RestSharp How to use AddDefaultUrlSegment? - restsharp

Everytime I try to use AddDefaultUrlSegment it does not work.
var client = new RestClient("{test});
when I look into fiddler it does this %7Btest%7D it is not putting 123 in. If I do the same thing in the Request part it works.
Anyone know what I doing wrong?


How to resend verification code while verifying/updating attribute in aws-amplify/ aws-cognito?

How to resend verification code while verifying/updating email/phone attribute in aws-amplify/ aws-cognito, I'm using this code, to verify email/phone:
const responce = await Auth.verifyCurrentUserAttributeSubmit("email", confirmationCode)
Is there a possibility to resend the code?
I am sure you already tried this but would calling this method again, asking for a new code, not work for you:

Podio::authenticate_with_app($app_id, $app_token); is not working

My client has a site on ''. Now I guess he has accidentally deleted the app then recovered it. But from that time he is not able to access his site.
This is the code in his index file
require_once 'podio-php-master/PodioAPI.php';
$client_id = "some-client-id";
$client_secret = "3zLcr...";
$app_id = "17373109";
$app_token = "48148cfca3c...";
Podio::setup($client_id, $client_secret);
Podio::authenticate_with_app($app_id, $app_token);
When I am commenting it line by line it is working till "Podio::authenticate_with_app($app_id, $app_token);" line. So I think the problem is in this line.
Please let me know the solution.
Shashank Kumar
You need to create new client (the one mentioned in your code as client_id), also you will have to re-generate app token and re-check app_id. If it still doesn't work, please provide full error message returned from Podio API.

Append URL Query Strings to request

I'm trying to send a POST request and format the query string in a specific format. Order doesn't matter aside from the first parameter, but I haven't been successful.
What I need:
What some of my attempts have spit out:
How I formatted the request:
request.AddQueryParameter("Id", "29455");
request.AddQueryParameter("save", "false");
request.AddQueryParameter("user", "4563533245");
If I try AddParameterfor Id it doesn't get appended on the query string (I'm thinking because it's a POST and not a GET), so that won't work. The API isn't expecting a form, it's expecting :
(string id, List<Dictionary<string,string>>)
I could use a StringBuilder, but that feels wrong. I'm not sure if UrlSegment is the best way to go either, since I would basically be hacking the query string. Is there a way to format my request in the format I need using RestSharp's API?
What I ended up using is UrlSegment and then kept the .AddQueryParameter methods, so the final code block looks like :
var url = new RestClient(localhost/someapp/api/dosomething/{id});
var request = new RestRequest(Method.POST);
request.AddParameter("Id", "5335", ParameterType.UrlSegment);
request.AddQueryParameter("save", "true");
request.AddQueryParameter("UserId", "5355234");
Which produced the URI I needed.
The easiest coding process for using RestSharp or any other API client library would be to use Postman to generate if you are unsure of how to code it. Download Postman, do a new request, enter the URL string to send to the API, click on Code, select C# (RestSharp) from the dropdown. Here is the code it generated.
var client = new RestClient("http://localhost/someapp/api/dosomething /5335?save=false&userid=66462");
var request = new RestRequest(Method.POST);
request.AddHeader("Postman-Token", "bd05aa45-f1b9-4665-a3e7-888ad16f2800");
request.AddHeader("cache-control", "no-cache");
IRestResponse response = client.Execute(request);

Pentaho cookies with Rest Client Transformation entry

Is there an option to set cookies while using rest client in Pentaho 5.1?
I read a couple of blogs and it wasnt mentioned anywhere.
I have tried using curl using shell job entry. Got the cookie and used it in my next curl to get data.
I need to do a similar process using rest client transformation entry.
Please let me know if there are any leads I can follow.
i dont know if you can do that with this step, but with the http client step you can set you own http request headers. This works because i use this way.
if you can use the http client step instead the rest client do this:
add a new Script step (the javascript step) and add this js code to your trans (these are sample headers, the most interesting for you is the last one):
//set the headers to next step
var header_accept_charset = "utf-8";
var header_cache_control = "max-age=0";
var header_user_agent = "batman browser";
lal = "lalvalue_fooo";
lel = "lelvalue_meeeh";
var cookie = "lol="+ lol +"; lal="+ lal;
Now make sure the vars are passed to the next step, the http client (click on get variables to fill the rows of "fields"), this should works.
The cookie is just another request header, a string simply built with the concatenation of variables and values with semicolons.
PD:Maybe this method works with the Rest Client step, if works also with this step let me know, i am interested to know that.

restsharp accept-encoding disabling compression

In a particular case I need to be able to disable compression in the requst/response.
Using Firefox RestClient I am able to post some xml to a web service and get some response xml successfully with a single header parameter "Accept-Encoding" : " "
which if I do not set this header, the response body would come back compressed with some binary data in the response body(that's why I want to disable gzip in response)
Now using the same header value in my app (using RestSharp in C#), I still get the binary data (gzip) in response.
Can someone please shed some light? Is it supported in RestSharp?
RestSharp does not support disabling compression.
If you look at the source code in Http.Sync.cs line 267 (assuming a sync request, async has the same code duplicated in Http.Async.cs line 424)
webRequest.AutomaticDecompression = DecompressionMethods.Deflate | DecompressionMethods.GZip | DecompressionMethods.None;
that is, the underlying WebRequest that Restsharp uses to make the http call has the compression options hardcoded. There is an open issue that documents this
The feature (only just) seems to have been added, but stealthily - without a note on the issue's status nor on the changelogs. Possibly as it hasn't been sufficiently tested?
Nevertheless I recently had a need for this functionality and tested it - and it works. Just set the RestClient instance's AutomaticDecompression property to false.
If you intend to keep your RestClient instance long-lived remember to do this before its first use - the setting seems to be 'locked in' after use and cannot change after. In my case I needed to make calls with and without AutomaticDecompression so i simply created two different RestClient instances.
Using RestSharp v106.11.4, I was unable to turn off automatic decompression as Bo Ngoh suggested. I set the AutomaticDecompression on the RestClient instance at the moment it gets instantiated, but still the Accept-Encoding header was added.
The way to set this & disable the decompression is through the ConfigureWebRequest method, which is exposed on the RestClient. Below snippet allowed me to turn off this feature:
var client = new RestClient();
client.ConfigureWebRequest(wr =>
wr.AutomaticDecompression = DecompressionMethods.None;
Not sure if this relevant anymore, but for maybe future references
RestRequest has IList<DecompressionMethods> AllowedDecompressionMethods, and when creating new RestRequest the list is empty. Only when calling the Execute method it fills with the default values (None, Deflate, and GZip) unless it's not empty
To update the wanted decompression method, simply use the method named AddDecompressionMethod and add the wanted decompression method - and that's that
var client = new RestClient();
var request = new RestRequest(URL, Method.GET, DataFormat.None);
var response = client.Execute(request);
As of RestSharp version 107, the AddDecompressionMethod has been removed and most of the client options has been move to RestClientOptions. Posting here the solution that worked for me, in case anyone needs it.
var options = new RestClientOptions(url)
AutomaticDecompression = DecompressionMethods.None
_client = new RestClient(options);