Is Apache wildcard Include directive recursive? - apache

According to Apache manual, the Include directive is recursive when a directory path is used. But is it recursive when using a wildcard path?
Include "/usr/local/apache/conf/userdata/std/2/username/*.conf"

I checked it and it is not recursive.

As Joyce already said, I can confirm by testing it myself that it is not recursive.
Include uses fnmatch as wildcard engine, which doesn't match a slash by default, unless the FNM_PATHNAME flag is set, so a * doesn't match / so*.conf will not look in sub-directories.
However, since httpd 2.3.6 it is possible to also use the wildcard for sub-directories.
Include /usr/local/apache2/conf.d/ssl.conf
This matches only a specific file.
Include /usr/local/apache2/conf.d
If conf.d is a file, it matches only this file. If conf.d is a directory, all files will be matched recursively, including files in sub-directories and non-conf files (which causes an error).
Include /usr/local/apache2/conf.d/*.conf
This will only match the files with a .conf suffix, directly located in the conf.d directory. Files in sub-directories aren't matches.
Include /usr/local/apache2/conf.d/*/*.conf
This will only match the files with a .conf suffix, directly located in sub-directories of the conf.d directory, but it will NOT match files directly located in the conf.d directory.
So for example, if you need to match all .conf files directly located in conf.d and in first level of sub-directories and second level of sub-directories, you can use this:
Include /usr/local/apache2/conf.d/*.conf
Include /usr/local/apache2/conf.d/*/*.conf
Include /usr/local/apache2/conf.d/*/*/*.conf
If you only have valid configuration files in conf.d and want to match every level of subdirectories, then you can use:
Include /usr/local/apache2/conf.d

Instead of using wildcard, you should use a directory.
It has been supported since as early as 1.3
New in Apache 1.3.13 is the feature that if Include points to a directory, rather than a file, Apache will read all files in that directory, and any subdirectory, and parse those as configuration files.


How can I target a nested directory in .prettierignore?

I would like to write a .prettierignore file to target the files in a single directory, which is nested one level down from the root of the project. I figure the most elegant way to accomplish this is to use a negated pattern to ignore everything but the target directory.
So, I currently have this:
# Ignore all
# but for /views
Running the npx prettier --write . command with that pattern (or similar variations) appears to match no files, and no files change. However, if I run the command without/views in the pattern, i.e. just !src, then prettier formats everything in the src directory, including all the files in /views.
What am I missing that I can't successfully target only the nested /views directory?
After some more searching, I found this solution, which accomplishes the outcome I was seeking, though, I don't quite understand how it works.
#ignore all
#but don't ignore files or directories at root called src
#ignore everything in src dir?
#but don't ignore views dir in src?
Why would that be necessary compared to just src/views?

Serving express files from base directory

How do would I serve static files from my base directory? Would it just be a / or would I have to include the name of the base directory, which in this case would be Scanning
app.use(express.static(join(__dirname, '/')));
Pretty close, just a few adjustments!
You need to use or construct the actual full path to the base directory. You don't show your actual directory structure and where the desired directory is relative to the directory that your code is running from.
If you wanted express.static() to serve from the Scanning directory which is a sub-directory of the directory you code is located in, you would do this:
app.use(express.static(path.join(__dirname, 'Scanning')));
Or, if Scanning is a sibling of __dirname, then it would be this:
app.use(express.static(path.join(__dirname, '../Scanning')));
You should never be serving files with express.static() directly from __dirname because that would allow your server to serve up your actual source files (and sometimes things like credentials).

Auto index showing directories only

If I add Options +Indexes in .htaccess this will display all files and subdirectories. However, I would like to exclude files for the current directory. i.e. display directories only for the current directory and display files and directories for any subdirectories.
Is this possible in .htaccess or will I need to write my own script to generate the directory index?
According to the comment of CBroe above, I've maked this approach tested in debian apache2 in .htaccess:
Options +Indexes
IndexIgnore *.*
This will ignore files with a file extension such as file.html. As we usually not name a directoty with a dot extension, so directories will be shown.
Please consult also apache autoindex reference .

rsync backs up everything

I am trying to backup some of the essential folders in the / in my ubuntu system. I am using
sudo rsync -aAXv --delete --include="/etc" --include="/home" --include="/usr/local" // /home/$USER/Desktop/bkup/
This command should only copy /etc, /home, /usr/local dirs and leave the rest of the files. But, when I run this command this copies every dir and every file in the / dir.
I am not sure what wrong I am doing here.
Includes without any excludes are meaningless.
--exclude='*' would exclude everything not explicitly included, from every subfolder, even the included ones.
--exclude='*/' would exclude every directory not explicitly included, but allow copying files within included directories (and the root).
--exclude='/*' would exclude all root directories and files not explicitly included, but allow all directories and files within included directories. You probably want this one.
You should add your exclude rule after your include rules. The rule is that, for each directory and file, it's the first matching include/exclude rule that matters, and the default (when no rule matches) is to include.
By "root" I mean the root of the copied directory, not the root of the whole file system.
P.S. Your command also has the destination directory inside the source directory; you probably want an exclude rule for that!

Apache .htaccess load subdirectory only if it exists

My current directory structure is /www/<project> which maps to localhost/<project>. What I would like to do is load localhost/<project> with /www/<project>/dist ONLY if a dist directory exists in the project directory. How can I do this with within .htaccess assuming rewrite is turned on?
You can use RewriteCond to test if a file or directory exists.
You can perform various file attribute tests:
'-d' (is directory)
Treats the TestString as a pathname and tests whether or not it exists, and is a directory.
'-f' (is regular file)
Treats the TestString as a pathname and tests whether or not it exists, and is a regular file.