least numpy 1.5. See discussion here:

Cython additional typing and cimport for numpy array slow down the performance?

Below are two simple Cython methods I wrote. In g_cython() method I used additional typing for numpy array a and b, but surprisingly g_cython() is twice slower than g_less_cython(). I wonder why is this happening? I thought adding that would make indexing on a and b much faster?
PS. I understand both functions can be vectorized in numpy -- I am just exploring cython optimization tricks.
import numpy as np;
cimport numpy as np;
def g_cython(np.ndarray[np.int_t, ndim = 1] a, percentile):
cdef int i
cdef int n = len(a)
cdef np.ndarray[np.int_t, ndim = 1] b = np.zeros(n, dtype = 'int')
for i in xrange(n):
b[i] = np.searchsorted(percentile, a[i])
return b
def g_less_cython(a, percentile):
cdef int i
b = np.zeros_like(a)
for i in xrange(len(a)):
b[i] = np.searchsorted(percentile, a[i])
return b
my test case is when len(a) == 1000000 and len(percentile) = 100
def main3():
n = 100000
a = np.random.random_integers(0,10000000,n)
per = np.linspace(0, 10000000, 101)
q = time.time()
b = g_cython(a, per)
q = time.time() - q
print q
q = time.time()
bb = g_less_cython(a, per)
q = time.time() - q
print q
I tested you code, g_cython is a slightly faster than g_less_cython.
here is the test code
import pyximport; pyximport.install()
import search_sorted
import numpy as np
import time
x = np.arange(100000, dtype=np.int32)
y = np.random.randint(0, 100000, 100000)
start = time.clock()
search_sorted.g_cython(y, x)
print time.clock() - start
start = time.clock()
search_sorted.g_less_cython(y, x)
print time.clock() - start
the output is:
I turned off the boundscheck and wraparound flag:
def g_cython(np.ndarray[np.int_t, ndim = 1] a, percentile):
The difference is not notable because the call of np.searchsorted(percentile, a[i]) is the critical part that used most of CPU.