How to close a freeform path with VBA - vba

I have a series of freeform shapes copied from a third party application.
These freeform shapes are made of open paths, which cannot be "combined" in PowerPoint (only freeforms made with closed paths can be combined).
The following macro goes through every shape selected, and if it is a freeform, it will create a copy with a closed path and then delete the original shape.
Sub close_poly()
Dim myshp As Shape
Dim mycol As String
Dim mynode As ShapeNode
Dim myxvals As Variant
Dim myyvals As Variant
Dim myxcol As String
Dim myycol As String
Dim myffb As FreeformBuilder
Dim mynewshp As Shape
Dim myname As String
For Each myshp In ActiveWindow.Selection.ShapeRange
With myshp
If .Type = msoFreeform Then
'################ set all line segments to straight
'(makes things easier in my specific case but will not work in many)
nodecount = 1
While nodecount <= .Nodes.Count
.Nodes.SetSegmentType nodecount, msoSegmentLine
nodecount = nodecount + 1
'############## collect coordinates
myxcol = ""
myycol = ""
For Each mynode In myshp.Nodes
myxcol = myxcol & mynode.Points(1, 1) & ","
myycol = myycol & mynode.Points(1, 2) & ","
myxcol = Left(myxcol, Len(myxcol) - 1)
myycol = Left(myycol, Len(myycol) - 1)
myxvals = Split(myxcol, ",")
myyvals = Split(myycol, ",")
'##############create new freeform
Set myffb = ActiveWindow.View.Slide.Shapes.BuildFreeform(msoEditingAuto, myxvals(0), myyvals(0))
For i = 1 To UBound(myxvals)
myffb.AddNodes msoSegmentLine, msoEditingAuto, myxvals(i), myyvals(i)
Next i
myffb.AddNodes msoSegmentLine, msoEditingAuto, myxvals(0), myyvals(0)
Set mynewshp = myffb.ConvertToShape
myname = myshp.Name
mynewshp.Name = myname
End If
End With
Next myshp
End Sub
Question: is there a simpler way to mimic the program's "close path" function in VBA?


VBA : Manipulate selected Picture with external script

I have a dotx/docx document with many pictures and need to manipulate many of them in the same way. Therefore I have written a Python script which will perform the image manipulation on a jpg file.
All I need to do now is to write a VBA script which will save the currently selected picture as jpg file, call the Python script and replace the picture in the document. And then assign this macro to a keyboard shortcut.
My VBA code is currently:
Sub ManipulateImage()
Dim sel As Word.Selection
Dim shp As InlineShape
Set sel = Selection
If sel.Type = wdSelectionInlineShape Then
Set shp = sel.InlineShapes(1)
Debug.Print "**"
'Save as picture
End If
'Manipulate saved picture
Shell " imgfile"
'Replace picture
End Sub
I currently can't figure out how to save the InlineShape object as jpg image using VBA. If I do it manually, I can simply right click the picture and select "Save as Picture".
You can use the following code for saving inline shapes in Word VBA:
Private Sub saveImage(shp As InlineShape, path As String)
Dim s As String
Dim i As Long
Dim j As Long
Dim r As Range
Set r = shp.Range.Duplicate
r.start = r.start - 1
r.End = r.End + 1
''shp.range.WordOpenXML does not always contain the binary data
''s = shp.Range.WordOpenXML
s = r.WordOpenXML
i = InStr(s, "<pkg:binaryData>") + 16
If i = 16 Then
MsgBox "No binary data found"
Exit Sub
End If
j = InStr(i, s, "</pkg:binaryData>")
s = Mid$(s, i, j - i)
Dim DecodeBase64() As Byte
Dim objXML As Object 'MSXML2.DOMDocument
Dim objNode As Object 'MSXML2.IXMLDOMElement
Set objXML = CreateObject("MSXML2.DOMDocument")
'create node with type of base 64 and decode
Set objNode = objXML.createElement("b64")
objNode.DataType = "bin.base64"
objNode.Text = s
DecodeBase64 = objNode.nodeTypedValue
Set objNode = Nothing
Set objXML = Nothing
Open path For Binary As #1
Put #1, 1, DecodeBase64
Close #1
End Sub
See Save InlineShape picture to file in Word VBA for more information.

How to fast compare Corel file by its content using Corel VBA not to open files

I am trying to compare files by objects to find dublicate. I have 2900 files in folder and i need to check them all. In other words I have to run compare methods 2900*2900 times and every time when comparing two file I need to open and close 1 of those. If there is a way to work with Corel files not to open them? or is it posible to get metadata\metadata.xml from Corel VBA files to check and compare some parametrs from it such as Objects(shapes) count?
I am in despered...
I am using this logic system
Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()
Dim Folder As String
MousePointer = fmMousePointerHourGlass
Folder = BrowseForFolderDlg("o:\", "Select Source Folder", GetWindowHandle("ThunderDFrame", Me.Caption))
tb_inputFolder.text = Folder
End Sub
Private Sub CommandButton2_Click()
Dim fso As Object
Dim objFolder As Object
Dim objFileList As Object
Dim vFile, vFile1 As Variant
Dim inputFolder As String, outputFolder As String
inputFolder = tb_inputFolder.text 'input folder
If (inputFolder = "") Then
Exit Sub
End If
Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set objFolder = fso.GetFolder(inputFolder)
Set objFileList = objFolder.Files
Dim currentFile As String
Dim dunFiles() As String
Dim arrLength As Integer
ReDim Preserve dunFiles(1)
arrLength = 1
dunFiles(0) = ""
For Each vFile In objFileList
Dim doc As Document, doc1 As Document, buf As String
Dim fName As String
fName = (Left(, Len( - 4))
buf = Right(vFile.path, 3)
If (buf = "cdr" And findArrayElement(dunFiles, arrLength, = -1) Then
Set doc = OpenDocument(vFile.path) 'document opend
dunFiles(arrLength - 1) =
ReDim Preserve dunFiles((arrLength + 1))
arrLength = arrLength + 1
For Each vFile1 In objFileList
buf = Right(vFile1.path, 3)
If ( = currentFile Or findArrayElement(dunFiles, arrLength, <> -1 Or buf <> "cdr") Then
GoTo nextElement
End If
'Set doc1 = OpenDocument(vFile1.path) 'document opend
Dim res As Variant
res = writeFile(doc.FileName + " VS " + + " " + Str(Now), doc.FilePath + "compare.log")
If (compareDocs(doc, vFile1.path)) Then
dunFiles(arrLength - 1) = fName + "_" +
ReDim Preserve dunFiles((arrLength + 1))
arrLength = arrLength + 1
Dim name As String
name = vFile.ParentFolder.path + "\" + fName + "_" +
Name vFile1.path As name
res = writeFile(vFile.ParentFolder.path + "\" + fName + " the same as " + name, doc.FilePath + "rename.log")
End If
Next vFile1
End If
' doc.Close 'close document
Next vFile
lb_info.Caption = "Finished! Press exit"
End Sub
Private Function findArrayElement(inputArray() As String, inputLen As Integer, element As String)
Dim e As String
Dim i As Integer
findArrayElement = -1
For i = 0 To inputLen - 1
If (inputArray(i) = element) Then
findArrayElement = i
Exit Function
End If
Next i
End Function
Private Function compareDocs(doc As Document, path2 As String)
Dim doc1 As Document
Dim e1 As Shape, e2 As Shape, elements() As String
Dim sameShapesCount As Integer
sameShapesCount = 0
ReDim elements(1) As String
elements(0) = ""
Set doc1 = OpenDocument(path2) 'document opend
compareDocs = False
lb_info.Caption = "Comapre " + doc.FullFileName + " with " + path2
For Each e1 In doc.SelectableShapes
Next e1
For Each e2 In doc1.SelectableShapes
Next e2
If (doc.SelectableShapes.Count <> doc1.SelectableShapes.Count) Then
Exit Function
End If
For Each e1 In doc.SelectableShapes
'If (findArrayElement(elements, (UBound(elements) + 1), Str(e1.StaticID)) = -1) Then
'ReDim Preserve elements(UBound(elements) + 1) As String
'elements(UBound(elements)) = e1.StaticID
For Each e2 In doc1.SelectableShapes
If (findArrayElement(elements, (UBound(elements) + 1), "2_" + Str(e2.StaticID)) = -1) Then
If (e1.CompareTo(e2, cdrCompareShapeType, cdrCompareEquals)) Then
If (e1.CompareTo(e2, cdrCompareFillType, cdrCompareEquals)) Then
If (e1.CompareTo(e2, cdrCompareOutline, cdrCompareEquals)) Then
If (e1.CompareTo(e2, cdrCompareOutlineColor, cdrCompareEquals)) Then
If (e1.CompareTo(e2, cdrCompareOutlineWidth, cdrCompareEquals)) Then
'If (e1.CompareTo(e2, cdrCompareShapeHeight, cdrCompareEquals)) Then
If (e1.CompareTo(e2, cdrCompareFil, cdrCompareEquals)) Then
'If (e1.CompareTo(e2, cdrCompareShapeWidth, cdrCompareEquals)) Then
ReDim Preserve elements(UBound(elements) + 1) As String
elements(UBound(elements)) = "2_" + Str(e2.StaticID)
sameShapesCount = sameShapesCount + 1
GoTo nextElement1
'End If
End If
'End If
End If
End If
End If
End If
End If
End If
Next e2
'End If
Next e1
If (doc.SelectableShapes.Count = sameShapesCount) Then
compareDocs = True
End If
End Function
Private Function writeFile(text As String, path As String)
Dim fso As Object
Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Dim oFile As Object
If Not Dir(path, vbDirectory) = vbNullString Then
Set oFile = fso.OpenTextFile(path, 8)
Set oFile = fso.CreateTextFile(path, 0)
End If
oFile.WriteLine text
Set fso = Nothing
Set oFile = Nothing
End Function
The main problem is that the "open process" can last up to few minutes and to check 2k corel fiels I need a YEAR
In a first pass, open each file once.
Go over the data you care about -- object count or whatever -- that must be equal.
From this data, build a hash -- a pseudo-random value that combines information from each of them.
Build a table that maps from the hash to a set of draw files that match the hash.
Now you only have to compare files which have a the same hash value, not every pair of files. A well designed hash and data to feed it should reduce your collision rate to nearly zero.
This should speed up your program by a factor of 1000 to 3000 or so.
To ensure that the hash/collision works well, your first pass should just hash and print out the lists of collisions.
Sort the list by filesize. Only compare files that are similar in size. You can use dir to generate a sorted list by size.
You only need to open each file once. Hash each file (maybe an alphabetically list of object names). Store and sort and dupes are the same objects.
You can use excel if it's a one off, or a recordset if you need to do it in code.

Read Cell properties in Visio using vb

I am trying to create a VB macro in Visio that can read the data and properties of the shape. So say I have a Rectangle Shpae in Visio with Cells Name, Description, Type, Size.... and so on.
When I try to read the cells and their values I am only getting the first cell and its value.
Here is my code . I would appreciate some help here.
Sub Testing()
Dim excelObj As Object
Dim excelFile As String
Dim sheetName As String
' Dim excelBook As Excel.Workbook
' Set excelFile = "C:\Users\hbhasin\Documents\test.xls"
'Set sheetName = "New Sheet name"
Set excelObj = CreateObject("Excel.Application")
Dim pagObj As Visio.Page
Dim shpsObj As Visio.shapes
Dim shapes As Visio.shapes
Dim shpObj As Visio.Shape
Dim CellObj As Visio.Cell
Dim Storage() As String
Dim iShapeCount As Integer
Dim i As Integer
Dim j As Integer
Set pagObj = ActivePage
Set shpsObj = pagObj.shapes
iShapeCount = shpsObj.Count
Debug.Print iShapeCount
ReDim Storage(8, iShapeCount - 1)
For i = 1 To iShapeCount - 1
Set shpObj = shpsObj(i)
Storage(1, i - 1) = shpObj.Name
If shpObj.CellExists("Prop.Name", visExistsLocally) Then
Set CellObj = shpObj.CellsU("Prop.Name")
Storage(2, i - 1) = CellObj.ResultStr("")
End If
If shpObj.CellExists("Prop.Description", visExistsLocally) Then
Debug.Print "Test the IF statement"
Set CellObj = shpObj.CellsU("Prop.Description")
Storage(3, i - 1) = CellObj.ResultStr("")
End If
For i = 0 To iShapeCount - 1
Debug.Print "Name- " & Storage(0, i)
Debug.Print "Description-" & Storage(1, i)
End Sub
In fact, I have put a debug statement within the second if clause and that does not execute which tells me the compiler is not even seeing the second cell or any cell after.
If you're not getting the Description Shape Data it maybe that it's not local, but inherited from its master. Here's a slight modification of your code (with the Excel part removed as I don't think it's relevant here):
Sub Testing()
Dim shpsObj As Visio.shapes
Set shpsObj = ActivePage.shapes
Dim iShapeCount As Integer
iShapeCount = shpsObj.Count
'Assumes you want an array of shape data
Dim Storage() As String
ReDim Storage(iShapeCount - 1, 2)
'Visio shapes are 1 based so use full count
Dim i As Integer
Dim shpObj As Visio.Shape
For i = 1 To iShapeCount
Set shpObj = shpsObj(i)
Storage(i - 1, 0) = shpObj.Name 'Do you want NameU?
'Assumes you don't care whether the cell is local or inherited
If shpObj.CellExistsU("Prop.Name", visExistsAnywhere) Then
Storage(i - 1, 1) = shpObj.CellsU("Prop.Name").ResultStr("")
End If
If shpObj.CellExistsU("Prop.Description", visExistsAnywhere) Then
Storage(i - 1, 2) = shpObj.CellsU("Prop.Description").ResultStr("")
End If
Dim j As Long
For j = LBound(Storage, 1) To UBound(Storage, 1)
Debug.Print "Shape Name- " & Storage(j, 0)
Debug.Print " Prop.Name- " & Storage(j, 1)
Debug.Print " Prop.Description- " & Storage(j, 2)
Next j
End Sub
If you're just running through all the shapes on the page, then you might want to look at For Each shp In shapes as an alternative. Check out this page for more details:
Also, you might want to try look at the CreateSelection page method to narrow down your target shapes if you're dealing with a large number

Looping Macro in Excel

I would like to loop through an Excel worksheet and to store the values based on a unique ID in a text file.
I am having trouble with the loop and I have done research on it with no luck and my current nested loop continually overflows. Instead of updating the corresponding cell when the control variable is modified, it continues to store the initial Index value for all 32767 iterations.
Please can someone explain why this is happening, and provide a way of correcting it?.
Sub SortLetr_Code()
'sort columns for Letr_Code files
Dim lr As Long
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
lr = Cells(Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Row
Range("A2:B" & lr).Sort key1:=Range("B2"), order1:=1
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
'Value of cell for example B1 starts out as X
Dim x As Integer
Dim y As Integer
x = 2
y = 2
'Cell References
Dim rwCounter As Range
Dim rwCorresponding As Range
Dim rwIndexValue As Range
Dim rwIndexEnd As Range
Dim rwIndexStore As Range
'Variables for files that will be created
Dim FilePath As String
Dim Filename As String
Dim Filetype As String
'Variables defined
FilePath = "C:\Users\Home\Desktop\SURLOAD\"
Filetype = ".dat"
'Use Cell method for Loop
rwIndex = Cells(x, "B").Value
Set rwCounter = Range("B" & x)
'Use Range method for string manipulation
Set rwCorresponding = Range("A" & x)
Set rwIndexValue = Range("B" & y)
Set rwIndexStore = Range("B" & x)
Set rwIndexEnd = Range("B:B").End(xlUp)
'Objects for creating the text files
Dim FileCreate As Object
Set FileCreate = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
'Object for updating the file during the loop
Dim FileWrite As Object
For Each rwIndexStore In rwIndexEnd.Cells
'Get Substring of cell value in BX for the file name
Do Until IsEmpty(rwCounter)
Filename = Mid$(rwIndexValue, 7, 5)
Set FileWrite = FileCreate.CreateTextFile(FilePath + Filename + Filetype)
'Create the file
FileWrite.Write (rwCorresponding & vbCrLf)
'Add values to the textfile
x = x + 1
FileWrite.Write (rwCorresponding & vbCrLf)
Loop While rwCounter.Value Like rwIndexValue.Value
'Close this file
y = x
Next rwIndexStore
End Sub
I don't see a place you are setting rwCounter inside the loop.
It looks like it would stay on range("B2") and x would just continue to increase until it hits an error, either at the limit of integer or long.
add Set rwCounter = Range("B" & x) somewhere inside your loop to increment it
This is the solution.
Sub GURMAIL_File()
'sort columns for Letr_Code files
Dim lr As Long
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
lr = Cells(Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Row
Range("A2:B" & lr).Sort key1:=Range("B2"), order1:=1
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
'Variables that store cell number
Dim Corresponding As Integer
Dim Index As Integer
Dim Counter As Integer
Corresponding = 2
Index = 2
Counter = 2
'Cell References
Dim rwIndexValue As Range
'Variables for files that will be created
Dim l_objFso As Object
Dim FilePath As String
Dim Total As String
Dim Filename As String
Dim Filetype As String
Dim FolderName As String
'Variables defined
FilePath = "C:\Users\Home\Desktop\SURLOAD\"
'Name of the folder to be created
FolderName = Mid$(ActiveWorkbook.Name, 9, 8) & "\"
'Folder path
Total = FilePath & FolderName
'File Extension
Filetype = ".dat"
'Object that creates the folder
Set l_objFso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
'Objects for creating the text files
Dim FileCreate As Object
Set FileCreate = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
'Object for updating the file during the loop
Dim FileWrite As Object
'Get Substring of letter code in order to name the file. End this loop once ID field is null.
Do While Len(Range("A" & Corresponding)) > 0
'Create the directory if it does not exist
If Not l_objFso.FolderExists(Total) Then
l_objFso.CreateFolder (Total)
End If
'Refence to cell containing a letter code
Set rwIndexValue = Range("B" & Index)
'Substring of that letter code
Filename = Mid$(rwIndexValue, 7, 5)
'Create the file using the substring and store it in the proper location
Set FileWrite = FileCreate.CreateTextFile(Total + Filename + Filetype, True)
'For each letter code, find the corresponding values. End the loop once the last value for the letter code is stored.
Do While Range("B" & Index) Like Range("B" & Counter)
'Add each line to the text file.
FileWrite.WriteLine (Range("A" & Corresponding))
'Incrementer variables that allow you to exit the loop
'if you have reached the last value of the current letter code.
Corresponding = Corresponding + 1
Counter = Counter + 1
'Close the file you were writing to
'Make sure that Index value is updated to the next letter code
Index = Counter
'In case Index value needs updating (safeguard to make sure that the new letter code is stored to index value).
Set rwIndexValue = Range("B" & Index)
End Sub

VBA code to save a single slide as a .ppt

I have a code which saves my specified slide as a PNG:
Dim userName As String
userName = Slide322.TextBox1.Text
'Save slide
ActivePresentation.Slides(302).Export _
filename:="C:\Users\Jessica\Dropbox\Uni\DISSERTATION\Questionnaire\Tools\Results\" & userName & ".png", FilterName:="PNG"
However, I want to save the slide as a .PPT so that I can open it at a later date and edit the text on that slide.
I have tried using the .SaveAs syntax, but I get an error message every time and it just won't recognise any 'Save' type expressions.
I have searched, and searched for the answer to this... Can anyone please help?
ActivePresentation.Slides(1).Export "c:\temp\slide1.ppt", "PPT"
Use SaveCopy to save a copy of the presentation
Open the saved copy (with or without a window)
Delete all the slides up to the one you want to keep
Delete all the slides after the one you want to keep
Save again.
Close the presentation
Like so:
Sub TestMe()
SaveSlide 5, "c:\temp\slide5.pptx"
End Sub
Sub SaveSlide(lSlideNum As Long, sFileName As String)
Dim oTempPres As Presentation
Dim x As Long
ActivePresentation.SaveCopyAs sFileName
' open the saved copy windowlessly
Set oTempPres = Presentations.Open(sFileName, , , False)
For x = 1 To lSlideNum - 1
' What was slide number lSlideNum is now slide 1
For x = oTempPres.Slides.Count To 2 Step -1
End Sub
Obviously, you'll want to add a few safety ropes ... don't try to export slide 15 of a 12-slide presentation, etc.
You could possibly try this code which:
creating new presentation
copying slide to it
saving & closing new presentation.
Sub SaveSeparateSlide()
Dim curPres As Presentation
Set curPres = ActivePresentation
Dim newPres As Presentation
Set newPres = Presentations.Add
'change slide number here:
'change your path and name here:
newPres.SaveAs "single slide presentation.pptx"
End Sub
You will need to adjust that code a bit but I think you'll cope :)
Sub SplitFile()
Dim lSlidesPerFile As Long
Dim lTotalSlides As Long
Dim oSourcePres As Presentation
Dim otargetPres As Presentation
Dim sFolder As String
Dim sExt As String
Dim sBaseName As String
Dim lCounter As Long
Dim lPresentationsCount As Long ' how many will we split it into
Dim x As Long
Dim lWindowStart As Long
Dim lWindowEnd As Long
Dim sSplitPresName As String
On Error GoTo ErrorHandler
Set oSourcePres = ActivePresentation
If Not oSourcePres.Saved Then
MsgBox "Please save your presentation then try again"
Exit Sub
End If
lSlidesPerFile = CLng(InputBox("How many slides per file?", "Split Presentation"))
lTotalSlides = oSourcePres.Slides.Count
sFolder = ActivePresentation.Path & "\"
sExt = Mid$(ActivePresentation.Name, InStr(ActivePresentation.Name, ".") + 1)
sBaseName = Mid$(ActivePresentation.Name, 1, InStr(ActivePresentation.Name, ".") - 1)
If (lTotalSlides / lSlidesPerFile) - (lTotalSlides \ lSlidesPerFile) > 0 Then
lPresentationsCount = lTotalSlides \ lSlidesPerFile + 1
lPresentationsCount = lTotalSlides \ lSlidesPerFile
End If
If Not lTotalSlides > lSlidesPerFile Then
MsgBox "There are fewer than " & CStr(lSlidesPerFile) & " slides in this presentation."
Exit Sub
End If
For lCounter = 1 To lPresentationsCount
' which slides will we leave in the presentation?
lWindowEnd = lSlidesPerFile * lCounter
If lWindowEnd > oSourcePres.Slides.Count Then
' odd number of leftover slides in last presentation
lWindowEnd = oSourcePres.Slides.Count
lWindowStart = ((oSourcePres.Slides.Count \ lSlidesPerFile) * lSlidesPerFile) + 1
lWindowStart = lWindowEnd - lSlidesPerFile + 1
End If
' Make a copy of the presentation and open it
sSplitPresName = sFolder & sBaseName & _
"_" & CStr(lWindowStart) & "-" & CStr(lWindowEnd) & "." & sExt
oSourcePres.SaveCopyAs sSplitPresName, ppSaveAsDefault
Set otargetPres = Presentations.Open(sSplitPresName, , , True)
With otargetPres
For x = .Slides.Count To lWindowEnd + 1 Step -1
For x = lWindowStart - 1 To 1 Step -1
End With
Next ' lpresentationscount
Exit Sub
MsgBox "Error encountered"
Resume NormalExit
End Sub
ActivePresentation.Slides(1).Export "1.ppt", "PPT"
Above code exports Slide#1 to an 'old' type ppt format.
The 2nd one of the following 2 macros can save a copy in a 'new' pptx format which is more compatible. It's actually the mixture of Steve's two methods. But it doesn't bother to delete the rest of the slides.
Sub SaveEachPage2PPT()
Dim sld As Slide
Dim l#
With ActivePresentation
For Each sld In .Slides
l = l + 1
sld.Export .Path & "\" & l & ".ppt", "PPT"
Next sld
End With
End Sub
Sub SaveEachPage2PPTX()
Dim sld As Slide
Dim l#
Dim ppt As Presentation
Dim pptFile$
With ActivePresentation
For Each sld In .Slides
l = l + 1
pptFile = .Path & "\" & l & ".ppt"
sld.Export pptFile, "PPT"
Set ppt = Presentations.Open(pptFile, , , False)
ppt.SaveCopyAs pptFile & "x", ppSaveAsOpenXMLPresentation
Kill pptFile
Next sld
End With
If Not ppt Is Nothing Then Set ppt = Nothing
End Sub
The following script will help you save the individual slides of your presentation as seperate pptx files. I modified #Steve Rindsberg code to achieve this.
Just change the following in the code
Change K:\PRESENTATION_YOU_ARE_EXPORTING.pptx with the file path of the presentation you are exporting.
Change K:\FOLDER PATH WHERE PPTX SHOULD BE EXPORTED\ with the folder path where the exported presentations should be saved.
Remember to add \ at the end of the folder path in Step 2.
Sub ExportSlidesToIndividualPPPTX()
Dim oPPT As Presentation, oSlide As Slide
Dim sPath As String
Dim oTempPres As Presentation
Dim x As Long
' Location of PPTX File
Set oPPT = Presentations.Open(FileName:="K:\PRESENTATION_YOU_ARE_EXPORTING.pptx")
' Location Where Individual Slides Should Be Saved
' Add \ in the end
For Each oSlide In oPPT.Slides
lSlideNum = oSlide.SlideNumber
sFileName = sPath & "Slide - " & lSlideNum & ".pptx"
oPPT.SaveCopyAs sFileName
' open the saved copy windowlessly
Set oTempPres = Presentations.Open(sFileName, , , False)
' Delete all slides before the slide you want to save
For x = 1 To lSlideNum - 1
' Delete all slides after the slide you want to save
For x = oTempPres.Slides.Count To 2 Step -1
Set oPPT = Nothing
End Sub