Show NSWindow on right click in NSTableView - objective-c

I'd like to display an NSWindow when right clicking an item in an NSTableView, similarly to how the available outlets are shown in Interface Builder when you right click an object:
Unfortunately you can only use an NSMenu subclass as the menu property.
I also didn't find a delegate method of NSTableView that notifies about right clicks.
I was able to subclass NSTableView and implement rightMouseDown: and rightMouseUp: to be notified about those events, but if I set the menu property of the row cells to nil, they are not highlighted when right clicked, even though I call the super implementation):
- (void)rightMouseDown:(NSEvent *)theEvent {
[super rightMouseDown:theEvent];
NSPoint eventLocation = [theEvent locationInWindow];
eventLocation = [self convertPoint:eventLocation fromView:nil];
NSInteger rowIndex = [self rowAtPoint:eventLocation];
NSLog(#"Right clicked at row index %d", rowIndex);
I would like to have the highlight effect in the image below but display a window instead of the context menu:

First for the right click: explicitly select the row on right click (e.g. via this message). Then create your own NSWindow descendant, set an own NSView class as contentView and in the view you can draw the black background, rounded borders and what not. Show this window in your right click handler.

You can use an NSPopover, which works quite nicely. A popover creates a window for you, even if it is somewhat hidden. You'll get it from your controls if you send them the window message, and can register to listen for events, for instance.
The whole popover can be created in IB, and just have to implement the showRelativeToRect:ofView:preferredEdge: method in code.
To catch the right click event, you can use rightMouseDown:, which is originally defined in NSResponder, but is overridden in NSView to simply catch the event and show menu and it doesn't pass the event upwards in the responder chain (or the inheritance chain, for that matter). Hence, you simply implement that method to call showRelativeToRect:ofView:preferredEdge:.
You will typically need to have the contents in an NSViewController and its own accompanying nib file.
The NSPopover's contentViewController property can be set in IB, too.
All in all, not much code needed.
This tutorial is useful.


keyDown: Not Called on NSClipView Subclass

My app is not document based, and its sole window is managed by a custom, xib-based NSWindowController subclass that I instantiate within the app delegate code:
- (void) applicationDidFinishLaunching:(NSNotification*) aNotification
_mainWindowController = [MainWindowController new];
// (stored in ivar just to prevent deallocation)
//[_mainWindowController showWindow:self];
// ↕︎ Not sure about the difference between these two... both seem to work.
[[_mainWindowController window] makeKeyAndOrderFront:self];
I have subclassed NSClipView to "center content inside a scroll view" (instead of having it pegged to the lower left corner) when it is zoomed to a size smaller than the clip view, and also implement custom functionality on mouse drag etc.
My window does have a title bar.
My window isn't borderless (I think), so I am not subclassing NSWindow.
I have overriden -acceptsFirstResponder, -canBecomeKeyView and -becomeFirstResponder in my NSClipview subclass (all return YES).
The drag events do trigger -mouseDown: etc., and if I set a breakpoint there, the first responder at that point is the same as the window hosting my clip view: [self.window firstResponder] and [self window] give the same memory address.
What am I missing?
I put together a minimal project reproducing my setup.
I discovered that if my custom view is the window's main view, -keyDown: is called without problems. But if I place a scroll view and replace its clip view by my custom view (to do that, I need to change the base class from NSView to NSClipView, of course!), -keyDown: is no longer triggered.
I assume it has something to do with how NSScrollView manages events (however, as I said before, -mouseDown:, -mouseDragged: etc. seem to be unaffected).
I also discovered that I can override -keyDown: in my window controller, and that seems to work, so I have decided to do just that (still open to an answer, though). Also, since I'm trying to detect the shift key alone (not as a modifier of another key), I'd rather use:
- (void) flagsChanged:(NSEvent *) event
if ([event modifierFlags] & NSShiftKeyMask) {
// Shift key is DOWN
// Shift key is UP
...instead of -keyDown: / -keyUp: (taken from this answer).

Object under mouseDown COCOA

I have a pretty simple question for which I could not find a simple answer.
When using cocoa (osx, xcode) and a method called "mouseDown" which detects if mouse has clicked on a view, how to detect on which object mouse has clicked? I just need a class name so I can know if the user has clicked on, for example NSImageView, WebView, NSTextView or on a NSView it self? Or even better, if I have two NSImageViews on my NSView, how to detect on which one it was clicked?
In your view mouseDown method, you can call the hitTest: method to get the farthest descendant of the receiver in the view hierarchy that was clicked:
So in your view subclass, you could do something like:
- (void)mouseDown:(NSEvent *)theEvent
id clickedObject = [self hitTest:[theEvent locationInWindow]];
if ([clickedObject isKindOfClass:[NSImageView class]]) {
NSLog(#"Clicked an ImageView");
} else if ([clickedObject isKindOfClass:[WebView class]]) {
NSLog(#"Clicked a WebView");
Your question seems a bit odd though, because normally you don't need to do this hit testing yourself.
If you're trying to get a click event when a particular image is clicked, a better way would be to use a borderless button with an image set and then implementing an action method and connecting that to the button.

How to attach an object to the NSCursor? OSX

I want to attach a WebView to the cursor when the user hovers a button. And remove it when the mouse exits.
Even when the cursor moves inside the button I want to WebView to keep following the cursor.
Any ideas on how to perform this?
Here's an example on how it should be:
so you have a NSButton ... subclass THAT so you attach a view:
#interface ButtonWithWebViewOnHover : NSButton
#property(strong) WebView *webView;
override mouseEntered and mouseExited there and toggle hidden
...... wait.... we seem to be reinventing the wheel
use NSPopover (from apple directly, but not as graphically flexible as the next:)
or MAAttachedWindow (
You can subclass WebView, and consider that to draw it this method is called:
- (void)drawRect:(NSRect)dirtyRect;
Ao if you call [super drawInRect: dirctyRect] in this method, the view will be normally drawn, otherwise nothing will be drawn.So you can see if the mouse is over the view and decide if to draw it or not.
To resize it, instead you can use this method:
- (void)setBounds:(NSRect)boundsRect;
To detect mouse events you shall implement methods like mouseDown (see NSResponder) in your main view.

How I add a mouse right-down menu to the NSCollectionViewItem

I have a question.How I add a mouse right-down menu to the NSCollectionViewItem.
As an attempt I alse use the Apple's demo app IconCollection.I tryed drag a NSMenu to the IconViewPrototype.xib and connect it to the view's menu outlet in IB.but when build and run,click the mouse right click,nothing happened.I think the NSBox also a subclass for NSView,the mouse right-down menu should be support.
I ended up creating an NSView subclass to use as a View for the CollectionViewItem. In there I set a delegate (connected in IB), and used this to catch the right mouse click and open the menu:
-(void)rightMouseDown:(NSEvent *)theEvent {
NSMenu *menu = [self.delegate menuForCollectionItemView:self];
[menu popUpMenuPositioningItem:[[menu itemArray] objectAtIndex:0]
This still needs some code to position the menu where the user clicked, but it's a start.
If anyone has a cleaner method I'd love to hear it.

NSView's context NSMenu is never shown even though all the right methods are being called

I have an NSCollectionView with a bunch of NSViews in it, stacked vertically, to make it look a bit like UIKit's UITableView. Everything works as expected, except for one thing:
When right-clicking any one of the NSViews, I expect the NSMenu I set to be view's menu to be shown, but alas - nothing happens.
The crazy part is all the right methods are being called, exactly as could be expected: -rightMouseDown:, -menuForEvent: and finally -menu.
When I set up any object as the NSMenu's delegate, menuWillOpen: is not called, so it seems to me something fails over on Apple's side of things, just in between asking for the menu, and actually showing it.
Would anyone be able to shed a light on this?
Thanks in advance.
PS. For what it's worth, NSMenus I present manually (without relying on Apple's right-click handling) using popUpMenuPositioningItem:atLocation:inView: are shown.
Edit / Update / Clarification
The NSCollectionView in question is inside an NSWindow that's being shown when an NSStatusItem is clicked, like CoverSutra/TicToc/what have you. Some code from the MyWindow NSWindow subclass:
- (void)awakeFromNib {
[self setStyleMask:NSBorderlessWindowMask];
[self setExcludedFromWindowsMenu:YES];
- (BOOL)canBecomeMainWindow {
return YES;
- (BOOL)canBecomeKeyWindow {
return YES;
- (BOOL)isMovable {
return NO;
- (void)presentFromPoint:(NSPoint)point {
point.y -= self.frame.size.height;
point.x -= self.frame.size.width / 2;
[self setFrameOrigin:point];
[self makeMainWindow];
[self makeKeyAndOrderFront:self];
presentFromPoint: is the method I use to present it from any point I like, in my case from just below the NSStatusItem. (Not really relevant to this problem)
My application has LSUIElement in its Info.plist set to YES by the way, so it doesn't show a menu bar or a Dock icon. It lives in the status bar, and has a window that's shown when the NSStatusItem is clicked.
The view hierarchy is as follows:
MyWindow => contentView => NSScrollView => NSCollectionView
The NSCollectionView has an NSCollectionViewItem subclass connected to its itemPrototype property, and the NSCollectionViewItem subclass has an NSView subclass connected to its view property.
The NSView subclass, in turn, has an NSMenu connected to its menu property.
And last but not least: This NSMenu has one NSMenuItem sitting inside it.
Both the NSCollectionViewItem subclass and the NSView subclass do nothing interesting as of now, they're just empty subclasses.
The NSMenu connected to the NSView's menu property is what should be shown when the NSView is right-clicked, but as I hope I have made clear: It isn't actually shown.
I still have no idea what caused this problem, but I've decided to 'move on' from NSCollectionView, as it wasn't really fit for what I was trying to do anyway, and I am now using TDListView which works like a charm.