MATLAB Genetic Algorithm "Subscripted assignment dimension mismatch" Error - optimization

When trying to use the Genetic Algorithm solver in MATLAB, I'm getting the following "Subscripted assignment dimension mismatch" error: Error Message Pastebin
Now, it says the error has to do with the fitness function at the end, but when I test my fitness function separately, it works without errors. I can also link the code for my fitness and constraint functions if that would help.
Thank you very much!

I think I see what is happening... Because one of the appendages to CDraft is inside the if, you don't always return the same length vector - i.e., you return a constraint vector the first time, it preallocates a matrix for your constraint output, then the next time round you give it back something that doesn't fit in this matrix, so you get the error.
The clue is in the error stack: at the top of the stack we have
Subscripted assignment dimension mismatch.
Error in C:\Program
(line 135)
Clearly this is not a function you've written, and inspecting your function there's nothing that should cause this error. The end of the error gives another clue
Caused by:
Failure in initial user-supplied fitness function evaluation. GA cannot continue.
The ga function is reporting an error in the bit of the code that handles user-supplied constraints. It is likely that this whole bit of code (the call to the user-supplied function and other associated lines) are all within one try...catch statement that returns this error. Something like this:
c = userConFun(x);
if isempty(cHistory)
cHistory = zeros(length(c), 1000); % or whatever
cHistory(:, currentIterationIndex) = c;
catch err
error('Failure in user-supplied fitness function blah blah blah');
Consequently, it looks like the error came from your function, even though it occurred after your function returned.


Why am I getting this Mathematica error - "Syntax: Incomplete expression more input is needed"

I'm running this on Wolfram cloud. Here's the code
Rr = {{Cos[theta],-Sin[theta],0},{Sin[theta],Cos[theta],0},{0,0,1}};
Wm = {0,0,omega};
This is obviously part of a larger code, but just this much is enough to create the error. If I remove any line, the error disappears. I can't for the life of me figure out where a syntax error could be in here!

Is division by zero considered error or failure?

When my program stops working due to division by 0 then is it considered error or failure?
Error is called when a human action produces an incorrect result. Failure is when we get different result than expected. I'm just wondering if the unexpected stop from program is a error by human or failure of the program?
It is considere as an error. Or we can also called this an exception. And if u dont want to prevent this u can use exception handling.
Depending on the programming environment and the type of number (e.g. floating point, integer) being divided by zero, it may generate positive or negative infinity, generate an exception, generate an error message, cause the program to terminate.
It is a type of failure when it is in compile time but it is an error because usually this type of an error occur when the program is compiled and then executed

NLopt with univariate optimization

Anyone know if NLopt works with univariate optimization. Tried to run following code:
using NLopt
function myfunc(x, grad)
opt = Opt(:LD_MMA, 1)
min_objective!(opt, myfunc)
(minf,minx,ret) = optimize(opt, [1.234])
println("got $minf at $minx (returned $ret)")
But get following error message:
> Error evaluating untitled
LoadError: BoundsError: attempt to access 1-element Array{Float64,1}:
at index [2]
in myfunc at untitled:8
in nlopt_callback_wrapper at /Users/davidzentlermunro/.julia/v0.4/NLopt/src/NLopt.jl:415
in optimize! at /Users/davidzentlermunro/.julia/v0.4/NLopt/src/NLopt.jl:514
in optimize at /Users/davidzentlermunro/.julia/v0.4/NLopt/src/NLopt.jl:520
in include_string at loading.jl:282
in include_string at /Users/davidzentlermunro/.julia/v0.4/CodeTools/src/eval.jl:32
in anonymous at /Users/davidzentlermunro/.julia/v0.4/Atom/src/eval.jl:84
in withpath at /Users/davidzentlermunro/.julia/v0.4/Requires/src/require.jl:37
in withpath at /Users/davidzentlermunro/.julia/v0.4/Atom/src/eval.jl:53
[inlined code] from /Users/davidzentlermunro/.julia/v0.4/Atom/src/eval.jl:83
in anonymous at task.jl:58
while loading untitled, in expression starting on line 13
If this isn't possible, does anyone know if a univariate optimizer where I can specify bounds and an initial condition?
There are a couple of things that you're missing here.
You need to specify the gradient (i.e. first derivative) of your function within the function. See the tutorial and examples on the github page for NLopt. Not all optimization algorithms require this, but the one that you are using LD_MMA looks like it does. See here for a listing of the various algorithms and which require a gradient.
You should specify the tolerance for conditions you need before you "declare victory" ¹ (i.e. decide that the function is sufficiently optimized). This is the xtol_rel!(opt,1e-4) in the example below. See also the ftol_rel! for another way to specify a different tolerance condition. According to the documentation, for example, xtol_rel will "stop when an optimization step (or an estimate of the optimum) changes every parameter by less than tol multiplied by the absolute value of the parameter." and ftol_rel will "stop when an optimization step (or an estimate of the optimum) changes the objective function value by less than tol multiplied by the absolute value of the function value. " See here under the "Stopping Criteria" section for more information on various options here.
The function that you are optimizing should have a unidimensional output. In your example, your output is a vector (albeit of length 1). (x.^2 in your output denotes a vector operation and a vector output). If you "objective function" doesn't ultimately output a unidimensional number, then it won't be clear what your optimization objective is (e.g. what does it mean to minimize a vector? It's not clear, you could minimize the norm of a vector, for instance, but a whole vector - it isn't clear).
Below is a working example, based on your code. Note that I included the printing output from the example on the github page, which can be helpful for you in diagnosing problems.
using NLopt
count = 0 # keep track of # function evaluations
function myfunc(x::Vector, grad::Vector)
if length(grad) > 0
grad[1] = 2*x[1]
global count
count::Int += 1
opt = Opt(:LD_MMA, 1)
min_objective!(opt, myfunc)
(minf,minx,ret) = optimize(opt, [1.234])
println("got $minf at $minx (returned $ret)")
¹ (In the words of optimization great Yinyu Ye.)

I/O in pure Fortran procedures

I'm trying to incorporate error checking within a pure procedure I am writing. I would like something like:
pure real function func1(output_unit,a)
implicit none
integer :: a, output_unit
if (a < 0) then
write(output_unit,*) 'Error in function func1: argument must be a nonnegative integer. It is ', a
func1 = a/3
end function func1
However, pure functions are not allowed to have IO statements to external files, so I tried passing a unit number to the function, e.g. output_unit = 6, which is the default output. gfortran still regards this as illegal. Is there a way around this? Is it possible to make the function a derived type (instead of intrinsic type real here) which outputs a string when there is an error?
You are not the first person to have this problem, and I'm happy to say that this flaw in the standard will be remedied in Fortran 2015. As stated in this document (page 6, header "Approved changes to the standard"), "the restriction on the appearance of an error stop statement in a pure procedure should be removed".
The Fortran 2008 standard included the error stop statement in the context of some new parallel computing features. It signals an error and makes all processes stop as soon as is practicable. Currently, neither stop nor error stop statements are allowed in pure procedures, because they're obviously not thread-safe. In practice this is unnecessarily restrictive in cases where an internal error occurs.
Depending on your compiler, you may have to wait patiently for the implementation. I know that Intel has implemented it in their ifort compiler. ("F2015: Lift restriction on STOP and ERROR STOP in PURE/ELEMENTAL procedures")
For an alternative approach, you could have a look at this question, though in you case this is probably slightly trickier as you have to change the do concurrent keyword, not just pure.
(end of proper answer)
if getting dirty hands is an option ...
In the meantime you could do something brutal like
pure subroutine internal_error(error_msg)
! Try hard to produce a runtime error, regardless of compiler flags.
! This is useful in pure subprograms where you want to produce an error,
! preferably with a traceback.
! Though far from pretty, this solution contains all the ugliness in this
! single subprogram.
! TODO: replace with ERROR STOP when supported by compiler
implicit none
character(*), intent(in) :: error_msg
integer, dimension(:), allocatable :: molested
molested(3) = molested(4)
molested(1) = -10
molested(2) = sqrt(real(molested(1)))
molested(3) = molested(-10)
end subroutine internal_error
Should anyone ask, you didn't get this from me.
I've found an answer myself, detailed here. It uses what is considered "obsolescent", but still does the trick; it is called alternate return. Write the procedure as a subroutine as it doesn't work on functions.
pure real subroutine procA(arg1)
implicit none
integer :: arg1
if (arg < 0) then
return 1 ! exit the function and go to the first label supplied
! when function was called. Also return 2, 3 etc.
procA = ... ! whatever it should do under normal circumstances
endsubroutine procA
! later on, procedure is called
num = procA(a, *220)
220 write(6,*) 'Error with func1: you've probably supplied a negative argument'
What would probably be better is what eriktous suggested--get the procedure to return a status, perhaps as a logical value or an integer, and get the program to check this value every time after it calls the procedure. If all's well, carry on. Otherwise, print a relevant error message.
Comments welcome.

Understanding what Fault, Error and Failure mean

Consider the following class:
class Xyz {
public int count;
public void numZero (int[] x) {
// Effects: if x == null throw NullPointerException
// else return the number of occurrences of 0 in x
int count = 0;
for (int i = 1; i < x.length; i++) //we have a bug here
if (x[i] == 0)
this.count = count;
I'm trying to wrap my head about what Fault, Error and Failure really mean.
From what I've come to understand, a Fault in this context would be a flaw in the code's written logic.
So in this case the Fault would be the fact that the code instructs the computer to start iterating over all elements of v with a start index of 1 instead of the expected 0.
When running the above method, we always get an Error but in once instance (when v.length == 0), as what we really want is to iterate over all elements of x, but since we're starting with i = 1, that is not really happening.
With an empty vector as input, as we don't enter the for loop, so our incorrect code isn't run, meaning that the Error doesn't happen, and everything happens as should in theory.
Since our code has a Fault that in execution-time will almost always manifest in a Error, we only have a Failure when we effectively see the incorrect output.
Assuming that an Error effectively happened in my program, we only have a Failure if it is in some way visible to the outside world. That is, had I private int count; instead of public int count; I'd never ever have an Error in my class (of course it'd be the most useless class ever!). Is this right?
Is everything I said correct or am I erring in something?
Failure: A difference from the expected result. This is the problem
you observe.
Fault: The cause of the failure.
Error: The mistake which caused the fault to occur. e.g, typos.
An example of failure, fault and error.
pre: param is an integer.
post: returns the product of the param multiplied by 2.
1. int double (int param) {
2. int result;
3. result = param * param;
4. return result;
5. }
• A call to double(3) returns 9, but the post condition says it should return 6.
• Result 9 represents a failure.
• The failure is due to the fault at line 3, ( "* param" is used instead of "* 2")
• The error is a typo, ( someone typed "* param" instead of "* 2" by mistake).
Why give three different labels for a "Bug"?
They help communicate how precisely you know what the problem is.
Saying "failure" means you know something is wrong but don't know the cause.
Saying "fault" means you know the cause, but don't know why the fault occurred.
Saying "Error" means you know why the fault occurred; e.g.: The coder was distracted by a firetruck passing by.
You could ask, "But why did the person make a typo?" But that gets into into human factors and out of the scope of the question.
Source: Zhen Ming (Jack) Jiang - EECS 4413, Software Testing, York University.
First, a failure occurs whenever the actual service delivered by a system deviates from its expected service. Note that since even specifications can go wrong, the definition does not rely on them.
Second, an error is the part of the system state that may lead to a failure. The state of the system can go wrong but never reach the output, thus not lead to a failure.
Third, a fault is the cause of an error. It can be a design fault, a cosmic ray or whatever. If, as you point out, the fault is not activated, no error is produced.
Take a look at the basic concepts and terminology of dependability for more information.
Error is a deviation from the actual and the expected result. It represents the mistakes made by the people.
Faults are the result of an error. It is the incorrect step or process due to which the program or the software behaves in an unintended manner
Bug is an evidence of Fault in a program due to which program does not behave in an intended manner
Failure is an inability of the system or components to perform its required function. Failure occurs when Faults executes
Defect is said to be detected when Failure occurs.
There are a plurality of different definitions, the one I personally prefer is the following:
Fault -> Error -> Failure
Fault: The verified or hypothesized cause of an error (malfunctions, external interference, design errors).
Error: The manifestation of a fault within a program or data structure (difference between actual output and expected output).
Failure: The event that occurs when an error reaches the service interface, altering the service itself (leads to the inability of a system or component to perform required function according to its specification).
The Error in Error/Fault/Failure refers to the human error that introduced the problem. The human error was the incorrect thinking that caused the user to create an incorrect for statement in your example.
Errors are hard to measure or understand. It is difficult in many cases to know what the developer was thinking when the made the error that introduced the fault. That is why they like to differentiate between error and fault. We can see that there is a fault in the code, but it is hard to know why the error was created. It could be that the code was correct, and then during a subsequent change, the for loop was changed.
I always remember that an Error by a programmer leads to a fault in the code that results in a failure for the user. Not all errors result in a fault. Not all faults result in failures.
The software Fault refers to a bug in the code. And it is DURING the software activity.
While software Failure is when the system misbehaves. This is observed LATER than a fault.
Fault may be the cause for a Failure. Fault is "WHAT" and Failure is "WHEN".
Those are only fundamentals, but still I hope that it sheds some light on the matter.