Securing a resource in Web Server - apache

I have a file (or set of files under a directory) published on my web server. Each of this resource needs to be access-protected based on the user's credentials and authority.
The authorization details are stored in a DB, so I need to make a call to the Java code in application server to determine the access.
Everytime the user hits this particular path in the webserver, I need to ensure s/he has access to the requested resource by, ensuring he is logged in and has the necessary priveleges to access this resource.
The webserver is apache - Can you please point me to the settings in apache that allows me to secure resource access using the above logic?
Thanks for the suggestions to correct the Tag and the Question!:
My Web Server is Apache HTTPD
Agree that this is not a Java Question: The only reason why I am bringing the Java perspective, is that I am most likely going to use some Java POJOs to go and check for user authorization for a particular directory that is stored in the DB - That is unless there is a trick in the apache httpd configuration that goes and checks the DB automatically - something similar to the one that is pointed out here...At the end of the it, I need to check if a particular user (authenticated previously by the Single Sign On Server (Sun access manager)) has access to a particular directory (user mapping to directory stored in the DB) and protect the resources under the directory accordingly.
Please let me know if that clarifies.

i am not sure why this is tagged with java - unless your db structure is VERY sepcific, you might able to get it done with apache authz and authn:
or, for an ovierview:


Setting up an agent authentification with Pingaccess

I have a CentOS VM with an ready installed Pingaccess Server Testenvironment with access to the Pingaccess Admin UI.
Now I would need to set up an Agent-Authentification on the system but sadly have no experience configuring Pingaccess sofar. I also find it dificult to find documentation to complete my task.
I would appreciate any hints and pointers in right direction or information on how this kind of setup can be configured and what else I might need? Is it even possible to set it up in a local VM?
Here a slightly more detailed description of the scenario:
An application that itself is not able to use a corresponding protocol (Oauth, SAML2, ...) (e.g. a small PHP script or something similar) that cannot do anything other than output a user name that it reads from the HTTP headers.
Set up an Agent that extends the header attributes and e.g. something like Header-UserName. The application can then access the web server variables and use these values without having to worry about how the authentication works. The agent, on the other hand, can do the protocols and handle authentication via the server (here PingAccess).
Thanks a lot in advance.

Trying to connect ldap users two or more subdomains to nifi

I have setup three node secure NIFI cluster and integrated with LDAP for user login .
my doubts
In login-identity-providers.xml can we add multiple USER Search Base of ldap.(i tried by adding multiple usersearchbase but failed)
In LDAP user search should happen on multiple sub domains eg : DC=example1,dc=example,dc=com
on User-search-base in login-identity-providers.xml
TO achieve mutitenancy in ldap what is the configuration changes we need to make in identity provider.xml
tenant1 user should access process group define for tenant 1 itself and its not access for tenant2 users
From what I can tell, AND Assuming you are using Microsoft Active Directory if you use:
It may work.
We also sometimes might use the Global Catalog (as then there are no referrals)
I also am guessing that the "empty" parameters should be removed (but I do NOT know how NIFI works).
I would suggest you also do tests with a LDAP Browser to make sure you know what your LDAP tree looks like. We use Apache Studio, but there are others.
More data on if it is Microsoft Active Directory and refer to

Upload file with tags through OwnCloud or NextCloud API

I have a database of files that are already tagged. Now, I would like to upload these files to an OwnCloud or NextCloud Server and pass on my already existing tags so that they show up as tags in the respective system. I wasnt able yet to find a way how I could do that in the documentation, does anyone have an idea how I could do it?
I just made available the source code of the (remote) file tagging micro-service for Nextcloud on github ( The implementation consists of two parts: 1) the taggy client for uploading files to the Nextcloud server, and for invoking the taggy server; 2) the taggy server for adding specified tags to uploaded files.
I will polish the code further within the next days. I am also planning to add SSL support which is important because username and password are currently transmitted unencrypted to the taggy server. The server uses these credentials in order to check whether the user can be properly authenticated before tagging any files.
Please let me know if you have other ideas, suggestions or feedback ;)
Kind regards

openldap ACL for namingContext

I am trying to block access to our openldap's namingContexts. The openldap server hosts directories for several DNs, and we don not want anyone from being able to identify which DNs are being hosted by the server.
I understand that namingContext is an operational attribute and part of the rootDSE. Obviously, ldap clients need access to some entries of the rootDSE in order to operate properly.
On the other hand, it looks like rootDSE entries are also subject to ACL.
The question is whether the namingContext attributes are required to be publicly readable in order for a client to connect to the server, or whether the namingContext attributes can be restricted. If the later, what would be a suitable ACL for this? We use openldap.
The following access control:
access to attrs="namingContexts" by * none
denies access to namingContexts.

Understanding IIS6 permissions, ACL, and identity--how can I restrict access?

When an ASP.NET application is running under IIS6.0 in Windows 2003 Server with impersonation, what user account is relevant for deciding file read/write/execute access privileges? I have two scenarios where I am trying to understand what access to grant/revoke. I thought the most relevant user is probably the identity specified in the Application Pool, but that doesn't seem to be the whole story.
The first issue concerns executing a local batch file via System.Diagnostics.Process.Start()--I can't do so when the AppPool is set to IWAM_WIN2K3WEB user, but it works fine if it is set to the Network Service identity. I of course made sure that the IWAM user has execute rights on the file.
The second involves writing to a file on the local hard drive--I'd like to be able to prevent doing so via the access control list via folder properties, but even when I set up all users in the folder as "read" (no users/groups with "write" at all), our ASP.NET still writes out the file no problem. How can it if it doesn't have write access?
Google search turns up bits and pieces but never the whole story.
what user account is relevant for [..] file read/write/execute access
As a rule: Always the user account the application/page runs under.
The IWAM account is pretty limited. I don't think it has permissions to start an external process. File access rights are irrelevant at this point.
If a user account (Network Service in your case) owns a file (i.e. has created it), it can do anything to this file, even if not explicitly allowed. Check who owns your file.
Process Monitor from Microsoft is a great tool to track down subtleties like this one.
A bit more searching reveals that the IWAM user isn't that well documented and we should stick with NETWORK SERVICE or a manually-supplied identity if we want to specify permissions for that user.