grep a number from the line and append it to a file - awk

I went through several grep examples, but don't see how to do the following.
Say, i have a file with a line
! some test here and number -123.2345 text
i can get this line using
grep ! input.txt
but how do i get the number (possibly positive or negative) from this line and append it to the end of another file? Is it possible to apply grep to grep results?
If yes, then i could get the number via something like
grep -Eo "[0-9]{1,}|\-[0-9]{1,}"
p/s/ i am using OS-X
p/p/s/ i'm trying to fetch data from several files and put into a single file for later plotting.

The format with your commands would be:
grep ! input.txt | grep -Eo "[0-9]{1,}|\-[0-9]{1,}" >> output
To grep from grep we use the pipe operator | this lets us chain commands together. To append this output to a file we use the redirection operator >>.
However there are a couple of problems. You regexp is better written: grep -Eoe '-?[0-9.]+' this allows for the decimal and returns the single number instead of two and if you want lines that start with ! then grep ^! is better to avoid matches with lines what contain ! but don't start with it. Better to do:
grep '^!' input | grep -Eoe '-?[0-9.]+' >> output

perl -lne 'm/.*?([\d\.\-]+).*/g;print $1' your_file >>anotherfile_to_append

$foo="! some test here and number -123.2345 text"
$echo $foo | sed -e 's/[^0-9\.-]//g'
for a file,
[ ]$ cat log
! some test here and number -123.2345 text
some blankline
some line without "the character" and with number 345.566
! again a number 34
[ ]$ sed -e '/^[^!]/d' -e 's/[^0-9.-]//g' log > op
[ ]$ cat op
Now lets see the toothpicks :) '/^[^!]/d' / start of pattern, ^ not (like multiply with false), [^!] anyline starting with ! and d delete. Second expression, [^0-9.-] not matching anything within 0 to 9, and . and -, (everything else) // replace with nothing (i.e. delete) and done :)


Delete everything before first pattern match with sed/awk

Let's say I have a line looking like this:
In this example, I would like to get the result:
How can I do if I want to get everything before the first pattern match (either Sources or Tests) using sed or awk?
I am using sed 's/^.*\(Tests.*\).*$/\1/' right now but it's falling:
echo '/Users/random/354765478/Tests/StoreTests/Base64Tests.swift' | sed 's/^.*\(Tests\)/\1/'
Here's another example using Sources (which seems to work):
echo '/Users/random/741672469/Sources/Store/StoreDataSource.swift' | sed 's/^.*\(Sources\)/\1/'
I would like to get everything before the first, and not the last Sources or Tests pattern match.
Any help would be appreciated!
How can I do if I want to get everything before the first pattern match (either Sources or Tests).
Easier to use a grep -o here:
grep -Eo '(Sources|Tests)/.*' file
# where input file is
cat file
Regex pattern (Sources|Tests)/.* match any text that starts with Sources/ or Tests/ until end of the line.
-E: enables extended regex mode
-o: prints only matched text instead of full line
Alternatively you may use this awk as well:
awk 'match($0, /(Sources|Tests)\/.*/) {
print substr($0, RSTART)
}' file
Or this sed:
sed -E 's~.*/((Sources|Tests)/.*)~\1~' file
With your shown samples please try following GNU grep. This will look for very first match of /Sources OR /Tests and then print values from these strings to till end of the value.
grep -oP '^.*?\/\K(Sources|Tests)\/.*' Input_file
Using sed
$ sed -E 's~([^/]*/)+((Tests|Sources).*)~\2~' input_file
would like to get everything before the first, and not the last
Sources or Tests pattern match.
First thing is to understand reason of that, you are using
sed 's/^.*\(Tests.*\).*$/\1/'
observe that * is greedy, i.e. it will match as much as possible, therefore it will always pick last Tests, if it would be non-greedy it would find first Tests but sed does not support this, if you are using linux there is good chance that you have perl command which does support that, let file.txt content be
perl -p -e 's/^.*?(Tests.*)$/\1/' file.txt
gives output
Explanation: -p -e means engage sed-like mode, alterations in regular expression made: brackets no longer require escapes, first .* (greedy) changed to .*? (non-greedy), last .* deleted as superfluous (observe that capturing group will always extended to end of line)
(tested in perl 5, version 30, subversion 0)

Script to display only comments from /etc/services file

I need to write a bash script that takes service name as a parameter and display only comment that is after hash symbol in /etc/services but I have no idea how to cut only the comment part.
The ,,it's working solution'' for me is to just:
grep "^$1" /etc/services | awk '{print $3,$4 ...
but I don't think this is a good one
I'm searching for something like:
[find the service] -> print only the part from # till the end of the line
I'm still learning so any solution with explanation or just a hint will be very helpful for me.
Chances are this is what you're looking for:
awk -v svc="$1" '($1==svc) && sub(/[^#]+#/,"")' /etc/services
but without sample input/output it's a guess.
The above will work using any awk in any shell on every Unix box.
Try this:
SERVICE_NAME=linuxconf; grep -Po "^$SERVICE_NAME.*# \K.*$" /etc/services
-P tells grep to use perl regex.
-o trims the output so that it only includes the regex match.
\K tells the regex engine to exclude previously matched part of the string from the match, i.e. only the part after \K will be present in the final match.

Using grep or sed in a foreach loop won't work

I've spent countless hours trying to get this work and I think it's time to get some help. I have a 2-column file - let's call it "result.txt" with a list of values like this:
fileA.ext -10.3
fileB.ext -9.8
fileC_1.ext -9.7
fileC_2.ext -9.5
fileD.ext -9.4
fileC_3.ext -9.3
I want to recreate this list using only unique results for each file type, so it should look like this:
fileA.ext -10.3
fileB.ext -9.8
fileC_1.ext -9.7
fileD.ext -9.4
I created a list of files which would be able to do this by using grep or sed to extract the first line containing the matching file:
We'll call this result2.txt.
I have attempted to write the following c-shell script:
foreach l (`cat result2.txt`)
set name = "$l"
echo "$name"
grep -m1 "$name" result.txt >> result3.txt
The output file, "result3.txt" is empty. The script runs perfectly up to the grep command. When I run the grep command outside of the loop, using a line from result2.txt, it works fine. I get the same result using this: sed -n '/"\$name\"/p'
And I think I tried an awk command at some point.
The problem seems to be in getting those programs to recognise the $name or $l variables. I have tried different combinations of " and ' around $name and I have tried adding backslashes: e.g. $\name. Can anyone please tell me what the issue is?
Sounds like a job for awk. Use underscore or whitespace as the field separator, and print a line only if the first field has not been seen yet:
awk -F '[_[:space:]]+' '!seen[$1]++' << END
fileA.ext -10.3
fileB.ext -9.8
fileC_1.ext -9.7
fileC_2.ext -9.5
fileD.ext -9.4
fileC_3.ext -9.3
fileA.ext -10.3
fileB.ext -9.8
fileC_1.ext -9.7
fileD.ext -9.4
I've just tried in CSH and both your version and the following simplified version just work. Note, no quotation marks at all.
foreach name (`cat result2.txt`)
grep -m1 $name result.txt >>result3.txt
Could you please check whether result.txt really contains what you mentioned at the beginning?
cat result.txt
sed -n 's/.*/²&³/;H
$ {x;s/\(.\).*/&\1/
t again
: again
t again
}' YourFile
Use of 2 temporary delimiter ² and ³ due to limitation in \n manipulation

Show filename and line number in grep output

I am trying to search my rails directory using grep. I am looking for a specific word and I want to grep to print out the file name and line number.
Is there a grep flag that will do this for me? I have been trying to use a combination of -n and -l but these are either printing out the file names with no numbers or just dumping out a lot of text to the terminal which can't be easily read.
grep -ln "search" *
Do I need to pipe it to awk?
I think -l is too restrictive as it suppresses the output of -n. I would suggest -H (--with-filename): Print the filename for each match.
grep -Hn "search" *
If that gives too much output, try -o to only print the part that matches.
grep -nHo "search" *
grep -rin searchstring * | cut -d: -f1-2
This would say, search recursively (for the string searchstring in this example), ignoring case, and display line numbers. The output from that grep will look something like:
/path/to/result/ Line in file where 'searchstring' is found.
Next we pipe that result to the cut command using colon : as our field delimiter and displaying fields 1 through 2.
When I don't need the line numbers I often use -f1 (just the filename and path), and then pipe the output to uniq, so that I only see each filename once:
grep -ir searchstring * | cut -d: -f1 | uniq
I like using:
grep -niro 'searchstring' <path>
But that's just because I always forget the other ways and I can't forget Robert de grep - niro for some reason :)
The comment from #ToreAurstad can be spelled grep -Horn 'search' ./, which is easier to remember.
grep -HEroine 'search' ./ could also work ;)
For the curious:
$ grep --help | grep -Ee '-[HEroine],'
-E, --extended-regexp PATTERNS are extended regular expressions
-e, --regexp=PATTERNS use PATTERNS for matching
-i, --ignore-case ignore case distinctions
-n, --line-number print line number with output lines
-H, --with-filename print file name with output lines
-o, --only-matching show only nonempty parts of lines that match
-r, --recursive like --directories=recurse
Here's how I used the upvoted answer to search a tree to find the fortran files containing a string:
find . -name "*.f" -exec grep -nHo the_string {} \;
Without the nHo, you learn only that some file, somewhere, matches the string.

Need help in executing the SQL via shell script and use the result set

I currently have a request to build a shell script to get some data from the table using SQL (Oracle). The query which I'm running return a number of rows. Is there a way to use something like result set?
Currently, I'm re-directing it to a file, but I'm not able to reuse the data again for the further processing.
Edit: Thanks for the reply Gene. The result file looks like:
UNIX_PID 37165
UNIX_PID 27654
There are multiple rows like this. My requirement is only to use shell script and write this program.
I need to take each of the pid and check if the process is running, which I can take care of.
My question is how do I check for each PID so I can loop and get corresponding partner_id and the xml_file name? Since it is a file, how can I get the exact corresponding values?
Your question is pretty short on specifics (a sample of the file to which you've redirected your query output would be helpful, as well as some idea of what you actually want to do with the data), but as a general approach, once you have your query results in a file, why not use the power of your scripting language of choice (ruby and perl are both good choices) to parse the file and act on each row?
Here is one suggested approach. It wasn't clear from the sample you posted, so I am assuming that this is actually what your sample file looks like:
UNIX_PID 37165 PARTNER_ID prad XML_FILE /mnt/publish/gbl/backup/pradeep1/27241-20090722/kumarelec2.xml pradeep1 /mnt/soar_publish/gbl/backup/pradeep1/11089-20090723/dataonly.xml
UNIX_PID 27654 PARTNER_ID swam XML_FILE smariswam2 /mnt/publish/gbl/backup/smariswam2/10235-20090929/swam2.xml
I am also assuming that:
There is a line-feed at the end of
the last line of your file.
The columns are separated by a single
Here is a suggested bash script (not optimal, I'm sure, but functional):
#! /bin/bash
cat myOutputData.txt |
while read line;
myPID=`echo $line | awk '{print $2}'`
isRunning=`ps -p $myPID | grep $myPID`
if [ -n "$isRunning" ]
echo "PARTNER_ID `echo $line | awk '{print $4}'`"
echo "XML_FILE `echo $line | awk '{print $6}'`"
The script iterates through every line (row) of the input file. It uses awk to extract column 2 (the PID), and then does a check (using ps -p) to see if the process is running. If it is, it uses awk again to pull out and echo two fields from the file (PARTNER ID and XML FILE). You should be able to adapt the script further to suit your needs. Read up on awk if you want to use different column delimiters or do additional text processing.
Things get a little more tricky if the output file contains one row for each data element (as you indicated). A good approach here is to use a simple state mechanism within the script and "remember" whether or not the most recently seen PID is running. If it is, then any data elements that appear before the next PID should be printed out. Here is a commented script to do just that with a file of the format you provided. Note that you must have a line-feed at the end of the last line of input data or the last line will be dropped.
#! /bin/bash
cat myOutputData.txt |
while read line;
# Extract the first (myKey) and second (myValue) words from the input line
myKey=`echo $line | awk '{print $1}'`
myValue=`echo $line | awk '{print $2}'`
# Take action based on the type of line this is
case "$myKey" in
# Determine whether the specified PID is running
isRunning=`ps -p $myValue | grep $myValue`
# Print the specified partner ID if the PID is running
if [ -n "$isRunning" ]
echo "PARTNER_ID $myValue"
# Check to see if this line represents a file name, and print it
# if the PID is running
if (( $inputLineLength > 0 )) && [ "$line" != "XML_FILE" ] && [ -n "$isRunning" ]
isHyphens=`expr "$line" : -`
if [ "$isHyphens" -ne "1" ]
echo "XML_FILE $line"
I think that we are well into custom software development territory now so I will leave it at that. You should have enough here to customize the script to your liking. Good luck!