different app logo for different languages - windows-8

Can someone tell me if it is possible to set different logos in a Win 8 for different languages?
If yes --> how?
I need to internationalize a win 8 app, but i can set this images just in the app manifest

Have not tried it... But...
In your app layout, have different folders under images (or assets) for each language. When pointing the manifest to an image, do so w/o the language.
For example:
And in the Manifest:


What are Windows 8.1 Square 30x30 Target Size Logos used for?

In the Package.appxmanifest on my Windows 8.1 project, the Visual Assets has a section called Square 30x30 Logo in the Tile Images and Logos category.
I know how to upload the Scale images and how to name them (imageName.scale-180.png etc), but I don't know what the Target Size images are for, or how to name them in the assets folder.
Where and when are Target Size images used? Are they used instead of the Scaled images? Any insight in this would be greatly appreciated.
(I can't post an image to clearly illustrate the assets in the manifest, as I require more points, so apologises for the lack of image.)
I had the same question, then found this;
These images are primarily used outside of WinRT/the Windows Store, for things like file association icons and protocol icons. That's why the sizes map to the usual sizes for older Win32 icons.
You can apparently name the images like this for automatic inclusion/assignment in the manifest file;

Embedding a custom font in a screensaver

I can't figure out how to include a font in my Mac screensaver.
I did this following tutorial, Embed font in a mac bundle, but my [NSFont fontWithName:size:] still returns null.
I don't really know where to start.
Any thoughts, solutions?
Thank you
The example you're following works for an application. The problem is that you're building a screensaver bundle. Those are not applications unto themselves, they are loaded by separate application. Apparently, the ATSApplicationFontsPath key, as its name implies, is only used when loading an application.
You will have to write code to enumerate the font file URLs in your bundle and register them. You can use -[NSBundle URLsForResourcesWithExtension:subdirectory:] and CTFontManagerRegisterFontsForURLs() for that.

Location of iTunes/Xcode 4 icons?

I've been looking for the Play icon shared by iTunes and Xcode, plus others and can't find them. This reply seems to apply to Xcode 3 but not Xcode 4.
The image resources are located within private frameworks inside the following folder:
(Note, your path may differ if you chose to install Xcode 4 at the default location, /Developer/).
IDEKit.framework seems to have most of the new UI-related images in vector (PDF) form. There's also XDInterface.framework and DevToolsInterface.framework.
I don't know the exact location, it's not in the Resources folder.
If you only need the play button, use NSToolbar and NSToolbarItem with this PNG.

How to get system icons in iOS

I want to use icons like opened/closed folder in my table (UITableView)?
For example, in Java you can get a standard image "folder" and use it in the FileTree:
And also can use the constants of L&F (colors, styles, icons).
In the iOS, I found only these standard icons.
But not folder icons...
I'm not quite sure exactly what you want - the folder icon from iOS? Could you explain a little better?
If it is a folder icon that you want, there's no quick way to get it from code - doing so would use private API's and your app is likely to be rejected from the app store.
If you want something like a folder icon, a good way to get it would be by taking a screenshot of the iPhone simulator and editing it to the right size etc.

Themes in Adobe AIR

What is the best way to skin/theme an AIR application. For example, I want to use a dark/blackish theme instead (similar to Tour de Flex) instead of the default gray one.
The ScaleNine themes are a good place to start, find one that is sort of like what you want, plug it into your app, and gradually replace the colors, images, and controls with your own.
I'm only just getting started in AIR as well, but if you're using Flex check out the Flex in a Week video series. There are several videos that cover creating custom MXML components and item renderers, which effectively let you skin your application.
You can also use CSS to style your app.
First you need to set the system chrome property in the air application properties file to none.
If the main file in your air app is named Main.mxml, then your application properties files will be named Main-app.xml. This file is not hard to find, it should be in the same location as the Main.mxml file.
By setting this property to none you are saying that you do not wish your air app window to take the style of the OS windows in which the app is running.
Since this property is set to none, the chrome for the air app will have to come from your Main.mxml file, which should be a WindowedApplication
Use the titleBarBackgroundSkin attriubute of the WindowedApplication To set the skin for the air app. titleBarBackgroundSkin defaults to "mx.skins.halo.ApplicationTitleBarBackgroundSkin"