Frequently used symbol "|" in Objective-C - objective-c

self.autoresizingMask = UIViewAutoresizingFlexibleWidth|UIViewAutoresizingFlexibleWidth;
The source code is shown above.
Wonder what the symbol "|" stands for?
Will really appreciate your answer and thanks for the reply;)

In short: that is a bitwise OR operation.
It is tipically used in generating bitmasks.
With this operation you can combine flags into on binary number.
For example: possible flags for UIViewAutoresizing are:
enum {
UIViewAutoresizingNone = 0, // = 0b 0000 0000 = 0
UIViewAutoresizingFlexibleLeftMargin = 1 << 0, // = 0b 0000 0001 = 1
UIViewAutoresizingFlexibleWidth = 1 << 1, // = 0b 0000 0010 = 2
UIViewAutoresizingFlexibleRightMargin = 1 << 2, // = 0b 0000 0100 = 4
UIViewAutoresizingFlexibleTopMargin = 1 << 3, // = 0b 0000 1000 = 8
UIViewAutoresizingFlexibleHeight = 1 << 4, // = 0b 0001 0000 = 16
UIViewAutoresizingFlexibleBottomMargin = 1 << 5 // = 0b 0010 0000 = 32
typedef NSUInteger UIViewAutoresizing;
self.autoresizingMask = UIViewAutoresizingFlexibleWidth|UIViewAutoresizingFlexibleWidth;
is esentially the same as:
self.autoresizingMask = UIViewAutoresizingFlexibleWidth;
(since both operands are the same).
If you would ask about:
self.autoresizingMask = UIViewAutoresizingFlexibleWidth|UIViewAutoresizingFlexibleHeight;
this would set self.autoresizingMask to:
(1<<1)|(1<<4)=(0b 0000 0010)|(0b 0001 0000)=0b 0001 0010 = 9
Bitwise OR is not to be confused by Logical OR used with simple true/false algebra.
There is some relation between the two (bitwise or can be understood as a logical or between the bits on the same position) but that is about it.

| is the bitwise OR operator in C (and therefore in Objective-C).
In the context you asked about, it's being used to combine two flag values.

The | character denotes an inclusive-or bitwise operation. which operates under the premise with matching the bitstrings of two objects.
if you have a bitstring 1101 and another 1001 the inclusive or of the two would produce 1011. Basically if the current bit is the same in both strings then a 1 is outputted in its place otherwise a 0 is.

That is a bitwise OR operation, maybe this can help you : Bitwise operation


How can I use iCE40 4K block RAM in 512x8 read mode with IceStorm?

I am trying to figure out how to use the block RAM on my iCE40HX-8K Breakout Board. I would like to access it in a 512x8 configuration, which as far as I can tell from the documentation is supported by project IceStorm, but I haven't been able to get it to work like I expected.
If I understand correctly, initializing an SB_RAM40_4K primitive with the READ_MODE parameter set to 1 should set the block up in 512x8 read mode, which uses a 9 bit read address, and reads 8 bits of data at each address.
Here is the simplest example I could think of. It sets up an SB_RAM40_4K with some pre-initialized memory and reads straight to the pins of the on-board LED's.
set_io leds[0] B5
set_io leds[1] B4
set_io leds[2] A2
set_io leds[3] A1
set_io leds[4] C5
set_io leds[5] C4
set_io leds[6] B3
set_io leds[7] C3
set_io clk J3
module top (
output [7:0] leds,
input clk
//reg [8:0] raddr = 8'd0;
reg [8:0] raddr = 8'd1;
SB_RAM40_4K #(
) ram40_4k_512x8 (
LED output when raddr == 0
\|/ \|/
LED output when raddr == 1
\|/ \|/ \|/ \|/
I would think that address 1 in 512x8 mode would be the second 8 bits from RAM, which is 8'h22 or 8'b0010010. Instead I get 8'h33 or 8'b00110011. After a little experimentation, this seems to be the lower 8 bits of a 16 bit read.
I'm not sure where I went wrong. Any help understanding what's going on here would be appreciated. Thanks!
This question is not really about Yosys or Project IceStorm. The format used for the SB_RAM40_4K INIT_* parameters is the same for the IceStorm flow and the Lattice iCEcube2 flow. However, Lattice has done a very very bad job at documenting this format. Otherwise I'd just point you to the right Lattice document.. :)
You are interested in the 512x8 mode. First you need to know that in 512x8 mode only the even bits of .RDATA() and .WDATA() are used (not the 8 LSB bits, as your code suggests!).
The data in .INIT_* is stored as 16 16-bit words per parameter. The lowest 16-bit word in .INIT_0() contains the 8-bit word at addr 0 in its even bits and the 8-bit word at addr 256 in its odd bits.
The next 16-bit word in .INIT_0() contains words 1 and 257. The lowest 16-bits in .INIT_1() contain words 16 and 272, and so forth.
The easiest way to investigate this kind of stuff is probably to either read the SB_RAM40_4K simulation model in /usr/local/share/yosys/ice40/cells_sim.v, or simply let Yosys infer the memory and observe what yosys does. For example the following design:
module test(input clk, wen, input [8:0] addr, input [7:0] wdata, output reg [7:0] rdata);
reg [7:0] mem [0:511];
initial mem[0] = 255;
always #(posedge clk) begin
if (wen) mem[addr] <= wdata;
rdata <= mem[addr];
Will produce the following output when run through yosys -p 'synth_ice40; write_verilog' test.v:
(* top = 1 *)
(* src = "test.v:1" *)
module test(clk, wen, addr, wdata, rdata);
(* src = "/usr/local/bin/../share/yosys/ice40/brams_map.v:255" *)
(* unused_bits = "0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15" *)
wire [15:0] _0_;
(* src = "test.v:1" *)
input [8:0] addr;
(* src = "test.v:1" *)
input clk;
(* src = "test.v:1" *)
output [7:0] rdata;
(* src = "test.v:1" *)
input [7:0] wdata;
(* src = "test.v:1" *)
input wen;
(* src = "/usr/local/bin/../share/yosys/ice40/brams_map.v:277|/usr/local/bin/../share/yosys/ice40/brams_map.v:35" *)
SB_RAM40_4K #(
) \mem.0.0.0 (
.RADDR({ 2'h0, addr }),
.RDATA({ _0_[15], rdata[7], _0_[13], rdata[6], _0_[11], rdata[5], _0_[9], rdata[4], _0_[7], rdata[3], _0_[5], rdata[2], _0_[3], rdata[1], _0_[1], rdata[0] }),
.WADDR({ 2'h0, addr }),
.WDATA({ 1'hx, wdata[7], 1'hx, wdata[6], 1'hx, wdata[5], 1'hx, wdata[4], 1'hx, wdata[3], 1'hx, wdata[2], 1'hx, wdata[1], 1'hx, wdata[0] }),
(Scroll all the way to the right to see the initialization pattern generated for the mem[0] = 255 initialization.)

ObjC: Convert a decimal number to a base-26 string using the letters A-Z for digits

I need to write an Objective-C function to convert a decimal integer to a base-26 string like below example. And also reverse it.
0 = A
1 = B
2 = C
25 = Z
26 = AA
27 = AB
28 = AC
seems that you want to create a number with a base of 26. So its no different to bit numbers with base 2 or decimals with base 10. But your model lacks of missing 0
each digit has a power base, from right to left. In bits its:
2^3 2^2 2^1 2^0
1 0 1 1
Now mulitply the bit with the power and sum all values:
So the value of 1011 in decimal is 11.
Same with your base(assume a=0, z=25)
26^2 26^1 26^0
b z z
26^2=676*b(1) =676
26^1=26 *z(25)=650
26^0=1 *z(25)=25
So the value of bzz = 1351
Now you have the basics and should be able to create your method ;-)
I have created a recurcivefunction to do this
+ (NSString *)alphaValueForNum:(int)num {
NSDictionary *charInfo = #{#"A": #0,
#"B": #1,
#"C": #2,
#"D": #3,
#"E": #4,
#"F": #5,
#"G": #6,
#"H": #7,
#"I": #8,
#"J": #9,
#"K": #10,
#"L": #11,
#"M": #12,
#"N": #13,
#"O": #14,
#"P": #15,
#"Q": #16,
#"R": #17,
#"S": #18,
#"T": #19,
#"U": #20,
#"V": #21,
#"W": #22,
#"X": #23,
#"Y": #24,
#"Z": #25};
NSString *letter = [[charInfo allKeysForObject:[NSNumber numberWithInt:(num % 26)]] lastObject]; // ((num % 26));
int remain = floor(num/26);
return (remain > 0) ? [NSString stringWithFormat:#"%#%#",[self alphaValueForNum:(remain-1)],letter] : letter;

Ti C6x DSP intrinsics for optimising C code

I want to use C66x intrinsics to optimise my code .
Below is some C code what I want to optimise by using DSP intrinsics .
I am new to DSP intrinsic ,so not having full knowledge of which intrinsic use for below logic .
uint8 const src[40] = = {1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23,24,25,26,27,28,29,30,31,32,33,34,35,36,37,38,39,40};
uint32_t width = 8;
uint32_t axay1_6 = 112345;
uint32_t axay2_6 = 123456;
uint32_t axay3_6 = 134567;
uint32_t axay4_6 = 145678;
C code:
uint8_t const *cLine = src;
uint8_t const *nLine = cLine + width;
uint32_t res = 0;
const uint32_t a1 = (*cLine++) * axay1_6;
const uint32_t a3 = (*nLine++) * axay3_6;
res = a1 + a3;
const uint32_t a2 = (*cLine) * axay2_6;
const uint32_t a4 = (*nLine) * axay4_6;
res += a2 + a4;
C66x Intrinscics :
const uint8_t *Ix00, *Ix01, *Iy00,*Iy01;
uint32_t in1,in2;
uint64_t l1, l2;
__x128_t axay1_6 = _dup32_128(axay1_6); //112345 112345 112345 112345
__x128_t axay2_6 = _dup32_128(axay2_6); //123456 123456 123456 123456
__x128_t axay3_6 = _dup32_128(axay3_6); //134567 134567 134567 134567
__x128_t axay4_6 = _dup32_128(axay4_6); //145678 145678 145678 145678
Ix00 = src ;
Ix01 = Ix00 + 1 ;
Iy00 = src + width;
Iy01 = Iy00 + 1;
int64_t I_00 = _mem8_const(Ix00); //00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07
int64_t I_01 = _mem8_const(Ix01); //01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08
int64_t I_10 = _mem8_const(Iy00); //10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
int64_t I_11 = _mem8_const(Iy01); //11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18
in1 = _loll(I_00); //00 01 02 03
l1 = _unpkbu4(in1); //00 01 02 03 (16x4)
in2 = _hill(I_00); //04 05 06 07
l2 = _unpkbu4(in2); //04 05 06 07 (16x4)
Here I want one something __x128 register with 32*4 value containg " 00 01 02 03 " data .
So I can multiply __x128 into __x128 bit register and get __x128 bit value .Presently i am planning to use _qmpy32
I am new to this C66x DSP intrinscic .
Can you tell me which intrinsic is suitable to get __x128 type of register with 32x4 values with 00 01 02 03 values.
(means how to convert 16 bit to 32 bit by using dsp intrinsic)
Use the _unpkhu2 instruction to expand the 16x4 to 32x4.
__x128_t src1_128, src2_128;
src1_128 = _llto128(_unpkhu2(_hill(l1)), _unpkhu2(_loll(l1)));
src2_128 = _llto128(_unpkhu2(_hill(l2)), _unpkhu2(_loll(l2)));
Be careful: Little-endian/Big-endian settings can make these sorts of things come out in a way you didn't expect.
Also, I wouldn't recommend naming a variable l1. In some fonts, lower-case L and the number 1 are indistinguishable.

Definition of bit masks in objective-c

I am learning Objective-c and I can't understand what are BitMasks, can anyone help me to understand it please? And I also don't know what is the function of this operator << is.
Objective C is an existing of C, and it uses the same bitwise operators. Lets take UIRemoteNotificationType as an example:
UIRemoteNotificationTypeNone = 0,
UIRemoteNotificationTypeBadge = 1 << 0,
UIRemoteNotificationTypeSound = 1 << 1,
UIRemoteNotificationTypeAlert = 1 << 2,
UIRemoteNotificationTypeNewsstandContentAvailability = 1 << 3,
The << is the shift left operator and its function is obvious once you look at the binary form:
1 << 0 = 1 (decimal) = 0000001 (binary)
1 << 1 = 2 (decimal) = 0000010 (binary)
1 << 2 = 4 (decimal) = 0000100 (binary)
1 << 3 = 8 (decimal) = 0001000 (binary)
It shifts a specific pattern (the left operand) to the left, the 'length' of the shift is determined by the right operand. It works with other numbers than 1; 3 << 2 = 12 because 0000011 (binary) shifted two places is 0001100. Translated to normal mathematics, a << b = a * 2^b.
The specific use of this pattern is that it is very easy to check if a certain option is set. Suppose I want my application to send notifications with badges and alerts. I pass the value UIRemoteNotificationTypeBadge | UIRemoteNotificationTypeAlert to the API, which is
UIRemoteNotificationTypeBadge = 0000001
UIRemoteNotificationTypeAlert = 0000100
total = 0000101 |
(the | is the bitwise OR operator; for every bit, the result is 1 if one or both of the corresponding bit of the operands is 1).
The API can then check if the badge property is present with the & operator:
total = 0000101
UIRemoteNotificationTypeBadge = 0000001
result = 0000001 &
(the & is the bitwise AND operator; for every bit, the result is 1 if both of the corresponding bit of the operands is 1).
The result is non-zero, so the badge property is present. Let's do the same with the sound property:
total = 0000101
UIRemoteNotificationTypeSound = 0000010
result = 0000000 &
The result is zero, so the badge property is not present.

Check if a number is divisible by 3

I need to find whether a number is divisible by 3 without using %, / or *. The hint given was to use atoi() function. Any idea how to do it?
The current answers all focus on decimal digits, when applying the "add all digits and see if that divides by 3". That trick actually works in hex as well; e.g. 0x12 can be divided by 3 because 0x1 + 0x2 = 0x3. And "converting" to hex is a lot easier than converting to decimal.
int reduce(int i) {
if (i > 0x10)
return reduce((i >> 4) + (i & 0x0F)); // Reduces 0x102 to 0x12 to 0x3.
return i; // Done.
bool isDiv3(int i) {
i = reduce(i);
return i==0 || i==3 || i==6 || i==9 || i==0xC || i == 0xF;
Inspired by R, a faster version (O log log N):
int reduce(unsigned i) {
if (i >= 6)
return reduce((i >> 2) + (i & 0x03));
return i; // Done.
bool isDiv3(unsigned i) {
// Do a few big shifts first before recursing.
i = (i >> 16) + (i & 0xFFFF);
i = (i >> 8) + (i & 0xFF);
i = (i >> 4) + (i & 0xF);
// Because of additive overflow, it's possible that i > 0x10 here. No big deal.
i = reduce(i);
return i==0 || i==3;
Subtract 3 until you either
a) hit 0 - number was divisible by 3
b) get a number less than 0 - number wasn't divisible
-- edited version to fix noted problems
while n > 0:
n -= 3
while n < 0:
n += 3
return n == 0
Split the number into digits. Add the digits together. Repeat until you have only one digit left. If that digit is 3, 6, or 9, the number is divisible by 3. (And don't forget to handle 0 as a special case).
While the technique of converting to a string and then adding the decimal digits together is elegant, it either requires division or is inefficient in the conversion-to-a-string step. Is there a way to apply the idea directly to a binary number, without first converting to a string of decimal digits?
It turns out, there is:
Given a binary number, the sum of its odd bits minus the sum of its even bits is divisible by 3 iff the original number was divisible by 3.
As an example: take the number 3726, which is divisible by 3. In binary, this is 111010001110. So we take the odd digits, starting from the right and moving left, which are [1, 1, 0, 1, 1, 1]; the sum of these is 5. The even bits are [0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1]; the sum of these is 2. 5 - 2 = 3, from which we can conclude that the original number is divisible by 3.
A number divisible by 3, iirc has a characteristic that the sum of its digit is divisible by 3. For example,
12 -> 1 + 2 = 3
144 -> 1 + 4 + 4 = 9
The interview question essentially asks you to come up with (or have already known) the divisibility rule shorthand with 3 as the divisor.
One of the divisibility rule for 3 is as follows:
Take any number and add together each digit in the number. Then take that sum and determine if it is divisible by 3 (repeating the same procedure as necessary). If the final number is divisible by 3, then the original number is divisible by 3.
=> 1+6+4+9+9+2+0+5+8+5+4+3+7+6 sums to 69
=> 6 + 9 = 15 => 1 + 5 = 6, which is clearly divisible by 3.
See also
Wikipedia/Divisibility rule - has many rules for many divisors
Given a number x.
Convert x to a string. Parse the string character by character. Convert each parsed character to a number (using atoi()) and add up all these numbers into a new number y.
Repeat the process until your final resultant number is one digit long. If that one digit is either 3,6 or 9, the origional number x is divisible by 3.
My solution in Java only works for 32-bit unsigned ints.
static boolean isDivisibleBy3(int n) {
int x = n;
x = (x >>> 16) + (x & 0xffff); // max 0x0001fffe
x = (x >>> 8) + (x & 0x00ff); // max 0x02fd
x = (x >>> 4) + (x & 0x000f); // max 0x003d (for 0x02ef)
x = (x >>> 4) + (x & 0x000f); // max 0x0011 (for 0x002f)
return ((011111111111 >> x) & 1) != 0;
It first reduces the number down to a number less than 32. The last step checks for divisibility by shifting the mask the appropriate number of times to the right.
You didn't tag this C, but since you mentioned atoi, I'm going to give a C solution:
int isdiv3(int x)
div_t d = div(x, 3);
return !d.rem;
bool isDiv3(unsigned int n)
unsigned int n_div_3 =
n * (unsigned int) 0xaaaaaaab;
return (n_div_3 < 0x55555556);//<=>n_div_3 <= 0x55555555
because 3 * 0xaaaaaaab == 0x200000001 and
(uint32_t) 0x200000001 == 1
bool isDiv5(unsigned int n)
unsigned int n_div_5 =
i * (unsigned int) 0xcccccccd;
return (n_div_5 < 0x33333334);//<=>n_div_5 <= 0x33333333
because 5 * 0xcccccccd == 0x4 0000 0001 and
(uint32_t) 0x400000001 == 1
Following the same rule, to obtain the result of divisibility test by 'n', we can :
multiply the number by 0x1 0000 0000 - (1/n)*0xFFFFFFFF
compare to (1/n) * 0xFFFFFFFF
The counterpart is that for some values, the test won't be able to return a correct result for all the 32bit numbers you want to test, for example, with divisibility by 7 :
we got 0x100000000- (1/n)*0xFFFFFFFF = 0xDB6DB6DC
and 7 * 0xDB6DB6DC = 0x6 0000 0004,
We will only test one quarter of the values, but we can certainly avoid that with substractions.
Other examples :
11 * 0xE8BA2E8C = A0000 0004, one quarter of the values
17 * 0xF0F0F0F1 = 10 0000 0000 1
comparing to 0xF0F0F0F
Every values !
Etc., we can even test every numbers by combining natural numbers between them.
A number is divisible by 3 if all the digits in the number when added gives a result 3, 6 or 9. For example 3693 is divisible by 3 as 3+6+9+3 = 21 and 2+1=3 and 3 is divisible by 3.
inline bool divisible3(uint32_t x) //inline is not a must, because latest compilers always optimize it as inline.
//1431655765 = (2^32 - 1) / 3
//2863311531 = (2^32) - 1431655765
return x * 2863311531u <= 1431655765u;
On some compilers this is even faster then regular way: x % 3. Read more here.
well a number is divisible by 3 if all the sum of digits of the number are divisible by 3. so you could get each digit as a substring of the input number and then add them up. you then would repeat this process until there is only a single digit result.
if this is 3, 6 or 9 the number is divisable by 3.
Here is a pseudo-algol i came up with .
Let us follow binary progress of multiples of 3
000 011
000 110
001 001
001 100
001 111
010 010
010 101
011 000
011 011
011 110
100 001
100 100
100 111
101 010
101 101
just have a remark that, for a binary multiple of 3 x=abcdef in following couples abc=(000,011),(001,100),(010,101) cde doest change , hence, my proposed algorithm:
y = x&7
z = x>>3
if number_of_bits(z)<4
if z=000 or 011 or 110 , return (y==000 or 011 or 110) end
if z=001 or 100 or 111 , return (y==001 or 100 or 111) end
if z=010 or 101 , return (y==010 or 101) end
if divisible(z) , return (y==000 or 011 or 110) end
if divisible(z-1) , return (y==001 or 100 or 111) end
if divisible(z-2) , return (y==010 or 101) end
C# Solution for checking if a number is divisible by 3
namespace ConsoleApplication1
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
int num = 33;
bool flag = false;
while (true)
num = num - 7;
if (num == 0)
flag = true;
else if (num < 0)
flag = false;
if (flag)
Console.WriteLine("Divisible by 3");
Console.WriteLine("Not Divisible by 3");
Here is your optimized solution that every one should know.................
int isMultiple(int n)
int o_count = 0;
int e_count = 0;
if(n < 0)
n = -n;
if(n == 0)
return 1;
if(n == 1)
return 0;
if(n & 1)
n = n>>1;
if(n & 1)
n = n>>1;
return isMultiple(abs(o_count - e_count));
int main()
int num = 23;
if (isMultiple(num))
printf("multiple of 3");
printf(" not multiple of 3");
return 0;