I'm setting up In-App purchasing for my Mac App. I currently am able to get the product from iTunes Connect, and even request a purchase. I'm pretty stumped with this error message, and am really hoping someone has been here before and can offer some assistance.
I am getting the (very helpful) localized error: Transaction error: Unknown Error.
I've included the two images of successful Mac App Store authentication, and error message. All I'm able to figure out is that the failedTransaction is being called from the SKPaymentTransaction.
Here's what I did. Archive in Xcode. Then distribute -> mac installer -> double-click .pkg file & install.
That seems to download the _MASReceipt and all is well when including
if(![[NSFileManager defaultManager] fileExistsAtPath:[[[NSBundle mainBundle] appStoreReceiptURL] path]]) {
NSLog(#"to get sandbox receipt, the app must be launched from outside xcode");
With some Uploads in Moodle (3.9) Uploads are not successful, mainly pdf.
The message that comes up is: "An error occured whilst communicating with the server".
not successful requests show
POST /course/dndupload.php undefined
successful requests show
POST /course/dndupload.php HTTP/1.1
When a pdf is reexported with libre office for example the same pdf can be uploaded without problems.
any ideas?
Is the LibreOffice pdf smaller? It could be PHP timing out.
What is the value for max_execution_time ? You can check the PHP values here -
Site administration > Server > PHP info
Also, try switching debug to developer level and see what the error message is.
Site administration > Development > Debugging
Debug messages = Developer
Display debug messages = checked
Although be cautious changing the debug level if its a production site. If you have access to the config.php file then you can specify a user.
// You can specify a comma separated list of user ids that that always see
// debug messages, this overrides the debug flag in $CFG->debug and $CFG->debugdisplay
// for these users only.
// $CFG->debugusers = '2';
Thanks for the response, in the meantime a solution to the problem was found. On the server a measurement against log4j2-vulnerability has been implemented: https://support.f5.com/csp/article/K59329043#proc2. This caused the misbehaviour, the iRule has been removed, now it works again.
Usually, initializing ITLibrary works like a charm.
But when calling
NSError *error = nil;
ITLibrary *library = [ITLibrary libraryWithAPIVersion:"#1.0" error:&error];
on a customer's machine, I get a The operation couldn’t be completed. (OSStatus error 7011.) error message.
Does anybody know what that means and how to fix it?
This is on macOS 10.15.7, after using Migration Assistant, i.e. moving from an older machine.
The issue was eventually resolved.
Since it is very unlikely that one comes up with the solution, I'm going to post it here:
There was a different issue where an iPhone wasn’t connecting to Finder. A level 2 tech Apple support person suggested to open the TV app and the Music app. Opening both apps somehow fixed both problems.
I'm trying to debug why [FIRApp configure] fails to load saved user on start-up on some devices running iOS 10.
Looks like an issue with the Keychain used by the Firebase SDK.
Any help will be appreciated.
See log below when configuring `Firebase'
Error loading saved user when starting up: Error Domain=FIRAuthErrorDomain Code=17995 "An error occurred when accessing the keychain. The #c NSLocalizedFailureReasonErrorKey field in the #c NSError.userInfo dictionary will contain more information about the error encountered" UserInfo={NSLocalizedDescription=An error occurred when accessing the keychain. The #c NSLocalizedFailureReasonErrorKey field in the #c NSError.userInfo dictionary will contain more information about the error encountered, error_name=ERROR_KEYCHAIN_ERROR, NSLocalizedFailureReason=SecItemCopyMatching (0)}
Found the issue! When using different bundle identifiers for production and release in the .entitlements file, it caused Keychain to logout the user.
What you need to do is create two .entitlements file for each scheme, and set it in the build settings.
My Mac application in Xcode has recently begun exhibiting strange symptoms when attempting to access iCloud. There haven't been any changes to my provisioning profiles, code signing identities, etc.
However, when running this code:
id token = [fileManager ubiquityIdentityToken];
NSLog(#"Token is: %#", token);
NSURL *iCloudURL = [fileManager URLForUbiquityContainerIdentifier:nil];
NSLog(#"iCloud URL is: %#", iCloudURL);
The output is:
2013-10-28 08:17:12.372 MyApp[21101:303] Token is: (null)
2013-10-28 08:17:12.373 MyApp[21101:303] iCloud URL is: (null)
Which I find extremely strange, especially considering I am actually signed into iCloud on this machine. To be sure, I ran a quick test with Calendar, adding an event on an iPhone and ensuring that it showed up on the Calendar on my Mac.
But I was under the impression that [fileManager ubiquityIdentityToken]; would return whether the user was logged into iCloud, regardless of whether your entitlements, code signing, etc. was properly configured - indicating that it's less an issue on my end, and more an issue of the system's ability to return this value.
I have tried logging out (and back in) to iCloud, and have ensured that "Documents & Data" is enabled in the iCloud settings.
This was resolved by upgrading from the original Mavericks GM (build 13A598) to the official release (build 13A603.)
Our code-signing certificate recently expired. It's been renewed, but now whenever I try to package the app with the renewed cert (whether I attempt a migration of the expired cert or not), after installation, I get the following message any time I try to run the app:
"This installation of this application is damaged. Try re-installing or contacting the publisher for assistance."
Opening up the package contents, the publisherid file inside Resources/META-INF/AIR is blank. This is apparently the problem, because if I manually edit it to contain our previous publisherID, the app will run.
But of course, it's not like we can tell all our users "oh install it then manually edit this file inside the package."
Has anyone encountered this or know how to fix it?
Ah, after a bit more banging my head against my desk I got it.
For anyone who comes after me:
I had to change a couple things in my app descriptor file.
First I had to change the namespace to point at AIR 1.5.3 instead of 1.5
<application xmlns="http://ns.adobe.com/air/application/1.5.3">
And then I had to manually specify our old publisherID in the descriptor as well
Now it works just as it's supposed to, installs as an update to our old version instead of a new app, and actually runs instead of just throwing that error.