FBSDKLog: System authorization failed: - objective-c

I have added facebook sdk for accessing the user account. But when user is already login in facebook via iOS 6 facebook then in my app on the very first page it must shows the alert that app is asking for profile permissions. For it I have added following code in app delegate
[FBSession openActiveSessionWithAllowLoginUI:true];
NSArray *permissions = [NSArray arrayWithObjects:
[FBSession openActiveSessionWithReadPermissions:permissions allowLoginUI:true
completionHandler:^(FBSession *session, FBSessionState status, NSError *error) {
if (error) {
return YES;
-(BOOL)application:(UIApplication *)application openURL:(NSURL )url
sourceApplication: (NSString) sourceApplication annotation:(id)annotation
return [FBSession.activeSession handleOpenURL:url];
I am getting the alert properly.
But when I click on OK button it gives me following error
FBSDKLog: System authorization failed:'The Facebook server could not fulfill this access request: remote_app_id does not match stored id '. This may be caused by a mismatch between the bundle identifier and your app configuration on the server at developers.facebook.com/apps.
But in my fb developer account , everything is fine. Please help me in resolving this issue.

Are you sure you have the same bundle ID set in your Facebook app settings? A good way to validate is to use this code to print the bundle ID to the console and compare it with your app settings on Facebook:
NSLog(#"Bundle ID: %#",[[NSBundle mainBundle] bundleIdentifier]);

Dear Sudha may be your bundle id is not confirmed yet from all server of facebook. You have to wait for it.

Beware that your bundle ID is case sensitive!

I Faced the same issue when i run my project in 3.5 inch simulator it shows the same error. It works fine in 4 inch simulator. I fixed this issue by going to my 3.5 inch simulator settings then i logged out from my Facebook account. then i re run the project it worked.


After update iOS 9 and Facebook sdk 4.6 the login window not open

I update my Xcode to 7 , and Facebook to 4.6 sdk.
this My warning :
Warning: Attempt to present <FBSDKContainerViewController: 0x159337700> on <UIAlertController: 0x159262700> whose view is not in the window hierarchy!
in My project the BitCode is NO - because if I turn it to Yes I got this Error :
ld:'/Users/MyName/Desktop/MyProjectName/ProjectName/ProjectName/Resources/Frameworks/Fabric.framework/Fabric(Fabric.o)' does not contain bitcode. You must rebuild it with bitcode enabled (Xcode setting ENABLE_BITCODE), obtain an updated library from the vendor, or disable bitcode for this target. for architecture arm64
clang: error: linker command failed with exit code 1 (use -v to see invocation)
this is the parse method :
NSArray *permissions = [NSArray arrayWithObjects:#"email",#"user_friends", nil];
[PFFacebookUtils logInInBackgroundWithReadPermissions:permissions block:^(PFUser *user, NSError *error)
if (!user) // The user cancelled the Facebook login
NSLog(#"Uh oh. The user cancelled the Facebook login.");
else if (user.isNew) // New user (not stored on DB) - User signed up and logged in through Facebook
[self handleNewUser];
else if (user) // the user is exist at DB
// the user is exist at DB
else if (error)
// showAlertOfSomethingWentWrong
this is FBSDKGraphRequest :
FBSDKGraphRequest *request = [[FBSDKGraphRequest alloc] initWithGraphPath:#"me" parameters:#{#"fields": #"friends, first_name, gender, last_name, link, name, verified, picture, email"}];
[request startWithCompletionHandler:^(FBSDKGraphRequestConnection *connection, id result, NSError *error)
NSMutableDictionary *userData = (NSMutableDictionary *)result;
my problem is that that line :
[PFFacebookUtils logInInBackgroundWithReadPermissions:permissions block:^(PFUser *user, NSError *error)
the run never go into this block in iPhone , in simulator this work fine.
I had a similar problem where I was trying to show a login alert on top of FBSDKContainerViewController.
In this call
- (void)logInWithReadPermissions:(NSArray *)permissions
fromViewController:(UIViewController *)fromViewController
Facebook presents its own view controller and if you don't specify the fromViewController, "the topmost view controller will be automatically determined as best as possible."
In your case, it sounds like Facebook is trying to present on top of an alert that was dismissed, even if this is not the call being invoked.
do you add NSAppTransportSecurity & LSApplicationQueriesSchemes key to your info.plist?
I did find a workaround to this, thanks to #PastryPup's answer.
The warning is displayed when trying to present the Facebook login view controller on top of a dismissed alertview. Switching to a UIAlertController, however, fixed the problem.
My impression is that this works because UIAlertController is a full-fledged controller, and thus exists in the view hierarchy even after it has been dismissed.
The solution is to basically replace the UIAlertView with a UIAlertController, and call [PFFacebookUtils logInInBackgroundWithReadPermissions:permissions block:^(PFUser *user, NSError *error) inside the default action of the UIAlerController.
Link on how to implement a UIAlertController
I did some trick to make this work. I don't know if it's the best way to do it. But i just made a boolean that is false before the activity executes (the fb button is tapped). So after it returns, just set the boolean to true and have a condition in the ViewDidAppear that if the boolean is true perform the segue to the next window you want to go.
I hope it helps!

How to detect microphone input permission refused in iOS 7

I would like to detect when a user refused the microphone permission on my iOS application.
I only get this value when I try to record the microphone: -120.000000 db
But before to get this I have to set up an AVAudioSession. Is there another function?
And I got this message in the output:
Microphone input permission refused - will record only silence
If you are still compiling with iOS SDK 6.0 (as I am) you have to be a bit more indirect than #Luis E. Prado, as the requestRecordPermission method doesn't exist.
Here's how I did it. Remove the autorelease bit if you're using ARC. On iOS6 nothing happens, and on iOS7 either the 'microphone is enabled' message is logged or the alert is popped up.
AVAudioSession *session = [AVAudioSession sharedInstance];
if ([session respondsToSelector:#selector(requestRecordPermission:)]) {
[session performSelector:#selector(requestRecordPermission:) withObject:^(BOOL granted) {
if (granted) {
// Microphone enabled code
NSLog(#"Microphone is enabled..");
else {
// Microphone disabled code
NSLog(#"Microphone is disabled..");
// We're in a background thread here, so jump to main thread to do UI work.
dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^{
[[[[UIAlertView alloc] initWithTitle:#"Microphone Access Denied"
message:#"This app requires access to your device's Microphone.\n\nPlease enable Microphone access for this app in Settings / Privacy / Microphone"
otherButtonTitles:nil] autorelease] show];
EDIT: It turns out that the withObject block is executed in a background thread, so DO NOT do any UI work in there, or your app may hang. I've adjusted the code above. A client pointed this out on what was thankfully a beta release. Apologies for the mistake.
Please note that this will only work if built with Xcode 5, and not with 4.6
Add the AVFoundation Framework to your project
Then import the AVAudioSession header file, from the AVFoundation framework, where you intend to check if the microphone setting is enabled
#import <AVFoundation/AVAudioSession.h>
Then simply call this method
[[AVAudioSession sharedInstance] requestRecordPermission:^(BOOL granted) {
if (granted) {
// Microphone enabled code
else {
// Microphone disabled code
The first time this method runs, it will show the prompt to allow microphone access and based on the users response it will execute the completion block. From the second time onwards it will just act based on the stored setting on the device.
Swift answer:
if AVAudioSession.sharedInstance().recordPermission() == .Denied {
print("Microphone permission refused");
Or you can use framework like PermissionScope which permit to easily check permissions. https://github.com/nickoneill/PermissionScope
Edit: Swift 3 answer:
import AVFoundation
if AVAudioSession.sharedInstance().recordPermission() == .denied {
print("Microphone permission refused");
I'm not 100% certain if we're allowed to talk about iOS 7 outside of Apple's devforums, but I found the answer you're looking for there.
In short, you'll find your solution in the AVAudioSession.h header file in the SDK. And if you want to make use of it while still supporting iOS 6, make certain to use "respondsToSelector:" to check for the API availability.

Facebook login failing on iOS 6

When I try to login using Facebook iOS SDK I get the error The operation couldn't be completed (com.facebook.sdk error 2).
The state of the session is: FBSessionStateClosedLoginFailed.
THis is my code now:
-(void) callFBService{
NSArray *permissions = [[NSArray alloc] initWithObjects:#"email, publish_stream, user_likes, friends_likes", nil];
[FBSession openActiveSessionWithReadPermissions:permissions allowLoginUI:YES
completionHandler:^(FBSession *fbsession,
FBSessionState status,
NSError *error) {
NSLog(#"Session error");
[self fbResync];
[NSThread sleepForTimeInterval:0.5]; //half a second
[FBSession openActiveSessionWithReadPermissions:permissions
completionHandler:^(FBSession *fbsession, FBSessionState status, NSError *error) {
[self sessionStateChanged:fbsession state:status error:error];
[self sessionStateChanged:fbsession state:status error:error];
I have tried everything in the following posts:
The operation couldn’t be completed. (com.facebook.sdk error 2.) ios6
Facebook Registration : The operation couldn't be completed (com.facebook.sdk error 2)
Facebook SDK 3.1 iOS: Handle login if user remove app from Facebook Settings
Any ideas??? Please!
You're passing publish_stream in with read permissions, but publish_stream is a write permission. It's also deprecated (use publish_actions instead). Try removing that permission. You'll need to ask for that permission separately, after you get your user logged in with read permissions. See the SDK docs: https://developers.facebook.com/docs/technical-guides/iossdk/login/#read
In addition, a few things to check: Make sure your app on Facebook.com is configured correctly, including the bundle ID. Make sure the user you're attempting to log in has rights to the app (if the app is in sandbox mode, make sure the user is added as a tester and has approved this).

Facebook: login and permission screen does not close when I return to my app

I am integrating facebook login in my application.
When I request the user for permissions the default UI get presented to him in order to accept the permissions, and then when he clicks on "okay" it will return from the ui to my app in order to continue.
However the default Permission UI remains open in the browser (if I quit the application and open the browser I still see the permission UI that was presented to him earlier.
Is there a way I can close the page in the browser after the user gives permission?
Hope I was clear
This is the code I am using:
This method will show the user the facebook login page in order to get his permission
-(BOOL)openSessionWithAllowLoginUI:(BOOL)allowLoginUI {
NSArray *permissions = [[NSArray alloc] initWithObjects:
return [FBSession openActiveSessionWithReadPermissions:permissions
completionHandler:^(FBSession *session,
FBSessionState state,
NSError *error) {
[self HandleLogin];
Then if login and permission successful
- (void)HandleLogin {
if (FBSession.activeSession.isOpen) {
startForMeWithCompletionHandler:^(FBRequestConnection *connection,
id<FBGraphUser> user,
NSError *error) {
The code to process the return from the Facebook app
- (BOOL)application:(UIApplication *)application
openURL:(NSURL *)url
sourceApplication:(NSString *)sourceApplication
annotation:(id)annotation {
// attempt to extract a token from the url
return [FBSession.activeSession handleOpenURL:url];
Facebook SDK is pretty problematic, I'd say. Personally, I had displeasure to integrate FB picture sharing into several projects (while their developers released several new SDKs). I don't know, why browser redirection becomes popular, honestly, I don't like it. Generally, I don't think that it is possible to somehow clear this unwanted content from your browser without opening new url from application since it is not a solution. What I'd suggest is to force FB SDK to use WebView. In last version I used, this is set when you create new session with custom behavior. Code should be like this or pretty similar:
[[FBSession activeSession] openWithBehavior:FBSessionLoginBehaviorForcingWebView
completionHandler:^(FBSession *session, FBSessionState status, NSError *error)handler]

Mac OS X Facebook login failed - no stored remote_app_id for app

I am trying to use the new ACAccountStore capabilities on Mac OS X 10.8 to login via Facebook but I get an error:
The Facebook server could not fulfill this access request: no stored remote_app_id for app
When the code executes the requestAccessToAccountsWithType message it does prompt me for access to Facebook (which I allow) and I do have Facebook credentials stored in my Settings. I also have another code path for legacy versions of OS X which logs into Facebook using the WebView control. It does work with the same APP_ID. So I should have the app correctly setup in the Facebook developer settings. In there some other configuration that I'm missing? I search on the Internet for "remote_app_id" and I get the empty set.
ACAccountStore *account = [[ACAccountStore alloc] init];
ACAccountType *accountType = [account accountTypeWithAccountTypeIdentifier:ACAccountTypeIdentifierFacebook];
NSDictionary *options = [NSDictionary dictionaryWithObjectsAndKeys: FB_APP_ID, ACFacebookAppIdKey, [NSArray arrayWithObjects:#"email", nil], ACFacebookPermissionsKey, ACFacebookAudienceFriends, ACFacebookAudienceKey, nil];
[account requestAccessToAccountsWithType:accountType options:options completion:^(BOOL granted, NSError *error) {
if (granted) {
NSArray *accountList = [account accountsWithAccountType:accountType];
for (ACAccount *thisAccount in accountList) {
NSLog(#"Found account: %#", [thisAccount accountDescription]);
else {
NSLog(#"Not granted because: %#", [error localizedDescription]);
useful note for iPhone devs: to exhibit this problem 100%:
Regarding the same issue on the iPhone (this page is the main google landing for that): The issue is this: on the iPhone, go to Settings, left menu Facebook, then on the right username/password - login to Facebook. So that's the "Settings Facebook Login". If the iPhone is in fact logged in to FB on the "Settings Facebook Login" then the problem will exhibit. If you explicitly log out on "Settings Facebook Login" (and indeed, perhaps uninstall the FacebookApp), the problem will not exhibit.
Looks like you have to set bundle ID of your iOS/OSX app in Facebook app settings (that fixed thing in my case)
Set the bundle ID on the Facebook web interface, and it will get updated right away.
Its position on the updated developer UI is below: