Selenium, FluentAutomation & NUnit - How do I switch browsers for each TestCase? - selenium

Currently, openGoogle() does get called for each test case with the correct parameters. The problem is that setBrowser does not appear to be working properly. It does set the first time and completes the test successfully. However, when openGoogle() gets invoked for the second time it continues to use the first browser instead of using the new browser specified.
using NFramework = NUnit.Framework;
public class SampleTest : FluentAutomation.FluentTest
string path;
private Action<TinyIoCContainer> currentRegistration;
public TestContext TestContext { get; set; }
public void Init()
FluentAutomation.Settings.ScreenshotOnFailedExpect = true;
FluentAutomation.Settings.ScreenshotOnFailedAction = true;
FluentAutomation.Settings.DefaultWaitTimeout = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1);
FluentAutomation.Settings.DefaultWaitUntilTimeout = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(30);
FluentAutomation.Settings.MinimizeAllWindowsOnTestStart = false;
FluentAutomation.Settings.ScreenshotPath = path = "C:\\ScreenShots";
public void openGoogle(SeleniumWebDriver.Browser browser)
I.WaitUntil(() => I.Expect.Exists("body"));
I.Enter("Unit Testing").In("input[name=q]");
I.TakeScreenshot(browser + "EnterText");
I.WaitUntil(() => I.Expect.Exists(".mw"));
I.TakeScreenshot(browser + "ClickSearch");
public SampleTest()
currentRegistration = FluentAutomation.Settings.Registration;
private void setBrowser(SeleniumWebDriver.Browser browser)
switch (browser)
case SeleniumWebDriver.Browser.InternetExplorer:
case SeleniumWebDriver.Browser.Firefox:
Note: Doing it this way below DOES work correctly - opening a separate browser for each test.
public class SampleTest : FluentAutomation.FluentTest {
string path;
private Action currentRegistration;
public TestContext TestContext { get; set; }
private void ie()
private void ff()
public SampleTest()
currentRegistration = FluentAutomation.Settings.Registration;
public void Initialize()
FluentAutomation.Settings.ScreenshotOnFailedExpect = true;
FluentAutomation.Settings.ScreenshotOnFailedAction = true;
FluentAutomation.Settings.DefaultWaitTimeout = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1);
FluentAutomation.Settings.DefaultWaitUntilTimeout = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(30);
FluentAutomation.Settings.MinimizeAllWindowsOnTestStart = false;
path = TestContext.TestResultsDirectory;
FluentAutomation.Settings.ScreenshotPath = path;
public void OpenGoogleIE()
public void OpenGoogleFF()
private void openGoogle(string browser)
I.WaitUntil(() => I.Expect.Exists("body"));
I.Enter("Unit Testing").In("input[name=q]");
I.TakeScreenshot(browser + "EnterText");
I.WaitUntil(() => I.Expect.Exists(".mw"));
I.TakeScreenshot(browser + "ClickSearch");
} }

Dev branch: The latest bits in the Dev branch play nicely with NUnit's parameterized test cases in my experience.
Just move the Bootstrap call inside the testcase itself and be sure that you manually call I.Dispose() at the end. This allows for proper browser creation when run in this context.
Here is an example that you should be able to copy/paste and run, if you pull latest from GitHub on the dev branch.
public void CartTest(FluentAutomation.SeleniumWebDriver.Browser browser)
I.Select("Motorcycles").From(".liveExample tr select:eq(0)"); // Select by value/text
I.Select(2).From(".liveExample tr select:eq(1)"); // Select by index
I.Enter(6).In(".liveExample td.quantity input:eq(0)");
I.Expect.Text("$197.70").In(".liveExample tr span:eq(1)");
// add second product
I.Click(".liveExample button:eq(0)");
I.Select(1).From(".liveExample tr select:eq(2)");
I.Select(4).From(".liveExample tr select:eq(3)");
I.Enter(8).In(".liveExample td.quantity input:eq(1)");
I.Expect.Text("$788.64").In(".liveExample tr span:eq(3)");
// validate totals
I.Expect.Text("$986.34").In("p.grandTotal span");
// remove first product
I.Click(".liveExample a:eq(0)");
// validate new total
I.WaitUntil(() => I.Expect.Text("$788.64").In("p.grandTotal span"));
It should find its way to NuGet in the next release which I'm hoping happens this week.
NuGet v2.0: Currently only one call to Bootstrap is supported per test. In v1 we had built-in support for running the same test against all the browsers supported by a provider but found that users preferred to split it out into multiple tests.
The way I manage it with v2 is to have a 'Base' TestClass that has the TestMethods in it. I then extend that once per browser I want to target, and override the constructor to call the appropriate Bootstrap method.
A bit more verbose but very easy to manage.


JUnit 5 Parameterized test #ArgumentsSource parameters not loading

I have created below JUnit5 parameterized test with ArgumentsSource for loading arguments for the test:
public class DemoModelValidationTest {
public ParamsProvider paramsProvider;
public DemoModelValidationTest () {
try {
paramsProvider = new ParamsProvider();
catch (Exception iaex) {
void testAllConfigurations(int configIndex, String a) throws Exception {
and the ParamsProvider class looks like below:
public class ParamsProvider implements ArgumentsProvider {
public static final String modelPath = System.getProperty("user.dir") + File.separator + "demoModels";
YAMLDeserializer deserializedYAML;
MetaModelToValidationModel converter;
ValidationRunner runner;
List<Configuration> configurationList;
List<Arguments> listOfArguments;
public ParamsProvider() throws Exception {
configurationList = new ArrayList<>();
listOfArguments = new LinkedList<>();
deserializedYAML = new YAMLDeserializer(modelPath);
converter = new MetaModelToValidationModel(deserializedYAML);
runner = converter.convert();
configurationList = runner.getConfigurations();
for (int i = 0; i < configurationList.size(); i++) {
listOfArguments.add(Arguments.of(i, configurationList.get(i).getName()));
public void executeSimulation(int configListIndex) throws Exception {
final Configuration config = runner.getConfigurations().get(configListIndex);;
public Stream<? extends Arguments> provideArguments(ExtensionContext context) {
// return Stream.of(Arguments.of(0, "Actuator Power"), Arguments.of(1, "Error Logging"));
In the provideArguments() method, the commented out code is working fine, but the first line of code
is returning the following error:
org.junit.platform.commons.PreconditionViolationException: Configuration error: You must configure at least one set of arguments for this #ParameterizedTest
I am not sure whether I am having a casting problem for the stream in provideArguments() method, but I guess it somehow cannot map the elements of listOfArguments to the stream, which can finally take the form like below:
Stream.of(Arguments.of(0, "Actuator Power"), Arguments.of(1, "Error Logging"))
Am I missing a proper stream mapping of listOfArguments?
provideArguments(…) is called before your test is invoked.
Your ParamsProvider class is instantiated by JUnit. Whatever you’re doing in desiralizeAndCreateValidationRunnerInstance should be done in the ParamsProvider constructor.
Also you’re already wrapping the values fro deserialised configurations to Arguments and you’re double wrapping them in providesArguments.
Do this:
public Stream<? extends Arguments> provideArguments(ExtensionContext context) {

How do I use IViewLocationExtender with Razor Pages to render device specific pages

Currently we are building a web application, desktop first, that needs device specific Razor Pages for specific pages. Those pages are really different from their Desktop version and it makes no sense to use responsiveness here.
We have tried to implement our own IViewLocationExpander and also tried to use the MvcDeviceDetector library (which is basically doing the same). Detection of the device type is no problem but for some reason the device specific page is not picked up and it is constantly falling back to the default Index.cshtml.
(edit: We're thinking about implementing something based on IPageConvention, IPageApplicationModelProvider or something ... ;-))
We have added the following code using the example of MvcDeviceDetector:
public static IMvcBuilder AddDeviceDetection(this IMvcBuilder builder)
o => { },
d => {
d.Format = DeviceLocationExpanderFormat.Suffix;
d.MobileCode = "mobile";
d.TabletCode = "tablet";
return builder;
and are adding some route mapping
We expected to see to be picked up when selecting a Phone Emulation in Chrome but that didnt happen.
edit Note:
we're using a combination of Razor Views/MVC (older sections) and Razor Pages (newer sections).
also not every page will have a mobile implementation. That's what would have a IViewLocationExpander solution so great.
edit 2
I think the solution would be the same as how you'd implement Culture specific Razor Pages (which is also unknown to us ;-)). Basic MVC supports Index.en-US.cshtml
Final Solution Below
If this is a Razor Pages application (as opposed to an MVC application) I don't think that the IViewLocationExpander interface is much use to you. As far as I know, it only works for partials, not routeable pages (i.e. those with an #page directive).
What you can do instead is to use Middleware to determine whether the request comes from a mobile device, and then change the file to be executed to one that ends with .mobile. Here's a very rough and ready implementation:
public class MobileDetectionMiddleware
private readonly RequestDelegate _next;
public async Task Invoke(HttpContext context)
context.Request.Path = $"{context.Request.Path}.mobile";
await _next.Invoke(context);
It's up to you how you want to implement the IsFromAMobileDevice method to determine the nature of the user agent. There's nothing stopping you using a third party library that can do the check reliably for you. Also, you will probably only want to change the path under certain conditions - such as where there is a device specific version of the requested page.
Register this in your Configure method early:
I've finally found the way to do it convention based. I have implemented a IViewLocationExpander in order to tackle the device handling for basic Razor Views (including Layouts) and I've implemented IPageRouteModelConvention + IActionConstraint to handle devices for Razor Pages.
Note: this solution only seems to be working on ASP.NET Core 2.2 and up though. For some reason 2.1.x and below is clearing the constraints (tested with a breakpoint in a destructor) after they've been added (can probably be fixed).
Now I can have / /Index.desktop.cshtml etc. in both MVC and Razor Pages.
Note: This solution can also be used to implement a language/culture specific Razor Pages (eg. /Index.en-US.cshtml /
public class PageDeviceConvention : IPageRouteModelConvention
private readonly IDeviceResolver _deviceResolver;
public PageDeviceConvention(IDeviceResolver deviceResolver)
_deviceResolver = deviceResolver;
public void Apply(PageRouteModel model)
var path = model.ViewEnginePath; // contains /
var lastSeparator = path.LastIndexOf('/');
var lastDot = path.LastIndexOf('.', path.Length - 1, path.Length - lastSeparator);
if (lastDot != -1)
var name = path.Substring(lastDot + 1);
if (Enum.TryParse<DeviceType>(name, true, out var deviceType))
var constraint = new DeviceConstraint(deviceType, _deviceResolver);
for (var i = model.Selectors.Count - 1; i >= 0; --i)
var selector = model.Selectors[i];
var template = selector.AttributeRouteModel.Template;
var tplLastSeparator = template.LastIndexOf('/');
var tplLastDot = template.LastIndexOf('.', template.Length - 1, template.Length - Math.Max(tplLastSeparator, 0));
template = template.Substring(0, tplLastDot); // eg -> Index
selector.AttributeRouteModel.Template = template;
var fileName = template.Substring(tplLastSeparator + 1);
if ("Index".Equals(fileName, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
selector.AttributeRouteModel.SuppressLinkGeneration = true;
template = selector.AttributeRouteModel.Template.Substring(0, Math.Max(tplLastSeparator, 0));
model.Selectors.Add(new SelectorModel(selector) { AttributeRouteModel = { Template = template } });
protected class DeviceConstraint : IActionConstraint
private readonly DeviceType _deviceType;
private readonly IDeviceResolver _deviceResolver;
public DeviceConstraint(DeviceType deviceType, IDeviceResolver deviceResolver)
_deviceType = deviceType;
_deviceResolver = deviceResolver;
public int Order => 0;
public bool Accept(ActionConstraintContext context)
return _deviceResolver.GetDeviceType() == _deviceType;
public class DeviceViewLocationExpander : IViewLocationExpander
private readonly IDeviceResolver _deviceResolver;
private const string ValueKey = "DeviceType";
public DeviceViewLocationExpander(IDeviceResolver deviceResolver)
_deviceResolver = deviceResolver;
public void PopulateValues(ViewLocationExpanderContext context)
var deviceType = _deviceResolver.GetDeviceType();
if (deviceType != DeviceType.Other)
context.Values[ValueKey] = deviceType.ToString();
public IEnumerable<string> ExpandViewLocations(ViewLocationExpanderContext context, IEnumerable<string> viewLocations)
var deviceType = context.Values[ValueKey];
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(deviceType))
return ExpandHierarchy();
return viewLocations;
IEnumerable<string> ExpandHierarchy()
var replacement = $"{{0}}.{deviceType}";
foreach (var location in viewLocations)
if (location.Contains("{0}"))
yield return location.Replace("{0}", replacement);
yield return location;
public interface IDeviceResolver
DeviceType GetDeviceType();
public class DefaultDeviceResolver : IDeviceResolver
public DeviceType GetDeviceType() => DeviceType.Mobile;
public enum DeviceType
services.AddMvc(o => { })
.AddRazorOptions(o =>
o.ViewLocationExpanders.Add(new DeviceViewLocationExpander(new DefaultDeviceResolver()));
.AddRazorPagesOptions(o =>
o.Conventions.Add(new PageDeviceConvention(new DefaultDeviceResolver()));

Mockito.doNothing() is still running

I'm trying to test small pieces of code. I do not want test one of the method and used Mockito.doNothing(), but this method was still run. How can I do that?
protected EncoderClientCommandEventHandler clientCommandEventHandlerProcessStop = new EncoderClientCommand.EncoderClientCommandEventHandler() {
public void onCommandPerformed(
EncoderClientCommand clientCommand) {
protected void processStop() {
EncoderServerCommand serverCommand = new EncoderServerCommand();
public void testClientCommandEventHandlerProcessStop() {
EncoderClientCommand encoderClientCommand = mock(EncoderClientCommand.class);
I've found the problem. One of the variable is already mocked in buttonsBackNormal().

Using multiple sites in Selenium RC with PHPUnit

I'm trying to automate a user scenario that involves two websites with no common base url. How can I achieve this? Right now I have unsuccessfully tried altering global variables but they are reset for each test.
public $check = true;
protected function setUp() {
if ($this->check==true)
$this->setBrowserUrl("SITE A");
$this->setBrowserUrl("SITE B");
public testA() { //requires SITE A, set check to false }
public testB() { //requires SITE B }
Your code won't work since setUp() is executed before every test case is run.
Why not being more explicit about what you're trying to do? Try the following:
private $sites = array('A' => '', 'B' => '');
protected function setUp() {
public function testA()
public function testB()
private function useSite($site)

TestNG Test Case failing with JMockit "Invalid context for the recording of expectations"

The following TestNG (6.3) test case generates the error "Invalid context for the recording of expectations"
#Listeners({ Initializer.class })
public final class ClassUnderTestTest {
private ClassUnderTest cut;
private void initialise() {
cut = new ClassUnderTest();
public void doSomething() {
new Expectations() {
MockedClass tmc;
tmc.doMethod("Hello"); result = "Hello";
String result = cut.doSomething();
assertEquals(result, "Hello");
The class under test is below.
public class ClassUnderTest {
MockedClass service = new MockedClass();
MockedInterface ifce = new MockedInterfaceImpl();
public String doSomething() {
return (String) service.doMethod("Hello");
public String doSomethingElse() {
return (String) ifce.testMethod("Hello again");
I am making the assumption that because I am using the #Listeners annotation that I do not require the javaagent command line argument. This assumption may be wrong....
Can anyone point out what I have missed?
The JMockit-TestNG Initializer must run once for the whole test run, so using #Listeners on individual test classes won't work.
Instead, simply upgrade to JMockit 0.999.11, which works transparently with TestNG 6.2+, without any need to specify a listener or the -javaagent parameter (unless running on JDK 1.5).