How to select id's that have rows for all values from a set - sql

I want to select all Id from a table that have rows for both programs 'basketball' and 'football'
Given a table like this:
Id program
1 basketball
2 football
3 basketball
2 basketball
1 football
4 football
5 basketball
How can I get a result like this:

Since you want to return the id's that have both values football and basketball, you can use the following to get the result:
select id
from yt
where program in ('basketball', 'football')
group by id
having count(distinct program) = 2;
See SQL Fiddle with Demo.
Since can also be done by joining on your table multiple times:
from yt t1
inner join yt t2
on =
where t1.program = 'basketball'
and t2.program = 'football';
See SQL Fiddle with Demo

I think aggregation is the most generalizable approach for this:
select id
from table
group by id
having sum(case when program = 'Football' then 1 else 0 end) > 0 and
sum(case when program = 'Basketball' then 1 else 0 end) > 0
The sum() statement are counting the number of rows that have "football" and "basketball" respectively. When present, the number is greater than 0.

You can do this with IN or OR syntax:
FROM table
WHERE program = 'basketball'
OR program = 'football';
If you want to only get the first two results, add LIMIT 2 to the end.
By the way, it's really bad practice to have a table without a primary key, there is no way to index this table so performance would be very bad.


How to select rows with condition? sql, select sentence

I have table like this:
And with select sentence I want that my result would be like only those names whose scores are 9 or above. So basically it means, that, for exaple, Henry cannot be selected, because he has score under the value of 9 in one line , but in the other he has the score of 3 (null values also should be emitted).
My newtable should look like this:
I'm using a sas program. THANK YOU!!
The COUNT of names will be <> COUNT of scores if there is a missing score. Requesting equality in the having clause will ensure no person with a missing score is in your result set.
proc sql;
create table want as
select distinct name from have
group by name
having count(name) = count(score) and min(score) >= 9;
here the solution
select name
from table name where score >= 9
and score <> NULL;
Select NAME from YOUR_TABLE_NAME name where SCORE > 9 and score is not null
You can do aggregation :
select name
from table t
group by name
having sum(case when (score < 9 or score is null) then 1 else 0 end) = 0;
If you want full rows then you can use not exists :
select t.*
from table t
where not exists (select 1
from table t1
where = and (t1.score < 9 or t1.score is null)
You seem to be treated NULL scores as a value less than 9. You can also just use coalesce() with min():
select name
from have
group by name
having min(coalesce(score, 0)) >= 9;
Note that select distinct is almost never useful with group by -- and SAS proc sql probably does not optimize it well.

How to use multiple counts in where clause to compare data of a table in sql?

I want to compare data of a table with its other records. The count of rows with a specific condition has to match the count of rows without the where clause but on the same grouping.
Below is the table
id name time status
1 John 10 C
2 Alex 10 R
3 Dan 10 C
4 Tim 11 C
5 Tom 11 C
Output should be time = 11 as the count for grouping on time column is different when a where clause is added on status = 'C'
SELECT q1.time
FROM table
GROUP BY time) AS q1
FROM table
WHERE status = 'C'
GROUP BY time) AS q2
ON q1.time = q2.time
WHERE q1.count = q2.count
This is giving the desired output but is there a better and efficient way to get the desired result?
Are you looking for this :
select t.*
from table t
where not exists (select 1 from table t1 where t1.time = t.time and t1.status <> 'C');
However you can do :
select time
from table t
group by time
having sum (case when status <> 'c' then 1 else 0 end ) = 0;
If you want the times where the rows all satisfy the where clause, then in Postgres, you can express this as:
select time
from t
group by time
having count(*) = count(*) filter (where status = 'C');

Count combined with select distinct

actually i try to find a way to select all distinct private message from a table and also got the count of each in 1 sql query
the actual table have column with the id of the member and also a column
with the actual view state of the message when the message state = 0 it mean
not read
example of data in table
roger 0
paul 1
roger 0
paul 0
mike 0
mike 0
mike 0
then the result i want is
roger 2
paul 1
mike 3
any help will be apreciated thanks
Are you looking for this?
SELECT member_id, COUNT(*) AS count
FROM messages
WHERE state = 0
GROUP BY member_id
Here is a dbfiddle demo
I need also to select all field from another table that will match the member_id is that possible in 1 query
Sure, JOIN away
SELECT m.*, t.*
SELECT member_id, COUNT(*) AS count
FROM messages
WHERE state = 0
GROUP BY member_id
) m JOIN other_table t
ON m.member_id = t.member_id

Selecting count by row combinations

I'm strugling with what on the first sight appeared to be simple SQL query :)
So I have following table which has three columns: PlayerId, Gender, Result (all of type integer).
What I'm trying to do, is to select distinct players of gender 2 (male) with number of each results.
There are about 50 possible results, so new table should have 51 columns:
|PlayerId | 1 | 2 | 3 | ... | 50 |
So I would like to see how many times each individual male (gender 2) player got specific result.
*** In case question is still not entirely clear to you: After each game I insert a row with a player ID, gender and result (from 1 - 50) player achieved in that game. Now I'd like to see how many times each player achieved specfic results.
If there are 50 results and you want them in columns, then you are talking about a pivot. I tend to do these with conditional aggregation:
select player,
sum(case when result = 0 then 1 else 0 end) as result_00,
sum(case when result = 1 then 1 else 0 end) as result_01,
. . .
sum(case when result = 50 then 1 else 0 end) as result_50
from t
group by player;
You can choose a particular gender if you like, with where gender = 2. But why not calculate all at the same time?
select player, result, count(*)
from your_table
where Gender = 2
group by player, result;
select PleyerId from tablename where result = 'specific result you want' and gender = 2 group by PleyerId
The easiest way is to use pivoting:
;with cte as(Select * from t
Where gender = 2)
Select * from cte
Pivot(count(gender) for result in([1],[2],[3],....,[50]))p
One note: keeping gender in scores table is a bad idea. Better make a separate table for players and keep gender there.

Counting values in columns

What I am looking for is to group by and count the total of different data in the same table and have them show in two different columns. Like below.
Data in table A
Name Type
Bob 1
John 2
Bob 1
Steve 1
John 1
Bob 2
Desired result from query:
Name Type 1 Type 2
Bob 2 1
John 1 1
Steve 1 0
This will do the trick in SQL Server:
SUM( CASE type WHEN 1 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS type1,
SUM( CASE type WHEN 2 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS type2
No time to write the code, but the Case statement is what you want here. SImply havea value of 1 if it meets the case and zero if it deosn't. Then you can sum the columns.
Use two separate GROUP BY subqueries.
SELECT Name, a.Count1, b.Count2
from myTable
(SELECT Name, SUM(Type) AS Count1 FROM myTable GROUP BY Name WHERE Type=1) AS a ON a.Name = myTable.Name
(SELECT Name, SUM(Type) FROM myTable GROUP BY Name WHERE Type=2) AS b ON b.Name = myTable.Name
You're looking for a CrossTab solution. The above solutions will work, but you'll come unstuck if you want a general solution and have N types.
A CrossTab solution will solve this for you. If this is for quickly crunching some numbers then dump your data into Excel and use the native Pivot Table feature.
If it's for a RDBMS in an app, then it depends upon the RDBMS. MS SQL 2005 and above has a crosstab syntax. See:
#Seb has a good solution, but it's server-dependent. Here's an alternate using subselects that should be portable:
(select count(type) from myTable where type=1 and as type1,
(select count(type) from myTable where type=2 and as type2
myTable as a
group by