Add cancel header to the HyperlinkTheme.xml file - wix

Is there is any way to add a cancel event header to the theme file, so that i can configure the user cancellation event and display an appropriate message. so far i am getting a setup failed message even if the user cancelled the installation or any other failure occurred.

You can control the text on the confirmation message box displayed when the user clicks the cancel button. To do so, provide a custom .wxl file and change the ConfirmCancelMessage string. The default is:
<String Id="ConfirmCancelMessage">Are you sure you want to cancel?</String>
(See the src\ext\BalExtension\wixstdba\Resources\*.wxl files for examples).
However, in wixstdba, when the user clicks the cancel button during Apply(), wixstdba will always go to the failure page. That or the success page are the only two options today. There has been some discussion about extending the failure page to be more customizable but no work has been done on that idea.


FileUploader in SAP UI5

I am using File Uploader to upload data, but I need to show popup message before it opens up the file browser popup.
The requirement is, if user has already edited the data on the given page but has not saved it and if he presses Upload button we need to popup the message saying "whether you want to continue without saving the current data".
Answer depends on wether you have event "uploadOnChange" set to true or false
If true > use event updoadStart
If false > use event change
In both you can turn off default behaviour and prevent the upload from actually starting.

Check some field before opening confirmation box in ODOO

I want to check that if some fields in the form view has been checked or not. If they have been checked then show a confirmation message and if not then a error message saying that those fields must be checked. For this functionality I have created a button which calls a specific function in the model. The button has also attribute confirm which enables the confirmation pop up box. But all the time it first opens the confirmation message and then the checking for the fields. I want to have the other way around how to achieve this. Please help.

A tip information for text input in Installer using Wix

I'm trying to program an Installation dialog.
What I've done is using a custom action, and when user click next on this dialog , installer will check the input and pop some alert about the information.
But my boss wants that the tip will reveal automatically at the right of the input text, so when the user finish one text and navigate to the next text, a tip will reveal if the input is not correct.
Seems updating a dialog is impossible, at least is there a way to reveal the tip on the dialog (not pop an alert) when user click next?

Attach javascript confirmation dialog to a linkButton/form in Repeater ItemCommand

I have a repeater and in its ItemCommand code, I need to do a database check if some records deleted and if yes, ask if the user wants to continue. Something like this
If e.CommandName="Clone" Then
'Do the database check to see if records deleted and if yes
'show a confirmation dialog and if user answers "yes" continue, if "no" stop
End If
The command "Clone" is coming from a LinkButton. Also, I want to do this in ItemCommand instead of ItemCreated or DataBound because I do not want the check to be added for every record. It only executes when I click the Linkbutton
Is this possible? Thanks.
You could do this a couple of ways.
One way would be to instead of doing a full post back when the link button is clicked make an ajax call to the server to see if the record is deleted. Then you could display the javascript confirmation dialog after the ajax request is complete. If the user answers 'yes' then you could make another ajax request or trigger a full postback via __doPostBack to a clone event handler with the appropriate arguments.
Here is a simple way to make an ajax call: Calling a webmethod with jquery in webforms
An alternative method would be to do the initial full post back to the server, do the database check, and then return some javascript to the client which would cause the confirmation messsage to display. Then you would handle the result of the confirmation via javascript and do an ajax/full post back as necessary to perform the clone.

How can I make a button not fire its action on click-through?

The Apple Human Interface Guidelines state that:
An item that provides click-through is one that a user can activate on an inactive window with one click, instead of clicking first to make the window active and then clicking the item. Click-through provides greater efficiency in performing such tasks as closing or resizing inactive windows, and copying or moving files. In many cases, however, click-through could confuse a user who clicks an item unintentionally.
Don’t provide click-through for an item or action that:
Is potentially harmful and does not allow the user to cancel it (for example, the Delete button in Mail)
Is difficult or impossible to cancel (such as the Send button in Mail)
Dismisses a dialog without telling the user what action was taken (for example, the Save button in a Save dialog that overwrites an existing file and automatically dismisses the dialog)
Removes the user from the current context (for example, selecting a new item in a Finder column can change the target of the Finder window)
What I want to do is that if the user clicks a specific button it will not send its message unless the window is active (for example, the delete message button in Mail). How can I achieve this? If I need to subclass NSButton that's fine.
Look at the NSView Documentation:
You need to override acceptsFirstMouse to return TRUE to enable click through.
The default behaviour is not click-through:
The default implementation ignores theEvent and returns NO.
It's possible you have already overridden this method in your code, or in code you have based your code on. Try removing the implementation of acceptsFirstMouse in your code.