Teradata Drop Column returns with "no more room" - sql

I am trying to drop a varchar(100) column of a 150 GB table (4.6 billion records). All the data in this column is null. I have 30GB more space in the database.
When I attempt to drop the column, it says "no more room in database XY". Why does such an action needs so much space?

The ALTER TABLE statement needs a temporary storage for the altered version before overwriting the original table. I guess the the table that you are trying to alter occupies at least 1/3 of your total storage size

This could happen for a variety of reasons. It's possible that one of the AMP's in your database are full, this would cause that error even with a minor table alteration.
try running the following SQL to check space
select VProc, CurrentPerm, MaxPerm
from dbc.DiskSpace
where DatabaseName='XY';
also, you should check to see what column your primary index is on in this very large table. if the table is not skewed properly, you could also run into space issues when trying to alter a table or by running a query against it.
For additional suggestions I found a decent article on the kind of things you may want to investigate when the "no more room in database" error occurs - Teradata SQL Tutorial. Some of the suggestions include:
dropping any intermediary work or "sandbox" tables
implementing single value or multi-value compression.
dropping unwanted/unnecessary secondary indexes
removing data in dbc tables like accesslog or dbql tables
remove and archive old tables that are no longer used.


Truncation of large table in SQL Server database

I would like to completely clear one table in my SQL Server database.
Unfortunately, the table is large (> 90GB). I am going to use the TRUNCATE statement.
The question is whether I should pay attention to something before?
I am also wondering if it will somehow affect the server's disk space (currently about 110 GB free)?
After all the action, SHRINK DATABASE will probably be necessary.
TRUNCATE TABLE is faster and uses fewer system and transaction log resources
than DELETE with no WHERE clause,
but if you need even faster solution, you can create new version of the table (table1), drop the old table, and rename table1 into table.

DROP TABLE or DELETE TABLE? Which is best practice?

Working on redesigning some databases in my SQL SERVER 2012 instance.
I have databases where I put my raw data (from vendors) and then I have client databases where I will (based on client name) create a view that only shows data for a specific client.
Because of the this data being volatile (Google Adwords & Google DFA) I typically just delete the last 6 days and insert 7 days everyday from the vendor databases. Doing this gives me comfort in knowing that Google has had time to solidify its data.
The question I am trying to answer is:
1. Instead of using views, would it be better use a 'SELECT INTO' statement and DROP the table everyday in the client database?
I'm afraid that by automating my process using the 'DROP TABLE' method will not scale well longterm. While testing it myself, it seems that performance is improved because it does not have to scan the entire table for the date range. I've also tested this with an index on the 'date' column and performance still seemed better with the 'DROP TABLE' method.
I am looking for best practices here.
NOTE: This is my first post. So I am not too familiar with how to format correctly. :)
Deleting rows from a table is a time-consuming process. All the deleted records get logged, and performance of the server suffers.
Instead, databases offer truncate table. This removes all the rows of the table without logging the rows, but keeps the structure intact. Also, triggers, indexes, constraints, stored procedures, and so on are not affected by the removal of rows.
In some databases, if you delete all rows from a table, then the operation is really truncate table. However, SQL Server is not one of those databases. In fact the documentation lists truncate as a best practice for deleting all rows:
To delete all the rows in a table, use TRUNCATE TABLE. TRUNCATE TABLE
is faster than DELETE and uses fewer system and transaction log
resources. TRUNCATE TABLE has restrictions, for example, the table
cannot participate in replication. For more information, see TRUNCATE
TABLE (Transact-SQL)
You can drop the table. But then you lose auxiliary metadata as well -- all the things listed above.
I would recommend that you truncate the table and reload the data using insert into or bulk insert.

When encrypting a column in Sybase does it generates a log?

So lets say I want to encrypt a column in Sybase and that column has 1 or X million records:
1.- Is it as slow as an update?
2.- Does it generates a log?
Using Sybase ASE
I dont't want to drop the table and recreate it.
Thank you
I am not entirely sure about the logging, but I do know that it can take a while on a large table, so it is probably a bit slower than an update on the same unecrypted column, as the encryption adds to the length of the column.
My experience leads me to believe it is at least partially logged, otherwise it would not be recoverable should an error occur during the conversion from plain text to cipher text.
If you do not want to drop and recreate your table, your options are a bit limited.
bcp out/in
bcp the data out of your table.
truncate table
alter table and modify column(s) with encryption
bcp data back into table - Use fast bcp (no triggers or indexes) to avoid logging.
Select Into
select into from your existing table into a temp table, encrypting the column(s) in the process.
truncate table
alter table and modify column(s) with encryption
select into from temp table back into production table.
Adaptive Server Enterprise 15.5 > Encrypted Columns Users Guide > Encrypting Data > Specifying encryption on new tables

How the Alter Table command is handled by SQLServer?

We are using SQL Server 2008. We have an Existing database and it was required to ADD a new COLUMN to one of the Table which has 2700 rows only but one of its column is of type VARCHAR(8000). When i try to add new column (CHAR(1) NULL) by using ALTER table command, it takes too much time!! it took 5 minutes and the command was still running to i stopped the command.
Below is the command, i was trying to add new column:
ALTER TABLE myTable Add ColumnName CHAR(1) NULL
Can someone help me to understand that How the SQL Server handles
the ALTER Table command? what happens exactly?
Why it takes so much time to Add new column
What is the effect of Table size on ALTER Command?
Altering a table requires a schema lock. Many other operations require the same lock too. After all, it wouldn't make sense to add a column halfway a select statement.
So a likely explanation is that a process had the table locked for 5 minutes. The ALTER then has to wait until it gets the lock itself.
You can see blocked processes, and the blocking process, from the Activity Monitor in SQL Server Management Studio.
Well, one thing to bear in mind is that you were adding a new fixed length column to the table. The way that rows are structured in storage, all fixed length columns are placed before all of the variable length columns, for each row. So every row would have had to be updated in storage to make this change.
If, in turn, this caused the number of rows which could be stored on each page to change, a great many new allocations may have been required.
That being said, for the number of rows indicated, I wouldn't have though it should take 5 minutes - unless, as Andomar indicated, there was some lock contention also involved.

Does Adding a Column Lock a Table in SQL Server 2008?

I want to run the following on a table of about 12 million records.
ADD c1 int NULL;
I've done it in staging and the timing seemed fine, but before I do it in production, I wanted to know how locking works on the table during new column creation (especially when a default value is specified). So, does anyone know? Does the whole table get locked, or do the rows get locked one by one during default value insertion? Or does something different altogether happen?
Prior to SQL Server 11 (Denali) the add non-null column with default will run an update behind the scenes to populate the new default values. Thus it will lock the table for the duration of the 12 million rows update. In SQL Server 11 this is no longer the case, the column is added online and no update occurs, see Online non-NULL with values column add in SQL Server 11.
Both in SQL Server 11 and prior a Sch-M lock is acquired on the table to modify the definition (add the new column metadata). This lock is incompatible with any other possible access (including dirty reads). The difference is in the duration: prior to SQL Server 11 this lock will be hold for a size-of-data operation (update of 12M rows). In SQL Server 11 the lock is only held for a short brief. In the pre-SQL Server 11 update of the rows no row lock needs to be acquired because the Sch-M lock on the table guarantees that there cannot be any conflict on any individual row.
Yes, it will lock the table.
A table, as a whole, has a single schema (set of columns, with associated types). So, at a minimum, a schema lock would be required to update the definition of the table.
Try to think about how things would work contrariwise - if each row was updated individually, how would any parallel queries work (especially if they involved the new columns)?
And default values are only useful during INSERT and DDL statements - so if you specify a new default for 10,000,000 rows, that default value has to be applied to all of those rows.
Yes, it will lock.
DDL statements issue a Schema Lock (see this link) which will prevent access to the table until the operation completes.
There's not really a way around this, and it makes sense if you think about it. SQL needs to know how many fields are in a table, and during this operation some rows will have more fields than others.
The alternative is to make a new table with the correct fields, insert into, then rename the tables to swap them out.
I have not read how the lock mechanism works when adding a column, but I am almost 100% sure row by row is impossible.
Watch when you do these types of things in SQL Server Manager with drag and drop (I know you are not doing this here, but this is a public forum), as some changes are destructive (fortunately, SQL Server 2008, at least R2, is safer here as it tells you "no can do" rather than just do it).
You can run both column additions in a single statement, however, and reduce the churn.