VB.NET: Mark Points in Line Chart - vb.net

I'm creating a Chart with Lines on it in VB.NET. Now I got multiple Values in one Line. I want to mark certain of these values with a little Circle (or a Sqare, nevermind).
How do I have to do this?
It should look right light this:
How to Achieve?

Setting the Point's Marker does the Trick:
dataGridView1.Series(0).Points(0).MarkerStyle = DataVisualization.Charting.MarkerStyle.Circle
dataGridView1.Series(0).Points(0).MarkerSize = 10


Referencing text from a 1D array for use in a line of code (vb)

I'm working on a small project, and one of the components utilizes an animated dice. I've got the mechanics of the dice down, however, I wish to make the dice colour change each time it rolls.
As of now, I have to manually set the colour
(e.g. pnl1.Backcolor = system.Drawing.color.Red).
I've already set up an array with the various different colours and intend to reference them randomly using the random number function, but my question is how can I refer to an item in the array in such a way that that makes the above mentioned pnl1.Backcolor match said colour?
I'm well aware I can't just use system.Drawing.color.Colours(1), so how might I go about this/what are some possible alternate options to an array?
Any and all help is massively appreciated and I do apologise if the way I've formatted this question is not in line with that which the website demands (I'm relatively new).
~ John
I'm not sure whether you have a different panel for each side of the die or just one with a picture change, nevertheless, below is an example of something you could do. Change as needed (I'm assuming just one panel with color change - pnl1).
Dim PanColor() As Color = {Color.White, Color.Red, Color.Green, Color.Blue, Color.Purple, Color.Yellow}
pnl1.BackColor = PanColor(put_random_number_here_0_to_5)

SSRS line chart

I have one question to the line chart.
I would like to create a line chart, which values are given. It should look like this chart here:
My question is, how can I implement this. I tried to put it as a stripline in the chart but it only shows a horizontal line without this steps at the beginning.
How can I create this line chart like in the picture above?
can I put into this:
the values.
Striplines are intended to display just a line across the chart, or varying width, height, to demonstrate an area... from MSDN
Strip lines, or strips, are horizontal or vertical ranges that shade the background of the chart in regular or custom intervals
To get the behaviour (I think) you require you can add a new series to the data you are returning with each of those datapoints. Irrespective of what other data you are charting, you can change the type of this series to Line Chart, and change the order of the series on teh chart to make it uppoermost.
Without further information - such as the data you are tyrying to superimpose this on - it's hard to advise further.

How can I combine lines and brush at the same time?

I have been using this d3 example http://bl.ocks.org/mbostock/1667367 But my question is if I add lines in the extremes of the brush where each point match the points on the focus area? I think it looks like a "torch" I add a picture http://i.stack.imgur.com/KgZUr.jpg

Highcharts: Polar columns datalabels inside position

I'm trying to get values (datalabels) of a columns polar chart INSIDE the actual column, and not on top of it. I've set inside: true property but it does not seem to have any effect, although it works pretty nicely while using a regular stacked columns chart for example.
Here is the fiddle showing the issue: http://jsfiddle.net/deurk/BeVyt/2/
Ideally, I'd like to have the datalabels in their "shares" if there is enough space, with white color. Does anyone have a workaround for this?
Indeed it looks like a bug, so I've reported it here https://github.com/highslide-software/highcharts.com/issues/1688

Changing line transparency of a series without affecting marker transparency in Excel VBA

I am writing a macro in VBA for excel in which I would like to change the transparency of the lines connecting markers in a series but leave the transparency of the markers in the series the same.
To specify: the chart is a scatter plot. I would like the markers for a series to be opaque/zero transparency and for the lines in the series to be 75% transparent.
I have adjsuted the transparency of the lines by using
myseries.format.line.transparency = 0.75
but this changes the marker transparency as well.
does anyone know of a way I can change the transparency of the two separately? I imagine there is a member/property to do what I want, but I cannot find it.
thanks in advance for any help!
This answer isn't going to make you very happy.
I've looked into this before and the information i've gotten is that this simply isn't a parameter that you can specify through VBA. It looks like you can access marker style, size, background color and foreground color, and that's about it.
Maybe MS didn't think anyone would ever want to mess with that.
One thing you could try is applying a custom chart format, but if you have variable numbers and/or orders of series then that may not work.
mychart.ApplyChartTemplate ("filepath\filename.crtx")
Something like that, where mychart is already set equal to the chart you want to format.
Again, maybe not of any use to you, best i could think of.
You guys didn't dig hard enough.
will work if the SeriesObject is in a certain state. The original 'automatic' line style state prevents this vba from doing anything at first, but if you simply precede it by setting certain other properties on the line format first, then the transparency will take. The following worked for me:
For Each obj In myChart.SeriesCollection
obj.Format.Line.DashStyle = 1
obj.Format.Line.Transparency = 0.65
Next obj
DashStyle = 1 sets the line style to 'Solid' (as opposed to dashed, dotted, etc.) and has the side effect of freeing up the series format to have the transparency set. I don't know for sure why it works, but it does.
Sorry, my mistake. I read the question slightly wrong.
I find that if I start the line with no markers, then turning transparency separately doesn't turn the markers on and off.
Try this: