I'm using Ivy Ant and would like to create a policy such that the build checks for the most recent update to a dependency on every build. This is because we're developing in partnership and want to immediately see changes pushed up to the Nexus server.
In Ant I'm doing...
<ivy:cachefileset organisation="com.FOO.storage" conf="default" module="yoda-ui"
revision="0.1.8-SNAPSHOT" setid="ac" inline="true"/>
In ivy-settings.xml I'm trying...
<settings defaultResolver="XXX"/>
<cache name="mycache" basedir="c:/tmp">
<ttl organisation="com.FOO.storage" module="yoda-ui" duration="0ms"/>
However, it still appears to not be checking each time
| | modules || artifacts |
| conf | number| search|dwnlded|evicted|| number|dwnlded|
| default | 2 | 0 | 0 | 0 || 2 | 0 |
I believe this is telling me that its not checking the server each time.
So how do I force Ivy to check the server for updates on every build for this particular module?
You haven't listed your complete ivy settings file. I suspect you're not using the ibilio resolver:
<ibiblio name="mavenrepo" m2compatible="true" root="https://hostname/path/to/repo"/>
No need for special cache configuration,
when you enable the m2compatible flag which understands how to download snapshots properly.
See the following answer for more details:
What's wrong with this Ivy changingPattern / SNAPSHOT configuration?
i want to use the package react-native-qrcode-svg for my react native web project, but hit this error:
Compiled with problems:X
ERROR in ./node_modules/react-native-qrcode-svg/src/index.js 29:4
Module parse failed: Unexpected token (29:4)
You may need an appropriate loader to handle this file type, currently no loaders are configured to process this file. See https://webpack.js.org/concepts#loaders
| return (
<G x={logoPosition} y={logoPosition}>
I tried installing the react-native-svg-web and managed to used .svg file only, it didn't work for this package.
First of all let me say that I'm new of Docusaurus and I'm using version 2.
I was building my documentation project and I have got the following error:
Docusaurus Node/SSR could not render static page with path=/docs/My_MDX_Page because of error: useBaseUrl is not defined
I'm using a MDX page to get the baseURL to retrieve static contents.
The MDX page:
title: title
hide_title: true
sidebar_label: item
import useBaseUrl from '#docusaurus/useBaseUrl';
## Section
| Name | image |
| :--- | :--- |
| YL_GN3 | <img src={useBaseUrl('img/YL_GN3.png')} /> |
I think I'm doing something wrong even if executing without building it works (by npm start).
npm install was executed.
Here is the directory structure of project:
+ .docusaurus
+ build
+ docs
+ node_modules
+ src
+ static
+ versioned_docs
+ versioned_sidebars
For reasons that I don't know, it has started working. I have changed docusaurs config, adding the baseUrl different from '/' and 'index.js' in order to have the docs as landing page
A little background..
As mentioned before in https://forum.vuejs.org/t/how-to-make-webpack-vue-work-on-xampp/33808. And it works when I put my Vue project directly in htdocs like this.
| - css/
| - js/
| etc..
However I'm using it differently, here's my current file structure in the htdocs.
| - project1/
| | - css/
| | - some other stuff for project1
| - project2/
| | - css/
| | - some other stuff for project2
| - vue-project/ (Where I wanted my Vue went to)
| | - css/
| | - stuff..
The error I get when I put dist/ of my vue project directly to htdocs/vue-project is 404, because they directly went back to the root file (root is htdocs/), in which it doesn't find the required file to launch Vue Project!
What I wanted
Anything that can launch the project in htdocs/vue-project/. Would accept any answer configuring either settings in the Vue/Webpack OR from XAMPP itself. If you need additional information please do ask in the comment section.
And if it turns out there are no other way, then I would accept answers involving XAMPP configuration on how to start a server in a different directories. Like start a server in htdocs, and other-file would be great as well.
For Vue CLI before 3.x
Try changing assetsPublicPath under build object in config/index.js. Then append your folder name there. Similiar issue that might help https://forum.vuejs.org/t/vue-js-webpack-deployment-for-xaamp-testing/28970
And if vue-router used then add ROUTER_BASE.
For Vue CLI 3
Create vue.config.js inside your vue-projects
Inside it simply add the following
module.exports = {
publicPath: "/{path-to-your-vue-project}"
For more information please refer to this docs https://cli.vuejs.org/config/#publicpath
Has anyone got pdfjs (https://github.com/mozilla/pdf.js) working with the Aurelia cli?
I'm getting nowhere fast with getting it up and running.
I followed the docs here (http://aurelia.io/docs/build-systems/aurelia-cli#adding-client-libraries-to-your-project) and guessed that main needed to be set to webpack, but the paths in that file seem to be interpreted incorrectly.
------- File not found or not accessible ------
| Location: /home/ubuntu/workspace/public/pdfjs-dist/build/pdf.js
| Requested by: /home/ubuntu/workspace/public/src/modules/admin/admin.js
| Is this a package? Make sure that it is configured in aurelia.json and that it is not a Node.js package
------- File not found or not accessible ------
| Location: /home/ubuntu/workspace/public/src/worker-loader.js
| Requested by: /home/ubuntu/workspace/public/src/modules/admin/admin.js
| Is this a package? Make sure that it is configured in aurelia.json and that it is not a Node.js package
I have a couple of private github repos, and a simplified dependency tree looks something like this.
| +-D
| +-lodash
| +-D
| +-lodash
My private github repo D is installed by npm as many times as it is used and lodash is installed only once in the top of the tree.
It is the same version of D and same version of lodash in every package.
So why D is treated differently?
Is there a way to make npm treat D the same way it treats lodash?
As Vasil Dininski mentioned, this is a npm bug.
For now a possible workaround is to use force-dedupe-git-modules